Ricochet (22 page)

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Authors: Sandra Sookoo

BOOK: Ricochet
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“That’s my girl.” Stratton’s balls drew up close while his cock pulsed with urgent need. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. Sweat dampened loose tendrils of hair where it lay against her face. “Now we can get to the main event.”

“Stop drawing it out. Enough is enough.” She repositioned herself beneath him. One hand went between them, found his cock and set the tip at her pussy. “Fuck me.” She raised her head and kissed his mouth. Her eyes were big and softly focused. “Please.”

“I love it when you beg.” He thrust into her, not stopping until he was fully seated.

And for the first time since he was thrown onto that transport as a child, he felt as if he’d finally found home.


Willa exhaled on a long moan. Her core trembled, stretching to accommodate Stratton’s size, and just when she felt filled and comfortable, he withdrew. She shook her head, ready to protest his leaving, but he pushed back inside her passage. Pleasure sparked over her skin. No longer did the effects of being out in the snow linger.

He released her wrists, allowing her the freedom to grip his broad shoulders. His creamy, cocoa skin gleamed with a thin sheen of sweat as he slowly withdrew from her channel, waiting. When she opened her mouth to protest, he kissed all other thoughts from her head. His mouth bossed hers, claiming ownership before softening to allow her to give an answer.

Intoxicated by his clean taste and reeling in a haze of passion, she tilted her hips and wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles. Being so close to him brought a deep connection, one she craved and needed, the link she’d missed during their last time together. In his arms, she knew everything would be okay no matter what they came up against.

When she wriggled in encouragement, he took the hint and slammed into her pussy once more. Waves of heat crashed into her, building and growing, straining toward the breaking point. “I guess the gossip about you is right.” She met his next thrust with equal force and a gasp of enjoyment.

“I hadn’t pegged you as a woman who listened to rumors.” He retreated on a grunt, pausing at her opening as if daring her to protest.

“Let’s just say I was curious to see if the stories and legends about you were true.” When he pinned her with a knowing glance, she grinned away the embarrassment. Why would she lie? Any woman worth her salt would be curious about his alleged prowess. She panted as the pressure grew. It didn’t appear the stories were wrong. “Hey, I’m not dead. If someone says there’s a guy who’s a good lover out there, of course I want proof, you know, since men usually brag about that area.”

“Here’s your proof.” Stratton gripped her hips so tightly she was sure there’d be marks afterward. A barrage of short, hard thrusts followed, designed to scintillate but not fully provide relief from the erotic waves building inside her.

“Show-off.” She smacked his shoulder. “Still not convinced.” The spiraling need coiling in her center spoke otherwise. No way would she tell him sex with him was rumor worthy. He’d never let her live it down, and he’d gained too many brownie points already.

“This will have to satisfy you until next time.” Each consecutive thrust went deeper and longer.

Willa’s body slid up the bed from the powerful strokes. She held on to his shoulders, clutching him closer as her inner muscles gripped his cock in an effort to keep them joined. The urge to watch him took hold. She forced her eyes open. His were half-closed in concentration or determination, the lines of his sexy face taut with enjoyment. The feel of his hands on her, his cock in her, made her feel cherished. Her heart lurched at the knowledge. Abruptly, his eyes blinked open and he held her gaze. Her breath stalled from the emotions blazing in his expression. She thought she’d break apart from the sensations claiming her or lose her sanity from the intensity of their connection, and still Stratton pushed her.
Wow, there’s a good chance this guy’s the real deal.
That revelation would have to wait. Right now, it would take very little to send her flying.

“I hope your silence means you’re in awe of my greatness.”

“Just hurry.” Her legs shook, and she lost her grip on his waist. “I can’t hang on…”

He held her thighs. “Prepare for launch,
.” He shot her the grin that turned her insides to mush.

Willa met his gaze, captivated by the intense emotions she found there; then her world tilted sideways. She fell over the edge of bliss with a last thrust and a touch to her clit. Her pussy clenched around him as if begging him to join her in oblivion. Seconds later, his hoarse cry sounded in her ear, and Stratton collapsed on top of her, still intimately joined.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around him, holding him as close as she could while the euphoria ebbed into gentle, shuddering pulses. This was what she’d wanted, the ability to snuggle against a man and feel safe, as if she could depend on him to fix all the wrongs she faced.

