PrimevalPassion (10 page)

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Authors: Cyna Kade

BOOK: PrimevalPassion
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“What happened to consensual? Why are you doing this? And
what do you plan on doing?”

“So many questions, love. Everything will be clear when I
decide it’s time,” he replied while his back was still toward her.

“This is rape. Kidnapping and rape. You can’t do this.”

Alex’s aura deepened to a crimson so dark it was almost
black. He turned. “I’ll make a deal with you.”

“No deal. Just let me go.” Julia had never seen an aura
flicker the way Alex’s was doing now. Almost as if it couldn’t make up its

“Fifteen minutes.”

“What?” What was he talking about and why was he acting so
strange? Julia wasn’t following. She didn’t understand what was happening.

“Give me fifteen minutes. If in fifteen minutes you can tell
me to leave, I’ll go.”

Julia stopped pulling at her restraints and stared at Alex. “You’re

“No, love. I’m not joking. You know if I don’t take an
aggressive stand you’ll spend all winter telling me no. I’m a dominant
personality. I don’t take rejection well. Besides, we both know you’re lying.
You want me every bit as much as I want you. Fifteen minutes. Then tell me no
and I’ll leave.”

Julia swallowed hard. Could she last fifteen minutes? Did
she want to? Could she just surrender to this man?

Alex sat on the edge of the bed and relaxed against the post
near her left foot. “Time starts now.”

Chapter Ten


Charlene finished her bath. She’d washed her hair too. These
simple actions provided a link to normalcy. She wished she had nail polish. She
wished she could put on makeup too but there wasn’t any in the bathroom. She
shrugged. She looked good even with a naked face. It matched her naked body.
She stretched. The bath had worked out most of the kinks and she was ready for
round two.

Her heart raced when she heard Mark open the door. She stood
in the bathroom doorway.

He pointed. “Back to bed,” he said.

She noticed the sheets had been changed. Had that happened
while she’d been in the bath? Who’d done it? Did it matter? She pulled back the
clean sheets and sat against the headboard.

Mark placed a tray of food on her lap. “Eat,” he said as he
sat on the bed.

The smell of food triggered her appetite. She realized she
was ravenous and she eagerly lifted the cover. The tray contained eggs, bacon,
toast and coffee. She usually didn’t eat breakfast but she didn’t have to worry
about the calories right now. She was sure she’d worked them off already.

Mark stayed silent as he watched her eat. She took the last
bite and laid down her fork. She was warm and happy. She smiled at Mark. He
smiled back as he picked up the tray and placed it outside the door of her
room. Then he came back and lay next to her. She snuggled against him. He
pulled her close and kissed her.

“You have an extensive list of things you’ve agreed to. How
many of them have you actually tried?”

She giggled. “You know what I’ve tried.”

“Are you still willing to try all the things you agreed to?
Do you want to change your list?”

“Yes and no. Yes, I’m still willing. No, I don’t want to
change my list.”

“Charlene, you’re very inexperienced. Some of these things
would cause an experienced sub to blanch. There’s no shame in changing your

“I love what we’ve done. I’ve never experienced such freedom.
I feel so alive. Please don’t stop now.”

“You’re placing a large amount of trust in me. You do
realize that, don’t you?”

Charlene raised her head and lightly stroked Mark’s face. “I
trust you.”

“Good,” Mark replied as he rolled over and grabbed Charlene’s
wrists. He quickly tied them above her head. He rested his weight on her so she
could feel his engorged cock before he placed a finger on her lips. “Don’t
talk. Don’t move. I’ll be back in a little while. I have a special surprise for

Mark left the room. Charlene’s insides squirmed. What was he
going to do next? She couldn’t wait to find out.

Mark came back into the room with a small tray table.

Charlene raised her head and frowned.

The table was covered. She could see lumps indicating
objects underneath the cloth.

Mark pulled the tray close to the bed. “Do you remember you
agreed to anal sex?”

Charlene swallowed hard. “Yes, I remember.”

“Well anal sex is an art form. We can’t just dive into it or
you’d be ripped to shreds. You need to be trained first.” Mark threw back the
cloth, revealing a wide variety of anal plugs.

Charlene’s breath hitched. She’d seen them before but she’d
never tried them. The smallest one looked too large to fit. “Mark…” Her voice
wobbled as she tried to express her concern.

“Master,” he replied. “I’m not Mark now.”

“Please Master. I’m frightened.”

“Good. That’s exactly the right response to your situation.
Let’s get you prepared.” He reached up and pulled down the sling apparatus.
Charlene lay passively while he arranged her legs so her butt was fully

Mark gave her a playful slap then a harder one that caused
her to squeak. He laughed and slapped her rear again and again.

