Once Upon a Twist (12 page)

Read Once Upon a Twist Online

Authors: Michelle Smart,Aimee Duffy

BOOK: Once Upon a Twist
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Jeremy half walked, half swam down the river with Red on his back, wishing away his arousal. Christ, it made him sick to his stomach that he could get this revved up when she was in danger.

She kept her face pressed against his shoulder blades, her body shaking slightly, but she didn’t speak again. It was so out of character he wanted to pull her from his back, into his arms and promise her everything would be okay. Kiss her until the pain, the suffering, the fear all dissolved. Leaving only them.

Jeremy couldn’t do any of it. He was the last person anyone went to for comfort, the last person she should be around, but right now he was her only chance of escape. They had to get back to his house. Keeping her alive was his first priority. She would be safe there.

The gun slowed him more than her weight as he pushed with his legs and pulled her through the water. He thought again about ditching the weapon, but couldn’t be sure the wolf wasn’t stalking them from above.

Her trembling stilled after a while and her breath panted against his neck as silent sobs broke through her lips. He pulled them through the river faster, his arms aching as much as his heart with the effort. The ledge on the left lowered and he saw the dark outline of his cottage, hidden behind the black shadows of the trees.

“Your house?” Red asked as he crossed to the other side of the river.


Jeremy scanned the night, looking for movement, straining his ears for a sound that didn’t belong. It looked safe enough, but one wrong move and they’d both be lost to the disease that would turn them into monsters. A risk he might take on himself. Never on her.

“Did they follow us?” she whispered against his neck.

Shrugging, he listened harder. The wind bristled the leaves, but more concerning was the fact that was
he heard. No birds, no scurrying, no life in the forest other than him and Red. Something had chased the wildlife away. Jeremy didn’t know how far the animals’ senses stretched out. A yard, ten? Would making a run for it to his home risk her? Bullets didn’t work on the wolf except to slow it down, and the fucker was fast.

A gap in the clouds allowed the light of the moon through. The small clearing around his home illuminated with a dull white. He scanned the edge of the trees for yellow eyes, but found none. There was no sound now other than their breathing. Even the wind had died down.

“Climb out of the river as silently as possible,” he instructed.

He expected an argument at the quiet demand in his tone, but she obeyed. Her damp clothes stuck to her narrow waist and long legs, highlighting the body he knew every inch of more intimately than his own. His blood pulsed faster and his body heated despite the temperature of the river. He looked back to the forest, forcing the images of her naked in his bed out of his mind. Once she stood on the edge, he handed her the gun. “If you see anything move—anything at all—pull the trigger. Understand?”

Her slender throat bobbed. “What if I miss?”

“The sound might slow them down. Focus on the clearing.”

She turned her back to him. He moved to the edge of the bank, pulled himself out as silently as possible. Water sloshed as it poured off his body. He straightened, held his hand out. “Give me the gun, Red.”

“Call me that again and I’ll point it at you and pull the trigger.” Despite the acid in her tone, she handed the gun to him.

He smiled as he scanned the darkness. “What? Red?”

She answered him with a scowl and instantly he felt like the worst kind of bastard. She deserved better than him, always had and the days of teasing her about the color of her hair were long gone. The nickname stuck, but he had to respect her wishes. She didn’t want the reminder.

Dragging his mind back to the now, he scanned the clearing. They were too open, too vulnerable. He had to get them inside. Make her safe.

“Run for the house.”  Her eyes widened as she stared at him. “I’ll be right behind you.” When she didn’t move, he commanded, “Go!”

She took off like a bullet, her wet cape fanning out behind her. He kept up, his gun pointed at the forest, his gaze raking over every angle, every shadow. She reached his door and grabbed the handle, pushed it down.

“It’s locked.” She turned to him with panic stricken eyes.

He reached into his pocket and brought out the keys. A growl sounded from behind, as did a rapid patter, like something flying through the clearing, its feet barely touching the ground. Red’s gaze jerked toward the sound. He thrust the keys at her. Turned. Lifted the gun. The wolf lowered its body, its pace never faltering.

“Get inside. Now!” he shouted.

