Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)
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“I don’t know, man. She was just here with Jake a
second ago,” Kris answered.

“I think I saw the two of them sneak out back,” Jude
said, taking a drink from his beer.

My fingers curled and my hands clenched into fists
as I thought of Jake with his hands on Danni. Knowing him as well as I did, he
was probably trying to get his hands up her shirt right then. Fuck this, I
wasn’t going to let him touch her. Danni was my girl and I loved her. I
couldn’t believe how stubborn I’d been all this time but I wasn’t wasting
another second without her back in my arms.

I put my beer down and took off out of the pool room.
I walked down the back hall, checking both bathrooms before I walked out the
back exit. As soon as I opened the door, I turned my head to the right and saw
Jake kissing Danni.

I felt like someone had knocked the wind out of me;
he was kissing lips that were meant to be kissing mine. I was heartbroken yet angry
like I’d never been before. She really didn’t want me. I narrowed my eyes at
both of them and walked back inside the bar. Fuck it, I thought. If she was
moving on after breaking my heart then I sure as fuck would too.

As I made my way back inside, I saw a cute bleach-blonde
girl eyeing me from the bar. She looked like the perfect distraction. I winked
at her and tilted my head toward the bathroom, silently asking her to join me.
The girl smiled at me and mouthed, “I’ll be right back,” to her friend before
jumping off the stool and heading in my direction. As soon as she reached me I
took her hand in mine and led her into the men’s bathroom.

I wasted no time in pressing her against the
bathroom wall and covering her mouth with mine. She tasted like stale
cigarettes and her lip gloss tasted cheap. I banished my repulsion at her
flavor as she hooked her legs up around my waist as I unzipped my fly. I didn’t
care if she was enjoying it or not because at that moment I was hurting so
badly from Danni’s betrayal. I just wanted to get lost in the first person I
could find, and this girl, no matter how badly I wasn’t attracted to her, was
just what I needed right then.

I moved her panties to the side and after rolling on
a condom, I slid my cock inside her and started to move. She moaned and panted
as I fucked her as hard as I could against the wall. I knew that this girl
wasn’t one I’d remember and not only because I didn’t know her name. She wasn’t
as soft, tight, curvaceous, or perfect as Danni was. This girl just wasn’t the
one I wanted.

I started to go soft and was pulling out of this
nameless girl when the bathroom door opened. I glanced over to the door and my
eyes landed on Danni’s. She had a shocked look on her face and her eyes were
wide with heartache. She placed a hand at her neck and took a step back.

“Danni! Wait!” I yelled as she backed away. I put my
dick back into my pants and tried to catch her but she ran out of the bathroom
and out of the bar before I could reach her.

“Who was that?” the girl asked in a nasal-sounding
voice. I turned to look at her and I was instantly filled with repulsion and
shame. I narrowed my eyes at her and walked out of the bathroom to find Danni
and talk to her. Dear God, what had I done?




cell phone rang, jolting me awake.
, I thought,
I fell asleep.
Hopefully I wasn’t late to pick up Danni for the game. I fumbled in my jeans
and pulled out my cell. It was Ryder. As I swiped the screen to answer it, I
noticed the time display said it was just after one o’clock. Thank God…I still
had just under an hour until I was supposed to pick her up. “Hello?” I
answered, holding the phone up to my ear.

man, what’s up? I heard you’re taking Danni on a date today,” he said.

shut off the television and stood up. I caught a glimpse of myself in the
mirror and grimaced. My hair had dried all crazy while I was sleeping so I ran
my hands through it and grabbed a hair tie from my pocket. “How did you hear
about that already?” I asked, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder
while I tied my hair into a low ponytail.

laughed. “You do know that Danni is my wife’s best friend, right? They tell
each other everything.”

smiled and held the phone in my hands again. “Well, did she seem happy when she

don’t know, man. I didn’t talk to her,” he answered, still laughing. “I did
hear them on the phone and Evie sounded happy.”

felt light hearted. Danni had called Everleigh excited for our date today.

is good.”

heard him sigh and he said, “Yes it is. I hope this works out for you both,
man. I really do.”

do too, Ryder, but don’t get ahead of yourself. We are just going to a game and
hopefully getting dinner afterward. We are going to try and talk things out and
take it slow.”

after the year you’ve had you’re both due for some good times,” said Ryder.

looked at the display on my phone again and was starting to get antsy.

man, I have to run. I’m supposed to pick Danni up at two and I bought her some
stuff for the game today so I wanted to get to her place early.”

cool. Have fun today, man,” he said.

too. Tell Ev I said hey,” I said, picking up the bag of clothes and getting my
keys off the hook by the door.

will. Later,” he said.

