Revelations Coming (The Dark Truth Novel Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Revelations Coming (The Dark Truth Novel Series)
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“May I wash you?” he asked, his voice sounding surprisingly low even to him.

Her eyes met his. “Please,” she whispered.

He sat himself on the edge of the sunken tub and pulled her into his lap. Trying not to think of all the things he wanted to do to her, he poured the soap onto a sponge, inhaling the scent of coconut that filled the air. He placed the sponge on her skin starting at her collarbone with trembling hands. In his lap, she only came up to his chest and there she began to lave her attention. Tiny little kisses pressed there sent twinges of fire through his body. He moved the sponge across her breasts, full and perfect. Her nipples hard and aching for attention. He lowered his head as he lifted her slightly and captured one little nub in between his teeth. Her body jerked and he held her tight as he rolled her nipple around with his tongue and sucked hard. She groaned long and low and her legs rubbed against each other sinuously. His sponge continued its path down across her smooth and soft belly and lower. He cradled her into his arms and leaned her back. The sponge glided across her bare mound and he pressed further, her shallow breaths letting him know that she wanted him down there. With a satisfied smile on his face, he replaced the sponge with his finger. So wet, he thought filled with satisfaction. So wet for me... He sank his finger into her and he felt her clamp down. She was so tight.

“Have you ever been with a man?” he asked not wanting to know the answer.

Her eyes grew sad as she studied him. He didn't think she would answer him. He didn't mind if she didn't, he just didn't want to hurt her. She was so tight and he was, well...he was so big. His thumb brushed across her clit and she jolted in his arms. She seemed so taken aback by her body's reactions.

“Not willingly,” she said softly.

As he digested the implications of her words, his entire body stiffened and fury burned through his veins. He shook barely able to control himself. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and surrounded him with her presence, trying to calm him. His finger stroked her again and she pressed herself tighter into him.

“Who?” he growled.

She shook her head frantically and then gasped as his finger plunged again. He picked her up, wrapping her legs around him and carried her to his bed. He impatiently swiped the shears to the side and laid her down. She was so beautiful, her creamy skill rosy from the bath, glistening where his fingers still probed her. He knelt above her and kissed her beautiful pussy like he wanted to do her mouth. He nipped and tugged on her lips, sank his tongue in deep and tasted how sweet she was, like honey. She gasped and thrashed around on the bed when Arias found the spots that drove her crazy. She caressed both sides of his face as their eyes met, his tongue still buried deep inside her. She felt a deep ache within her grow and warmth spread through her limbs. Whatever he was doing, he was like a drug to her. She had never felt pleasure like this. He withdrew his tongue and before she could protest he latched onto her clit and felt his tongue tease her most sensitive part. His tongue flicked across her clit gently but persistently at the same pace and she moaned and arched off the bed. Her body bucked off the bed as a feeling she had never experienced before crashed into her body. She dimly heard herself cry out but all she could do was focus of the wealth of sensations that flooded her. The fullness in her womb left in a gushing release, sharp tingles hit first at her clit and then spread throughout her entire body and she shivered at how beautiful it felt. Her first sexual release in her lifetime blew a strong gust of power through the room and Arias sat up from between her legs with a proud little smirk on his face.

She looked so beautiful, sprawled out on his bed, beads of sweat on her brow, and her thighs trembling from the force of her orgasm. He spread her legs wider and sank two fingers in, hoping to stretch her more for his invasion. He had to get inside of her, truly claim her body.

“Arias,” she said breathlessly. She grasped his hand and pulled it away.

“I don't want to hurt you,” he said.

She looked down at his heavy cock and her attention made it even harder and ever longer. Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard.

“Then don't,” she said with a breathy sigh.

He fingered her again and she was still dripping wet, just so tight. He guided himself into her, parting her lips first and then entering her. She was like a vise, a hot wet clamp. She squeezed his arm tight.

“Arias,” she cried and her eyes were wide with fear.

He was barely halfway in. He must have been hurting her.

“Almost there little one,” he breathed into her ear.