Of course, she would never allow him to fight her battles when she was perfectly capable, but it was nice to know she could ask—yet… She pushed at his chest. The man would smother her if he didn’t move.

“Stratton, get off or at least shift positions.” She pinched his hip. “Now.”

“You had no objections to me being on you a couple of minutes ago.” He nibbled a path along her throat, the fresh-cut beard bristles grazing her skin.

Shivers danced over her skin. Renewed desire tingled between her legs. “That was different.”

He teased her collarbone with his tongue. “You don’t sound convinced. Good thing, because I’ll have to show you another aspect of my catalog.” Moving off to the side, he took her with him and tucked her against his side.

“Are you bragging?” Willa settled her check on his chest. He smelled good, like soap, sweat and man. She drifted her fingers along his abdomen, grinning when his muscles tightened.

“Yeah, I am. Aren’t you glad you’re sharing my bed? I could have taken the barmaid up on her offer.”

Actually, she was, but he didn’t need to know that. “I know you’ll have trouble keeping your arrogance to a minimum, Ace. There is no way I’d allow that bitch anywhere near you.” She skimmed her hand higher in order to trace the muscled planes of a pectoral. The light sprinkling of hair tickled her skin. Beautiful, full of himself, and for the moment, he belonged to her. Her heart skipped a beat when she thought of it.

“Aw, I love it when you get jealous.” He dropped a kiss into her hair. “I think my hearing might be messed up. Can you say it again?”

“No.” Uncomfortable and not understanding how to deal with his teasing now that they’d deepened the relationship, Willa tried to squirm from the bed, but Stratton wouldn’t release her. “This is weird.” Might as well say what was on her mind. “Is this whole thing going to last, or did you get me into bed just to have a free ride off the planet?” Her throat closed as she stared at his arm resting over her breasts. She didn’t want to be
that woman
—the one who went all soft and emotional from simply sleeping with a guy.

Stratton’s sigh warmed her temple. “You’re overthinking it, Willa.” Shifting his body until he half covered hers, he slid his hands into her hair, holding her head steady so she had no choice but to meet his gaze.

Genuine affection twinkled in his brown depths. For the second time that night, she had the feeling there was more to Stratton than he allowed people to see. A softer side, the hint of a soul, a sliver of personality that would make him into the kind of guy a woman wanted to take home and introduce to her family. The base of her spine tingled at the thought of being with him for more than a few days. Did she want to keep him around? She swept her gaze over his face and noted the exhausted triumph lining it.
Yeah, I kinda do. Taming Sin. I like the way that sounds.


“Enjoy the now, okay? That’s all you can control. It’s all you can plan for. The rest is for another time.”

“Is that how you live your life, how you were able to move on after losing your family and everything you cared about?” He fascinated her on a whole different level from any other man.

“I learned at an early age not to think about the future. Every time I did, things wouldn’t pan out the way I’d hoped. Disappointment set in a lot.” The twinkle died in his eyes. “Let’s just say there was a pretty large learning curve.”

She lifted a hand and cupped the side of his face. “You turned out fine, except for your smart-ass mouth.” Feeling the rough stubble sent her into another plane of want.

“Ah, but imagine what this mouth can do.” He lifted an eyebrow. “Care to find out?” He began to slide down her body, drawing his tongue over her skin as he went.

Desire coiled in belly. “As wonderful as that sounds, I’m tired from everything I’ve gone through today. If you stick around, I promise you can show me later.” A yawn followed her statement. “Sorry.” She couldn’t take any more fluctuating emotions. Earlier, she’d thought she’d lost him. Now, she lay safely in his arms.
Too much, too soon.

“Sure thing. I’ll throw on some clothes and go see what that barmaid is doing…”

“Like hell you will.” She shoved him onto his back, then thumped his stomach with a fisted hand. Stratton grunted and covered his midsection. “You’re staying in this bed with me. We need to talk about how to leave the planet. We don’t have many options.”

“Has anyone told you how fantastic you are when you’re mad?” He folded his hands behind his head and crossed his legs at the ankles. “I’m feeling a little anxious. How about you rub my belly while we talk? Soothe my bruises.”

