Oceans Submerged: Book Two, the Oceans Series (17 page)

BOOK: Oceans Submerged: Book Two, the Oceans Series
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I took a seat next to Law’s leg since he was sitting on the tabletop with his feet on the bench part leaned over with his elbows on his knees.

He was dressed casually with some kick ass customized chucks. His pants were a grey jean wash color while his tight and body-molding t-shirt was bright yellow with crazy grey lettering on the front. His muscles were so defined he looked perfect, almost as perfect as Oc…

“Hey baby, sorry I’m late.”

The deep husky yet smooth voice rocked my body as I sat leaning against Law’s leg. I felt the air being sucked out of me knowing that he was behind me. Law and Dulce turned to face him and instantly I saw their mouths drop open.

Okay…that was either a good thing or a sign I should just fall over and die because what I was about to see was going to kill either him or me.

I stood up slowly using Law’s leg as my support system. Keeping my eyes on the ground, not wanting to see what they saw right away, I turned letting go of Law. I walked my way around the bench counting in my head trying not to fall over from my crazy nerves.

When my eyes found a pair of shiny black and red Jordan’s, I knew I’d found my prize or possibly my doom. Slowly, I moved my eyes up his body starting from his shoes, up to his red faded designer jeans, then to his tight and fitted black t-shirt. I took my time, letting my eyes roam all over his flat stomach, tight arms and chest.

My glory was short lived when my eyes got to his neck. Not one, but TWO huge pink ugly and not from me hickies were nestled deep on the base of his neck. My eyes locked with his immediately and he looked terrified.

Damn right!

He nervously held out his arms to me, trying to come in for a hug.

I looked up at his face again and frowned.

“Hi Ocean.” I said as I turned around, shuffling myself back to my seat next to Law’s leg.

This time I didn’t just sit next to him. I was practically hugging onto his leg for dear life.

How dare Ocean show up here with two hickies on his neck? My NECK!

After only two days of not seeing each other or returning not one goddamn text message of mine?! Who the hell did he really think he was?!

He was fine yes, the man I loved yes, and the man who held my heart, body, and soul in the palms of his hands, fucking CHECK YES TO ALL OF THE ABOVE!

I saw Law turn to look back at him, shaking his head as he slid down from sitting on the top of the table. Sitting next to me, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me into him. He did the same thing to Dulce and she reached across his lap and patted me on the leg.

“Sorry.” I heard her whisper.

Taking a few minutes to compose myself, I slowed my breathing trying to erase what I’d just seen from my memory.

I turned to Dulce and Law, “My arm’s hurting so I’m going to run in and get my brace.”

“Careful.” Dulce said to me drawing a curious stare and raised eyebrow from Law.

Shit, like I needed him to hear that. I stood up giving his knee two quick pats and turned to my right, away from where Ocean was still standing. Alone. Where his ass deserved to be.

I passed the bench and then him as I passed another picnic table. I heard footsteps close behind me soon after.

“Can I come with you?” Ocean never sounded so unsure of himself and right now he sounded as if he were on another planet.

“Whatever.” I said as I continued to walk.

Chapter Thirty-Two


It was killing me that Liv couldn’t even look me in the face after the initial shock. If it were me who saw shameful marks on her neck I probably would fuck her until she told me who did it and then afterwards, be convicted of manslaughter for killing the son of a bitch.

It was better than not showing up though. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself on the way here. I really did want to see her and spend time with her. Yeah the past two days were a blur because I’d been out drinking and partying with god knows who but I still missed her.  

I watched her from behind as we made our way to her room. Her hair had grown a lot since the last I remembered her wearing it down like that. The ends of her hair sat right above her ass. I felt myself reaching out to touch her silky hair but pulled back shoving my hands in my pockets.

Those damn shorts she wore were evil. Every curve her body had was on display for the world to see and the purple spaghetti strap top she had on hid nothing because her tits were sitting up high, perfectly rounded drawing attention to her tiny waist, thick hips and flat stomach. Then there was that phat ass I wanted to grind my dick against.

Her short naturally tanned and powerful legs were haunting me with images of them parked over my shoulder as I dived into her.

“Watch it!”

“Oh. Sorry baby.” I was staring at her body so hard I didn’t notice her stopping and ran into her back.

She was tight and tense all over courtesy of Ocean Hawthorne. She most likely would never let me touch her again and I truly deserved that for what I did.

Deep down, I felt good that I didn’t actually sleep with the whores I woke up next too but a hickey was still a hickey.

She grabbed the doorknob hard, pushing the door open and letting it go as soon as she got through. It damn near slammed in my face.

I looked around her room as she angrily tossed and turned her things over in her small closet and on her bed, pissed off at my existence.

The room was cute and cozy. The light purple wall and trim made it feel homey instead of cold and cut off from the world like one would expect it to be.

I saw her wrist brace peeking from underneath her pillow as she continued to toss everything she could get her hands on. Walking over to her, I placed my hand on her lower back as I brushed by her leaning forward to grab the brace.

“Found it.” I said, holding it in front of her at my full arm’s length.

She reached out to grab it but I raised my arm higher. She huffed out loud standing on her tiptoes trying to reach it. When her ass rubbed on the zipper of my jeans my already all too aware dick jerked towards her and she froze.

In a whisper she said. “Just give it to me.”

“What a choice of words baby. What exactly do you want me to give?”

She shoved her healthy elbow into my sides, sneaking past me to stand across the room. “Give me my wrist brace Ocean. NOW!”

