Perfectly Mixed (7 page)

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Authors: Ancelli

BOOK: Perfectly Mixed
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Chapter Eleven


Larissa massaged the back of her neck, waiting to get out of her truck. Tiffany came through for her again. She parked in front of the credit union, and she stared at the employees filing in the side door. The branch was having Equal Employment Opportunity complaints. Larissa was hired to have sessions with the employees, getting down to the root of the problem.

Larissa tapped her finger on her steering wheel. She wondered why the daycare would call Shane and not Liza? She hoped Grayson was okay. Maybe his mother just forgot to pack his snacks again. Larissa waited for Shane to call her back. She glanced at the VP entering the building, and then she looked into the rearview mirror, fixing the strands of hair around her bun.

She called Shane, but he didn’t answer. Larissa grabbed her briefcase, and placed her cell into the side pocket. She stepped out of her car, smoothing out her black pants. She sashayed into the credit union.

“Good morning, Ms. Edwards,” Ben grinned from ear to ear, and walked over to her. He extended his hand, and she shook it. “Will you be conducting one by one interviews or group sessions?”

“Good morning,” Larissa glanced around the room. “I would like to interview your supervisors one by one. The surveys and accusations I’ve read were mainly complaints on your leadership.”

“I understand,” Ben sighed. “Our turnovers are over sixty-three percent.”

“That’s high for such a small branch,” The credit union only had fifteen employees. “Which office will I be using?”

“Follow me,” Ben led the way down the short hall, and he opened the last door. “Who will you be seeing first?”

Larissa walked into the small office and placed her things down. “I would like to start with Liza Hall.”

“She’s not here yet,” he glanced at his watch, “but I’ll send her in as soon as she arrives,” Ben replied.

“It’s best if they don’t know what I’m here for,” she powered on the office computer. “I’m also recording the sessions.” Larissa made sure she disclosed her recording his employees, getting permission. “Is that okay?”

He nodded his head, “If you need anything please let me know.”

“Thank you,” Larissa sat behind the desk, and pulled out her laptop. Ben closed the door behind him. “Bitch, you messed with me, now it’s time for me to mess with you.” She said to herself.

Larissa could hear Ben talking to a female. “I don’t understand why I have to talk to some stranger, what is this about?”

“Liza, just do as I tell you,” Ben calmly replied.

There was a knock on the door.

“Showtime,” she whispered, staring at the entrance. “Come in.”

Liza swung the door open with a forced smile on her face, but as soon as she saw Larissa her fake smile faded. “What are you doing here?”

“Good morning, Liza,” she pointed at the seat in front of her desk. “Have a seat.”

Liza slammed the door shut. “What the fuck are you doing here?” She repeated.

She smirked, and sat back in the leather seat. “You came after me first.”

“You bitch,” Liza spat, entering the room.

“I warned you,” Larissa glared at her, “stop calling her out to play, but you didn’t listen,” she pushed back in her seat, and picked up her briefcase. “You wanted to meet the bitch in me, then brace yourself.” She pushed a button on her recorder she had hidden in her briefcase, before standing, and then took a few steps forward.

Liza laughed. “Are you here looking for a job, because we do not hire people like you.”

“People like me?” Larissa narrowed her eyes at her. Strike one.

“Black,” Liza smirked.

“So, you won’t hire me?” Larissa pointed at herself. “An educated, professional woman because I’m African-American.”

“Please, educated, I bet you didn’t even graduate high school,” Liza crossed her arms over her chest. “You people don’t understand the concept of work. Maybe you should be looking for a job at a fast food restaurant.” Strike two.

“Really?” Larissa was amused listening to the ignorant shit coming out of Liza’s mouth. What the hell did Shane ever see in her?

“Shane’s so stupid, you’re using him.” She shook her head. “You’re dating a white man because your own race doesn’t want you. Hopefully you’re not with him for the money, because after I’m done he won’t have much left.”

