Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One) (27 page)

BOOK: Race Riders (The Hidden Quest- Book One)
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“How interesting Zach.” Kira clapped her hands “Would you like to dance with me?”

“Well you might be disappointed as I’m not much of a dancer.” Zach said blushing and feeling a little panicked.

“Go on Zach” Dredd said giving him a push towards the girl.

“Please, just one dance and I will be happy” Kira smiled sweetly. “There aren’t any special moves, just stay close to me, it will be fine you will see.”

The two danced together and Zach relaxed a little as he was now enjoying himself, he still thought of Mella and wished he was whirling her around the dance floor. Zach looked back at Dredd who was doing a comical dance of his own. Dredd waved to him wearing a silly smile. The Glass Dragon Orchestra finished their song and loud cheers came up from the crowd. In a few seconds, a new faster beat rang out from the musicians. Zach could feel the pounding drums beneath his feet. The rush of the other instruments followed and moving to the sound was effortless. As he danced with Kira he realized although quite lovely, she wasn’t Mella.

Loud bangs and sparkling flashes of light accompanied the last powerful beats and the crowd thundered their approval. Zach, drained from the day’s events said goodnight to Kira.

“Thank you for the dance” Zach shouted,” it was great, maybe I’ll see you again.”

“Don’t worry Zachary Wellington, l will find you” she said with wide eyes.

He watched her blend into the crowd, appearing smaller and smaller until she vanished.

“Hmm” Zach said, “beautiful but also oddly strange in a way.”

“What are you mumbling about Zach?”

“That girl, she was different in a way.”

“All girls are unique in their own way; but I agree she’s a strange one.” Dredd was leaning against one of the posts, large mug in hand. “I see you’re starting a fan club of your own.”

“Yeah maybe, but I’m too tired to enjoy it. Being popular with the ladies is exhausting, you make it look effortless.”

“The key is probably not to care either way. Have I become a role model of sorts?”

“In a way, I think you have.”

“In that case, we both need to leave and get some sleep since neither one of us is thinking too clearly.”

They both laughed as they walked along the path that led back to the inn. Upon arriving, the burly innkeeper and his wife were standing in the doorway to greet them.

“Welcome back boys” exclaimed the man’s rosy cheeked wife. “Would you like a hot bath after your long day? I will draw you one right away. After that both of you come down to the kitchen, I have a new batch of something tasty and soothing. By the way, my name is Hannalore,” she said padding off in a hurry.

The innkeeper smiled then quietly motioned Dredd over. “If ya like, I got some fine ale in the cellar.”

“Thank you but I’ve had my fill at the festival,” Dredd said raising his hands in protest.

“Well you let me know if you change your mind.” He slapped both of them on the back almost knocking Zach off his feet. “Sorry about that, I’m just glad you youngsters made it back. You remind Hannalore and I of our own two sons who don’t visit often enough. Well off you go!”

Twenty One - What in the World Are Mumblebugs?

Both made their way up the stairs to their rooms. A little while later after they were refreshed and comfortable, Dredd and Zach met downstairs in Hannalore’s large kitchen. Pots and pans hung in a neat row on the walls. A wood and iron light suspended from the middle of the ceiling, and in the corner was a massive oven. The many cabinets beautifully decorated with finely painted flowers and trailing vines had a quite charming and cozy feeling despite its large size. Hannalore motioned them to a small table and chairs with a smile.

“I know you will both enjoy this,” she set down two large steaming mugs in front of them and then placed a silver plate of pastries and sweet breads in the middle.

“This is very good,” Zach said as he sipped the hot brew.

“Yes, ma’am, thank you,” exclaimed Dredd looking up over the rim of his mug.

“Now boys, take one of these twisted pastries and dip.”

They each reached for the plate and took one.

“I call them almond-berry twisties, something new that I whipped up and you just have to try them.” The pastry felt like it would be crunchy as Zach raised it to his mouth.

