Off Limits (Sparks in Texas Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: Off Limits (Sparks in Texas Book 4)
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This morning, she managed to fight her way
out of the haze of horniness enough to make a plan. Logan thought
she was off-limits, thought his needs were too much for her. So she
had to find a way to get him to take that first step toward her
without feeling guilty about breaking his vow to Evan or fear that
he’d hurt her—physically or emotionally.

That thought produced a mental eye roll.

Yeah. Like he’d hurt me in any way I don’t
totally want.

Overcoming his reticence was a tall order to
fill, but she was determined to make it happen.

A tiny bell rang as she opened the front
door. The showroom was empty. Then she heard the buzz of an
electric saw from the workroom. Turning, she flipped the sign that
hung on the front door that said “Be back in one hour” and locked
the bolt.

She made her way around his handmade
furniture, mentally reorganizing the place as she went. It was a
good thing Logan made such beautiful pieces they sold themselves,
because his ability to show them off sucked. It was a damn maze in
here. Total chaos.

She paused at the door to the workroom. His
back was to her as he guided a piece of wood through the jigsaw.
She had never had the opportunity to watch him work. The muscles of
his back and arms flexed as he pushed the cedar plank through the
blade, moving it in a waving pattern.

Once the cut was complete, he turned the saw

“What are you making?”

He turned at the sound of her voice, and then
glanced back down at the wood. “A hope chest.”

She lifted the bag she carried. “Lunch. Hope
you’re in the mood for barbeque. Haven’t seen you at the restaurant
this week, so I figured you were ready for a fix.” Logan usually
made it to Sparks Barbeque at least a couple times a week. She’d
felt his absence intensely, her gaze traveling to the entrance
every single time another patron entered. Searing disappointment
followed each arrival when he never bothered to show up.

“I thought you’d prefer some distance from

So, he was going right for the jugular. She
was relieved. Lacy didn’t have the patience to pussyfoot around the
issue either. “You thought wrong.”


“No.” She cut him off the second she heard
that condescending tone in his voice that made her see red. “Hear
me out first.”

He lifted his hand, inviting her to speak.

“I’m off-limits, right?”

He frowned. “What?”

“I’m off-limits. Because I’m Evan’s sister
and because you think I can’t handle what you want from me.”

He nodded slowly.

“So we won’t have sex. You can keep your
stupid promise to my brother. No bro codes will be broken. But I
want the chance to disprove the second part of your argument.”

Logan crossed his arms. “How do you propose
we do that without having sex?”

“For the sake of argument, we’re going to
call sex actual penetration. Your dick in my vagina.”

“That’s a pretty narrow interpretation.”

She grinned. “And it leaves plenty of wiggle
room…so to speak.”

He shook his head. “Please don’t do this,
Lacy. I’m trying to do the right thing.”

“How is this right? You want me and I want

Logan rubbed his forehead, his expression
incredulous. “Even after everything I said last weekend?”

“Especially after that.”

He chuckled at her quick response. “God.
You’re going to be the death of me. You don’t have a clue what
you’re saying. What you’re inviting.”

She scowled. “You’re wrong. I know exactly
what I want. And you’re the man to give it to me.”

He didn’t respond, but she didn’t fool
herself into believing he was wavering. He wasn’t. The asshole was
stubborn. Which sucked for him because she was too.

“I can’t do what you’re asking.”

She took a step closer to him, relieved when
Logan didn’t back away. She didn’t fancy the idea of chasing him
around the workshop like some lovesick Pepé Le Pew. “Yes. You can.
In fact, I think you’re the only man who can give me what I

“You’re too young to know—”

“Finish that statement and I’ll stab you in
the heart with that screwdriver over there. I’m twenty-seven,
Logan. I’m not a virgin and I’m not stupid. I’ve done my research
on BDSM because the idea of it turns me on. A lot. I need someone
experienced to teach me about it. Someone I trust.”

