Romance: REGENCY ROMANCE: The Duke of Hearts (Historical Regency Victorian Duke Romance) (Historical Regency Fantasy Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: Romance: REGENCY ROMANCE: The Duke of Hearts (Historical Regency Victorian Duke Romance) (Historical Regency Fantasy Romance)
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Badger came to sit on the other side of Bertie and the party set back the way they had come. “Oh I am so sorry.” Caroline said after a while. “I have caused all this trouble and poor Lord Haverbrook has been shot- all on my account.”

Badger told her that Bertie had simply chased off at high speed as soon as he knew she had gone off alone. “I have been such a fool.” She said. “Doing the stupid dance and then rushing off when people didn’t like it.” There was a slight moan from Bertie who opened his eyes.

“I can hear you Caroline.” He whispered. “They are stupid, arrogant people.” Badger said he agreed with that. “Just let’s get you home and the wound cleaned up.” He told him. “Lie still. It won’t be long.” Bertie did the opposite. He opened his eyes and looked at Caroline Carstairs. “I could not bear it if anything happened to you.” He paused for breath. “Can I have fallen in love in such a short time?” Caroline gasped at took his hand.

“I went away to save you and your friends embarrassment.” She answered and both Bertie and Badger said that they were not embarrassed at all. Bertie opened his eyes again and looked at the girl holding his hand and still pressing the cloth to his shoulder. “Miss Carstairs, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife please? Please be Lady Haverbrook. Please say yes.” Badger Timkins had no place to go so he looked studiously out of the side of the carriage and grinned quietly to himself. He would never let Bertie forget this one.

There was a pause whilst Caroline took in the enormity of what he had asked. Bertie opened his eyes again and looked worried. “Maybe you do not feel for me like I do for you.” He ventured but Caroline gave him that marvellous smile that lit up the whole world. “I do love you Bertie Collins- Margrave. I loved you from the first moment I saw you trespassing in my stable yard.” He gave a small laugh. “So the answer is yes?” She bent forward and kissed his lips.

“Yes. Yes. Yes. I will marry you and be the happiest woman in the world.” Bertie brought around his good arm and pulled her close. He claimed the kiss that he had been dreaming of and he knew that Badger Timkins was grinning like a madman. He didn’t care. The kiss ended and Carline checked the wound again. “The bleeding has stopped.” She said.

“You can turn around now, Badger.” Bertie said and realised that he felt stronger than before. “I know you are having a really good laugh but you can prepare yourself to be best man at the forthcoming festivities. “Congratulations to both of you.” Badger said. “I accept the best man invitation.” The carriage turned into the gates of Bertie’s stately pile and the two riders had gone ahead to prepare the servants to receive the wounded warrior. Bertie said he could walk and did go into his house on his own legs but aided by Badger and his butler. Aunt Agatha was fluttering in the background and frowned when she saw Caroline. “This is your fault, you silly girl.” The older woman said but it stopped Bertie in his tracks. He turned to the whole group of people. “This is the fault of ignorant people who are nasty to others. You included, Aunt Agatha.” He looked around. “Miss Carstairs has agreed to marry me.” There was a gasp and some of the servant girls clapped their hands. “We will wed and pull this place into the modern world.” He held out his hand and Caroline ran to take it. The butler said “Let me be the first to say congratulations, My Lord.” And Bertie thanked him as the staff gave a little cheer. “Let’s get you to a bed and clean this wound.” The butler finished and took over operations much to Badger’s relief.

It seemed that the bullet had gone straight through the top of the shoulder and although there were two wounds it was not as bad as the blood would let you think. Warm water and gentle washing revealed a clean wound. Wrapped in clean bandages and a soft jacket pulled into place, Bertie felt human again and held out his hand for Caroline to come and sit beside him.

“Thank you for riding to my rescue.” She said. “You were truly a knight in shining armour.”

“And I claim the hand of the maiden in distress.” He grinned at her. “We will do that waltz at the wedding and nobody will be brave enough to complain.”

“My cousin will be delighted. He will be able to teach Arabella how to waltz as well.” His bride to be added and he drew her towards him for the kiss that took them both into another realm entirely where time stood still.

