No Bra Required! (16 page)

Read No Bra Required! Online

Authors: Nikki Ashton

Tags: #Humor & Entertainment, #Humor, #Love; Sex & Marriage, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy

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“Well, that’s one of the things that stopped me acting on
how I felt about Ed.  It was pretty much instant to be honest, but I
couldn’t get my head around it, because you’re right it was only three weeks
after Simon left.”

“Don’t get me wrong Lucy, I think you’d be perfect together,
but he’s my boy, and I
will not
let anyone hurt him
again.”  A shadow passed over Georgina’s face.

“Ah bless you Mum, but honestly everything is going to be
okay, I know it is.”  Ed smiled at Georgina as he placed a hand on her

“Good, so two things to sort out then,” said Georgina
getting up from the table.  “When to tell Nate, and what are we going to
do about your dad’s birthday?  He’s going to be sixty-five in three weeks,
and I think we should have a party.”

Chapter 14

Gerald had been delighted that Lucy had decided not to go
home yet.  He was confident that his daughter was now happy and enjoying
her life once more.  He was so confident, in fact, that he’d been
persuaded by Lucy, and Richard, to fly out to Australia; once he’d had his
plaster removed.  Richard was overjoyed at being able to extend his trip
by an additional six weeks, and even happier that he was being joined by
Gerald.  And so, Gerald had jetted off with a promise from Ed that he
would take care of Lucy.

Lucy and Ed were also extremely happy and had been able to
spend quite a few nights together – thanks to Georgina.  She’d said that
she had missed Nate terribly and that it would be lovely to spend more time
with him, so he’d stayed over with his grandparents quite a few nights over the
last week.  Lucy and Ed were extremely grateful to Georgina as they both
knew that she had recognised their desire to have some time alone. 

On the Saturday, after Gerald had flown to Australia, they
had also decided to tell Nate that Lucy was now Ed’s girlfriend.  Not only
did they want to be a couple openly at Jack’s upcoming party, but they didn’t
want to risk anyone else letting it slip to Nate.  Ed had been quite
nervous about telling Nate, not because of his reaction to the situation, or to
Lucy, but because Ed knew that Nate would ask questions - he was right to be

“So, Lucy is going to be your girlfriend and work at the
surgery for you.”  Nate frowned.

“Yes, that’s right,” replied Ed.

“Well, Callie works at the surgery and is a girl, so is she
your girlfriend as well?”

“No, she’s my friend and she’s a girl, but not my

“But Lucy is a girl and your friend, so why is she your

Ed turned to Lucy and smiled.  “Help me out here please

Lucy grinned as she stepped forward and sat with father and
son at the dining table.

“It’s a little different to Callie, Nate.”  Lucy leaned
closer to Nate.  “I’m Daddy’s special friend, we hold hands and say nice
things to each other, and we may go on trips together.”

“But Daddy says nice things about Callie too, and he holds
my hand, and we go on trips together.”  Nate smiled at Lucy, cute dimples
forming in his cheeks.

 “Well Daddy and I kiss, not like he kisses you, and he
doesn’t kiss Callie at all.”  Lucy pushed Nate’s fringe from his eyes.

Suddenly Nate stood up.  “Oh okay, I’m glad Daddy has
you as his special friend.  Can I go and play now please?”

Ed nodded, unsure what else he could add to the
conversation.  “Erm yes, off you go.”

As he left the room, Lucy and Ed burst out laughing, both
now realising that he’d been playing them.

“The little terror,” said Lucy leaning over to kiss
Ed.  “He knew all along what you were saying to him.”

Ed grinned.  “He knows far too much.  Anyway, the
main thing is he doesn’t seem particularly worried by it.”

“Thank goodness.  We just need to tell everyone at the
surgery now.”


The following Monday morning Ed informed Dr Kindler,
Elspeth, Ellen and Callie what some of them had already guessed; he and Lucy
were a couple.

“Well thank God for that pet.  I thought you were never
going to tell us.”  Callie shook her head and smiled.  “I’m sick of
thinking of reasons to leave you two alone, you should see the amount of milk
we’ve bought recently.”

“I told you that she probably knew,” said Ed turning to Lucy
who was at his side.

Lucy blushed, worried that they’d been too obvious for the
last couple of weeks.

“I would have told you Callie, but we needed to tell Nate
first,” Lucy explained.

“No worries pet, I’m just glad you both realised that you
were made for each other.”

“My wife said that she thought something was going on at the
dance.”  Dr Kindler shook his head.  “I must walk around with my head
up my backside, I can’t say as I noticed.  Oh well, very good, I’m very
pleased for you.  I’d better get ready for Mrs Pearson; she’ll be here in
fifteen minutes.”  As he walked past Lucy, Dr Kindler gave her a warm
smile and squeezed her hand.