“Actually I have a Masters in Human Resources, and I believe I make triple as much as you do. I don’t need Shane’s money, unlike you. Child support is supposed to be used on and for the child,” Larissa leaned against the desk, and turned off the recording. How ignorant can one be? “That includes food, utilities, and the main necessities a child needs. Not name brands shoes and purses for you,” Larissa smirked, observing Liza’s pumps. “While your son is wearing shoes from the dollar store.”

“Keep away from my son,” Liza demanded. “He is mine and Shane’s. Nothing you do will ever change that. Stop brainwashing Grayson.”

“I’m not trying to take your place, I know he has a mother,” Larissa’s phone rang, she glanced at her bag, and continued. “We need to find a compromise when it comes to Grayson, because I’m not going anywhere. I love that little boy.”

“I will never share my son with you, he doesn’t need your type of love,” Liza took a step forward. “Shane will drop you if he wants to be in Grayson’s life.”

“Grayson needs all the love he can get. He is innocent in all of this. Your hatred hasn’t rubbed off on him yet, and as long as I’m around it won’t.” Larissa walked behind the desk, and grabbed her phone. “Why do you feel threatened by me?” She swiped the phone’s screen to view her missed calls. Shane had called her three times.

Liza chuckled. “Me threatened by you? Please.”

“You have to be, sending you brothers to do your dirty work. What were they supposed to do? Hurt me? Rough me up?” Larissa placed the phone on the desk.

“Those idiots.” Liza glared at her. “I wish I was there to see the fear in your eyes.”

“Fear, what fear?” Larissa gave her a sarcastic laugh. “I will never fear anyone with Shane by my side. He loves me.” She made sure to slowly say those last words. “Get it through your head, this isn’t temporary. Shane and I will be getting married.”

“I hate you.” Liza growled.

“Damn…” Larissa reared back. “Hate is such a strong word. All because I love a man you gave up.” She remained calm, this was going better than planned. “You had Shane, but you couldn’t keep your legs closed.” She dug in her purse, and pulled out a small mirror. “If you want to be mad at someone look at yourself in the mirror, honey.” She lifted it up, making Liza see her reflection in the mirror. “You were the one that fucked up on whatever you had with a great man, not me. I will never give up on Shane,” she placed the mirror back in her purse, and looked up. “You wanted me,” Larissa moved around the desk, and stood right in front of her. “I’m not afraid of you or your stupid brothers.”

Liza took a step back.

“Now,” Larissa smirked. “Do you value your job?”

Liza’s lips thinned, glaring at her.

“I can have you fired any time I want,” Larissa voiced. Now who had leverage?

“What are you talking about?” Liza’s voice dropped low.

“Guess what?” Larissa raised her voice. “I work for corporate. They sent me to find out what was going on in this branch. Why so many employees are quitting, and I think I have found the problem. It’s your racist ass.” Larissa twisted her lips. “I don’t have to touch you to hurt you.”

Larissa could hear commotion outside. All of a sudden the door flew open, and Shane ambled in slamming it shut. “You fucking bitch,” he grabbed Liza by the throat, walking her backward until he banged her against the wall. “How long have you been beating on my son?” he roared.

“Shane!” Larissa yelled, “Shane!”

“You beat my child over a fucking drawing,” his fingers wrapped around her neck. Liza was trying to fight him off as he eased her off the wall. “He’s an innocent child, and you beat him over some shit.”

“Let… me… go,” she scratched at his arms.

“Shane… please let her go,” Larissa begged. He was surprised to see her, he glanced back and then at Liza.

“I didn’t… mean… to… hurt… him…” she said between breaths.

“You didn’t mean to fucking hurt him?” Shane’s voice was vicious. “It’s not the fucking first time.”

“Shane,” Larissa grabbed his arm trying to move him, but he didn’t budge.

“Larissa, what are you doing here?” The veins in his neck throbbed.

“I’m working,” her voice rattled, she was worried about him. He was hurting Liza, and she could see his grip getting tighter. “Baby, whatever happened we can solve it together, please let her go.”

“Check your phone,” he demanded.


“Check your fucking phone,” he repeated.