“Happy ever after, Caroline, Lady Haverbrook. Happy ever after.” He murmured into her hair. She nestled against him and smiled.



BONUS BOOK: Princess's Secret

Bobbie Josephine spit out the word like it left a bad taste in her mouth. Ever since she had met that horrible boy, she had a heap of trouble. Now she had gone from the pan to the fire. “What have you done? Did you not stop to think that I might not want my birthday announced for the whole kingdom to know?”


William Harrison Donaldson, known as Dick to his friends and family, smiled his easy, wide smile. “Did you forget your mother’s ball this evening? Did you think she would let the night go without a toast to her birthday girl?” Bobbie’s frowned deepened. The mention of her mother was reminder of the root of the problem, but the ball was trouble of enormous proportions. She had never asked to be a princess, and although she loved her family, perhaps if given a choice she would have picked a role with less political nonsense. The ball tonight was a prime example. She did not have a choice in the matter; she would have to attend. Not only attend, but socialize with the Lesbionia’s elite- a group of know it all spoiled brats.


Even while they were kids, there was just something different about Bobbie from the other girls in her social circles. Kids pick at things they don’t understand, and Bobbie’s kind nature was weird and foreign to them. They had been taught to judge others and look down on those who didn’t have their breeding. The princess was brought up by a kind and loving father. He had passed on, but in the days when he had ruled, there was an easy peace to the land and their lives. Once a great Navel Admiral, King Pete hadn’t been afraid of hard work. He was wise and gentle. The princess came along late in his life and surprised him. But how he loved her! She was by his side at all times, and as a result, was quite the tomboy. She loved playing in the shipyard, where her father frequently had business, running and playing with the sons of the workers.

That is where she had met young Dick, a son of a Captain of one the ships, and good friend to her father. The pair had grown up together, close as best friends could be. He was blamed for most of the trouble they got into, but truth be known; most of it was her idea. Then puberty had hit and both had looked at each other differently. Falling in love had not been hard, but the social consequences where staggering. They simply could not be together. The princess could no more marry her love than marry a goat. Now she would be expected to go to the stupid ball and dance with stupid suitors, all who grew up with silver spoons and haughty attitudes. Each year they got worse. And now, with her birthday here and her age advancing, she would be expected to wed soon.


The idea of marrying any of those pushy men made Bobbie’s stomach sour. Just spending this evening with them was misery enough. Biting her tongue at their mean remarks, missing her beloved William ... who at the moment was rubbing her neck and shoulders. It felt wonderful, and even though she was mad at him, she felt her body relax against his hands. Bobbie rolled her shoulder so Dick would have better access. “My mother hates my birthday as much as I do. It is a reminder that she is another year older as well,” Bobbie said grumpily.


She felt his hand slid along her body and a fire lit deep in the core of her. He leaned in close to her ear, inhaling her scent, a blend of body soaps and lotions along with a mix of womanly musk and something so unique it was only found on her. It was a realness and a willingness to get dirty and laugh and play and it was crazy how that was a scent, but he could smell it on her and it drove him to his knees. The electricity between the two was undeniable.


He murmured in to her ear “The woman I love is turning twenty three today. If she were my wife, I would take her to bed and not get out all day. She would not leave till she knew how much I love her. She is not, so I must show her how much I love her in other ways. So I painted your beauty on a church in town. The angels must be so glad to have something to brighten their day! God himself must fawn over your beauty; both he and I know it isn’t skin deep with you. If I were a poet, I would have written a thousand sonnets. If I was a musician, one hundred songs. Never has God allowed such a perfect muse walk the earth, so I must celebrate doing what I do best.”