Adrenaline ripped through his system. Every movement became acute. The wolf’s bony legs moved so fast they were almost a blur. That terrifying head grew bigger the closer it got. Its white teeth glimmered in the moonlight. The smile in its eyes turned his blood cold, but not for fear of himself. Nothing mattered except

Jeremy pulled the trigger. The shot rang in his ears. The wolf let out a piercing growl, half pain, half rage. It pounced at him. Dropping the gun, he reached for the wolf’s throat. The force of its body knocked him into the open doorway. His back hit the carpet with a thud, knocking the breath out of him, but he kept a firm grip on the wolf, holding its teeth away from him.  

The wolf panted and growled, blowing breath that smelled like death and rot into his face. Adrenaline strengthened his muscles, but even that wasn’t enough. The wolf’s power was unnatural. Its head lowered. The look of recognition in the creatures yellow eyes was almost human-like. It knew him. Knew Jeremy had been hunting it for the last year. Probably even knew he was related to its creator.

The wolf’s flaky lips pulled back over its snout, saliva welling up and flooding between the white teeth, dripping onto Jeremy’s coat.  The wolf’s jaw opened, right next to his chin. With a last ditch attempt he shoved with all his strength. Then a bang echoed in his ears.

The wolf’s weight flew off him. He looked up to see Red standing over him, dripping wet, rage burning her golden eyes and a huge frying pan in her hand. “Get in!”

Digging his heels into the floor, he pushed his body backward into the house. She slammed the door closed, stuck the key in and turned the lock.

“The pad on the wall. Punch in 0607,” he instructed, trying to control his panting. 

She gasped. “My birthday?”

Jeremy nodded and fixed his gaze on the floor not wanting to see her expression. “Thank you.”

He trembled with the adrenaline that had no outlet. After a few beeps on the alarm pad he heard the groan of metal as shutters came down over the doors and windows of the house.

“When did you get all this?” she asked.

Shit, he didn’t want to do this. They were trapped here and knowing Red there would be no getting out of the round of
twenty questions
. He couldn’t lie now, couldn’t not tell her anything. But if he told her too much he’d as good as sign her death warrant.

Shaking his head, he grabbed the frying pan, turned and then made his way through to the kitchen. “I need coffee.”

The sound of shoes squelching against the carpet followed him through the hall. She was silent as he returned the pan to the open cupboard beside the sink, didn’t say a word as he set up the coffee maker and filled it. Not a peep as he filled her mug with milk and two sugars.

He planted his hands on the counter as he faced the machine, searching his mind for a way around telling her anything that would get her hurt. He came up blank. The machine did its thing and he poured the mugs, brought them over to the small wooden table and then lowered himself into the chair across from her.

Her damp hair looked lighter than it had before. But he wasn’t willing to go full disclosure, so he kept his curiosity to himself. Didn’t stop him wanting to know why she’d had it lightened. Strawberry blonde suited her. Jeremy rose from the table and met her empty gaze.

“Can I get you some towels? A change of clothes?” He still had a drawer full of her things in the bedroom. Didn’t seem right throwing them out. Even when a reunion was impossible.

She shook her head and cupped her hands around the mug. “You can give me an explanation. I thought the disease was cured, so did the whole world.” She looked into his eyes like she could see his thoughts. “You seem to know more.”

He slumped back into the chair, not giving a shit that the air in the cottage was cool and his soaked clothes were beginning to freeze. “There’s only so much I can tell you.”
And even that’s a risk I’m not prepared to take with you.

“Why? What happens if you tell me?” she demanded, her golden eyes glowing with anger.

Jeremy made sure his expression was gravely serious. “Because if the government finds out that you know, they’ll kill you.”

Chapter Three



Ruby’s mouth swung open like the hinges had given out.

She’d expected a lame ass excuse, denial of knowledge. Maybe he’d even tell her it was better she didn’t know. Instead, he thought she was the biggest idiot alive. The government was a lot of things, but not intentional murderers.

“Screw you, Jeremy.” She rose, slapped her hands on her hips and glared at him. “I’m not the naïve little girl I used to be. I grew up and learned not to listen to bullshit. Being with you gave me a pretty good radar.”

He sighed, and scrubbed a hand over his stubble. “I’m telling you the truth.”

