Professor Cline Revealed (18 page)

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Authors: J. M. La Rocca

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Professor Cline Revealed
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Chapter 24



It took Melanie and I almost three hours to get ready before we finally walked into the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the charity event. It was the first time I’d been to museum and wondered why the heck it had taken me so long to step foot inside.

On the way to the museum, Melanie had told me it would be the first time she’d attended this specific event. Although she’d accompanied John to other events, she’d never been to one of that magnitude.

“Wow, they really go all out, don’t they?” I said to Melanie as I continued to look around.

Everyone was dressed to the nines in beautiful gowns and tuxedos. I was thankful Melanie had offered to pay for half of my dress or I wouldn’t have shown up to the event at all. Trying to shop in New York for dresses was like trying to pay off my student loans.

Melanie chose a black strapless one with a sweetheart neckline and rhinestones decorating the bodice, which flowed out into chiffon material. It was beautiful on her and fit just right.

She also picked out my dress. She said I needed to be more daring and once I tried on the dress, I knew it was the one. It was a little more risqué than what I probably would have selected for myself, but I needed to live a little. The dress was a floor-length strapless chiffon sweetheart, almost like Melanie’s, but the design was different. The top was cut lower and it was more form-fitting around the hips than hers. I also had no rhinestones. The chiffon bunched around the bodice then flared out into the skirt. But the best part was the slit up my left leg, which went all the way to the top of my thigh. It was daring and so unlike me and I loved it. Melanie wouldn’t let me leave without it, so we purchased it together.

She left her hair down in soft waves and helped me do a half up-do with some curls. And we both wore very little makeup. The dresses spoke loud enough, so we didn’t need to cake on the makeup, too.

“It’s great, isn’t it? We’ll have to come back one day so you can get a tour. I loved coming when I first moved here. I just haven’t had time lately, but we’ll make time,” she said as she looked at me with a smile. “We need to hang out some more. I was so excited for you to be in the same city as me, and it’s like we never even see each other.”

She gave me a sad face and I laughed.

“I know, but you’re always busy. I know John is a demanding boss.”

She rolled her eyes. “Speaking of John, I need to find him. He told me he had someone he wanted me to meet when I got here,” she explained as she looked around the room. “Oh, there he is.” She gestured with her head.

I looked in the direction and locked eyes with piercing blue ones.

“Hot damn, your professor is here, too.”

My heart raced as I kept my eyes on his. I wasn’t expecting to see him and wondered if Melanie knew he would be there. He hadn’t talked to me since Wednesday when he’d called me out in class to go over my case. Embarrassing me to the point of tears. I didn’t understand how he could go from showing me so much passion and lust to treating me as if he wished I didn’t exist. I felt like he was juggling with my emotions, but I was letting it happen. I couldn’t seem to get him out of my head, but I had to stand up for myself. Letting him treat me that way was unacceptable. He’d said I would be his, that he couldn’t get me out of his head, but then he’d pushed me away.

I didn’t want to play his game and I knew I just needed to move on. At least, that was what I kept telling myself.

We made our way over to the group standing next to the bar, all deep in conversation except for Mason and the woman standing closest to him. I averted my eyes from Mason’s to look her over. She was tall, blonde, and dressed in a royal blue, silk halter dress. She was beautiful and I noticed her eyes kept drifting to Mason, who was still staring at me.

“I’m going to need a drink,” I whispered to Melanie as we came to a stop by the group. I was right beside Mason and kept my eyes to the floor as if there was something more interesting happening down there. Being with him in a public setting was the hardest part for me. How was I not supposed to stare at him? Or blush?

I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye and then felt a touch on the side of my hip. I lifted my head up and looked at Mason, but he was turned toward the bartender. I wondered if he’d touched me on purpose.

I bit my lip and looked up to see the blonde glaring at me. A sense of unease knotted up my stomach. I wasn’t sure what her problem was, but I could tell immediately we definitely wouldn’t be becoming best friends.

“Melanie, there you are. I have someone I’d like you to meet.”

Melanie grabbed my arm as soon as John started to speak, and when I looked up I knew why.

Tim stood there with Stacey the slut and his father Calvin. I could feel my face go slack as we looked at each other. I hadn’t seen him since the day I’d gone to the apartment to get my things, and an ache I’d thought had long passed rose to the surface.

I furrowed my brow and swayed a little on my heels as I stepped away from the group, walking to the other side of Mason to get the bartender’s attention. I’d leave my sister to do her thing and question her later on whether or not she knew he’d be here.

I flagged the bartender down and ordered a chocolate martini. I needed alcohol and chocolate, and there was no better way than to have them together.

“Ms. Blake.”

I didn’t turn to look at him because I could feel him standing next to me. It confused me yet again. Why could I not get a clear read from the man?

“Mr. Cline,” I replied.

“You feeling okay? You look slightly pale.”

“Are you asking out of concern, Mr. Cline? Or are you trying to make small talk?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the bartender.

“Ah, there’s the feistiness I love.”

I turned to glare at him and looked down to see exactly how close he was standing next to me as he leaned on the bar. It would definitely look inappropriate to anyone who knew I was his student.

“Should you really be standing this close to me, Mr. Cline? We wouldn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea, now would we?” I raised my brow.

We stared at each other for a few moments until my drink was placed in front of me. I turned away from him and grabbed it, taking a big sip to calm my nerves.

“If I didn’t know any better, Ms. Blake, I’d say you were unhappy with me.”

I turned and glowered at him. “You’re so perceptive.”

“Em, come here for a moment,” Melanie called to me. I turned toward her, plastering a smile on my face, but not before noticing Mason grin at me. “Mr. Cline, I’d like you to meet my sister, Emmalynn.”

