Never Apply for a Job Again!: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest (27 page)

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Authors: Darrell Gurney,Ivan Misner

Tags: #Social Science, #General, #Job Hunting, #Careers, #Human Resources & Personnel Management, #Business & Economics

BOOK: Never Apply for a Job Again!: Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest
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I continued to use the stealth method to perform additional research to determine if there was a real business opportunity in this idea. It led me to meet with a large number of bankers and credit consultants, all of whom confirmed the real value in the concept. Not only was I getting the information and confirmation I needed, but I was even establishing a ready client base in the process. The result is that I launched a company to provide this service in late 2010.

As I sell the service idea to bankers, I continually find that applying the stealth techniques I learned opens doors to high-level meetings and valuable discussions. It is when I stop using the techniques out of laziness that I get into trouble!

Bob Merkle

CEO, Cash Flow Insights

Appendix B: Career Transformation Affirmations

The process of exploring your passions and then finding and connecting with individuals who will lead to opportunities outlined in this book works. It’s been proven time and again by folks who faithfully engage in the discipline involved. Sure, you can always revert back to the standard, overt approach, which is definitely a lot easier. But if it’s actual results that you want—those results being the establishing of a huge network of connections that can serve to continuously guide you along your path to opportunities both inside and outside your current field, then this stealth method is the way to go.

Sometimes, however, our old stinkin’ thinkin’ about not being that special, or having nothing we’re really passionate about, or being a bother to people who for sure would never have time for us (gag!) can get in the way. Therefore, to support you in realigning your belief structure in such a way as to create an internal environment (meaning your
) conducive to a successful stealth campaign, I’ve compiled some helpful affirmations.

The way an affirmation works is this: you repeat it several times a day, perhaps morning, noon, and night. This is a must while you’re actually in search mode, and always helpful just to lift your spirits. First, your internal voice may scoff at them, say they are silly, and say that you are silly for even repeating them to yourself. That’s the same internal critic, however, that would tell you that you can never do anything other than what you’ve done, that you’re too old, that you can’t really make a total career change, or start a business, or get known by the power players, or…blah, blah, blah. On and on it goes, telling you how limited and inconsequential you are.

But, as you repeat these affirmations regularly, and begin to allow yourself to even entertain their veracity, you will start seeing signs in the world that they are true. Someone makes time for you whom you would never have expected. Someone refers you to another individual who opens up doors you could have never dreamed of. People remember you and call you when opportunities arise that you may be interested in. And, slowly but surely, as you continue to affirm this world you would
like to be true
, it actually becomes true…because you replaced that old, stinkin’ thinkin’ with a more beautiful and fragrant world view.


I have important knowledge, skill, and talent to share.
I add value to the workplace.
I bring a unique essence to every situation I touch.
I am a worthwhile and sought-after individual.
I honor and speak the highest truth about myself.
I proudly promote myself, because I am good at what I do.
My unique career essence can be expressed in multiple ways, and I discover more every day.
I easily open doors into my every field of interest.
People want to assist me, and I joyously invite and allow them to.
I am amazed at how much people want to contribute to me.
My job is to build and maintain relationships, and perfect employment takes care of itself.

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