She honestly couldn’t figure out if he was telling the truth. As always, he was calm. In control. Barely radiating anything other than quiet detachment. It was how it had always been with him, outside the bedroom anyway.

The hell she was going to put up with it now. “I’m leaving.”

She had no idea where she would go, but she needed to figure out a way to get to Grandma. If she was still alive, she’d have a chance. Though the blood… God there’d been so much blood. Shoving the images out of her mind before she broke down, she headed for the hall.

She had more than sorrow to deal with at the moment. Anger at Jeremy would keep her strong. Even now he thought she was an idiot. The bastard.

“You can’t leave,” he whispered when she reached the hall. “Not until the sun comes up.”

Like he gave a crap? “What difference does it make? The wolf’s still going to be out there. I could borrow your Harley. Leave it at my cottage for you to collect later.”

She’d steal the thing if she had to. There was no way she would spend the night with him. Ruby left the kitchen behind, wondering if the code for opening the shutters was the same. A dose of anxiety made her steps falter. If the creatures were out there it would be risky, but she’d be able to outrun the wolf on Jeremy’s bike.

“Re—Ruby, wait,” Jeremy said in that reasonable tone that made her want to punch him. He followed her down the hall.

She spun around, folded her arms across her chest and glared at him.

“The sun burns the creatures.”

“Next you’ll tell me they have fangs and can only survive on human blood.” Yeah, he definitely thought she was naïve.

He reached for her, but she stepped back.

Jeremy blew out a breath. “No, not like vampires. But they do seem to be allergic to the sun. Five minutes exposure causes third degree burns. That’s why the sightings are only at night.”

She searched his face, looking for a hint that he was playing her, but sincerity shone from those leaf green eyes. A moment later and it felt like she was falling into the depths. She trembled, but couldn’t be sure if it was him or the nightmare she’d gone through earlier witnessing—

“Grandma!” She spun, ran to the door. With shaking fingers she tried to punch in the code. “We can’t leave her, Jer. If she’s changing, she’ll fry.”

His arms banded around her waist, and hauled her back. “There’s nothing we can do until dawn, Rube. I’m sorry.”

Silent tears poured from her eyes, but she struggled in his arms. Jeremy didn’t loosen his grip, or lose his temper—not like he ever did. But then it hit her. He was right. Leaving now would risk them and who would save Grandma then? If they got her in the morning they could take her to a hospital, get the cure. Ruby only hoped all that blood loss didn’t mean… No, she wouldn’t think like that.

For once she agreed with his infuriating practical side. She hated him for it. And she still loved him so much it hurt. Ruby pushed out of his hold, swiped the tears from her eyes, and then whirled on him.

“The wolf wasn’t in the news, neither was the fact the infected are allergic to the sun. How do you know? And none of this ‘the government will kill me,’ crap. I want the truth from you for once.”

Jeremy turned away, his head bowed. “I always told you as much of the truth as I could. I never lied to you about my feelings.”

Well, saying he loved her meant shit after what he did, but she refused to go down that road. “Tell me it all now.”

She hugged her shoulders, needing comfort, needing a distraction from the horrors she’d faced tonight. Needing warmth in her icy veins. Jeremy looked at her and then ran up the stairs without a word. Before she could call after him a towel hit the bottom stair. She could hear him rummaging around the first floor as she lifted the offering, removed her wet coat and wrapped the cotton around herself.

He came back a few minutes later dressed in sleep pants and a white t-shirt, his hands full. Dark hair stuck out all over the place from where he’d towel dried it and her heart gave out a painful thump. Walking back into the past when she couldn’t have the man she loved was the hardest thing she’d done. Harder than walking away from him. Harder than seeing him with that woman.

“Put these on.” He handed her a bundle of clothes she hadn’t seen since she left him. “I’ll talk when I’m sure you’re not going to come down with hypothermia.”

She took her old sweats and fleece into the downstairs bathroom. When she got back, clean, dry and a bit warmer, Jeremy had started a fire and was on the sofa cradling his coffee, watching the flames. She picked up the mug he’d left for her on the side table and settled into the chair, as far away from him as the living room allowed.

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