Next Door Neighbors (23 page)

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Authors: Frances Hoelsema

BOOK: Next Door Neighbors
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              Grabbing his hand, she begged, “I don’t want you to go. I want you to stay.”

              Brian exhaled, looking deep into Jill’s eyes, deep into her heart, taking in what just happened, what was just said. Reclaiming his hand so he could place both of them up in front of him, he stated, “Wait. You want me to stay? I thought you said there was no reason for me to stay?”

              Jill placed her hand to her head, wincing, “I know. I know. But the truth is I was…I am scared. But not seeing you ever again scares me even more.” Picking up both of his hands this time, she finished with, “Brian, I love you. Please don’t go.”

              Brian stared, not believing what he heard. “Did you say you love me?”

              Tearing up, Jill just nodded her head and smiled the best she could.

              “Oh, Jill…” Without finishing that sentence, he cupped his hands around both sides of Jill’s face and leaned into her. There was no pause this time before he locked his lips to hers with a hunger and craving so fierce that he ached for more.

              By the time they stopped, Jill was breathless, but looked at him as if to say, “Why did you stop?”

              He didn’t want to stop, but had to finish what he began to say. “You’ve just made me the happiest, luckiest man in the whole world. And, I might add, glad I did what I did.”
              Jill was puzzled. “Glad you did what you did?”

              Pointing to himself, he informed her, “I bought this house. I’m the reason it’s sold.”

              “You did?” Jill asked shockingly. She was exhilarated it would be him next door to her instead of some stranger, but she had to ask why he did, not knowing she felt the way she did first.

              “Because the way I looked at it, if all we could ever be is friends, I’d rather have that than being nothing at all. So I talked it over with my mom in some great detail and she finally agreed to let me buy the place and move up here.”

              “But what about your business?”

              “It’s all taken care of. That’s why I’ve been so busy actually. Not only did I have to take care of the paperwork for the house, but I had to deal with the bank and the hardware store right in town.”

              Jill’s eyebrows raised in interest as Brian continued, “I’ve been dealing with the owner and the two of us came up with a good deal. I’ll be starting my own business right here! Something I’ve been wanting to do for the longest time.”

              “So you’re staying then,” she stated blissfully, almost finding it hard to believe.

              “Well, technically I’m leaving tomorrow.
” he emphasized, “I just have to get a few more things squared away and then Buddy and I will be moving on in.”

              “Really? Brian, I’m so…” Jill gave him a lasting, memorable kiss before whispering with a smile, “Happy.”

              “And when I get back this next time,” he began, “I’m not leaving you again.” Wanting to get as close to Jill’s heart and soul as he could, Brian leaned over to rest his forehead on Jill’s, cupping the sides of her face once again. “You’re stuck with me,” he teased.

              The words Brian spoke were music to Jill’s ears, a pleasant melody in her heart. “And you’re stuck with me, Mr. Montgomery.”

              Both of them snickered at the use of his formal name.

              Brian wanted to say one last thing before he allowed himself to dive in for another taste of Jill’s lips. “Hey, it’s the least we could do –”

              Jill finished the sentence with the exact words he was going to say. “For the one we love.”

              The two of them smiled at one another there in the dining room before they embraced each other, immersing into each other’s lips in a delicate yet passionate kiss.











              Jill stood before her closet, staring at some of the fancier tops she owned. She was having a hard time trying to figure out what she was going to wear tonight on her date with Brian.

              It had been eight months since she declared her love for him. Eight fast, blurry months since she found out he would actually be moving up here. Only the last five of those months, however, had he finally been able to stay.

              And ever since he moved next door, the two of them had spent a lot of time together, really making a go of their relationship. She helped him unpack and make the house exactly the way he wanted. She even helped him get his business up and running. They went out to dinner often, and numerous times they visited Elena who was thrilled for the two love birds. All in all, Jill was very pleased with how things were going.

              The plans for tonight’s date were curtesy of Brian. Jill literally had no idea what to even expect, which probably added to the uncertainty of what to wear.

              Her phone started to ring, and she saw that it was Brian. “Yes?” she playfully answered.

              In a husky tone, Brian said, “Come over.”

              Then he hung up.

              Jill stood there, puzzled. She was supposed to still have an hour before he was supposed to come pick her up.

