Redeemed by Rubies (A Dance with Destiny Book 6) (18 page)

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The Dragon screaming through her mind, halted her coming madness. Her knees nearly buckled at the quickness with which she released her mounting fury. Jenevier bent over double, panting like a beast and trying fervently to steady her breathing. When she had regained her senses, she saw Alastyn still standing near her. Yet, now he trembled—pale-faced and wide-eyed. She then heard sniffling, and turned to see Princess Kaleeska wrapped up in Baytac’s strong arms.

Kagi Naga!
Nilakanta roared, again.

She spun toward her Dragon, fiercely hugging his soft snout. “Oh, I am sooo sorry, Nilakanta. Apologies, Brother. All is well now. I just let my anger get the better of me. Thanks to you, I’m fine now. I promise.”

Very well, Little Fire. But you have earned yourself a permanent escort for the rest of your stay. I will not let you out of my sight until we enter the clouds… together.

“Gratitude, Brother,” she whispered. “I think that would be best, yes.”

When she turned back to face her confused company, Jenevier brushed away her tears and bowed to them in her Dragon manner.

“Forgive me, dear friends. I did not mean to alarm you. My sincerest apologies.” She met Baytac’s worried gaze. “It’s just… when I tasted your father within you… I snapped—went straight into battle mode.”

The Elf squeezed his Princess ever closer. “
is your battle mode?”

Jenevier only nodded.

“So… you truly
just playing with me before, weren’t you?”

“I wasn’t
with you, Baytac. We were sparring, you and I.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I was merely trying to provide an outlet for your rage… for your pain.”

Alastyn wrapped her up in his arms, kissing her atop her head and rubbing little circles across her back. “That wasn’t Vashti just now,” he whispered. “You have changed, my love.”

“I keep forgetting you met Vashti before.” She buried her cheek against his chest. “Yes, Alastyn. I have changed. I am all Angel now—don’t just wear one as an occasional mask.”

She is Kagi Naga, and all that goes with it.

Jenevier smiled back at her Dragon and winked. He graciously returned the favor.

“What is it you know of the vile creature who attacked my mother?”

Jenevier turned to Baytac as he spoke. “Not nearly as much as I thought I did,” she mumbled. “His name is Ahriman—fallen dark Angel of hell. He is soul-eater, Sage, and right-hand to my former husband, the Prince of Hell. He was once my trusted friend… fought by my side and saved my ass on more than one occasion. I thought I loved him.” She glanced away. “Yet… I knew him not.”

Everyone fell silent at her words, each trying to process things they would never be able to truly understand.

“He is beautiful,” Jenevier whispered. “As perfect a creature as ever I’ve seen. His silver locks flow nearly to his ankles, framed about his face with deep amethyst. When I would fix his hair… a lovelier braid there has never been. I first knew him as Vybius. But he only uses that name with me.” She looked then to Kaleeska. “His rare magic is powerful, enticing beyond all imagination. Be wary, my child. Steer very clear of the one I have just described to you. His scent is divine. You will
to look at him—want it more than anything you have ever wanted in your life. His eyes shine like the rarest amethysts, yet flash a mesmerizing silver just before he strikes.”

“You loved him?” Kaleeska asked in a tiny, trembling voice.

Jenevier nodded. “I did, once… long ago. Now… now, I hate him with a ferocity ten thousand times hotter than Dragon Fire.”

“Why?” Alastyn whispered. “What happened?”

Jenevier sighed. “That is a story for another day. Let’s just say… I let my guard down. Alas…” She glanced down at the bracelet Ahriman had left her with. “That darkest of all Angels has ensured our paths will never again cross.”

“And if they ever did?” Baytac softly said.

Jenevier smiled. “If that blessed day ever comes, I will use my last breath to end him forever. I will split the heavens with his name as I bring his unspeakable terror to an ultimate end. This. I. Vow.”

Baytac carefully lowered Kaleeska to the ground. She leaned back against him for support.

“That was utterly terrifying,” the girl whispered. “Mother has told us of your many adventures. But never anything like…”

Jenevier took the Princess’s tiny hand, gently squeezing it. “That’s because Jezreel only knows what I have told her. She has never actually seen me… you know… doing what I do.”

“Reaping souls,” Alastyn whispered.

Jenevier nodded. “Yes. I rend darkness from the universe, Princess. It’s never a pretty sight. Apologies. What you just witnessed… that was never meant for your eyes, my child.”