“I agree,” said Ellen.  “I’m really happy for both of
you.”  She leaned forward and hugged Lucy tightly.

“Does this mean that Lucy won’t be making as many cups of
tea though?” asked Elspeth, nudging Ed.  “It’s been great this last couple
of weeks, it’s been the perfect reason to go in and see Ed, which means we’ve all
been inundated with cups of tea.”

Lucy dropped her head into her hands.  “Has it been
that obvious?” she cried.

Elspeth shook her head.  “No, I must be honest; I
thought that you fancied him.  I didn’t realise something was already
going on, don’t worry.”

“Well you all know now.”  Ed laughed and put his arm
around Lucy’s shoulder.  “So, there won’t be any surprises at Dad’s party
on Saturday.”

“You haven’t seen what I’m wearing yet,” replied Callie
winking at them all.


The day of Jack’s birthday arrived with bright sunshine and
a pleasant breeze, perfect weather for a garden party.  The surprise party
was being held at Ed’s house, and forty relatives and friends were
attending.  Ed had wanted to be in charge of the barbeque, but as Georgina
pointed out, it would be terrible if everyone was given food poisoning by the
local doctor, and so caterers had been hired to provide a buffet.

Lucy had worked alongside Georgina and Ed all day, preparing
the garden, hanging bunting and banners and putting up tables and chairs. 
Her face held a permanent smile as Ed kissed her, or pinched her bottom at any
opportunity, neither he nor Lucy embarrassed about showing their affection in
front of Georgina.

Since they’d told Nate about them being a couple, Lucy had
spent the vast majority of the last two weeks at the house, without Nate being
shipped off to his grandparents.  They’d had dinner together and, on each
occasion, Nate had asked her to read to him before bed, commenting that he
preferred it to reading to himself as Lucy could make funny voices for the
different characters.  In fact, it had been a blissful couple of weeks for
both Ed and Lucy.

As Lucy chatted to Georgina about the best place to position
the buffet table, Ed watched her and thought that his heart was going to burst
out of his chest.  Over the last few weeks of getting to know Lucy
properly, not just sexually, he realised how funny she was, and how kind and
considerate.  Georgina had telephoned Ed at the surgery two days ago in a
panic because the company supplying Jack’s present, of the expensive fishing
rod that he’d coveted, had gone bust.  So, now there was no gift and there
was nowhere locally that could provide one on such short notice.  When Ed
had explained to Lucy, she immediately started to trawl the internet and make
numerous phone calls until she found someone who could help.  The next
morning Lucy insisted on making the four hour round trip to the Scottish
Borders to pick up the rod.  Ed knew it wasn’t just Lucy trying to make a favourable
impression, he’d seen how kind she was with the patients, always helping the
elderly and infirm into the consulting rooms.  She was attentive to the
rest of the staff too, checking if anyone needed anything or would like a cup
of tea or coffee, and she was fantastic with Nate, patiently helping with his
homework and reading to him in funny voices that made him laugh like a drain.

As Lucy turned and smiled at Ed, the realisation hit him
like a punch in the chest; he loved her.  Those lustful feelings that he’d
had almost eight weeks ago had become much deeper in the past month since
they’d become a couple.  Ed wasn’t sure whether he should tell Lucy yet,
she may not feel the same way, and then he would feel foolish.  Her
marriage had only ended almost three months ago, so how could she possibly feel
the same way.  No, he would wait and see how things went between them,
rather than scaring her off.

“Hi baby,” Ed said as Lucy came over and entwined her arms
around his waist.

“Hi, are you okay?  You look thoughtful, do you want to
share?”  Lucy stood on tiptoe and kissed Ed.

“Just thinking about tonight, and how much Dad is going to
love it.  Plus you get to meet Grandma Wilkins, you’ll love her.”  Ed
grinned at the look on Lucy’s face.  “What’s the frown for?”

“Because I’m scared about meeting your family.  What if
they don’t like me?”

“They’ll like you, what’s not to like.”  Ed cupped her
face in his hands.  “I swear they are all lovely people.  Oh except
Grandma Bryce, she’s an old dragon.”

“Oh shit, really?”  Lucy’s face crumpled into a

“Good job she’s not coming then isn’t it.”  Ed started
laughing as Lucy slapped his arm.

“That’s not funny Ed.  Anyway, why isn’t she coming to
her own son’s birthday party?”

“Well, put it this way she wouldn’t be welcome if she did.”

“Oh no, why not?”

“Well we buried her five years ago…Oww, that hurt,” Ed cried
as Lucy hit him again, but harder than before.