He thrust forward and then he was buried completely inside her. Her breath left her in a big whoosh. He pushed up on his arms so he could look at her face. He withdrew and thrust slowly again, her body welcoming him a tiny bit easier. Her green eyes were glistening with tears. He thrust again and she let out another moan. He kissed her then, hard and desperate. She met him with a passion that rivaled his and he was blown away. Her moans grew into pleas and then soft screams as she pulsated around his cock, milking him into the most shattering orgasm he ever had. It started at his toes and zinged up his legs until he exploded into her. He roared as he released, both of them riding out the seemingly endless waves of pleasure. He collapsed onto the bed, and pulled her on top of him. Her head rested on his chest and he stroked her wet hair. She was his. She wanted to be his.

“Venus,” Arias called softly.


“You will tell me who has taken you by force…who has created that hurt I see in your eyes. Yes?”

A single tear escaped the corner of her eye and she nodded, humbled that he would care so much about her already. He caught the tear with his lips, kissing it gently away. Already, she was addicted to him. She had never known she could feel so much pleasure from sex. She wanted him again even now, when her eyelids wouldn’t open and she was sore from his girth. She would always want him. Venus nuzzled herself deep into his arms. She was swamped with emotions. Safe. Was she finally safe? It felt like no one could touch her here…in his arms. This dark prince would give her everything she’s always wanted. Love, protection…a home.


Her eyes were closed, her breathing steady but his damn cock was still hard, feeling her tight little body against his was not helping that matter at all. He tried to slip out from beneath her but she protested, wrapping herself around him tighter. He moaned as he got harder. He had to get away from her before he did something that did hurt her. She must be so sore right now. He glanced down and saw that she was staring up at him with her enormous emerald eyes. They were dark again with desire and his breath caught as she sat up and took his cock in her hand. He gasped as she lowered herself onto him, enveloping him. He sat up, holding her body tight to his as she rode him. His hands branded her ass as he thrust her down onto him. Already that delicious pleasure was building up within him, he wouldn't last long. A loud knock on the door barely distracted him from the way his woman undulated on his cock, seeking her own pleasure and quickly bringing him to his.

“My Lord?” called Justice from the door.

Arias growled, glad his big tattooed back was hiding the majority of his woman from Justice's eyes. There was no way he could mask her delicious moans and he knew Justice's cock would be lengthening for her. Arias growled and snarled.

“My liege, it is a matter of extreme importance,” Justice said his voice strained.

Venus threw her head back and cried out his name as her pussy grabbed at him, pulling him deeper and deeper. Her nails scraped his chest and he felt rivulets of blood streaming down his chest. His eyes widened with shock as he felt her tongue glide across his skin, lapping it up like a kitten. She was drinking from him, the thought pounded through him with pride and lust. He squeezed her cheeks hard and pounded into her still feeling the quake of her walls and released everything he had into her. His heart, his body, his soul. He reveled in the perfection of the moment for a scant few seconds. Fury quickly spread through him and he shifted Venus off of him gently covering her with the sheets. He stood up, his fists clenched and sauntered toward Justice.

“What is so important that you want to interrupt your Queen's pleasure Justice?”

Justice threw himself at Arias' feet, his head pressed to the floor.

“Forgive me, my lord.”

Arias tightened his fists, his knuckles popping. Preparing to unleash punishment, he didn't hear the whisper of footsteps behind him. There was a soft heated touch at his back. Venus. She looked so delicious wrapped in a white sheet, her lips puffy, eyes still dark green with desire.

“Go back to bed little one. You don't want to see this,” he growled turning his attention back to Justice who had the nerve to look up at his Queen. Yes, the desire had been in his eyes.

“Arias...I'm sure the only reason he would interrupt would be for my safety,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

He straightened up, his breathing slowed as his temper waned. She was right, his wise woman.

“Justice?” he growled.

“She's right my lord. Riken and his men just touched down. The rest of the bloodlines have arrived as well.” Justice paused with head still pressed to the floor. “If I may state my opinion my lord, I think it is in the Queen's best interest to be turned immediately.”

“You think they'll so easily steal her from me?”

“My Lord...if they realize that she remains with you willingly, they will try and kill her.”

Damn it, he was right. And his woman was too fragile in her human state.

“Leave us Justice,” he said softly turning to his woman who was still pressed at his back.
“My Lord?”

“Call everyone in our bloodline to us and any allies we might have among the other bloodlines. Call them here immediately.”

“Yes my lord.”

