Rough Attraction (8 page)

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Authors: Talon P. S.

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Rough Attraction
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“There you are.” The sleepy tone whispered up at him. Darko rolled squarely on his back between his arms. His hips coming up off the bed to seek him out with a lurid invitation and Darko moaned some silent need for him.

“You sleep like the dead. Lucky for me everything was easy to find.” Maxum spoke trying his best to not sound nearly as ensnared as he was at the moment.

Darko pulled the towel from Maxum’s waist and tossed it to the floor, just looking up at him with some sinister amusement as if daring him to do something about it. His hips came up again pressing his turgid cock against his own knowing damn well what he was doing to him.
He wasn’t leaving
. Not until he had this man fucking him again and then he planned to drill him back. And Darko had secured that with just the simple brush of his cock on his. There wasn’t a passive bone in the man’s body and that was a problem.

“You look frustrated.” Darko teased him, his hand pulling on their shafts together still grinding his hips up to add to the friction.

Maxum groaned, “This can’t work out between us.”

“Then why are you still here?” His hands never stopping, not even a hiccup in what they were doing.

“Because you’re addicting.”

“Well, in that case,” Darko’s arm came around his shoulders pulling him down for a kiss, “Want some candy little boy?”

No sooner had their mouths met, Darko was rolling them both over until he had Maxum on his back and right away was moving down his chest, licking and kissing his way further down. His hands grabbed hold of Maxum’s thighs just as his mouth found his cock and in choreographed movements lifted his legs up while his mouth sank down over his shaft taking him all the way down.

“Ah fuck,” Maxum gasped but the shock and awe didn’t stop there, Darko released his cock and then the purpose of his legs in the air became evident when Darko’s mouth closed around his freshly showered ass. “Ah fuck. Ahh fuck.” His hands clasping around the hands that held his legs. Darko sealed his lips around his tight opening and ran his tongue in circles, gently but feverishly urging the ring of muscles to relax. An indiscernible chain of growling and moaning escaped Maxum’s mouth as he fought to anchor himself against the crashing sensation against his sensitive hole.

With each circling, Darko’s tongue probed deeper into him until he fucked Maxum’s ass with his tongue.

Maxum was still sensitive from last night, giving him little to no defenses to the new attention. He felt Darko’s growling tremor against his hole. The low sound vibrated through his cock and his toes curled—
dammit it he was so done in.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~






~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~



After their morning romp, Darko fell back to sleep in his arms. It took everything Maxum had to rip himself from around the exotic body, but he had to go. His love affair with a beautiful man was over, time to go back to the reality of his life—

—and the man he was still involved with.

Even glancing back over his shoulder at the empty spot in the bed, that had been reserved for him, called to him to come back; some subliminal message that he was doing this all backwards.

Maxum slipped out, leaving Darko’s place before his lover could entrap him any more with his favorite man candy. The guilt stricken introspect had bombarded him in the middle of the night, forcing him awake. He lay there in Darko’s arms, silently berating himself. The storm of thoughts and emotions plagued him until his head pounded with the migraine of them. The handsome body— sound asleep, next to him. The perfect and all too wrong match for his love life. Yet, Maxum had played the coward and couldn’t bring himself to walk away from it; rather he consumed every mouthful he could. Now it all would have to come to an end and already he was feeling the withdrawal pains.

He drove out to the Atlantic Beach, watched the tide come up, letting the winter wind whip at him with a cold blast until he could no longer stand it, then got back in his car and with a heavy heart headed for Kennedy Airport where he picked up Simeon Correl, his long term boyfriend for the last four years.

Maxum made the extra effort to meet his partner at the terminal rather than wait for him curbside. An effort that was greeted with little more than a kiss to his cheek as Simeon passed off the carry-on to his hand. Maxum froze in a stupor, feeling disregarded, a chauffeur or bellhop rather than a partner. He closed his eyes beating back the judgments that threatened to surface from deep inside. Thoughts argued and excused that Simeon was not Darko, and it was unfair he should compare them. However, that didn’t undo the hollowness he was left with when Simeon made no attempt to make his own stamp on his heart.