“It’s okay.” Kaleeska half smiled. “This knowledge will put Mother at ease. She is constantly worrying about you, fretting over your welfare.”

Jenevier smiled. “Then ease your troubled mother’s heart in my regard. I am fine. And with my Dragon at my side…” She glanced back at Nilakanta. “I am unstoppable.”

“As it should be,” Alastyn said, wrapping her back up in a gentle hug.

“Yes,” she whispered. “As it should be.”


Jenevier turned to Baytac as he began to speak.

“…Half of me is made up of the darkest of all Angels… the vilest creature you have ever known.”

“Listen, Brother.” Jenevier took his hand. “There is darkness in this universe, yes, but there is equal light as well. Me—yes, I have danced with them both. Trust me in this, Baytac. You
light.” She squeezed his hand. “No matter how strongly you try to deny it to yourself.”

“She’s right,” Kaleeska said, smiling up at him. “I have
known that. Come, Baytac. Let’s go back home. I’ve had about enough adventure for one day.”

Baytac furrowed his brow. “Kali… Princess… Apologies, but I will not go back to Arbordell… cannot.”

“But… why?”

“Because, little one, that is a bridge I burned long ago.”

“That’s not true,” she protested. “We have missed you terribly. None of us wanted you to leave, especially not me and Mother. We have mourned the loss of you for many years. Now that I have found you, I will never let you leave my sight… ever again.”

“But… Kali…”

“Listen to the lovely lady,” Jenevier said. “Think on it, Brother. If we cross our bridges, only to turn and watch them burn—basking in the fiery glow of what we thought was best—then what is left to tell the story of our journey… save a smoldering pit where our feet once trod.”

“But… I cannot go back. Not now. Not anymore.”

Jenevier smiled knowingly. “Ahh, but with the sunrise comes a new dawn, a new day—a blank piece of parchment and a well filled with ink.
get to decide what will be written. And the best part… you get a fresh, clean sheet. Every. Single. Day. Now go, Brother. Write your own destiny… the way
want it to be.”

“Yes, let’s.” Kaleeska giggled, tugging on his large hand, pulling him back through the trees.

Jenevier and Alastyn were smiling at each other when the happy Princess came running back up to her.

“Madam Empress.” She bowed slightly. “How can I ever repay you?”

“That amazing man captured a piece of my heart
my curiosity, upon first sight.” Jenevier sighed. “I can sense a greatness within him. You need to foster his confidence, Princess. Stand at his side. Defend him, whether you agree with him or not. Trust him. In all things, Kali…

The young woman was still staring at Jenevier expectantly, eyes sparkling with innocence.

Jenevier smiled. “You want to repay me? Then love him well, Princess. Just… love him well.”

Chapter 11






Lala was sitting in her bath, contemplating her secrets and hiding from the world. She had only confided the bare minimum to Apollyon—the fact she had seen Ahriman and he had questioned her concerning her scent, nothing more.

Thank goodness he felt Obaasan’s anger rising. If Daddy hadn’t made her so angry… Grandpapa would have surely seen right through me.

She had reassured her grandfather that the soul-eater had not harmed her, and that Duhrias had been ever at her side.

But if he thinks on it and figures out I wasn’t on Jinn… I’m done for.

The troubled Princess was so consumed with trying to sort out the lies she had told, and planning the ones she would soon have to tell, that it took her a moment to hear the sweet voice whispering within her.

Raven Curl… Little Raven Curl… Hear me now.

Lala jumped, quickly looking toward the door, then around the empty bath.

Little Raven Curl, have you confessed our kiss? Have you told your Obaasan how deeply you desire me?

Lala began to tremble. Even the warm milk bath she was sitting in did nothing to abate the goose bumps now prickling across her pale skin.

“…Ahriman?” she barely whispered.

Ahh… there you are, Raven Curl. I have been patiently waiting for you to hear my call.

“Where are you? How is it I can hear you, yet cannot see you?”

Do you wish to see me, Princess?
He chuckled—a cold, icy sound.
Remember what I told you, little one. You are not meant for me, nor I for you. The connection we now share is all that will ever be between us.

Lala swallowed hard, yet didn’t respond to the soul-eater’s velvety soft words.

The kiss I blessed you with—always will I know you… always will I whisper within you.

“Wh-what do you want with me, Ahriman?”

Your trust.

She could hear the smile in his voice. She remembered well that terrifyingly beautiful smile.

Your Obaasan trusted me, even protected me. Can I not ask at least the same from you?