Justice turned to leave. “One more thing,” Arias said pausing to whisper into Venus’ ear. Venus hunched in on herself, despite her promise to Arias earlier. The dark prince cupped her face more gentle than any being had touched her before. She searched his eyes for a few minutes before whispering something back.

“Send someone to secure a Richard Campbell back in her hometown. I want him brought here...alive Justice.”

Justice bowed in acknowledgment and closed the door silently behind him and Arias knelt in front of Venus.

“It is your choice my love,” he said looking up at her praying she wouldn't be repulsed by the idea of being turned and belonging to him for eternity.

“Do you have to turn me?” she asked meekly.

“While you are still human, you are very easily hurt or killed.”

“But I can still be killed if I am Vampyre.”

Arias nodded soberly.


Venus turned away from Arias and pulled the sheet around her tighter. Venus always knew she was different...not normal. But Vampyre? What would she be losing if she changed? She asked herself. She didn't have an answer. Since she was already a Mashiach, things would not change so drastically for her. She would have the ability to drink blood, but not have to depend on it. She would not just have an extended life but an eternal life. But then again, if she were to become Vampyre and stay with Arias, the others would kill her...there would be all-out war. Good versus Evil. Whose side was she on? Venus had a hard time fitting Arias into an all-encompassing box of Evil. Venus was sure he did horrible things as he lived in a world of violence and hate. But then there was this completely separate man who treated her like a queen, like she was the most precious thing on earth. With his soft kisses, his tender words, that look in his eyes that was saved only for her. Was it because of her or was it because he wanted her to produce him with an all-powerful heir? She turned back to Arias, who was still on his knees on the floor following her movements with a worried expression on his face.

“I have another idea,” she said softly crossing the room to stand in front of him again.

He wrapped his hulking arms around her waist and buried his face into her stomach waiting for her verdict.








Riken entered the Suheil Boardroom at the Burj al Arab Hotel in Dubai flanked with his five bodyguards and his lieutenant Corbin. He took the seat at the head of the table, surrounded by windows and breathtaking views of the Persian Gulf. This meeting was called together by none other than Arias Hassan himself. Corbin tried to discourage Riken from attending the meeting, thinking it was a setup for an assassination. Even given that possibility, Riken couldn't miss the opportunity of seeing Venus again. She was in his every thought and he was miserable. In fact he was pathetic, risking his life and his men's lives for just a glimpse of her gorgeous face. He nodded at the other Princes of the bloodlines, only six remaining besides himself and Arias. They too looked apprehensive and confused. They calmed slightly once they saw that Riken himself had dared attend the meeting. If the Prince of the Rex Deus was comfortable enough sitting at the table of the Prince of the Descendants of Cain, then why shouldn't they? Idiots, Riken thought dismissively. The immense boardroom table was nearly full save five seats at the opposite end directly across from Riken. His nerves were shot. Every time the door opened, his eyes darted there to see if it was his woman walking in. Corbin placed a calming hand on his shoulder and Riken forced himself to shut his eyes and breathe deeply. The door opened again and Riken couldn't bring himself to look. He didn't want to experience the disappointment of it not being her again. Then, he felt Arias' wave of power and his eyes flew open. All Riken could see was her, his Venus. She wore a deep emerald blue sari, the fitted bikini top encrusted with diamonds and the sheer material that draped over the rest of her showing only shadows of her taut belly. She wore a westernized hijab around her head though it covered none of face like it was meant to. Diamonds had been riveted around the corners of her eyes, the only makeup she wore was around those beautiful eyes making them look even more devastating than he remembered. Riken salivated at the sight of her and his body reacted so quickly that he had to adjust himself under the table. Her eyes met his and they seemed to light a fire within him. She looked him over in no hurry whatsoever and when she looked back up into his eyes he could read the emotion in them. She knew she had hurt him and she regretted it. Riken sent a flare of power out to her and her eyelids fluttered shut, her lips parting in a silent sigh of pleasure. Arias sent a low growl across the room and everyone stiffened. Venus' eyes slowly opened and she hooked her arm in Arias' as he pulled her tight against his massive body. He settled down into the seat opposite of Riken and pulled Venus into his lap. His bodyguards stayed on their feet and Riken tensed a little at the implication. Arias' eyes had not left his and they were swirling with fury over Riken's little stunt. Justice stepped forward, his arms crossed behind his back and walked to the center of the room.

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