Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: Night Sky (Satan's Sinners MC Book 3)
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I feel the tap on my leg so I stand, letting Writer up then sit back down. He walks over to Hanger with his back to me so I can't see what he is signing. Bam Bam walks over to Hanger then and gives a nod while Writer comes back over to me. Zoey is sitting on Hanger's lap and her eyes catch mine as her smile grows.

Writer stands above me, holding his hand out for me to take. I do, then he is pulling me up and away from everyone. We stop at the ladder, where he has me go up first, with him right behind me as usual. Once we are in the middle of the rooftop, he takes my hands, pulling me into him where we slowly start swaying to an unknown beat. I stare up at the beautiful face of the man I love, thinking there is nowhere else in the world I would rather be than here with him.

We stand there dancing for a few minutes before he pulls us down to sit in front of each other.
You look beautiful Sugar, always so beautiful.

Thank you. What were we dancing to?

I don't know I just asked Hanger for a slow song so he had Bam Bam put on and they waited for us to get up here.

That's really sweet, Writer.
Our smiles grow as we stare into each other's eyes.

Writer looks off into the distance before looking back at me.
I'll never understand how I got so fuckin' lucky to get you.

That goes both ways, stud.
I smile wider. He laughs.

You gonna marry me one day, Sugar?

Is this a proposal?
My smile fades. He laughs harder.

Babe, if it was you would have a lot more than just this rooftop.

Hey, I love this rooftop.
The slap hits his arm as the rain all of a sudden starts pouring down.

We jump up and look over the edge as everyone is scrambling to get everything inside. I look over to Writer and see his gorgeous smile when his eyes meet mine. With my own smile, we start laughing. We laugh at the people running around crazy, and at us, just standing there, watching.

Writer takes my hand again, pulling me away from the edge. He spins me around then he catches me as I'm about to fall into his chest. I look up at him and he gazes down on me, our hair is soaked lying flat on our heads. I am sure my makeup is running down my face, but he still looks at me like I am the most beautiful woman he has ever saw. I realize just then that with Writer, I don't have to be perfect. I don't have to look just right, he is gonna love me anyway.

Writer takes the lead as he starts moving me with him to an unknown song. We stay out on the rooftop of the clubhouse, dancing in the rain, caught up in each other and the love we feel.



Lit Up by Buckcherry

I know when I fucked Ever a week ago against the wall in the Cobras' clubhouse, it was wrong. We shouldn't have done it, but goddamn, it felt good to be inside her again. Just like I thought. I haven't seen her in a week again, she hasn't been around and I am getting tired of this shit. We can't keep going on like this, something has to give.

I have been sitting in my room for the last couple of hours, drawing her face. Her smile with those pouty plump lips, her eyes the vibrant blue like the color of the sky on a summer day and the array of her expressions. I love all of her different looks. I sit here, staring at them, when it comes to me I know what I have to do. Ever will for sure be here at the clubhouse today for the wedding. I can talk to her then.


Holy fuck, the back of the clubhouse looks like it puked up lights, flowers, and all other kinds of chick shit. What the fuck was Crazy Girl thinking when she hired that wedding planning bitch? I can't believe Hanger is going for all of this shit, but he would do anything for that woman.

They have white chairs set up in rows with white lilies on them. I only know it's lilies because that is Ever and her sister's favorite flower. The strings of lights swirl around the gazebo they brought in and there is a white carpet leading up to the gazebo that Crazy Girl will walk down.

I have my tux on and I'm ready to go when I find Hanger and the rest of my brothers.

You good, Writer?
Hanger asks.

Yeah, I just want to say that I know shit isn't right with us, but I'm happy for you Hanger. Treat her right, she's a good woman.

Hanger smiles at the mention of his soon-to-be-bride, but it starts to slip as he says,
I've been treating her right for the last two and a half years brother, that won't change. Look, club issues are club issues. Let's not ruin her day. She thinks of you like a brother, just like I do. We love you, Writer.

I love you guys too, and thanks for letting me still walk Ever down that aisle and be the one to stand next to you as your best man. I know it should be Gunner.

Hanger's smile returns. C
razy Girl wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, he's not here so it's up to you, brother. Do you know why I didn't fight her on it?

I shake my head no and wait for him to continue.
It's her day, Writer. She deserves to get whatever she wants, but it isn't just that...
he huffs out a breath.
I know where you came from, Writer, and I know how you grew up. When Bulk brought you to the club, he told me to watch out for you. He told me to take you under my wing and that is what I did. All these guys around here,
Hanger waves his arm around to all of our brothers,
they are family by the club. But you Writer, are more than that too me, just like Gunner. I always wanted you to feel like you belonged here with us and I wanted you to have better. Enough of the sappy shit, here's the rings. Don’t lose them and don't fuck this up, yeah?
We both grin as I take the rings. Hanger isn't lying, he did take care of me. He always made sure no one fucked with me. When Bear, Gunner, and Hanger would go to that diner, he would always have me go. Wherever he went, I wasn’t far behind.

I won't let you down, I promise.

