PrimevalPassion (14 page)

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Authors: Cyna Kade

BOOK: PrimevalPassion
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Chapter Fourteen


Alex entered his study. It was late and no one was around.
He briefly considered trying to finish Julia’s taming alone but he knew that
his judgment was not the best now. He’d even sent an amateur to help Julia
adjust. What had he been thinking? He needed help.

He dialed Suzanne’s cabin. When she answered he said, “I
need help with Julia. Meet me in the study.”

“Alex? It’s late. Can’t it wait until morning?”


Alex heard her sigh but she replied, “I’m on my way.”

While he waited for Suzanne, he flicked on the video monitor
for room five, including the rarely used bathroom monitor.

He could tell by Julia’s stance that she wasn’t happy to
have a visitor. Alex tore his gaze away when Suzanne entered the room.

Alex walked to his desk, picked up Julia’s contract and
tossed it to Suzanne.

Suzanne glanced at the monitor. “Congratulations! I didn’t
think she’d sign this quickly. I thought you’d have to wait a few more weeks.”

“You know I’m good, Suzanne.”

“Yes, love, we both know you are very good.” Suzanne read
the contract and cast another glance at the monitor. “So what’s the problem?
She checked that experience. I don’t understand what you need from me.”

“The problem is that I don’t want to watch this.”

“Then don’t.”

“She’s mine, Suzanne. She’s mine. I’ve never felt this
raging sense of possessiveness before. I don’t want anyone else to see her or
touch her or even talk to her.”

Suzanne laughed.

Alex scowled at her.

“You’ve got it bad, darling. Have you considered that maybe
you should ignore her contract and just tell her you love her?”

“I wish I could do that but she needs my help, Suzanne.”
Alex turned back to the monitor. “She’s insatiable and everyone has convinced
her that her sexual needs are unnatural. That she’s abnormal. She doesn’t trust
men, Suzanne. She’s not in a place where she’d believe I love her or that we
can make it work.”

“She finally told you about her problem?”

Alex nodded. “I’ve slowed her down. I know I can help her
but I’m not sure I can help her on my own. I’m not sure even my drive can keep
up with her.”

Suzanne felt like a therapist as she asked, “Have you told
her that?”

“No. Not yet. She’s not ready yet.”

Suzanne cast Alex a sharp glance. “Is she enjoying the
experience? Will she fit in here?”

“She’s perfect.”

“You’re tired. You’ve been exerting too much control. Let
the rest of us help. Isn’t that what we’re here for? To help each other?”

Alex sighed. “I know, but it’s ripping me up to watch them.
What am I going to do when another man gives her an orgasm?” he asked, pointing
to the monitor. “How can I let that continue?”

“You don’t watch, darling.”

“Someone needs to. I can’t leave her on her own. Her
agreement is only until the end of the week and it is very tenuous.”

“You went over to her cabin two days ago. Have you had any
rest since then?”

Alex shook his head.

“Then go take a nap. You know you can’t dominate when you’re
tired. I’ll make sure Julia is taken care of.”

“You’re sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. Isn’t that why you wanted me here, so
that you wouldn’t have to be responsible for everything?”

Alex reached out and cupped Suzanne’s face. He bent forward
and kissed her forehead. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome. Now go and get some sleep.”

Suzanne turned toward the monitor as Alex left the room. She
smiled. The combination Alex had created was inspired. Alex was a genius, no
matter how tired he was. He just missed one final piece, the piece he couldn’t
admit that Julia needed. Luckily Suzanne was not emotionally involved. She’d
make sure Julia was properly taken care of, at least for tonight.

* * * * *

“Alex stopped by my room. He sent me to help you. My name is

“I don’t need any help taking a bath.” Julia took the woman’s
arm to escort her out of the bathroom.

The woman pulled away. “No. I’m not leaving. There’s nothing
you can do that will cause me to disappoint Alex. Today was the first time I’ve
seen him since the day I arrived. He is so gorgeous, so strong and dominant. I
can’t wait to play a scene with him.”

“What makes you think you’ll ever get a chance to do that?”
Julia asked, her voice angry and tight.