I was about to say something that would probably result in her running over to smack me for my boldness but the bruise on her arm that looked like a thumbprint changed my focus. She saw me zoning in on it and tried covering it with her other hand.

“Too late!” I roared, storming over to her blocking the door; her only exit.

When I got to her, I backed her right into the wall. With both my arms on either side of her head I asked her. “Who did it?”

Staring at my neck, she sucked her teeth.

“If I ask you the same question would you really answer it?”

I slapped the wall with the palm of my hands, making her body jump. “We’re not talking about me, who did it? Baby, tell me who did it!”

She scoffed. “Oh. Now I’m your baby, right? You walk in here with two coin sized hickies on your neck from god knows who and you’re demanding to get answers out of me. Go back to the whores you were fucking last night, asshole.”

“I didn’t fuck anyone. They fucked themselves. Now tell me who did it.” I tried to ease up on the anger in my voice but I was beyond ready to rip the prick’s head off for touching her. That along with the coke that was still in my system was urging me to lose it.

She gagged at my response. Of course, I felt like shit about it. It was wrong of me to show up like this but fuck I was here and I wanted to know who bruised her.

“It’s settled then. You didn’t fuck anyone; your head just got caught in the crossfire between two prostitutes.  No one forcefully grabbed my arm; it just slipped into their grip by mistake. Does that sound about right to you?”

“So, now you’re a fan of playing games with me Liv because we know what happens in the end. I always win.”

“Can you please just give me my damn wrist brace Ocean? Jesus!”

I grabbed her hand, slipped the brace on fastening it up for her making sure it wasn’t too tight and then let her hand go.

“Now you have it and it’s on, so talk.”

She sucked her lips into her mouth, biting down on them.

All I wanted was a simple answer to a simple question, even being the asshole right now; it was all I was asking.

“Liv, come on. Please tell me who grabbed you.” I asked her calmly this time hoping she’d give.

“Oh, so now it’s back to Liv. What happened to baby a couple seconds ago? Am I not your baby anymore, Ocean?”

She turned her head to the side looking at the door.

I moved my hand to run my fingers through her hair and away from her face.

When her whole body tensed from my touch, I immediately sobered up from my high that was wearing off. She didn’t even want me touching her.

I pulled my hand back, stepping away still watching her plastered onto the wall. I hadn’t even realized that she was trying desperately to get away from me.

I backed away from her until I hit the mattress of her bed with the back of my legs and plopped down leaning forward bracing my elbows on my knees staring at the floor.

What the fuck have I done?



When Ocean pulled away from me, I thought that’s exactly what I wanted; to be far away from him, but I was wrong.

I didn’t think he would give up so fast after how mad he got about my bruise. I knew him and Law weren’t stupid but right now, he was the last person that should be in my face demanding answers. Though he had hickies on his neck, I believed him when he said he didn’t have sex with whoever bruised his neck with their nasty mouths.

I pulled myself back together, making my way towards him. We had a deal and I was going to start living up to my end of it. If he stayed here for me, I promised him I would fight. So here I go, on my way to fight for my Ocean.

When I reached him, I held my breath in case my thigh would protest against me squatting down in front of him. It did exactly that. I felt my muscles start to cramp up but I breathed through the pain for Ocean.

Finally squatting down in front of him, I looked up to his face. He had his eyes closed as tears escaped from them.

When the pain in my leg got to intense, I grabbed onto each of his legs to support myself. Well, my right hand grabbed his thigh. My left hand was limp.

He jerked up nearly head butting me. The look on his face was of embarrassment, shock, and pain.

“Hey, sorry about that last part of what I said. I’m upset but I didn’t mean to take it there.”

He blinked at me a couple times just looking at my face. My right leg started shaking from the pressure I was putting on it. I was up to running half a mile on the treadmill but even that wasn’t enough to keep my muscles from spazing out from my healing wounds.

When I couldn’t take the shaking anymore I slowly stood up and when Ocean extended his hands for support I grabbed onto them. When I did, he held my hands tightly in his.

He placed my hands on his shoulders and I stood there for a while not knowing what to do. I knew what my heart wanted me to do but I wasn’t sure if that’s what he wanted from me anymore.

Giving in to my heart, I did what always felt natural with being around him. I slid one of my hands over his tense shoulder and into his short brown curls starting from the base of the back of his neck.

He sucked in air through his mouth as his hands grabbed the back of my thighs, bringing me closer to him. He buried his face into my stomach and I laughed. In that moment things felt almost normal, like I’d never tried to kill myself and he wasn’t trying to push me away.

He pushed out his lips giving my stomach a kiss through my tank top. I twirled his hair around my fingers while my other hand rubbed the tension out of his shoulder as best as my limp hand would allow me to. He moaned into my stomach and I laughed again.

“You’re really not going to tell me who grabbed you?” He asked with his face still shoved into my stomach.

I shook my head. “What makes you think someone grabbed me, Ocean?”

He breathed heavy into my belly. “I might have a hangover from last night and…well, I’m not stupid baby. You don’t lie very well and I saw it all over your face. So can you please tell me?”

“I can’t right now. I promised someone something and I can’t break that promise. I’m okay though and no one is hurting me if that’s what you’re thinking. I don’t think my physical trainer or the two body guards I’ve adopted would let anything happen to me or Dulce.”

I let my hands fall away from his shoulder and the chocolate brown tamed curls to keep the temptation of telling him the truth at bay.

He scooted back on my bed bringing me with him. Carefully, he grabbed the back of my legs bringing them forward then lifting me to sit on top of his lap. I braced my hands on his shoulders to keep from losing my balance as he sat me on top of him.

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