“But… why do you need such from me? What could someone like me possibly do to help one as great and powerful as you, Vybius?”

Do not call me that!

Lala literally
the icy chill of darkness begin to grow within her. She gasped.

After a few moments, Ahriman’s gentle, honey-drenched tone returned.
Little Raven Curl, call me by my proper name. Or simply refer to me as Angel. I am not your Vybius. Fear not. I am not angry with you. Gratitude, Princess… for teaching me patience.

“Y-you’re welcome…”

The terrifyingly dark Angel chuckled within her, deep within her soul.

What a proper Princess you are, Raven Curl. You have been blessed with a fair and favorable upbringing, have you not?

“…Y-yes, Milord. I have been richly blessed.”

Much beloved by all, I assume.

“Yes. My family loves me dearly. My clan as well.”

Your grandmother must be extremely proud of you.

“She loves me too much, yes. When time and opportunity present, she tries to impress her hard-earned wisdom upon me. She worries for me.”

And what of your grandfather? Does Apollyon worry for you as well?

“Grandpapa dotes on me… always. In his eyes, I can do no wrong.”

Oh, how very precious you are. I wish for you to look upon me as a trusted friend as well, little Raven Curl. As I can, I will teach you many things.

“Teach me?”

Yes, little one. I will teach you the things your devoted family would keep hidden from you.

“Wh-what kinds of things?”

The best kinds of things. The secret things… Angel things.

“You mean… Angels have secrets?”

Ahriman chuckled again.
Oh, my child, Angels have the absolute best, most decadent secrets of all. To know the hidden things of the most high blessed, is to know euphoria… exquisite, delicious… euphoria. These are the lessons I shall gift you, little Raven Curl. Heed always to my call, and I will bless you far beyond your wildest imaginations.




“Are you still vexed, lovely Anicee?”

Jenevier turned toward Apollyon as he entered her room.

She sighed softly. “Not vexed… hurt.”

“I always manage to do that,” he whispered. “Hurt you while trying to protect you.”

She glanced back out at the flowing lavender. “That is because your
is not kind and chivalrous, it is fierce and demanding.”

“Apologies, my love. That is the only way I know how to be.” He came to stand beside her. “Forgive me.”

“Just… don’t use our son to carry your words. I can forgive your occasionally crass behavior, but seeing the same from my Tenshi…” She paused, fighting back her burning tears.

“Is that why you threw away our roses—because you were so hurt?”

“I would never do such a thing.” She turned to face him. “Those enchanting blue flowers do not signify your protection. They stand as an honored symbol of the peace now between us—the emblem of our truce
our trust.”

Apollyon furrowed his brow. “And yet… I found them crushed—scattered across your lawn.”

“What?” Jenevier’s temper flared. “Who would do such a thing? Who among my household would care so little for my feelings?”

“Your husband, perhaps?”

“Never.” She shook her head. “Yui takes better care of those precious petals than even
do. He sprinkles them in my bath, presses them for my perfume, even dries them for my midnight tea. No. Yui would
treat them thusly.”

Then… she did make a tea of them… minus me.
He swallowed back the hurt. “Perhaps it was simply an accident.” He tenderly touched her cheek. “Someone may have bumped them—knocked a vase from the balcony minus their knowing.”

“Yes… perhaps,” she whispered. “I can think of no other viable reason—”

“You are so beautiful, Anicee.”

His gentle kiss upon her forehead had brought her words to a screeching halt. She took a deep breath.

“As are you, Vindicus,” she softly said. “Now, please step away. I do not wish there to be any misunderstanding or mixed signals between us.”

Apollyon smiled softly as he took a step back and bowed to her. “As you say, Empress Naga.”

Jenevier only rolled her eyes, then gazed back out upon the beautiful lavender now mesmerizingly bathed in the first rays of dawn.

“Did you uncover any secrets during your quest?”

She glanced back at the handsome blue Angel. “Yes, I uncovered some secrets. But none concerning the thinning.”

“Oh, is that so?” The Prince of Hell smiled. “Are they wicked secrets?”

“Wicked, yes.” Jenevier shook her head. “Fuel upon the flames of my growing hatred for that silver-eyed demon you count as friend.”

Apollyon chuckled. “Oh, make no mistake about it, Anicee. Ahriman and I have never been
. That is not our purpose.” He reached toward her curls, but withdrew. “And… any secret you uncover that could cause your anger to swell towards that vile little soul-eater, is a truly precious secret indeed.”