Charlene straightened and said, “Don’t you realize where you
are? Didn’t you sign a contract? No one is monogamous here. I want an
invitation to return here so I’m going to do exactly as Alex asked.” The woman
shook her head, causing her long blonde hair to cascade down her back.

Julia recognized the motion. “You arrived at the lake the
same day I did. I saw you on the docks.”

“Yes. It’s my first week and I love it here.”

“Seriously? You like being dominated?”

“Seriously? You don’t?” Charlene retorted.

Julia took a step back, a little stunned by the woman’s
quick response.

Charlene turned her back to Julia, shrugged off her robe,
walked down a step and sat on the edge of the tub. “Maybe you don’t want to use
this glorious bathtub but it’s a lot better than the one in my room and I’m
anxious to try it out.” She reached out and turned the water on. Her fingers
trailed in the stream. “I like my water hot. What about you?”

Julia shook her head and took a step back. “I’m not taking a
bath with you.”

“Just pretend it’s a hot tub. I’m not going to attack you
and it’s definitely large enough for two.” Charlene poured some bubble bath
into the tub. The hot, moist scent of lavender filled the air. Charlene climbed
down into the tub. “Oh it’s perfect. Come on. Don’t be shy.”

Julia eyed the tub for a moment before longing won over
reticence. Her shower at the cabin was functional. No one would ever call it
luxurious. She sat on the vanity chair and pulled off her boots. She stood and
turned her back to Charlene, slowly unbuttoned her blouse and then shimmied out
of her jeans.

Charlene had moved to one side, leaving plenty of room for

Julia tried to avoid Charlene’s eyes. She couldn’t remember
ever being fully naked before another woman. Charlene didn’t seem to care.
Julia was a little intimidated by the size of Charlene’s breasts. They were
large, rounded and firm. Julia wondered if they were as tight as they looked and
she was amazed by the size of Charlene’s nipples. They must have been an inch
long. Julia’s assets were not as large.

Charlene tossed her a sponge and Julia soaped her breasts.
Her nipples rose as air hit her wet mounds.

“Oh, you’re so pretty,” Charlene said. “Your nipples are

“But not as large as yours.”

“Large isn’t always good.”

“Really? I’d think they would excite men.”

“They do. Unfortunately men don’t always realize large
nipples are still sensitive. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to clamps and

“Clamps and clips?”

“Hasn’t Alex introduced you to those?”

Julia didn’t answer. Instead she asked, “What does it feel

“The clips and clamps?”


“Then what does what feel like?”

Julia swallowed hard. “What does it feel like to be a sub?”

“Aren’t you a sub too? Hasn’t Alex taught you that?”

“Not really.”

“Oh you must be so disappointed.”


Charlene laughed. “Being a sub is the best thing I’ve ever
experienced. I don’t have to worry about anything. I’ve never known such a
sense of freedom.”

“But you have no control.”

“No, I don’t have control. Isn’t it wonderful?”

Julia frowned. She’d never met a person who was happy to
turn over control to someone else. The concept was just so alien to Julia that
she still hadn’t been able to process what her responses should be.

The outer door opened and a large man entered the bathroom.
Julia tried to sink beneath the bubbles. Charlene immediately went to her knees
and bowed her head while still keeping her eyes on the man.

Julia watched as the man curled a finger at Charlene,
summoning her out of the tub. He grabbed a towel and covered Charlene as she
stood up and stepped out.

Then he pointed at Julia. “You too, darling.”

Julia shook her head. The man laughed. He pulled a piece of
paper out of his pocket. “You signed for multiple partners, sweetheart. Either
you come with me peacefully or I’ll drag you. Your choice.”

Julia swallowed hard. What had she been thinking? She’d been
thinking that Alex would never let another man touch her. That was what she’d
been thinking. She slowly climbed out of the tub. The man wrapped her in a
towel and swatted her on the butt. He whispered in her ear, “I’ll forgive your
slowness because you’re new. Next time I’ll punish you for hesitating. Do you

Julia nodded.

“My name is Steven. You may call me Master Steve. Do you
both understand?”

He waited for their nods then he said, “Follow me.”

He led them into the bedroom. “Lose the towels.”

Charlene immediately dropped her towel. Julia hesitated.
Steven cocked an eyebrow at her. She let the towel slide down her damp body.

