Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution (16 page)

BOOK: Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution
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Let’s look at a more applicable analogy. The police discover the grisly scene of six mutilated bodies of teenage girls who were tied up, tortured, viciously raped, and then had their throats cut. They have your fingerprints on the knife, your DNA at the crime scene, and videotape of you boasting to a friend about how terrified the girls were when you slowly cut their throats. You thought that was funny.

The judge finds you guilty of the heinous crimes of rape and murder of the six girls, and sentences you to death by the electric chair. You react by saying, “My crime was petty. It was no big deal. This judge is evil.”

The atheist’s mistake is to think that the God he doesn’t believe in has the same moral standards as humanity. Yet the God he must face on Judgment Day is morally perfect and utterly holy. He considers lust to be adultery and hatred to be murder. We are told in Scripture that lying lips are an abomination to
Him. He killed a husband and wife (in the Book of Acts) simply because they told one lie. Lying is so serious to Him the Bible warns that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire. Sin is not about “little, tiny things” that we have done. It is deadly serious.

Yet God is rich in mercy toward us. Isn’t that true? More than likely you have lied, looked with lust, stolen, blasphemed His name, etc., and yet He hasn’t treated you according to your sins and struck you dead. Well, not yet. But it will happen one day, and then you have to face Him for all those unspeakably serious crimes against His Law.

The other mistake the atheist made was to think that people will end up in Hell for not believing in God. That’s just not true. Plenty of people who believe in God will end up in Hell. Among them will be the many religious hypocrites and millions of others who were warned of the reality of Hell but refused to repent and trust the Savior.

Plenty of people who believe in God will end up in Hell. Among them will be the many religious hypocrites and millions who were warned of the reality of Hell but refused to repent and trust the Savior.


God has no pleasure in your death. If you find yourself in Hell, you will have no one to blame but yourself. The Bible warns that our damnation is just. Justice will certainly be done if His mercy is spurned.

Theist Christopher Geiser said: “Math teachers are not seen as narrowminded when they say there is only one answer to 2+2.” Antagonist Jason replied, “They can also demonstrate that answer.”

But math teachers cannot demonstrate anything to someone who is unreasonable. If an unreasonable person (for some reason)
wanted to change the definition of the number 2, and then say that the second 2 was not the same quantity as the first, you have a stalemate. To argue any logic, you need both parties to be reasonable.

This is the problem theists have with those who believe themselves to be atheists. The fact that there cannot be a creation without a creator is reasonable common sense. That common sense is abandoned by the atheist. He keeps coming back and parroting “Show me the evidence,” when the evidence is as plain as 2+2=4.

Aristotle once stated: “It is impossible that movement should ever come into being or cease to be, for it must always have existed. Nor can time come into being or cease to be.” Scientists now know better. They say, “Current theories hold that about 5 billion years ago the sun began to form from a huge dark cloud of dust and vapor that included the remnants of earlier stars which had exploded.” Other experts tell us that “the Sun was also born in such a cluster, around 4.6 billion years ago, along with thousands of young stars.”

So it is well accepted in the scientific community that the sun had a beginning. Here’s my question: Where did the huge dark cloud of dust and vapor that included the remnants of earlier stars come from? It, too, must have had a beginning. Who or what created it, shaped it into the sun, and placed it at just the right distance from the earth so that life could begin? To say that the dust and vapor were eternal is to go back to Aristotle’s erroneous belief, which violates the second law of thermodynamics. What is the scientific explanation for where the dust and vapor came from? Atheists don’t have one. Theists do.


“I would like to hear your quantitative answers as to how big the universe is, what light is, and what life is. Since
God has revealed all of these answers to you in the Bible, I’m sure that these answers will be answered with 100% precision, and will be reflected in current observations.”


I have no faith in “current” observations. Every generation thinks that they are current—that they are “modern.” In twenty years’ time they will laugh at current clothes and hair styles. In a hundred years what science believes today will be a joke, and they will no doubt believe that their current knowledge is cool. Man’s quantitative knowledge is a tiny drop in the ocean of what actually is absolute truth.

To use the word “big” in describing the universe shows the smallness of our minds. If an elephant is
, what word describes the universe? The best one I can currently come up with is the “infinitude” of the universe. There’s not a wall around the edge of space. Traveling at the speed of light, you would go on forever, no matter in which direction you travel. But one thing I do know: God fills the universe. That’s a big brain-strain.

He is also the source of light and the source of life. Around 800 years before Christ, the Psalmist maintained this: “For with you is the fountain of life: in your light shall we see light” (Psalm 36:9). In speaking of the Messiah, John said the same thing: “In him was life; and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4). Jesus said the same thing of Himself: “Then spoke Jesus again to them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12).

Then the Apostle Paul confirms this with his: “But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death, and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10). There you are. That’s 100 percent precision, straight from the ever-current Bible.

Ask most atheists what was in the beginning and they will say “Evolution.” Press them on what was before evolution—what was
its initial cause, and they will be stumped. They cannot give an answer as to where the material came from for evolution to bring life into being. For the initial cause to make sense, it had to be something that was immaterial (nonmaterial), which God is. The Bible says that it was the
of God that moved upon the face of the waters (see Genesis 1:2).