              Looking through her options once again, she settled on a baby blue V-neck piece that tied in the back and had sleeves that were shear. This top, with her dark blue jeans and brown high-heeled boots, made for a good combination in her opinion. She quickly threw it on, did her makeup and hair and then made her way next door.

              Just as she was about to knock, she saw a sign that read,
‘Come In’

That’s odd.

              Upon entering Brian’s house, he was nowhere to be found. Instead, she saw a pathway of pictures, some of which she knew were taken and others she had absolutely no idea. Some pictures were of just her while others were of both her and Brian. There was even one in there with her playing with Buddy.

              Whichever picture she saw, each made her smile because it showed the real her. It showed the happiness she felt on the inside that burst forth on the outside.

              As she followed the path, it led to the living room where it ended at one final picture. There on the table was an eight by ten photo of Jill and Brian in almost the same pose as what Elena and Ricky were in, in the picture Jill was quite fond of.

              Misting up, she studied the picture before her, all while trying to figure out how in the world this could even be.

              Brian quietly came up behind her and lovingly wrapped his arms around Jill, placing his head beside hers. He, too, studied the masterpiece he developed.

              His presence made her jump a little, but that was nothing compared to the shock she was feeling from the surprise he had in one of his hands.

              As she turned to face him, he quickly got down on one knee.

              “How did you…what are you…” Jill tried to complete just one sentence, but it was of no use. Brian’s deep gaze into her eyes, heart and soul did not help.

              “Jill, I’m madly in love with you and I’d do anything for you. Please do me the honor of becoming my wife. There’s no one else in the world I want by my side. Will you marry me?” Brian then opened the ring box to reveal the most beautiful ring Jill had ever seen.

              Not having to think twice, Jill excitedly exclaimed, “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!”

              Brian stood up and hugged Jill tightly. When they broke free of each other’s arms, he placed the ring on her finger. “A perfect fit,” he smiled.

              Jill admired the ring that suited her so well. She was so entranced by the beauty of it that she almost forgot about the picture she found of them. Catching a glimpse of it from the corner of her eye, she asked about it.

              “How did I do that picture?” he asked, repeating Jill’s words. “Simple. I took the picture as we did this. I had the phone in my right hand, held it out and took a couple shots. I figured if they didn’t turn out then that’s okay. But, boy, did this turn out.”

              “I’d say so,” she agreed. “I’m just surprised I didn’t notice.”

              Brian let out a small laugh.

              Looking at her ring, she said, “Wow, this is gorgeous.”

              “You deserve the best!” Brian put a finger under Jill’s chin to get her to look up at him. “You’ve made me the happiest man alive, you know that?”             

              Jill smiled, “We can just add that to the list of things we do for each other.”

              Taking advantage of their close proximity, Brian brushed his lips with Jill’s, relishing the moment.




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Respectfully Yours,

Frances Hoelsema























Other Titles By Frances:








Growing Up Neighbors (Neighbors Series #1)


Little Deborah Harrington stared across the street the day the Michaels family moved in. Who was this family? Would she even like them?

Nicholas Michaels hated the fact he had to move away from everything and everyone in his life, but his feelings change when he meets the Harringtons. Deborah and Nicholas become the best of friends, and as the children journey through life together, their friendship deepens.

              But when tragedy strikes, will this cause them to part ways? Or will it perhaps make them realize they may have stronger feelings for one another before it's too late?

Available on Amazon at:





Frances Hoelsema is a wife and mother residing in Michigan where she gets to enjoy all four seasons, autumn being her favorite. After earning a degree in business and transcription, she now gets the best of both worlds by working from home as a real-time writing manager for an international transcription firm.

In her spare time, Frances thoroughly enjoys traveling, kayaking, hiking, shopping and loving on her cats. She is also an avid reader and writer that loves to engage with others through social media.

Some concepts that Frances stands for are positive parenting, homeschooling, clean eating and pursuing a relationship with Christ instead of pursuing religion. She also believes in never giving up; that everyone should keep pursuing their dreams.

Frances loves to imagine a good story and write it to life so she’s always busy working on her next novel. If you would like to find out the latest news from her, please visit her blog at:

You may also connect with her on Facebook at or on twitter: @FrancesHoelsema.


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