“No, you have to dip it in your hot drink first.” She added kindly.

They dipped their almond-berry twisties into the chocolate-cinnamon concoction. Zach took a bite and the outer pastry was soft and inside was a warm filling of sweet berries.

Dredd closed his eyes as if in quiet prayer, “this is heavenly,” he said between bites.

“What do you think? do I have winner boys?” Hannalore looked expectantly at them.

“That was the tastiest thing I have ever eaten.” Dredd was enthusiastic and Zach nodded, sipping more of his drink.

“Thank you, thank you, I have worked on the recipe for quite awhile to get the experience right. Something our guests would remember.”

She was beaming, “have as much as you like boys.” Hannalore whirled around and her apron caught the corner of a sheet of flat breads that had been cooling and flung them to the floor. She laughed and fussed at her clumsiness.

Zach and Dredd quietly chuckled and kept stuffing their faces. They finished off the whole plate of her delicious treats. Zach was telling Dredd about his encounter with the shadow-rider when he heard a scurrying under the table.

“Whoa!” he said, “something just hit my foot.”

“Don’t worry Zach,” Hannalore said merrily,” it is just one of my little kitchen friends!”

“You have mice in here?” Zach asked a little louder.

“Not mice, but mumblebugs,” she said with a grin.

“You have bugs in your kitchen, that’s not good!” Zach grimaced at the thought of bugs near the food.

“Mumblebugs Zach,” Dredd said to his friend.

“Never heard of them Dredd, what are they?”

“There’s one,” she said pointing. Standing only about six inches tall was an odd-looking creature. It was gathering pieces of the fallen bread and then scurried off quickly. After a minute or so it would return and gather more.

“That doesn’t look like any bug I ever saw,” gasped Zach! “It looks like a little old man, sort of.” He watched the small scavenger run under a large cupboard. When it returned, two others joined it. At a quick glance, they appeared to be wearing clothing, but at closer inspection you could see that it was just the pattern on their beetle-like bodies. Two long spindly arms with small human-like hands grabbed for the bits of fallen food that littered the floor. Off the mumblebugs would run, on four equally long thin legs. The oddest thing about their appearance was their heads. They resembled little old men. The only sound they made was the pitter-patter of their four feet as they scurried about, and an un-intelligible chatter that sounded like constant mumbling.

“Those are the most weird and funniest looking things that I have seen yet,” said Zach.

“They’re harmless but creepy if you ask me,” said Dredd.

“You should see them after they have gotten into my husband’s ale stocks in the cellar. Nothing funnier than a bunch of drunken mumblebugs, but they do a good job of keeping the kitchen clean. They’re grumpy but good to have around,” the innkeeper’s wife chuckled heartily.

“This is the first time I’ve seen them.” Zach said peering under the table.

“Well I suppose they don’t fancy being seen much.” Hannalore stated.

“So where are the female mumblebugs?” Zach asked, “I haven’t seen any of those yet.”

“That is because there are none dearie.”

“What! Well then how do they multiply, is that even possible?” The boy was so tired by now but he just had to know more about them.

“I have heard that this was actually a man at one point in time. No one really knows when it happened. From what I gather, he was just an old, cantankerous and very miserable person. Supposedly, he would threaten to pour boiling water on the children if they crossed his land. They say one of the children he threatened grew into a powerful sorceress and there is the result of his mean and nasty spirit,” she said pointing to one of them who stared at her from under the table.

“But how do they multiply?” Zach was now clearly fascinated with her story of these creatures.

“Well,” she said, “I believe when their grumpiness gets to be too much for them to handle, they just divide themselves to get relief.”

Zach looked at Dredd with raised eyebrows; “well I guess he got what he deserved!”

Dredd just shook his head. “Zach I’m going upstairs to my room, I need some sleep.”

“Yes, you boys do need some sleep, enough chit-chat for the night.”