 “Ha bloody ha, funny man.  Anyway, shouldn’t you
go and pick Nate up from Ollie’s house, it’s almost five o’clock and he needs
to have a bath before the party starts.”

“Okay, bossy boots.  See you in about half an
hour.”  He pecked Lucy on the lips and strode off across the garden.

As he walked away, Lucy watched him, a familiar feeling of
excitement in the pit of her stomach.  God, he was sexy, and the way he
made her feel in bed was incredible, but it was more than that, he cared about
her and made her feel safe, and she couldn’t imagine her future without

As Ed turned to wave goodbye, Georgina joined Lucy and smiled

“He’s very easy to love isn’t he?” she said nodding towards
her son.

It only took Lucy a matter of seconds before she nodded and

“Yes,” she replied, “extremely.”

“Don’t worry,” replied Georgina hugging Lucy to her. 
“Your secret is safe with me.”


Ed and Lucy were alone in the house by six o’clock. 
Georgina had gone home to change and to start the pretence that she and Jack
were going to Ed’s for a barbeque, Nate had gone to ‘persuade Granddad not to
wear his shorts’, and so had left with Georgina.  The caterers were
outside setting up in preparation for guests arriving at seven o’clock, half an
hour before Jack.

“Do you think that this will look okay?”  Lucy held up
a mint coloured lace dress.  “Or will it clash with the ginger?”

Ed laughed. “You silly woman, you’re beautiful.”

“I’m bloody ginger still.  So, tell me honestly, is the
dress okay.  I’ve got another one as back up.”

“No, baby that one is perfect, and you’ll look stunning in
it.”  Ed pulled Lucy to him and kissed her neck.  “You need a shower
though; you’re all hot and sticky.”

Lucy giggled as she felt Ed’s obvious arousal pushing
against her leg.  “Hmm you could be right, the trouble is,” Lucy murmured
as she unbuttoned Ed’s jeans, “so are you and we don’t have long before the
party, so perhaps we should have a shower together, it will save time.”

“Good thinking,” groaned Ed pulling Lucy’s T-shirt over her

“I think I’m a genius to be honest.”  Lucy kissed Ed
and led him to the bathroom.


When Jack arrived at seven-thirty everyone was waiting,
drinks in hand, in anticipation of the big reveal.  Ed had to smile when
he saw that his dad was wearing his shorts, Nate obviously hadn’t been
successful in trying to convince him otherwise.  As Jack, Georgina and
Nate walked through the gate into the back garden everyone shouted ‘surprise’;
and Rob - Ed’s friend, blasted a rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ from the iPod
hooked up to Ed’s huge speakers that he’d brought out into the garden.

“Oh my goodness, is this is all for me?”  Jack was

“Yes darling it is. Happy birthday sweetie.”  Georgina
hugged her husband and kissed his cheek.

“Now can you see why I wanted you to wear trousers?” Nate
placed his hands on his hips and sighed.

Jack smiled and ruffled Nate’s hair.  “I do Nate, and
I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you.  Oh hello…”  Jack wandered off
as he recognised a former work colleague.

“Well done Mum,” said Ed smiling at Georgina.  “I
didn’t think you’d get him here without him finding out.  I must admit
when you said you wanted him to have a party I didn’t think that you’d manage
to fix it all in only three weeks.”

“Well I did, thanks to you and Lucy.  You’ve both been
a massive help, I couldn’t have done it without you,” replied Georgina as she
kissed Ed.  “Where is Lucy, by the way?” she asked.

“Oh she’s talking to Callie, over there.”  Ed pointed
in the direction of Lucy talking to what could only be described as a Saloon

Georgina open and closed her mouth and shook her head. 
“W-what has she got on?” she stammered.

“Erm I’m not sure whether she thought it was going to be
fancy dress, or whether that’s something she would wear normally.”

They both looked across and stared at Callie’s outfit,
totally fascinated.  She wore a pink and black corset dress with a ruffled
hem that was hitched up on one side with a black bow, a black feather boa,
long, pink, satin gloves, black ankle boots, and all topped off with a pink
ribbon and a feather around the mass of curls piled on top of Callie’s head.

“She said she was going to surprise us.”  Ed started to
laugh as Callie had not disappointed them.

“Blimey, you’re not kidding,” Georgina replied. 
“Anyway, talking of surprises, has Lucy’s arrived yet?”

“Not yet, shouldn’t be long though.”

“Oh good, anyway I’d better go and mingle and steer your
father around otherwise he’ll stay with Brian Reid talking fishing all night.”

“Okay, I’ll go and check Lucy’s okay with Annie Oakley over

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