Five slaps later Charlene’s ass was hot and her pussy
dripped. She closed her eyes and focused on her arousal. She’d always had a hard
time having an orgasm but Mark seemed to know exactly how far to take her. She
squirmed, waiting for the next slap.

Instead Mark pinched a nipple. “You love this, don’t you?
You are such a responsive little sub. You like your pleasure edged with a
little pain. You’re such a slut,” Mark taunted her as he clamped one nipple
then the other.

The burn of her butt combined with the pain of the clamps
had Charlene moaning. She wanted to come. She needed to come but Mark ignored
her clit and her cunt. Cold jelly against her anus brought Charlene back to the
reality of her situation.

Mark used a finger to spread the lubricant around and just
inside her. “Perfect,” he murmured. He grabbed two of the plugs and held them
up for Charlene to see. “Which one?” he asked.

Charlene shook her head. They were both larger than a dildo.
She couldn’t take either one. Mark cocked an eyebrow waiting for an answer.
Charlene closed her eyes and replied, “Whichever one you prefer, Master.” She
had to trust Mark that he really wouldn’t split her open.

“That’s a perfect answer, little one. You’re learning.”

Charlene took a deep breath and tried to ignore her arousal.
Being on the peak for a long time caused her thinking to go fuzzy. She tried to
ignore the inexorable pull until finally she just surrendered to it. She felt
an object at her entrance. Mark pushed it in a little and then pulled it back.
Then he pushed it in a little more and Charlene’s senses exploded.

Mark placed a hand on her belly to hold her still while he
pushed and pulled, slowly widening her anus.

Nothing had prepared Charlene for the exquisite pain and
pleasure of anal penetration. She wanted to scream—whether in protest or in
pleasure she wasn’t sure. She longed to tell him to go faster. No, go slower.
Sensations bombarded her until she couldn’t sort them out and just went along
for the ride. She gasped when Mark pulled out the plug. The lack of it created
an emptiness she knew she couldn’t fill without him. She relaxed when he added
more jelly. He’d changed plugs. This one was bigger. She moaned and thrashed,
as Mark was rougher this time. He pushed it in faster and harder. Her anus
burned but it wasn’t unpleasant. It was arousing. She wanted more but knew
better than to say anything.

He pulled out the plug and threw it in a bin. He walked to
the cupboard and took out something. He came back. Before he started, Mark held
a different plug up in front of Charlene. “Look at what you’re going to take
for me,” he said.

The new plug was larger than the other two he’d shown her
earlier. Her cunt dripped with need. She wanted him to shove it inside her.
Inside her vagina or inside her anus, it didn’t matter where, she just needed
it. “Yes Master,” she whispered.

Mark smiled and went back to her butt. He slapped her two more
times, each time harder. Heat flowed at the same time he started the tip of the
plug into her anus. She moaned as she was stretched. Tears filled her eyes as
the widest part of the plug stretched her tender opening. Then it was past her
tight ring and locked deep inside her.

Mark spread her cunt. “How does it feel to have your anus so
full? Does it make your cunt feel even emptier? It looks wet and needy.”

“It is, Master. Please fill me,” she gasped.

“Not yet.” Mark unhooked the sling that had kept her legs
out of the way.

“Master?” Charlene was confused by his actions. The plug was
still buried deep inside. He couldn’t be done. Could he?

“Hold the plug. Don’t let it escape and when I come back—if
the plug is still in—then I might let you have a release.”

Mark stretched out Charlene’s legs. He bound them at the
ankles so she couldn’t move much. It should help her hold in the rectal plug.
He was proud of her. He’d never thought she’d be able to take a plug of that
size but she seemed to thrive on being pushed. He wouldn’t leave it too long
but the timing uncertainty would add to her arousal

Charlene squirmed. He knew she needed release but that she
wanted to please him. Charlene would do as she was told. He smiled and left the

By the time Mark came back, there was a light sheen of sweat
on her forehead. He released her arms and flipped her over on her stomach. Then
he dragged her to the edge of the bed. He gently worked the plug out. Then he
pushed his cock in the widened hole. His fingers played with her clit and cunt
until he felt her spasm and clench around his cock. He rocked back and forth,
enjoying the tight squeeze of her anal ring. He clenched his teeth, trying to
drag out the sensation of being gripped so tightly until he could no longer
deny his satisfaction. He shot his cum deep into Charlene as he roared with

* * * * *

“Do something!” Julia demanded.

Alex continued sitting at the foot of her bed without
touching her.