So that brings the atheist to his only defense. He asks, “Who then made God?” His real dilemma isn’t that he believes that God doesn’t exist, but that he doesn’t understand how God could exist eternally. If that’s the case, then every human being is an atheist. No one can wrap his finite mind around the eternal nature of God.

However, who among us can comprehend the infinitude of space? Imagine sending an incredibly powerful laser beam into space and it traveling in a particular direction for tens of billions of trillions of miles. It will never reach an end. Now move your beam slightly to the right of that first direction in which you pointed it, and send it tens of billions of trillions of miles, and it will never come to the end of space. Repeat the beam exercise a million times in a million different directions, and never will you come to an end of an infinite space in any direction you point it.

The atheist’s real dilemma isn’t that he believes that God doesn’t exist, but that he doesn’t understand how God could exist eternally. If that’s the case, then every human being is an atheist.


Such thoughts become too much for the human mind, and thoughts of God and His eternal nature are the same. But there is something that can make the mind ache even more. Go back to the thoughts of the immensity of space. Get a grip on all those different beams of light going for hundreds of billions of trillions
of miles in tens of millions of directions, each beam moving an infinite distance away from the other beams, as it reaches into space.

Think how “large” space is, then say to yourself that God made it. But more than that, He fills space with His presence. He is omnipresent (everywhere at once). But even more than that, He is as much “God” at a point a billion trillion miles into space as He is in your presence at this moment of time. He is not divided in thought.

Then add to that the fact that He holds all knowledge of every thought and deed of every human being in His infinite mind, and you have scratched the tiny surface of the surface of thought about the greatness of God.


reject the Genesis Fall, in which we are given the biblical explanation as to why there is disease, suffering, and death. So they have no account for the suffering of this world. It is because of this, that they will often quote Monty Python: “All things sick and cancerous, all evil great and small, Putrid foul and gangrenous, the Lord God made them all…” Their thought is that if God did exist, then He alone, not man, is responsible for the pains of this world.

The normal “idolater” creates a version of God to which he can snuggle up. He quote-mines Scripture and creates an all-loving, kind, and forgiving God. He leaves out the fact that the Bible tells us that God is holy and just, and will by no means clear the guilty. He passes over verses such as “Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord; though they join forces, none will go unpunished” (Proverbs 16:5). Then once he has created his benevolent image of God, he bows before it, and it is to that image that he brings his prayerful petitions. The problem is, his god doesn’t exist. But that is of no consequence to him, because the idolater can easily find a church that preaches the attributes
of his idol. Under the sound of the many modern pulpits, his faith will grow as he listens to sermons that confirm his error.

The atheist does the opposite of the regular idolater. He quote-mines the Scriptures and searches out the harsher judgments of God and builds an image of God he finds to be repulsive. Then, once he has made his idol, he flatly rejects it.
And so he should.
The image that he has made of God is evil. It is without love and mercy. And so the atheist has the same problem as the idolater. The image only exists in the atheist’s place of imagery… in his imagination.


“If you have proof the Bible is wrong I would hope you are a kind enough person to share it with all us misguided children of the Light…I am hoping you agree with just about everyone in knowing that the moon is not a source of light. In which case: Genesis 1:16 is wrong [‘And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also’].”


You had better contact those misguided folks who compile dictionaries. Have them remove the word “moonlight.” They say: moonlight—noun, “the light of the moon.” Also have Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream” banned from learning institutions. William wrote: “Thou hast by moonlight at her window sung…”

Then contact the ignorant scientists at NASA. They are deceived into thinking that moonlight exists: “Moonlight, remember, is no more exotic than sunlight reflected from the dusty surface of the moon. The only difference is intensity: Moonlight is about 400,000 times fainter than direct sunlight.” Don’t leave out country singer and writer LeAnn Rimes for her mistaken hit “Can’t
Fight the Moonlight,” and the producers of the hit TV series “Moonlight.”

All these mentally challenged folks are uneducated flat-earthers who need to sit at the feet of the intelligent modern atheist and learn that there’s no such thing as moonlight.

If a man throws a shoe at a dog, nothing much happens. However, if he throws a shoe at a head of state and calls him a “dog,” something big happens. The perpetrator is arrested and may face up to seventeen years in prison. His crime escalates according to whom it is committed against. This may be a strange thing to have to explain, but the man goes to jail
even if he doesn’t believe that jail exists

When we sin we violate the Moral Law and sin directly against God (see Psalm 51:4). The Law has already arrested us (see 2 Peter 3:7). We are not going to escape (Romans 2:3). If we die in our sins, the divine Law will eventually execute us and send us to Hell (Revelation 21:8). This will happen even if we do not believe in the existence of Hell.

The problem with the atheist is that he doesn’t believe in his own quote-mined version of God. He has an image of God that doesn’t exist. He is only an atheist in his own mind.

He needs to pull back the curtains and think of the infinitude of space and the immensity of creation. Then think of the immensity of the God who created all these things. When those thoughts are allowed to flood his brain, he should then add the thought that this Creator is perfect and holy, and is to be feared.

It is that healthy fear of God (the beginning of wisdom) that will send us to the Cross. There we may taste the sweetness of mercy rather than the bitterness of His terrible wrath: “He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword; Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!”


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