“Keep dreaming.” She scrambled under the bed linens. “I’m tired.” The hard truth was they had no options. With zero money, no goods to barter or even ship parts to sell, they were shit out of luck. Biting her bottom lip, she waited as Stratton joined her beneath the covers and sighed when he lay on his side, pulling her backside against his front. “If we need quick cash, I can, um, I could try asking around to see if any of the men would be interested—” She broke off with a yelp when Stratton pinched her ass.

“No dice. Not as long as you’re with me.” He put his lips against her ear and said, “Do you understand?”

Willa nodded. For once, his possessiveness wasn’t annoying. It made her feel desired, which was an odd experience. “Unless you have any bright ideas, this is the plan on the table.”

“Don’t you know it’s not good to make a man talk after sex?” His arms tightened around her. “Beds are for two things—sex and sleeping. Three if you count more sex. If you’re not going to rub my belly, then shut your yap.”

The man was full of aggravation and sin. Not a good combination, and definitely one that would erode her nerves before long. She relaxed against him, enjoying the heat seeping from his body into hers, chasing away the last of the chill. A shuddering sigh escaped her lips.
I could get used to this.
Her eyes fluttered closed as Stratton’s idle stroking up and down her hip lulled her closer to sleep.

Just before she succumbed, her eyes snapped open. “We have to steal a ship.”

Stratton’s even breathing stopped. She felt his chuckle long before she heard it. “How? It’s not like folks scratch the startup codes into their paint jobs.”

“It’s a matter of crossing some wires, reformatting a few drives. Lucky for you, I picked up these skills on the racing circuit. Simple.”

His hand drifted to her thigh, one finger drawing abstract patterns on her skin. “That doesn’t sound like you. Did you learn that from Chaf?”

Though there was a distinct, warning growl in his voice, it didn’t stop her pang of longing.
I need to get a grip, but he makes me so…
well, she knew what he made her feel like. For now, she planned on enjoying every minute of it. “Yup. That man talks in his sleep like you wouldn’t believe.” She couldn’t resist teasing him.

“Don’t start.”

She killed the giggle that threatened to burst from her throat. “Nice to know you can be just as jealous.” Her eyelids heavy with sleep, she settled against him, then stiffened. “Oh, no! It doesn’t matter if we make plans.”

“Woman, do you ever stop talking? Conversation’s not my thing.”

“I don’t have the datapad, so I couldn’t check in at the marker. There’s a good chance we’re last, and it won’t matter come morning because—”



“I took care of it. We’re still in this thing, but if you keep talking, I’ll be worth nothing tomorrow, for committing crimes or anything else you had in mind.” He nudged the back of her leg with a knee. “Shut it.”

“Sometimes you amaze me.” The damned man actually did a good deed. Just another sign that he wasn’t the bad seed he portrayed. She turned in his arms, much to his growling annoyance. “You know, when you’re not shooting off your mouth and showing everyone what an idiot you are…” Hey, she couldn’t give him praise all the time; otherwise, his head wouldn’t fit through the door. She gave him an openmouthed kiss. “Thank you.”

“I try.” Smug pleasure hung thick in his voice. “Now let me sleep, or so help me, I’ll put your naked ass in the hallway.”

Willa grinned. He probably would. Burrowing against him, she sighed. Maybe partnering with him wouldn’t be that difficult. All she had to do was figure out how to score a ship, catch up to the pack, finish in a decent place and help Stratton take down his quarry. She at least owed him that.

I’d trade it all for clean underwear.
At times, life on an extended race junket grossed her out.

Chapter Thirteen

Stratton gritted his teeth as the countless knots in his stomach tightened. As a rule, he didn’t mind stealing a ship. What he took exception to was doing it in the middle of the day, in full view of anyone who happened to pass by, especially in their highly visible spot in the hangar of a shuttle dealership. The only saving grace had been that the facility was situated on the far end of town. Yet Willa had insisted, arguing and bringing her stubborn nature to the forefront. When he’d attempted to distract her with a quickie bout of sex, she’d given him a freezing glare and had told him he wouldn’t be allowed in her southern hemisphere until the end of the Trike.

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