Royal Pain in the Ass (38 page)

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Authors: Heather Trudy

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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Do I really have to?

I asked giving Fiore a look.

Raleigh, of course you can,

Fiore winked at me and took his hand and she began leading him around the dance floor.

I mouthed


to her and she gave me the thumbs up as she twirled off with Raleigh who didn

t know what to do.

That wasn

t very nice.
I heard Xavier chide behind me.

I shrugged.
I don’
t want to dance with him.

s already got the wrong idea.

I sighed.

Who do you want to dance with?

I don’
t know.
Fiore seems safe.
” I joked.

Would you like a drink?


d love one.


ll be right back.


m going to get some air.

I walked out of the huge tent that had been brought in for the event and took a long breath of the crisp country air.
It just felt clean here.

Still wondering off by yourself?

I jumped at the familiar voice.
It was a voice I

d never thought I

d have to hear again.



























Chapter XIX


I stared into the icy blue eyes I had once loved.
How are you here?

I saw that smile I knew all too well spread across his lips.
You know you missed me, Jules.

I shook my head.
What are you doing here?

Come on, baby.

t act like you didn

t miss me.”

Chase, I didn

t miss you.

I growled.
Why are you here?

I repeated.
I felt my anger bubbling up.
He knew how to press my buttons.
If I wasn

t careful, he was going to make me do something stupid.
Chase smiled again.
I knew that smile.

d fallen for it when I was a stupid freshman.
Back when I thought that smile was charming and genuine

Now I knew that smile meant he wanted something.

Admit you missed me.


m much happier without you in my life, thank you very much.

I hissed.

I find that hard to believe.
You were only happy when I made time for you.

Chase growled.

Chase, I have no time for losers in my life anymore.
I don’
t have time for you.

You will make time for me.

Chase replied flatly.

Why would I do that?

Because I have something you don

t want to world to see.

I narrowed my eyes.
What could you possibly have?

You didn

t know about it, but I like to keep things interesting in the bedroom.
Sometimes I like to watch to improve my A game.
I felt the color drain from my cheeks and the world started spinning.
Chase sighed and was checking his nails, a confident smile on his face.

Come again?

I recorded us.
On video.

Without my permission?

I choked out.
This felt like so much of a violation.
I felt like I was going to throw up.

Besides, you would have said no.


s damn skippy I would have.
There is no way I would agree to that.
Intimate moments should be kept intimate.
Oh my god, how could he have done that?

Wh-what are you planning on doing with that?

If you do what I want, then I

ll give it to you.
  If not, I

ll just go to the paparazzi.
They won

t care if you agreed or not.
All they

ll care about is the fact that it will be out there for the world to see. We both know once it belongs to the internet, it’s never going away.

What do you want?

I asked, covering my face with my hand.
I felt the tears coming.
This was bad.

I want to slingshot off of your new found fame.
See, my music career isn

t where I want it to be right now.
I don’
t have the fame I want.
he gave me a pointed look.
, the new found, illegitimate daughter of a duke’s

s band gets a lot more attention off the bat.
I want it.
This is a big decision.

ll give you some time to think it over.
You have seventy-two hours.
I will get a hold of you.
Good night Jules, always a pleasure.

I felt my knees go weak as he sauntered off.
I fell to the ground feeling numb.
Oh dear god.
What was I going to do?


I heard Xavier calling me from behind but it felt like I was underwater.
Hearing, but not.
Juliet, what

s going on?

I was staring at the spot where Chase had stood minutes ago.
How had he found me?
How could he do that to me?
After all that he had already put me through . . . now this too . . . he was evil.
There was no other word for him.

Someone touched my shoulder and I jumped.
I looked up at Xavier

s worried face.


s the matter?

I wrapped my arms around him and felt the tears come.


s happened?

I couldn

t make an intelligent sound, I just sobbed into his shoulder.
He rubbed my back and made soothing shushing sounds.


s going on?


m not sure.

Xavier replied letting me sob into his shoulder.
Something happened, but she hasn

t told me.”


I felt someone pulling me from Xavier and I saw Raleigh.
What is it?

I shook my head.

s stupid. 
I, I just need a minute.
I pushed away from both of them and started running.


I heard Xavier shout.
I knew he was coming after me.
I stopped, pulled off my heels and started sprinting.

I ran until I didn

t have feeling in my legs anymore and I let myself slow down.


Xavier panted as he caught up.
What is the meaning of this?
What is going on?

My chest felt like it was on fire and I let myself sink to the ground.
I was fighting to breathe and I just stared up at him.

Juliet, you can talk to me.
Whatever it is, you can tell me.

I shook my head.

Yes, you can.

I shook my head again.


Xavier kneeled down beside me.

ve never seen you like this.
It worries me.
Talk to me.
Say something.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.
Xavier sighed and sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my hunched shoulders.

When you

re ready I

m here.

We sat there for I don

t know how long before I was able to talk again and when I could my voice sounded hollow.

m in trouble.

What do you mean?


m in trouble.

Juliet, I don

t understand.


s a video of me . . .

I gulped and lowered my face down to my knees and felt the tears coming again.

Of what?

Of me and my ex.

I heard Xavier intake a sharp breath.

I didn

t agree to it,


I felt Xavier shaking beside me.

He found me.
He threatened to give it to the paparazzi.

I finally looked at Xavier and the blatant rage on his face frightened me.

Please don

t be mad at me.

I sounded pathetic and I hated myself in this moment.


s face softened and he looked shocked by the statement.
Why would I be mad at you?

I don’
t know . . . I just, kind of, feel like it

s my fault, somehow.

Xavier gave me a sad smile.
This is, in no way whatsoever, your fault.
Are you ready to go back?

I shook my head.
No, but if we

re gone too long there will be a problem.
I stood up and my legs felt like jelly and if Xavier hadn

t caught me I would have fallen.

Come here,

Xavier picked me up.

He carried me back to the party and set me down just inside of the tree line.


s get those shoes back on.

ll be right back okay?

I nodded.
Minutes later Fiore was by Xavier

s side and she quickly fixed my makeup and kept making me laugh.

Now darling, Xavier has explained some of the situation to me.
Give me this boy

s name and I will see to it that no paparazzi will accept anything from him.

I gave her a weak smile.

ll figure it out later, tonight there are more important things to worry about.

So you know about it too then?

Fiore asked me with a wink.

I nodded.
I helped set it up.

Aww, I love weddings.

Fiore sang.

ll figure all of this out tomorrow.

After Fiore made me look good as new she and I returned to the party.
It was a wonderful night full of dancing.
We all watched as Ian led Lana out.
I was so excited I couldn

t wait until we saw them come back in.
I think Fiore and Christine were the loudest.
Greg was laughing at Christine

s enthusiasm.
Once it started to quiet down I saw him steal a quick kiss, which made her blush the shade of her dress.
I started to laugh until an arm snaked its way around my waist.
I turned to see Raleigh and I spun out of his arm.

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