Right away Simeon was rambling on endlessly about his trip, his dreadful sister’s wedding, and not once stopped to give him a kiss to say he was happy to be back. “It was a good thing you didn’t go. You would have been miserable. The food was absolutely boorish and I know how you are about your food. And my mother. Oh, don’t even let me get started there. I don’t think the woman stopped talking the whole time I was there—”

Well that explained it. Maxum now had it on insight whose side of the family Simeon favored but he didn’t bother to mention it, he wouldn’t get a word in edge wise if he tried.

“—but at least I can say one good thing is that the weather out in California is absolutely scrumptious.” He let out a musical sigh, “I could just live there all year you know. Maybe I could get you to come out—”

Maxum’s mind wandered as it always did when Simeon was on a roll of prattling. He could go on forever and never say anything that required him to participate or respond to—


“Hmm?” Maxum blinked, glancing over at his partner who was giving him
look, reminding him there were
parts of the one sided conversation he needed to respond to. “I’m sorry did you ask something?”

“I asked if you missed me?”

“Of course, I missed you.” he reached over and took Simeon’s hand and squeezed it gently, but Simeon was gone from his touch before it could have any effect for either of them.

“No you didn’t. I can see it in your eyes. I swear, I don’t even know why I bother.”

Oh god, here is where it starts
. Maxum shook his head. He could manage a business and their funds, make a rich man out of a pauper but he didn’t know how to steer his partner’s incisive mood swings.

The high-pitched whining rant ensued like a blur in Maxum’s mind, having heard it on more than one occasion. If asked if he could recite it he had a good notion he might pass a pop quiz. He knew them all word for word and how long they lasted. This was a four minute deal— all until one thing stuck out, when something utterly new was said and it caught his attention.

“— I even talked to Gonzalo about it when he suggested I come out and stay with them. But I really don’t know how I could give up NoHo. I mean—”

“Who’s is Gonzalo?”

“Someone I met while at a Rainbow social.”

“Excuse me, Simeon? You mean to tell me that while on your vacation you were having a conversation with someone you just met that led to the consideration of breaking up with me?”

“Wha-I—” Simeon started ringing his hands in his lap. “No. Of course not. I just meant— well, I thought about moving out there, yes. But we wouldn’t have to stop being together. It would just mean you’d have to fly out to visit so we could have some personal time together— is all.” And he turned his eyes out the window as if it was the shut off switch to the new revelation of news.

It was a good thing they were already pulling up to a red light, as Maxum was certain he might have stomped the breaks and sent Simeon through the front windshield, seeing he wasn’t wearing a seat belt. Always saying it wrinkled his clothes. He was dressed like he just got back from Key West, Florida and here he was in New York, in the start of November. Wrinkles were the last thing he needed to be concerning himself with.

The light turned green and an impatient driver behind them saw to it Maxum didn’t sit too long brooding. “Uh-huh and what other life changing decisions did you contemplate while out there?”

“None at all.” Simeon refuted with an arrogant retort. “Oh, but I wish you could have been with me when we went to this wonderful bistro—” and
the four-minute-turned-five
fuss was over and done with. Turn the page and off to the next set of headlines of the
Simeon Huffington Posts
and Maxum knew there was no going back to the old subject. Once something was dismissed by Simeon there was never bringing it back up. “You would have loved this place—”

“New York is full of bistros.” Finding the suggestion peculiar since Simeon didn’t like them with him.

“Yes but this one was California style.”

“New York has California style bistros.”

“Well, yes, but it’s cold here.” Clearly, Simeon’s argument was taking on a rather muted defense.

“And your point?”

“My point?” hands doing double time on the wringing now. “Well, maybe you could move out to California with me.”

“My business is here.”

“Well you could open an office there. They have big buildings and clients there, too.”

“Except they don’t have the stock market there.” And that seemed to end the discussion. That was until Maxum had to open his mouth and say something else he knew he shouldn’t. “So, will this Gonzalo rent boy be keeping you entertained between visits?”

Simeon’s head snapped around, but it wasn’t hurt that glared at him but defiant guilt. “Why— how— why must you say such things to me?” Yet the only thing Maxum could think of in an honest response was
because I knew you would before you ever left. And that’s why I refuse to feel guilty for mine

“You know you are becoming more and more butch every day.”