The wedding planner rushes over, talking frantically to Hanger with her arms flying everywhere. I can't help but to laugh. I see him trying to contain his own laugh as he crosses his arms over his chest. When she walks away, he looks at me.
Crazy bitch!
He laughs and drops his head, but when he looks back at me he adds,
That was my cue.

I nod.
I'll go find the girls.

I walk back into the clubhouse, go to Hanger's old room, and knock on the door. When it opens, Lil Mama is standing there in a red dress with a pissed off look.

What do you want, Writer?

Hey, Lil Mama, tell Crazy Girl that Hanger is in place so it's starting soon. Is everything okay?
She has more of an attitude than normal so I wonder if something didn't happen.

Yeah, everything is fine with us, but that planner is going to make me throat punch her ass.
That makes me laugh. She must have gotten to them too. Isn't it supposed to be the bride acting like this? You know, like that bridezilla shit. I think it might be time for that woman to find a new fuckin' job.

Is Ever in there?
My curiosity getting the better of me.

Yeah, come on in.

I walk into the room and see Crazy Girl looking nervous so I go up to her.
Hey, you okay?

Writer, you look so handsome.
I can see the frustration in her eyes.

Thanks. You look beautiful, Z.
Her eyes fill up with tears.

Don't cry. What's wrong?
I question, thinking I did something wrong already and this shit hasn't even started.

Nothing. I just can't believe we finally made it here.
Her response makes me smile and causes her to lose those unshed tears and smile with me.

Yeah, you did! You deserve this Z, and he is down there waiting on you, tux on and everything. You guys are going to have a great life together, you hear me? Hanger's gonna give you the world, Z. I need to tell you, you're like a sister to me and I am so happy that Hanger found you that night. He brought you to the club, not knowing what to expect, but he took a chance. You changed all of our lives Z. You gave Bear Lil Mama, you taught me how to sign and gave me Ever. This club wouldn't be the same without you. I love you.

I love you too, Writer. You have to stop or I really am going to be crying.
She looks around me then adds,
Get it worked out with her. You guys deserve this too, but take care of my sister.

I turn around, Ever is standing there, looking at us and I am speechless for how fuckin' gorgeous she is. Her red dress is strapless, showcasing her perfect tits as it flows to the ground, fitting tight in all the right places.

Ever's hair is down in long waves, one side held back with a diamond clip. Her makeup is done flawlessly, making her blue eyes and bright red plump lips stand out. I start taking steps to her when Ever drops her head to her chin. I grip it with my finger and thumb, lifting her head. I don't stop until her eyes meet mine. Giving her a half grin, I see the pink color her cheeks. I gently stroke her cheek with my thumb before I sign,
Can we talk for a minute alone?

Yes, but we have to hurry because it will be starting soon.
I lead her into the bathroom that is in Hanger's room. I know the hallway will be full of people, everywhere else in the club is right now. We don't have time to go to my room, so this will have to do. I shut the door behind us and just take her in for a second.
You're stunning, Ever truly fuckin' beautiful.

I make a fist, put it on my chest over my heart then make circles. Next I hold out my thumb and pinky pushing my hand out towards her in a dip. I've just told her,
I'm sorry, Ever.

Her face starts with a shyness before confusion sets in.
For what?

I decide it's best if I just apologize for everything.
For everything I have done since you came back. I'm sorry for fuckin' you against that wall. I'm sorry you saw me with another girl and I smiled at you. I'm sorry I'm an asshole and I'm sorry for the drugs. Just, I'm sorry for all of it. Well, wait. I'm not sorry for fuckin' you because that felt really good, but I'm sorry for how it went down. Our first time together after you came back shouldn't have been like that.

Her laughing is contagious as I start to laugh also. That's one thing I love most about her. No matter what, we could always laugh. Ever responds,
I know. Let's talk about this later.

Yeah, okay.
With my head hung, the door opens and Lil Mama is there.

It's time,
she informs us while looking between the two of us.

Ever takes my hand as we walk out of the bathroom and make our way outside where they line us up. Crazy Girl wouldn't let any of us guys wear our cuts so they aren't very happy and it feels strange, but I guess it's her day, so whatever she wants. She had all of us guys in black tuxedos with red cummerbunds and bow ties. At least we get our club colors during this shit.

I fold Ever's arm around mine and they signal us to start forward. We go at our own rhythm until the end of the aisle, I don't want to let her go, but I have to. Next is Lil Mama and Bear.

Victoria walks Ava and Harper out with their little white and red dresses on. They throw out the white and red rose petals just like they are supposed to. Next comes Snake with Damien and Cub as the little ring bearers, wearing their little black tuxedos, just like the rest of us guys.

Grant starts walking Crazy Girl down the aisle. When she gets to the corner to turn towards us, the wedding planner stands up and hands her her cut. She puts it on over her dress and all of us guys look at each other.

She got us good on that one!

All of my brothers look even more pissed than what they were and I know I am wearing the same expression on my face. Especially when you look to all the girls and they are doubled over laughing. Grant hands her off to Hanger, who whispers something in her ear. I'm sure I wouldn't want to know, even if I could hear it. Grant wasn't easy on Hanger or me when he first met us, but I guess he wasn't as bad as some dads are.

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