Dick’s lips had brushed across her neck as he confessed his love. The warmth of his breath and yearning in his words made Bobbie’s anger wane. “Dick, you can’t paint anything on a church! It isn’t right. The church is for God and God only.” The pressure from his hands got harder. He made circles on her shoulders, savoring the silky feeling of her skin. ”God made you princess and me a poor artist. I think he has punished me already. And after this ball, and you pick a prince to live your life with, I can worship at the church my one true love forever and always.” Her heart broke at the pain in his voice, and the truth in his words. All she wanted was to spend the rest of her life with the one person she loved. She felt warm little kisses on her neck. Dick nibbled and kissed on her neck and earlobe as if he was paying some sort of reverence. Each kiss was an unanswered prayer, each carrying devotion and adulation. Despite the fact that she could never truly be his, he would love her, adore her, and worship her till the day he died. His loyalty was as strong and unwavering has his love. He didn’t feel cheated in this, for the pleasure of her company and knowing her love was more than any man could ever hope for. Their time together was worth any price. Even on the eve of his misery, he had no regrets.


Bobbie sighed. Dick’s hands were warm and gentle. His fingers teased Bobbie’s skin. Lightly he traced the lines of her shoulders and neck. She admired the talents that were in those big hands. Dick was a passionate artist. His work was known far and wide as the most beautiful and feeling provoking images ever put on canvas. He was a sensitive soul, and his feeling leaked out all over his work. The man could no more bridle his feelings as he could stop his love for Bobbie. She sighed again, more worried than relaxed now. The idea of a life without him, without love … it was unbearable. And yet, she knew that tonight she would be asked to choose from a long list of suitors. Marriage was not for love, it was a tool to gain power or wealth. Or both, if she chose correctly. And Mother would see to that. Mother had big plans for Bobbie’s future. She was a good woman, but like most woman, she was materialistic. The idea of more of everything was favorable to her, and she wasn’t against using Bobbie to get it.


Dick sensed the change in Bobbie’s demeanor. “My love, do not worry about tonight. Enjoy this moment with me. I still have not been able to properly wish you a happy birthday.” He drew her up into his lap. “May I kiss you?”


Dick’s big eyes looked straight into Bobbie’s. His hands had settled on the lace of her dress. “How long does it take you to get dressed? All of these petticoats and slips and buckles, how do you have time for anything else?” He teased Bobbie, but he just wanted her mind off of finding a new love. But looking at all the clasps on her dress made him think of getting her out of it. He refused to deflower her, knowing that it could bring her shame. But thoughts of her silky skin were never far from his mind. He had kissed her, touched exposed skin, but he could go no farther. A night with Bobbie was all he wanted for the cold life he would lead without her, but to take her innocence would be unforgivable. Bobbie ignored his question, and pouted on his lap.

“Will you be at the ball tonight, Dick? Perhaps we could meet somewhere secret, and then the night would not be a total waste,” Bobbie said wistfully.

“Yes, there is a Duke that will be there tonight that has requested that I do a portrait of his daughter. I am to meet them both tonight. Mayhap I could meet you in the garden and dance once with you?”

“Of course!” Bobbie hugged him. “I would meet on the moon if you requested it,” she said as she slid in closer to him. “Maybe this birthday shall still yield some good.”

“And with that promise, I must bid you ado. I need to prepare myself for my meeting tonight and find the perfect gift for my beautiful Angel.” Dick smiled the smile that melted the wits right out of Bobbie and scooped her up out of his lap. Holding her tightly, he kissed her innocent lips and squeezed her body tightly. In truth, there wasn’t much he needed to do to ready himself for his meeting, and Bobbies gift was wrapped and waiting. But the hot sting of lust had creeped into his loins. He needs to be away quickly before he did something he would regret. With one last kiss on the top of her head, he made for a hasty exit.


Wide-eyed, Bobbie tried to figure out what had just happened to her. One moment they were snuggled as close as two people could be, and then … she was dumped like a sack of taters and alone. She frowned. Would she ever understand that man? All she had wanted to do was get closer and enjoy his warmth. It was amazing how large and strong his body was. Working in the Navel yard since he was a young boy had caused his body to mature into a very strong, powerful device. Bobbie flushed as she thought about how he had felt under her, how easily he had tossed her around. It would feel divine to be held in those strong arms and led around the dance floor. For one moment in time, she would pretend that she could have the man she loved, and he could have her. Finally, something to look forward to. She skipped down the hall on her way to the bath. She couldn’t wait to have a dance with William at the ball. She didn’t care at the moment that she would be force to marry a man she didn’t love. She was content with the fact that she would have one last dance with the man she loved so desperately.

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