Rough Attraction (2 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Rough Attraction
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He strolled passed his knight, not passing up the chance to brush against the man as he did so, moved to the back of the car and began assembling the extended crank bar. “You see, the snobs that designed the car decided they didn’t want to see the tools or spare tire. They thought the sight of them marred the rich physique of the car’s design.” Darko rambled aloud as he lined the extension bar through an indention just above the bumper and slid it in until it caught, and he began to crank it around.

The car’s
owner, bent over and could see the dark object lowering down from the under carriage. His spare tire.

Darko dropped down on the ground, reached under, unfastened the caddy and tugged the tire out from under the car. Another twenty minutes later and he had the car good as new. Nor did he fail to notice that in the process the man was eyeing him about as hot and heavily as he had him.

“You don’t know how much I appreciate this.” His rescued knight glanced at the watch on his wrist, which might have cost more than the car, “I’ll actually make my meeting this morning, after all.” He watched as Darko placed the flattened tired into the trunk along with the bag of tools. The man’s eyes more on his muscles as they flexed with the movement, than on the tire being placed in his car. “I’m not sure how to repay you—” he pulled a business card from his lapel pocket, “But if there’s anything you could—”

Darko twisted, grabbing him by his suit coat and yanked their bodies to collide together. His mouth instantly crashing over the other man’s, in an avaricious kiss. His tongue licked over his lips, soliciting entry and with barely a note of hesitation, his knight gave it to him.  The feisty and richly dressed businessman tasted like one of those fancy coffees and a hint of fruit jam on toast, but it was his tongue that had Darko swelling in his pants. The man kissed back; the caress of his tongue was powerful, hungry, and completely pliable against his own, as if this man was made to fit him, like a pair of rich leather gloves. He could just imagine the man fucking with a pair on. Darko’s left hand released the suit coat, slipping down the man’s arm until he clasped around his hand, brought it down to the building erection in his jeans and ground the hard bulge of his cock into the man’s palm.

Darko let out his own groan and an embarrassed smile broke over his face.
— that had just been too damn good, when he was least expecting it. He was about to move in for another kiss when Darko realized what he’d done to the man’s suit. Darko made a slight clicking noise through his lips and stepped back. The suit coat and white shirt were now ruined with the black smudges of tire soot from his hands.

The man’s eyes, burnishing with the same heat Darko’d just felt himself, dropped in response, discovering the condition the kiss had precisely left him in. Quickly, Darko snatched the business card from his knight’s hand and pulled the fancy pen from the man’s shirt pocket, creating more smudges, “Looks like I messed up your pretty clothes.” Darko scribbled something down on the backside of the card then tucked it back into the man’s shirt pocket, along with the pen. His hand lingering just long enough to let his fingers feel the firm body behind the shirt and tweak over the hard nipple hidden there. Yet again, leaving further evidence of Darko’s touch in a hand-print of grime. “That’s my address. Be there for dinner. Tonight. Bring the suit and I’ll pay for the dry cleaning. Stand me up and the suit is your problem.” Darko grinned, a rather self-satisfied smile that held no hint that he might actually feel bad for messing up the man’s work clothes. Then he turned, heading back for his ride.

He sat on his chopper, closing up his leather jacket and pulling his gloves back on, all while he watched the reflection of the man behind him, through his review mirror. His knight wearing the expression of a well-kissed man, and Darko hoped it would be enough to bring him calling.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~


Darko wasn’t thinking about who was at his door when the knock came, that was until he opened it. His rescued
stepped in; brushing passed a rather surprised Darko, even if he did his best not to show it. Closing the door, Darko couldn’t help but feel a little smugness coming back from earlier, he hadn’t actually expected the ruined suit and kiss ploy to work. But, if he had any other thoughts, they were instantly gone when he turned, only to have his body thrown back against the door. The man he’d just let in, pressed against him with surprising strength, along with an impressive hard on. The man crushed his lips with his and when Darko felt the tempting tongue lick across his lips— he let him. Lips hot and demanding as if they’d waited all day for a second taste of each other.