Steven kept his eyes on Julia as he grabbed one of Charlene’s
wrists. He touched a switch on the wall and an entire panel slid up, revealing
chains and various whips.

Julia sharply inhaled when she realized the chains were
restraints. Steven smiled and his eyes finally left her.

He flipped Charlene so she faced the wall then he affixed
chains to each of her wrists. He pressed a button. The chains retracted,
pulling Charlene’s wrists until her arms extended over her head and her breasts
were flat against the wall.

Julia took a step back. It was one thing to watch a scene
through a glass wall, quite another to be in the same room. She didn’t want to
see Charlene whipped. She took another step back. What was she going to do? She
couldn’t leave without her clothes and she had a feeling if she tried to get
them Master Steven would stop her. He’d already neutralized Charlene. Julia
wouldn’t get any help from her.

Her focus had wandered while she tried to figure a way out
of her predicament. She started when she felt the man behind her. He held
something that looked like a branch. He flicked it and Julia realized it was a
switch, like a slender riding whip. She flinched.

He grabbed her and laughed in Julia’s ear. “You’re going to
use this on her.”

Julia went cold even as her cunt clenched in anticipation. “What?”

The man swatted her rear end.

“You call me Master and you don’t question my commands.”

Julia’s senses reeled. She was horrified and thrilled at the
same time. She didn’t want to hurt Charlene then she remembered Charlene’s look
of ecstasy when describing what it was like to be a sub. Besides, Julia had a
feeling that if she refused, she might end up in Charlene’s place. Julia
nodded. The man gave her a little nudge.

Julia walked closer to Charlene. Steven moved close behind
her and reached around her to cup her breasts. His hands were large and rough.
He pinched her nipples between his fingers and Julia nearly came. He had
exactly the right touch—firm, a little rough but not to the point of pain.

“Do it,” he said. His voice was harsh and commanding.

She flicked the switch. Charlene gasped and Steven squeezed
Julia’s nipples. Her cunt tightened and she stumbled. Steven held on to her.

“Again,” he commanded as he massaged Julia’s breasts.

She flicked the switch again as Steven fondled her breasts.
He varied the intensity from hard to soft and caressing. Julia’s senses reeled.

Now there were two faint lines on Charlene’s butt and
Charlene’s breathing was ragged. Julia’s breath wasn’t any steadier.

Steven inserted a finger into Julia’s vagina. “You like
this, don’t you?” He held her as her knees buckled. He put another finger in
her cunt and whispered in her ear, “So wet and ready. Hit her again.”

Steven laughed in her ear while she fought off another
climax. Her arousal made her shaky and she nearly missed as she hit Charlene
one more time.

Weakly she went for a fourth stroke when Steven grabbed her
wrist. “That’s enough, love.”

He took the switch away from her and released her. Julia
struggled to stay standing.

He released Charlene and closed the wall. “Go finish your
bath,” he said to Julia as he led Charlene out of the room.

Julia sank to her knees, struggling to make sense of her
feelings. Had she really enjoyed whipping Charlene? Had she enjoyed the sense of
power that much? Or had Steven’s control caused her arousal? Her emotions were
all jumbled and her cunt was on fire. She was so horny. She needed to come
again. Between Steven’s actions and whipping Charlene, she was so aroused she
could barely move. What kind of sick woman was she?

* * * * *

Suzanne had watched the scene with Steven. She’d known he’d
be perfect for it and it was a good thing the scene finished before Alex came
back. Alex never would have approved. She let Julia stew for another hour and
then she went downstairs to continue Julia’s education.

Julia heard the door open but she kept her head under the
covers. She wasn’t sure she was ready to continue. The scene with Charlene had
left her confused. She’d never expected to be attracted to the thought of
whipping anyone, much less another woman.

“Julia, it is time to talk.”

Julia raised her head. Suzanne stood in the doorway.

“Come on, love, how is your problem now?”

Julia started and just stared at Suzanne as she realized
what Suzanne meant. “It’s better but then I’ve never had as many orgasms in
such a short time.”

Suzanne sat down on the edge of the bed. She tilted her head
and asked, “Did you enjoy the scene with Master Steven and Charlene?”

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