Larissa walked over to the desk, picked up her phone and searched as fast as she could. And then her heart stopped. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at the marks on his baby’s back and legs. “Oh God,” she gasped. “Why?” Larissa turned, yelling at Liza.

“I didn’t…” Liza held onto his wrist. “I didn’t mean… to hurt… him.” She coughed.

“Why would you do something like that to someone you love?” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “He’s a baby!” Larissa shouted.

“Because of you,” Shane’s chest heaved up and down, letting Liza’s feet touch the floor.

Larissa dropped the phone, staring at them. Liza hurt that precious little boy because of her. “Me?” Shane didn’t look back. She sighed; Shane wasn’t going to kill her. If he had wanted Liza dead she would be by now. He was putting fear in her, letting her feel what Grayson must have felt, betrayed by his own mother. Larissa knew Shane was reliving his childhood in an abusive house with his parents.

“Because he loves you, Larissa” Shane cracked his neck, his chokehold on Liza wasn’t as tight as before. “Because I love you,” he said to Larissa, and then glared at Liza with shiny eyes. “You will never see my son again,” he balled his fist, and put it near her face making her flinch. “You fucking come near him and I will kill you,” he whispered.

“Shane, walk away and let me handle her. Please, baby, we’re getting married next Friday remember, and we can’t do that if you’re behind bars.” Larissa touched his back. “I’ve got you.”

Shane swung and punched a hole in the wall right next to Liza’s head. “You fucking bitch, you’re dead to me.”

“I didn’t…” Liza shook her head, gasping. “I made a mistake,” she cried out. “I love Grayson with all my heart,” she wiped her tears. “I made a mistake. You can’t take my son!” She yelled, taking deep breaths.

“Watch me. I’m getting the best fucking lawyer money can buy. I will have full custody of my son.” Shane stormed out of the office, leaving them alone.

Liza was watching the door. “He can’t take my son from me,” she whispered.

She twisted back around and Larissa slapped the shit out of Liza, making her head snap back. “What kind of a mother would hurt her own child like that?” Larissa was angry, now it was her that couldn’t control herself. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size? Now all bets are off, bitch. I saved you this time, but next time I hope I’m not around when Shane comes after you.”

“You hit me,” Liza held her cheek. “You’re not getting my son, both of you assaulted me today.” She plunged forward.

“Since you’re filing charges, let me finish what I started,” Larissa slapped at her and lunged forward, jumping on Liza. She swung her fist with everything she had.

Liza fought back this time, grabbing Larissa’s bun. “You black bitch!”

Larissa tried to get her to release her hair; she gripped her elbow and bit Liza’s arm, making her let go. Liza leapt at her, and Larissa kicked her in the stomach. “Who’s the bitch now?”  She held both fists up jumping from side to side, like she was in a boxing ring.

Liza held her stomach, and charged at Larissa. They thumped on the wall and then the door. She tugged Liza by her locks, tangled her finger in her hair, and with her other hand she punched her in the face. The door flew opened as a couple of people tried ripping them apart.  Larissa managed to land another kick in Liza’s stomach before they finally separated them.

Liza wiped the blood off her bottom lip. “Call… the police!” She yelled, looking at her palm.

“What the hell just happened?” Ben stared at Larissa as he held Liza. She pulled the blonde strands of hair from between her fingers. Larissa was taking deep breaths, calming down. Liza was going try to use this against Shane, but she wasn’t going to let that happen.

“That bitch jumped me for no reason,” Liza watched Larissa.

Larissa fixed her hair, and smoothed out her clothes. “You want to know why your employees hate working here, why they quit?” She grabbed her laptop, placed it in her briefcase, and picked up the small recorder. “It’s because of her,” she pointed at Liza. “Your supervisor is a racist pig.”

“Ben I’m not a racist,” Liza cried out. “I like you and you’re black.”

Larissa rewound the recording, and hit play. ‘Are you here looking for a job, because we do not hire people like you. You people don’t understand the concept of work. Maybe you should be looking for a job in a fast food restaurant.’

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