Just then, his guest’s hand dropped down, going right where Darko had placed his hand this morning.
seems like you got yourself a flat.” He pressed the heel of his palm in harder, grinding Darko’s cock to accept his hand, which was quickly hardening for tp prove the claim wrong.

“There. That’s better.” He pulled away wearing the smug look he’d just stolen from Darko, “Just as I remember.”

“I guess there’s no need for ceremony for kissing on our first date then?” Darko asked, his eyes half lidded with satisfaction.

“How was I supposed to turn down a pass like that?” The knight’s expression added to the growling tone with stirred desires that perhaps hadn’t been set to blaze in a long time for the man.

Darko waited for a retake of that kiss, but instead, his guest turned and began to walk around the living room as if Darko’s presence in the room was no longer registering with him. Darko watched as the man slid the long double breasted wool coat off then folded it over one of the chair backs and turned, standing there glancing at him. He looked radiant in the rich threads of a smoky-grey suit that tailored every line of his body in smooth perfection. The inky off-colored purple shirt transcribed well in a muted match with the dark grey, finished off with an obsidian black tie. Darko felt the low
growl kick off deep in his chest— damned if he could get used to looking at this man.

The man went back to his strolling about, stopping to glance at things in the room as if he could discern everything about the homeowner just by what was there, and what condition each was in. His hands absently undid his tie and started on the buttons of his shirt. He stopped along the wall unit, picking up a picture frame—
two scull rowers in the early dawn light. The surface of the water cast a hazy reflection of gold, leaving the rowers in dark silhouette
. Darko’s guest glanced at the trophy that sat next to it and ran his fingertip across the brass plate, distinctively noting the lack of dust. He read aloud— more contemplative, “New England Regional Championship Regatta – Master's Division.” His left hand tugged at his tie, pulling it free, then he shrugged his suit coat off and dropped it over the back of the sofa, his tie followed.

Even now, without the presence of a fancy car, Darko saw the man before him the knight in
armor still fit, rather than himself being seen as that gallant knight who’d done the actual rescue. Just something about this man’s demeanorr made him shine like dark glossy paint in the dim of his living room. His knight toed the dress shoes off next, pausing for only a moment to read over the framed poster on the wall showing a straight-on view of several muscular men seated, lined-up one behind the other in a fierce tug of oars. On the bottom, the caption read—
Real athletes row. Everyone else just plays ball
. His knight turned, looking at him as if deciphering— fan, fanatic or involved player?

Darko decided to let the man find out for himself and he licked his lips as the shirt came off and found its way on yet another form of furniture. “I really didn’t expect you to show. I didn’t plan anything for dinner.” Darko confessed out-loud to break the silence.

The man stopped and looked at him, “You got a phone and an address right?”

Darko shot him a perplexed glance.

“Take out will do—” and the man headed down the hall. “After I’ve fucked you!” he called back.

Darko smiled to himself.
That suited him just fine
. Only when his intended didn’t venture back, Darko went looking for him, finding him in his bedroom standing at the dresser. His guest’s watch and wallet now placed on top. His finger pressed to his wallet as he glanced around as if he was forgetting something, then quite purposely moved toward the nightstand, next to the bed. He pulled the top drawer, found what he was looking for, and tossed a bottle of lube and a few square foils on the bed.

His pants were next to come off then dropped down on the bed with a bounce before positioning himself into the perfect
pose, leaning back on the headboard. “Do you plan to get naked with me? Or do you always fuck with your clothes on?”

Darko walked to the dresser, snatching up the wallet and flipped it open.

“I didn’t know I was paying for this.” The man on his bed commented smoothly.

“You’re not.” Darko assured him and read the name on the driver’s license. “I just wanted to know who I am about to fuck—” he returned the wallet back to the dresser and looked at the man, “Maxum St. Laurents.” If Darko thought the man looked utterly tasty in the dark suit, he looked even more mouth-wateringly desirable in the nude and stretched out over his bed as if the man owned it.