Her arousal was sharp and with her hands tied, she couldn’t
do anything to help herself come. Her hips squirmed. With Alex so close, she
craved his touch. Her orgasm was close but still far away.

Alex stayed still with his arms folded across his chest. “What
would you have me do?”

“Help me come or untie me and I’ll take care of myself.”

“No,” Alex replied.

“Damn you! I don’t understand! Isn’t that what you want? My
surrender?” Julia squirmed some more. She was close to coming even though she
knew she’d still feel empty when she did. She’d mistakenly thought that Alex
was going to help. Why else had he tied her up? Why was he making her wait?

“You’ve only been there five minutes,” Alex said.

Julia stilled. Horrified by the fact it had been such a
short time. It had seemed like an eternity. “Help me,” she said.

Alex cocked his head. “You claimed I was raping you so I’m
not touching you. Isn’t this what you asked for? Didn’t you want me to leave
you alone? I’m leaving you alone.”

“You bastard! You know that’s not what I meant.”

“Then maybe you should be more explicit. Tell me what you
meant, Julia. Tell me what you want.” Alex’s eyes blazed with demand.

He didn’t know what made Julia so different but as she
struggled, so did he. The more distracted she became, the more he fought to
remain in control. His power didn’t lessen his arousal and it was nearly
overwhelming. He wanted Julia and if this didn’t work, he wasn’t sure what he’d
try next. He wanted the woman with an intensity that shocked him. This had to
work. She had to surrender.

“Let me go!”

“You have eight more minutes, Julia.”

“No,” she moaned. “I need you now.”

“What did you say, Julia? Look at me and say it again.”

Julia tossed her head back and forth before she stilled. Why
was she fighting? She swallowed hard then sagged and stared at Alex. “Help me.
I need you.”

“Tell me it’s not rape.”

“It’s not rape. You’re right, we both know it’s not rape.
Help me, Alex.”

Alex reached out a hand and inserted two fingers into Julia’s
cunt. She clenched so hard he thought she might break his fingers then she
came. Wave after wave of pleasure shook her until she finally sighed in relief
and relaxed.

Julia didn’t look at Alex but she started talking. “The
satisfaction won’t last long. In five minutes or less, the arousal will be back
as if it had never been satisfied. It’ like an animal that’s eating me alive. I
can’t get any long-lasting relief. I don’t know how much longer I can go on
like this.”

Alex untied her ankles and her wrists then he lay down next
to her and pulled her into his arms. “Surrender to me. I don’t know that I can
help you but I know I want to try. It has to be on my terms though. You’ve
already tried your way and it didn’t work, did it? How many men did you fuck
hoping to find one who could keep up with your needs? And the disappointment
grew each time a man failed until you’ve convinced yourself that you’re beyond
help. I won’t let your arousal drive my actions. I’m in charge. Accept that
fact. Trust me to keep you safe. Trust me to try to help you. Can you do that?
Can you give me that kind of control?”

Julia had stilled. He was asking for her total surrender. He
was asking her to buy into his lifestyle and she wasn’t sure she could handle
it. But did she have any other option? She knew she couldn’t continue on her
current path. Alex wasn’t promising to cure her. He was promising to try, to
make her life a little more bearable. That was worth the risk, wasn’t it? “I
don’t know if I can be submissive. I don’t know if I can take pain. I don’t
know if I can fit into your lifestyle, Alex.”

“There is no set lifestyle, Julia. Every woman is different,
every woman has different needs. I’m not making promises to you. I don’t expect
any from you. All I expect is the same thing I’ll give—a sincere effort. We’ll
try together.”

“I can try,” she whispered.

“Are you sure?”

Julia closed her eyes. She hesitated for a brief moment
before she said, “Yes.”

“Good,” Alex said. He grabbed a condom from the nightstand
and slipped it on his cock. He rolled over on top of her and continued, “Because
I don’t think I can hold out any longer. I want to feel those incredible
orgasms squeezing my cock while it’s buried deep inside you.” Alex bent his
head and kissed her.

Julia ripped at the buttons of his shirt. She wanted the
same. She wanted to feel Alex, all of him. Alex caught her hands and bound them
again, pulling Julia out of her rising heat. “What? Why?”

“We do this my way and my way is not fast. Not hurried. Not
like animals. My way is teasing and taunting and tantalizing and slowly driving
both of us crazy.” He jumped off the bed and finished stripping off his

Julia’s breath caught at the sight of him. Rock-hard abs and
a tight butt just emphasized the sheer size of him. He hadn’t been kidding. His
cock was bigger than the dildo he’d given her. She had to work to prevent
herself from drooling. “I’m already crazy. There’s no buildup with me. I go
directly to hot.”

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