I looked toward John and put a bright smile on my face. I’d told Melanie to introduce me to other well-known attorneys, so I needed to be grateful for the opportunity. Thus I needed to ignore the fact that my lying, cheating ex was within ten feet of me with his new slut and the man I was currently having sex with was standing right next to me.

“It’s good to finally meet you, Emmalynn,” he said as he clasped my hand. “I hear you’re also one of Mason’s students.” He smiled and let go of me.

I nodded. “Yes, sir. He’s my criminal law professor.”

“And what do you think of Emmalynn so far, Mason?” John asked.

I looked toward Mason, wanting to narrow my eyes at him, but refrained. I could feel the sheen of sweat coat my forehead as I waited for him to answer.

“She’s definitely one you’re going to have to watch out for.” He smiled and looked down at me.

Out of all the things he could have said, I didn’t expect him to say that after what had happened on Wednesday.

“I’ll have to keep an eye on her then,” he said to Mason, a glint in his eye.

I could see Mason’s jaw twitch at John’s words. I wasn’t sure what that was about, but I could feel the tension coming off the both of them.

“Mason, dear, would you mind getting me a white wine?” the blonde asked.

Mason gave her a slight nod and turned toward the bar.

I tried not to make it obvious as I watched her looking over Mason’s every move.

“Sweetheart, you should have told me and I would have gotten you something,” John stated as he kissed the top of her head and caught me watching.

“This is my fiancée, Rachel,” he said to me with a smile then pointed to the rest of the group. “And this is Calvin and Tim Stanley. And Calvin’s assistant, Stacey.”

I looked toward them with a nod, trying not to be rude as I didn’t even look them in the eye. I was uncomfortable in the situation and Calvin had to make it worse.

“It’s good to see you again, Emma,” Calvin stated.

“You, too, Mr. Stanley.”

I knew I needed to be professional, but I hated the devious look he was giving me. I had the urge to punch him in the face. He probably knew about his son’s infidelities the entire time.

“You two already know each other?” Mr. Cline asked.

I glanced at Melanie and she looked at me with a sympathetic smile. I knew it was out of her control, but I really wanted to get the hell out of there.

“We attended school together,” Tim explained.

I all but sneered at him as he smiled at Mr. Cline. I wanted to slap the smile off his face. I guess that was all we really were, though, just old classmates.

“Well, come on now,” Mr. Stanley started. I gave him a pleading look because I knew what he was about to say, but it was completely ignored. “She was more than just your classmate, now wasn’t she?” He nudged Tim in the arm as if it was some kind of joke and I looked at him with disdain. I wasn’t happy about him bringing up our personal situation, and from the look on Tim’s face he wasn’t either. What did he have to be angry about? His expression only fueled my need to speak.

“Yeah, Tim. Three years together constitutes being more than just classmates, right? But then again, Stacey was just supposed to be your dad’s assistant, too.” I smiled brightly at him as he stared at me blankly. I could feel the slut-bitch’s eyes glaring at me, but I didn’t care.

So much for acting professional

“Don’t you have some clients you need to smooze, John?” Mason chimed in, standing beside me.

John looked at me, then to Mason. “Of course,” he said then turned to Calvin and Tim. “If you’ll excuse us, Rachel and I have some mingling to do. We can talk later.”

Melanie turned to me and I felt nothing but relief as she pulled me aside.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I had no idea who he wanted me to meet. If I would have known, Em…” she apologized, shaking her head.

I knew she would never have invited me if she’d been aware, but all I wanted to do was go home.

“I’ll probably just catch a taxi and leave, Mel. I don’t even want to be here anymore,” I said as I felt a hand at the center of my back. I turned to see Mason standing right next to me.

“Nonsense. At least let me walk you around to see all the art on display,” he suggested.

I looked at him bewildered and wondered exactly what his motive was for suggesting we spend any time together in public. I didn’t know what to expect from him at any time. I just needed to stop being surprised.

“That would be great, Mr. Cline,” Melanie smiled.

“Please, call me Mason.” He smiled.

She returned it. “I’m going to go catch up with Mr. Cline, but make sure you find me in a little bit, okay?” she said to me.

“Of course.” I nodded. “Go on, I’ll be fine.”

I watched her walk away and glanced around the room. The place had filled up over the last few minutes and I noticed some faces I’d seen on TV before. I’d obviously been more occupied than usual to not notice there were celebrities walking around a room I was standing in.

“So, Tim was the ex you spoke of?” Mason asked, looking in my line of sight.

I turned and studied his expression before placing my drink on the bar.

“Does it matter?”

He stared into my eyes for a moment before replying. "He was stupid for letting you go.”

“Is that so?” I replied, getting annoyed. “What exactly are you after, Mason? Will there ever be a time I’m not confused by you?”

He laughed, causing the lines around his eyes to become pronounced. He looked so young and carefree when he laughed and I knew he didn’t do it nearly as much as he should.

Resting a hand on the center of my back, he guided me toward the back of the gallery area where beautiful paintings were on display and there were less people.

“I told you I was bad for you, Emma. I won’t lie and say I’m an easy man to understand and I know I haven’t been forthcoming with my actions, but I
want you.”

I looked over the painting we were standing in front of, letting his words sink in.

Forthcoming? He’s nothing

“I’d have to disagree with you. You’ve been very forthcoming. The more I go over and over everything in my mind, the clearer it all becomes. You want a fuck-buddy, but only when it’s convenient for you. You want a submissive, someone who will bend to your will. Someone who will fawn over your looks and dirty talk.”

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