Lacy had him on the ropes, so she decided to
go for broke. “Besides, Evan made out with your sister the summer
after you guys graduated, so we’re entitled to bend the rules a
little too.”

“He what? No way.”

“I caught them.”

“That son of a bitch.”

She grinned. “So the bro code has already
been broken.”

“Making out is a far cry from what you’re
proposing we do, Lacy. It doesn’t mean that you and I—”

Lacy tugged her t-shirt over her head,
tossing it to the floor. Logan’s gaze landed on her breasts within
an instant.

“What are you doing?”

She tilted her head. “I thought I was making
it pretty clear. I’m seducing you.”

“Put your shirt back on.” His heated look
didn’t match his request. He hadn’t looked away from her tits

She shook her head. “No.”

“I need you to be sensible.”

She scoffed, then reached behind her back and
unhooked her bra. She dropped it on top of her shirt.

Logan’s jaw clenched. She had to give him
credit. His powers of resistance were stronger than she’d
anticipated. Which only pushed her to up the ante.

Her fingers started to work loose the button
on her jeans.


Logan used that same commanding voice he’d
unleashed in the truck, the one that had her panties going

His gaze captured hers and held. “Put your
shirt back on, or…”

“Or what?” she taunted.

“Or I’m going to tug down your jeans and beat
that cute little ass of yours.”

She gave him a coy smile. “You think my ass
is cute?”

Logan closed his eyes and she wondered if he
was praying for patience. When he opened them again, she shuddered
at the intensity, the hunger laid bare on his face. He had clearly
turned a corner.

The friendly, safe, hands-off Logan she’d
always known was gone. In his place was this new Logan, dangerous,
sexy, demanding.

“You have three seconds to do as I said.”

She didn’t move. Instead, she counted.
“Three, two—”

One minute she was facing him down, the next
she was facedown. Over his lap.

Logan rubbed her ass through the denim of her
jeans. She hated the barrier, wanted his hands on her bare

She started to shift, hoping to find a way to
work the jeans over her hips, but he caught her hands, dragging
them behind her and holding them together at the base of her

“Not so fast. Ground rules.”

Lacy growled. “I don’t want rules. I want

He tightened his grip on her wrists. “That’s
the first rule. No penetration.”

made that suggestion. And she
was already regretting it. “We already determined that,” she said
impatiently, wondering if she could change his mind.

Logan smacked her ass, but her jeans dulled
the impact. It wasn’t even close to enough for her. “Three times.
That’s it.”


“There has to be a deadline to this, Lacy.
We’ll get together no more than three times, each meeting one week
apart, during which I’m going to show you exactly what kind of man
I am. I’ll expose you to BDSM and you can see if you like it. If
you want to call it off before that, you can. But we’re not doing
this more than three times.”

She wanted to argue, but it was clear he
didn’t intend to be swayed. It didn’t matter. She planned to use
every single second of those meetings proving to him why they
should extend the deadline indefinitely. “Fine.”

“Your safe word is chaise. Say that anytime
it’s too much for you or you get scared and we’ll stop, talk it
out. Okay?”

She nodded.

“Say okay.”

“Okay,” she said, her voice betraying her
shortness of breath. She was worried he’d misinterpret it as fear
when the truth was she was so turned on, her whole body hurt.

He released her hands and she instantly
missed the restraint. Then she was disappointed even further when
he helped her stand.

Logan took her hand. “Not in here. Too much
sawdust, too many wood shavings. I don’t want you to get cut.” He
led her toward his office, but stopped just as they reached the
threshold and glanced toward the front. “I need to—”

“I already locked the door and flipped the

He gave her a crooked smile and reached down
to pinch one of her nipples. She gasped as moisture pooled between
her thighs. “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

“I think the word is determined.”

He shook his head. “No. It’s stubborn.
Something the Sparks family has in abundance.”

“Remember that in three weeks.”

Logan twisted her, guiding her into his
office. “I’m not changing my mind, Lace. I’m already crossing too
many lines by agreeing to this.”

Once they entered the room, he closed the
door and locked it as well.