I repeated and hung up my phone.

grabbed my jacket and after making sure I had everything, I walked outside and
locked the front door. I quickly got into my silver Dodge Charger and started
it. I took a deep breath as I put the car in reverse and drove the distance to
Danni’s townhouse apartment.

fingers mindlessly tapped the steering wheel along to the music. I felt myself
getting nervous the whole time I was driving but for the first time in a while
it was a good nervous. I hadn’t asked Danni to spend the day together, she
asked me. That was a huge step in the right direction.

turned onto her street, pulling into her driveway behind her car. I frowned as
I looked at the beat up old Taurus she was driving. Maybe if we made this
relationship work she might let me convince her to get a new car so she wasn’t
driving around in that old thing.

grabbed the bag of Danni’s gifts from the front seat before I quickly got out.
I jogged up the front steps and rang her doorbell. My hands were fidgeting
while I waited for her to come to the door. After a few long moments, I saw the
knob turn and the door opened.

smiled at me the minute she saw me and I melted at the sight of her. She had
her long honey colored hair in a ponytail and was wearing a white fitted tee shirt
and jeans that clung to her curvy hips. Even in something so simple she looked
so beautiful it almost hurt.

Beau, you’re early,” she stated.

yeah, I bought you something for the game today so I wanted to stop by early to
give it to you.”

got me a gift? Aw, that’s so sweet, Beau. Come on in,” she said, stepping back
and waving me inside.

I replied, stepping inside her small apartment.

actually never been inside before and as I looked around, I smiled. It looked
like a girl’s apartment. This place just had Danni’s essence in every part of
it, from the fuzzy pink blanket draped over the couch to the “Casablanca” movie
poster hanging on the living room wall. “This is a nice place, Danni,” I said,
looking around.

you, Beau. I love it here, it’s so cozy. I can’t believe you’ve never been here

when you are a fall down drunk battling depression you don’t really think about
getting out much,” I answered, immediately wishing I hadn’t.

eyes were tender and sad as she placed her delicate fingers around my wrist. My
heart beat faster as she squeezed.


shook my head and smiled at her.

under the bridge, Danni. I’m okay, really. So,” I said, trying to change the
subject, “are you ready for your present?”

tried to hide her excitement but she couldn’t. I knew she wasn’t a girl that could
be bought but she was one that loved little “just because” gifts.

she said, beaming.

since this will be your first Reds game, I figured you needed some gear. So,” I
said, reaching into the bag, “I got you a few things to help you represent.”

eyes went wide with appreciation as I pulled out her tee shirt, hat, and
jacket. She took the shirt in her hands and said, “Oh Beau, I love them! I can’t
believe you bought me this stuff!”

no big deal, Danni.”

threw her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. I fought back a groan as I
felt her lips on my skin.

a very big deal. Thank you!”

hugged her around her torso and said, “You’re welcome, beautiful.”

fuck…she smelled amazing. I shuffled my feet to hide my growing erection.

slowly broke the hug and lingered a little longer than I think she meant to.

going to go change. Give me five minutes?” she asked.

course. Take your time, I’ll wait here.”

onto the tee shirt she walked down the hall to a small bathroom that was right
outside the kitchen. I stood in her living room and looked around at all the
pictures she had hanging and setting out. I picked up a picture of Danni with
who I assumed were her parents. I’d never met them before but from the stories
she and Everleigh told they seemed like nice people.

looked just like her mother; both had the same hair and eyes. I ran my fingers
over the picture of the happy family and smiled sadly. I never knew what that
felt like, to live in a happy home as a child. My asshole father split when
Sadie was a few months old and my mother was the epitome of a bad parent. She
flitted from man to man, not giving a shit if Sadie and I were happy, or hell,
even fed that day. I didn’t know if I’d ever have any children but one thing I
knew for sure was that if I did, they would never know what it was like to be
neglected or unloved.

I set the picture back down, a movement from the bathroom caught my eye. Danni
must have forgotten to completely shut the door behind her, and I saw her
changing her shirt. My mouth went dry as I saw her in a white lacy bra and I
fought back a groan. I’d noticed that she was thicker around the middle now
than she was when we first met and had more of a curve to her hips. It made her
look so much sexier than I’d remembered. Danni was always beautiful to me but
now that she’d filled out just a bit she looked orgasmic.

quickly pulled the Reds tee shirt over her head and as soon as it was on, she
pulled open the bathroom door, stepping toward me. “How do I look?”

smiled at her and shifted around.
Please God don’t let her see my semi
I thought.

look really cute. Does it fit okay?”

fits perfectly. So, are you ready to go?”

smiled and held out the jacket for her.

ready when you are,” I said as she walked to me and slid her arms into the
jacket. “Don’t forget your hat.”

grinned and picked up the hat. “Hey, where’s yours?”

the car. Come on, you have to wear it.”

put her hat on her head and pulled her long ponytail through the hole in the

it look all right?”

looks perfect,” I replied. Even in baseball gear she looked devastatingly
beautiful. I held out my arm for her.

go watch some baseball.”

linked her arm with mine as we walked out of her apartment.




you like your hot dog?” I asked Danni as I took the empty wrapper from her.

licked her finger and smiled as she chewed her last bite.

swallowing, she answered, “It was so good. I’ve never had one that tasted that

chuckled as I gathered the rest of our trash.

I’m happy you liked it,” I said, winking at her.

game was over and we’d had a blast all afternoon just laughing and having fun.
I’d never seen her so carefree and happy and it was giving me even more hope
that this might all work out.

did you have a good time?” I asked her as we stood up and began to walk to the
end of the aisle.

really did. Who knew watching a baseball game would be so much fun?”

probably every male sports fan in the history of the world,” I answered, and
she giggled.

we reached the end of the aisle, I held my arm out in front of me and said,
“Ladies first.”

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