Maxum almost chuckled at the concept. “Butch, don’t they use that for the more masculine gay women? Tell you what, why don’t I pull out my cock, and you suck me. Let’s see if you still think I am a butch by the time we get to your place.” It was likely the rudest thing he’d ever said to Simeon but far less than what he was feeling inside. So when Simeon turned back to the window, watching as the city slipped by in silence, Maxum let it stay that way while he let his emotional grief chastise him. Knowing that if he was going to try one last time to make this work between them, he was going to have to put his hurts behind him.


When they arrived at the artsy condominiums where Simeon lived in the heart of NoHo, New York, right away Simeon was back at it again running around rambling and, as always, Maxum didn’t try to keep up with what was wrong this time.

“I’ve told Donta so many times, you have to mist the plants, not soak them. Now look, they’re all near death.” He waved his hand around at the wilting plants around his apartment.

“Come here.” Maxum caught him in passing and drew him in.

“But my plants?” his frustrated partner pouted. It was almost cute if taken out of context. To which Maxum tried.

Maxum stepped up to pull his partner into the embrace of his arms. “We can water them together really quick. They’ll snap back.”

Simeon thwarted the cuddling attempts and tossed his hands to highlight the condition of the plants, “They’re already over watered, Maxum.”

“I’ll buy you new ones then. Just stop running around for a minute and let me hold you.”

“Oh—” the sound idled down as he quizzically watched Maxum wrap around him then lowered to kiss him. Offering first a slow soft brush of his lips just how Simeon liked it. Letting the pillowy softness of his lips brush and press— brush and press— until he was teased into wanting more but when Simeon opened up for him Maxum dove in with a force that had Simeon squirming in his arms very quickly.

Simeon finally wrenched free taking a stumbling step back, “Maxum, you’re hurting me.”

“How did I hurt you?”

“You know I don’t like the aggressive stuff when you force me.”

“Force you? Simeon how is it I’m forcing you. I haven’t seen you in two weeks. I’d like to feel you against my body for a few minutes, catch up on some kissing. What is wrong with that?”

Simeon cringed, then shook it off, “I suppose I over reacted.” He tried on a sullen face for him, “I guess I just forgot how overwhelming you can be.”

“Was there someone else in California who touched you otherwise?”

“No. Of course not.” Simeon made that fidgety twitch thing again, but Maxum couldn’t say for sure if it was guilt or something else that made him do it. Not that he was innocent to press for an answer this time. So he let it slide.

“It’s just been awhile.”

“Not that long Simeon. You didn’t forget. You’re just not into kissing anymore— or holding hands— or much anything else for that matter.”

“Don’t say that.” his tone went up in a pathetic plea, “That’s just not true.”

“Then come back here and let me finish kissing you.”

Simeon rolled his lips a moment. Maxum could see he wanted to refuse but Maxum knew how to guilt him into surrendering some affection, because if it all vanished there was no sense in staying together. “You fuss if you think I didn’t miss you yet you won’t let me have you in my arms.” Simeon, let out a defeated sigh and reluctantly surrendered to his arms, pushing up on his toes to initiate the kiss between them. Maxum reciprocated but it wasn’t the same the second time around. He had to hold back what he wanted to put into it because what he wanted to give wasn’t acceptable— or welcomed.

“Shall we go get something to eat?” Simeon suggested thinking that the one solitary kissing moment would suffice him and now they could go on to other things.

“Not just yet.” Maxum smiled gently for his partner, “What do you say we just curl up on the sofa a bit first.” He’d
him into a kiss, now he planned to ride that gain as far as he could while he had it. Then he’d sell out.

Maxum moved to the sofa, stretching out and coaxed Simeon to join him, but rather the quiet moment of snuggling, he was looking for, Simeon chattered on about his stay in California, about emails he’d exchanged with his friend here in town and something about needing to go to the hair dresser. Maxum ran his fingers through Simeon’s short strands of platinum blonde hair while Simeon’s hand followed  his, smoothing it back down, shooting him an annoyed look. Maxum was just trying to figure out what exactly Simeon needed to have done to it.

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