Operation Barbarossa and Germany's Defeat in the East (108 page)

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Authors: David Stahel

Tags: #History, #Military, #General, #Europe, #Modern, #20th Century, #World War II

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J. P. Harris
Douglas Haig and the First World War

Table of Contents

Operation Barbarossa and Germany's Defeat in the East

Cambridge Military Histories

Title page

Copyright page


List of illustrations

List of maps


Glossary of terms

Tables of military ranks and army structures


Part I Strategic plans and theoretical conceptions for war against the Soviet Union

1 Fighting the bear
The evolution of early strategic planning
Two ways to skin a bear – the Marcks and Lossberg plans
Crisis postponed – from war games to Directive No. 21
2 The gathering storm
The army deployment directive
The dysfunctional order – delusion as operative discourse
Barbarossa – the zenith of war
3 Barbarossa's sword – Hitler's armed forces in 1941
Carrying fear before them and expectation behind – Hitler's panzer arm
Standing before the precipice – the infantry and Luftwaffe on the eve of Barbarossa
The impossible equation – the logistics and supply of Barbarossa
4 The advent of war
‘Welcome to hell on earth’

Part II The military campaign and the July/August crisis of 1941

5 Awakening the bear
Indecisive border battles and the surfacing of strategic dissent
The Belostok–Minsk pocket – anatomy of a hollow victory
Straining the limits – Bock's race to the rivers
6 The perilous advance to the east
Forging across the Dvina and Dnepr – the threshold to demise
‘The Russian is a colossus and strong’ (Adolf Hitler)
Caught in the hinterlands
7 The battle of Smolensk
The end of blitzkrieg
Crisis rising – the German command at war
‘I am on the brink of despair’ (Franz Halder)
8 The attrition of Army Group Centre
The killing fields at Yel'nya
Sealing the Smolensk pocket and Army Group Centre's fate
Victory at Smolensk? The paradox of a battle
9 In search of resurgence
The arduous road to renewal
‘Today is the beginning of positional warfare!’ (Fedor von Bock)
Embracing world war and apocalypse – Hitler reaches resolution
10 Showdown
Hitler's triumph in defeat




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