Full and heavy, Maxum’s penis sprang from a shallow nest of dark, silky hair. Bigger might not make the man a better lover, but it was certainly prettier to look at; cut, pinkish, with strong veins. It matched Darko’s eight uncut inches of dark rosy flesh, though he figured he might have the man on girth. Darko watched, transfixed, as the knight stroked himself and one pearlescent drop appeared.

“Like what you see?” Maxum asked from the bed.

Darko folded his arms over his chest nearly chewing his lower lip off with the view, as he leaned back on the dresser to enjoy it a little longer. “Oh, I was liking it this morning when I pulled over to steal that kiss off you.” He took a deep breath and let it out with a groan, “It’s just getting better.”

Maxum flipped his cock with his thumb, letting it slap back hard against his belly. All for show. “Are you going to join me anytime soon?”

Darko made a half-hearted shrug, “You know, I’ve lived here three years now, and I don’t think my bed has ever looked as good. I’m liking the new accessory upgrade.”

“Wait until you try them on.”

Darko pushed off the dresser and pulled his t-shirt up over his head.

A hungry approval came from the awaiting man, “View from this side of the room, looks good, too.”

“It’s about to get even better.” Darko offered the languid lure and stepped to the foot of the bed, easing his zipper down, brushing the sides down, slowly enough to torture his guest. His thumbs caught his briefs and tugged them downward, just far enough to let his cock spring free. Letting the edges snap up just under his scrotum.


Maxum’s gaze licked over the approaching man’s body. It was far better than he had imagined. In fact, from what he could see as Darko unzipped his jeans and the dark tanned flesh of his uncut, swollen shaft sprang free, the man was perfect for the satisfaction of any desires a man could ask for. “Ah, fuck you’re a sight to see.” His breath picked up, his veins pumping hard with his need racing through him. Damn, he was dying to get inside him already.
Heady lust
. Maxum stroked his cock with a flattened palm, watching with flaring hunger as the man eased down on the bed, one knee, next a hand, then the other, and slowly came crawling towards him. His host’s cock bobbing from his jeans as he crept closer, dropping his head down and kissing as he did so. First to his ankle, soon after applying a wet one towards the underside of one knee then the next—
— then his thigh.

Before Maxum even was aware of his motor control, he offered his own shaft up for a pass of his host’s tongue, and the man didn’t refute him. “Fuck yes.” He hissed at the first glance of the man’s moist caress. Not even a faint teasing one. The man licked him with full-on contact with the flat of his tongue from stem-to-stern of his erect rod. Blue eyes, like cobalt glass, looking right up at him. Maxum nearly chuckled as it occurred to him the lights were still on.
—because, precisely when he started to think this was funny, this man’s mouth came right over the head of his cock and was instantly working it over. All thought, funny or not, was gone. The tongue pressed against the soft underside of Maxum’s gland and damned if his hips didn’t practically come flying off the bed in response. “Oh fuck.” He groaned with considerable encouragement so it would continue.


Darko took that as his queue—
oh yeah, this man was in dire need of having his junk worked over
. He hooked both of Maxum’s legs in his arms and rolled with a hard push, bringing the man’s entire body with him until Darko was on his back with Maxum’s knees planted at either side of his head, and he swallowed his knight’s cock down without pause. A trail of curses blasting out over him fueled his motives, and he worked double time over the turgid flesh with his tongue, the muscles of his jaws tightening around the shaft adding extra hug to the sides of Maxum’s cock. Darko’s hands stroked up the fine-tuned body, feeling out smooth ribs and a soft, rippling muscle that tapered down to a trimmed waist and then that ass. Oh, yeah, the ass— it
as good in his hands as it had
in the expensive slacks earlier this morning. Taking hold of Maxum’s hips, Darko began to lift him, pumping his member into his mouth.
— but he couldn’t help himself to like how he tasted and smelled. All manly-man and exquisitely groomed.

Albeit, before Darko had much of a chance to enjoy it as thoroughly as he planned, Maxum was moving, his cock popping free from Darko’s mouth, and was moving down his body, “Hey, I wasn’t done with that.” He objected and sat up to lay a wet claim over the retreating body with his mouth.

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