They thanked her for the tasty snack and got up from their chairs. As they were walking toward the staircase, Zach caught one of the mumblebugs watching them leave. The strange creature stuck out its tongue at him and disappeared under a table.

“Did you see that?” Zach said to the innkeeper’s wife.

“Yep” she said, “funny little buggers aren’t they?”

The next morning Dredd and Zach met in the spacious dining area for a hearty breakfast.

“Morning boys!” Hannalore’s cheery voice sang out as she made her way to the table. “Hoping you had a fine rest and ready for something special this day.”

Zach’s eyes lit up as he proceeded to tell her he wanted what the table across the way was having.

“Ah yes, my apple walnut waffles.” Dredd nodded in agreement, as she gave the boys a quick hug and told them she would be back in a bit with their breakfast.

Zach spoke, “I don’t know about you but I’m feeling better today, but still a bit sore.”

“Yeah” Dredd agreed, “you’ll get used to it, a small price to pay for legendary fame.” They both laughed.

At the next table, a family of six was enjoying their breakfast. Mother, Father, and some very restless children. The family recognized the young Race Riders and politely introduced themselves. The food soon arrived at their table and all turned toward their plates. The mother was scolding her young brood over their lack of table manners then became busy feeding her youngest child who needed help putting syrup on her griddlecakes. The father was engrossed in the Blackshire Gazzette. Keeping abreast of the local events was important to him even on holiday. The older boy was laughing and picking through his fruited salad with a long fork while His younger brother dropped some of his hot cereal on the floor. He looked towards his parents expecting a scolding, however mother was still helping his younger sister and father was still studying the paper. The boy looked down again to see his mess, and instead he watched as a mumblebug made quick work of the dropped food. “All gone!” he exclaimed with a big grin.

The older brother continued to pick through his bowl. “Stop playing with your food young man” said his mother raising her voice.

“Yes mother sorry,” he said whining. “You know I don’t like this stuff!”

“It’s good for you sweetheart, don’t you want to be a strong Race Rider someday?”

The young boy glanced over towards Dredd and Zach, “yes mother” he said under his breath. He turned back to his bowl and plunged the fork deep inside. Raising the fork towards his mouth, he watched his mother with a sour look on his face. The fast, stinging snap hit his cheek and then he yelled. Staring the startled boy in the eye was a small vine with a head shaped like a large seed-pod with a mouth. Along its stem-like body were reddish-green leaves that undulated back and forth. The innkeeper’s wife heard the boy’s cry and hurried toward their table with a stern look on her face. She set the platters down at Zach and Dredds’ table quickly and turned toward the vine.

“What are you doing out here Mysteria?” She shook her finger at the guilty plant. Its head went down as Hannalore reprimanded her. “Be nice to our guests.” The little plant looked back up at the boy and sweetly smiled. As he sat there frozen in fear not knowing what to expect next, Mysteria leaned forward and kissed the boy’s cheek.

“Good girl Misty,” Hannalore extended her arm and the little plant encircled her wrist and lay her head down.

The family returned to their breakfast and father continued reading his paper.

Dredd and Zach finished their breakfast and thanked Hannalore for her hospitality. While Zach was saying his goodbyes, the little curious plant Mysteria entwined herself on his wrist, and inching her way up settled in the crook of his arm. Hannalore chuckled.

“Misty has taken a liking to you young man; she doesn’t want you to leave.”

“I have had a great time, I’ll come back soon Misty,” he said rubbing her little leaf she had extended to him. The innkeeper’s wife gently removed Mysteria from Zach’s arm. “I’m going to miss my boys,” she said hugging them both. Dredd and Zach waved goodbye and gathered their things.

They both met up with Andi and Thomas who waited patiently in the coach, each lost in their own thoughts. Faazen was paying for the accommodations and saying goodbye to their hosts. The ride back was uneventful and Andi was daydreaming as she gazed out the window. Faazen was peacefully thinking of the past days and breathing a sigh of relief that it was over and his boys were safe, at least for the time being.

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