“Take off your jeans.”

Lacy lost no time kicking off her shoes and
tugging the denim—and her panties—off. Within sixty seconds, she
stood before him completely naked. Meanwhile, Logan was still

“What about you?”

He didn’t reply. Instead, his gaze traveled
over her nude form like a caress. She held her ground and let him
look his fill. She liked the look in his eyes, the genuine
appreciation there. He thought she was pretty and it made her feel
that way.

“Beautiful,” he whispered when his eyes met
hers once more.

She flushed at the compliment and lifted one
shoulder timidly. She wasn’t sure she’d go that far, but she was
touched that

“Turn around and bend over the desk. I owe
you a punishment.”

Lacy did as he said without question, her
pussy clenching in anticipation. She had seen him do this to Yvette
all those summers ago and since then, her imagination had run wild
with the fantasy.

Logan stepped behind her as she assumed the
position, his hand cupping the back of her neck, pressing her more
firmly against the smooth surface of his desk. “Open your

Again, she responded to his request. It was
so easy to do. With Logan, she didn’t have to think, to consider.
She wasn’t worried about her safety because he would never hurt
her. At least not more than she would enjoy.

He ran his fingers along her slit and she
shivered as one hand held her tight to the desk. She started to
reassure him she wouldn’t move, but she liked that extra restraint,
liked the feeling of being his captive.

One of his wet fingers circled the rim to her
anus. Lacy realized she’d forgotten to breathe. She sucked in as
much air as she could, releasing it in short pants through her nose
as he fondled her ass.

Logan didn’t speak as he explored. She longed
to end the silence, but her chest was too tight to utter a single
word. A million questions flew through her head. She wasn’t used to
while a part of something like this. In the
past, her lovers had been equal partners and everything was
discussed and voted on in committee meetings.

Logan was clearly the CEO, CFO, and dictator
rolled into one. He’d do what he wanted and he didn’t ask
permission beforehand.

God. The quiet was maddening. What was he
thinking? What would he do next? When was he going to spank her?
Could she convince him to forget that stupid thing she’d said about
not fucking her? Why had she said that? She needed—

“Shh.” Logan bent over her back, his soft
hush blowing hot against her ear. “Shut it all down, Lace.”

His words washed through her like a gentle
wave and just like that, she relaxed.

“Say your safe word,” he commanded.

“No.” She panicked. There was no way she was
going to call this off. “I don’t want to.”

“I just want to hear you say it. Want to make
sure you remember.”

“You won’t stop?”

She half expected him to laugh at her
childlike pleading, but instead he pressed a warm kiss against her

“I won’t stop. Right now, I’m worried that I
can’t.” A tinge of pain seemed to lace his tone. He felt it too.
She had never experienced desire so strong that it hurt, but the
only thing she was sure of right now was that her body physically
ached for him. It was agonizing.

“I’m glad.”

He shook his head, a motion she felt more
than saw. “No. That’s not good. Say the word. I need to hear, need

“Chaise,” she whispered.

She wasn’t sure why that word set him free,
but whatever harness held him tethered and kept him from giving in
to his baser instincts, broke.

He pushed himself upright and his hand landed
against her ass in a solid smack. The loud cracking noise filled
the room.

Reflex took over as Lacy tried to escape. It
was a futile effort. His large, strong hand had returned to the
back of her neck, holding her down. The second and third blows fell
as she still struggled.

When the fourth came, the pain and heat
mingled. Transformed.

Lacy’s back arched and she went up on her
toes to meet the fifth and sixth smacks.

“Logan,” she cried out, her voice tight with
unshed tears. The spanking hurt, but not in a way that she longed
to end. Instead, she wanted more.

Logan’s fingers found the opening to her body
and before she could assimilate to the change, he had two buried
deep, pounding roughly inside her.

This. God. Yes. This

She tried to thrust back against his hand,
but he still held her to the desk. She couldn’t move, couldn’t
steal any extra stimulation. It was as hot as it was

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