Jenevier snorted and rolled her eyes, just as Yui entered the room.

“Mistress, your company has begun arriving.”

The beautiful Shinobi wrapped his arms around her and gave her a gentle kiss.

Jenevier smiled. “I am surprised to hear it.”

“And why is that, Milady?”

“Because, they normally just barge into my room upon arrival.”

Yui smiled. “I asked them not to do that anymore.” He kissed her again. “I told them if they did thus at sunrise, they may well be shocked at what they would discover—barging into our room.”

“Yui… you didn’t.”

“Yes, I did.” He tenderly circled the tip of her nose with his. “The passion that stirs within you when first you rise… such should not be seen by your kinsmen.”

She blushed. “Yui… stop. To hear you speak like that…”

isn’t our normal form of early-morning conversation.” He sighed softly. “When Gabriel announced to meet here at sunrise, my chest tightened. I knew we would have to forego our

“Angels love the sunrise,” she whispered.

“As do I.” He tightened their embrace. “Now that you wake within my arms.”

“Yui… you know I don’t actually
anymore, right?”

He chuckled. “Then what are you doing all night, Mistress?”

“Gazing upon your flawless face.” She blushed again.

“I see,” he whispered. “So…
is why your desire is so ardent at dawn. You have spent the darkened hours thinking about all the things you wish to do to me… all the things you beg me to do to

When Jenevier giggled, Apollyon noisily cleared his throat. She then heard Yui’s teeth grinding slowly behind his closed lips.

“It seems not
of your brethren heeded my warning,” Yui said in a low voice, before turning to face the imposing sapphire Angel.

Jenevier quickly took Yui’s hand. “Yes, well, that one there… he seems to have problems in the whole
follow the rules

“Much to his chagrin, I am sure,” Yui said, half smiling. “Very well. If he chooses to ignore my words, then he cannot be upset when he sees, or
, something he wishes he had not.”

Apollyon stared coolly at the lovely ninja with his arm wrapped around the woman who would always be
Anicee. Never breaking their icy glare, the exquisitely terrifying blue Angel smiled with only one corner of his mouth, then turned and left.

“Yui… do not goad him, my love.”

“Tonight,” Yui whispered as he turned back to her. “I shall have to punish you for taking his side, Naga.
for not telling me he was standing there.”

“Not telling you? How could you not sense him? His essence is all-consuming.”

“For you, perhaps.” He slapped her bottom. “
am not cursed thusly, Mistress.”

Jenevier smiled. “Well, if there’s one thing I am, it is cursed.”

“And loved a thousand times more.”

Jenevier giggled as her beloved Shinobi playfully kissed her cheek before leading her toward the large council room.

“Dearest Yui, if you keep acting thusly—all jealous like—I might start to believe you care about me… a little.”

“Care about you, huh?” He reached for the large door handles, guiding her through them with his hand at the small of her back. “Perhaps I do… just a little.”

She scrunched up her nose at him. “You are sooo cute when you try to tease me.”

“Is that so?” He smiled with only one corner of his mouth. “Well, we’ll just have to see how
you think I am, tonight… when the moon rises.”

Jenevier was blushing crimson as she stepped through those gilded doors. Yui, on the other hand, wore an extremely satisfied smile.




“Let us begin our reports,” Gabriel said, setting his empty teacup back on the saucer. “Raphael and I visited the

“Yes.” Raphael nodded. “The effect can be felt by all. Yet the cause remains a mystery.”

“I went to Sheol,” Apollyon said. “The obvious thinning is causing quite a stir, yes. As for the culprit… he resides not in

“I see,” Gabriel said, his brow softly furrowing. “Although, that
good news, I suppose…”

“The truth of it is a bit troubling,” Raphael added.

“…Yes,” Gabriel said. “Troubling.”

“Jophiel went off on his own,” Uriel said, casting his brother a sideways glance. “I met up with Michael. We questioned the Grigori, then scanned the high places on each layer.”

“And your findings?” Gabriel asked.

“We are stumped,” Uriel said, sighing loudly. “Yesterday’s search left us completely empty-handed.”

“Tenshi and myself… we went to Vanahirdem,” Daichi said. “Vareen could divine no coming evil. Yet, upon our departure…” He paused.

“The whole city was stirred up,” Tenshi added.

“Of course it was,” Jophiel said with a sneer. “Where your precious Naga is concerned, those silver-haired Hounds of Heaven will always make a racket… unseemly as it is.”

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