Sanctuary (Freaks MC Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: Sanctuary (Freaks MC Book 2)
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Hey, Princess.” He grinned as the little girl scrambled onto the bench next to him. “Wow, you're getting to be such a big girl now. Where's your mom and dad?”

Mom's barfing, an' daddy's holding her hair. We had to stop the car loads of times.” She climbed onto his lap. “Where's Genghis?”

He's in the house. He kept trying to steal everyone's hotdogs.”

Abi giggled. “He's a bad dog. Can I have a hotdog?” She sighed. “We don't have hotdogs, they make mommy puke.”

“Your poor mom's having a rough time, huh? Sure, you can have a hotdog, Abs. Go and ask Uncle Spike, seeing as he has kicked me off my own barbecue.”

Okay.” She sighed. “Lift me down, Samsam. I don't want my princess dress to get dirty.”

Course you don't. Now go and bother Uncle Spike.”

I never bother Uncle Spike. He really likes me. He said so.”

I'm sure he did.”

All my uncles and aunts really like me. An' I really like them. Uncle Barney is my favorite, but he don't come no more.”

No, I know, princess.” He frowned. “Hey, I thought I was your favorite uncle.”

You're not my uncle, silly. You're my Samsam.”

Oh, that's okay, then.” He leaned back again as she trotted across the yard to not bother Spike. Shit, he was going to miss that kid.

With his hands on his thighs, he pushed himself to his feet as Tiny and Beth walked towards him. Tiny grinned and put Luke down. “Hey brother. Happy birthday.”

“Thanks. Feeling every fucking year of it.” Deke smiled and turned to Beth. “Hey, you look...”

Like shit. Yeah I know.” She wasn't exaggerating. She was positively haggard, and looked like she was about to pass out. Fucking Tiny. He should have insisted they stayed home. She looked around. “Where's Emma?”

She snuck off to the studio with Bugs about half an hour ago. Either they're both hiding from Yaz, or they're fucking.” He frowned and took her arm as she swayed slightly. “How about I take you inside for a while. You look like you could use a rest.”

She leaned heavily on him as he led her inside. “Thanks, Samson. I guess I can add travel sickness to my list of woes.” She eased herself down onto the sofa. “It's not so bad if I drive, but Joe refuses to ride bitch.” She looked down at her ankles and frowned. “Shit, they're swelling again. I'm not sure I can survive another four months of this.”

Samson grabbed a low stool from the corner of the room and gently lifted her feet onto it. “You shoulda stayed home, baby.”

It's your birthday, Samson. I wanted to come. I'll be fine. I just need a little rest is all.”

He sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. “How's the house hunting going?”

“It's not. Joe has found us somewhere to rent in Fillmore until these two have arrived, and we're going to rent our house out for a while. We should be good to go by the end of the month.” Her laugh was a little bitter. “That's if I can persuade him that I need help with the packing.”

That's what prospects are for.” He grinned. “You want me to kick Tiny's ass? There might be a line. Emma wants the first shot.”

She's sill pissed, huh? It's okay, really Samson. I'm kind of looking forward to moving back to Cali.” She leaned her head onto his shoulder. “Would have preferred to wait till my girls are born, though.”


She grinned. “Yep. I think Joe was hoping for at least one more son. He thinks we're going to gang up on him and Luke.” She closed her eyes. “Like Joe can be bullied by anyone.”

Samson kissed her cheek. He didn't entirely believe Beth was looking forward to moving away, but he knew she'd follow Tiny to the ends of the Earth. “Gonna miss you, baby girl.”

I'm going to miss you, too.” She patted his thigh. “Go and enjoy your party. I'll be fine.”

Okay, I'd better get back out there before Spike does something unspeakable to the goat.” He squeezed her hand and hauled himself to his feet. “I'll let Emma know you're here. C'mon, Genghis. Let's go an' play with the kids.”

Hey, Samson. You taking anything for your back?”

My back is fine, Beth.”

You know you're not kidding anyone, right?”

No one to kid. I'm fine.”

Yeah, yeah.” She closed her eyes again. “You always were a stubborn fool, Deke Samson.”


~ oOo ~


Emma leaned on her elbows as Bugs tapped away on his calculator and scribbled figures onto a notebook. “So if I use the money I'd set aside for the sun room, can I afford it?”

Reckon so.”

Great. How soon can you start?”

Couple of months.” Bugs took off his glasses and leaned back. “I gotta ask, Emma. Wouldn't it be easier to build a new studio?”

Not really. The light is really good up here, and I like the view from that window. Building a garage away from the house is better. As long as it's big enough and has electricity, Deke can have it how he likes and make as much noise as he wants.” She stretched. “I don't think standing for hours at a time is doing his back any good. If he has somewhere he can work, he can quit and build bikes to his heart's content without disturbing me. I'd appreciate it if you don't say anything to him about this, though. I'd really like it to be a surprise.”

Sure thing, sweetheart. Now I kinda got a thirst on, d'ya think we can join the party now?”

Yeah, sorry. Go on down. I'll be there in a minute.”


~ oOo ~


As soon as Bugs joined the party, Yaz stormed over to him and started giving him shit. Gritting his teeth – that bitch grated on his last nerve – Deke grabbed a couple of beers from the cooler and headed towards the studio. He still didn't like to go up there; the paintings reminded him of what happened to her and he doubted that those bright splashes of color would ever return, but he just wanted to spend some time alone with his girl.

She was standing at the window, looking down at the party. “Hey, baby girl. What you doing hiding up here?”

She shrugged. “Just watching everyone enjoying themselves.”

If you came down, you could enjoy yourself, too.”

I will.” She took the beer from him and tucked her free hand into his back pocket. “Did Beth come with Tiny and the kids? I can't see her.”

Yeah. She was feeling a little shaky, so went inside to rest.”

She's really struggling isn't she? It's pretty much put me off ever getting pregnant.”

That's a shame. You'd make a great mom. I kinda always saw you with a whole tribe of kids.”

Is that what you want?”

With you?” He ran his finger along her spine. “Yeah. I guess I do.”

Oh.” She turned and smiled. “Maybe we should start thinking about making one, then.”


Now would be perfect.”

He took her beer and put both bottles on the window ledge and pulled her close. “So we gonna do this? We gonna make a baby?”

She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yeah.”

Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?” Spike pushed the door open and wandered over to the painting on the easel. “Wow, this is really good. Did you do the one in Tiny's den?”

Jesus, Spike. Do I have to hurt you? What do you want?”

Beer.” Spikes eyebrows raised. “Oh, I really was interrupting something.”

Beer's in the fridge in the garage. Now, please fuck off.”

Shit, brother. There's no need to be so touchy. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. I ain't sure if it's a problem, but one of the kids let your goat out.”


~ oOo ~


“Oh God.” Beth wiped the tears from her face and leaned against the fence as Deke, accompanied by Genghis, tried to herd the goat back into his pen. “I haven't laughed like that in ages. Do you think maybe you should help him?”

I will.” Emma chuckled as the goat dodged and successfully evaded capture again. “Just give them a couple more minutes. Deke hates that goat. He's stubborn and belligerent, and refuses to be forced to do anything he doesn't want to.”

Are we talking about the goat or Samson, here?”

Take your pick.” Emma laughed and pushed open the gate. “Hey Sammy, baby. You want some candy?” She pulled a paper bag from her pocket. “I have chocolate.” The goat stopped running and turned to look at her. “You know the rules, big guy. If you want candy you have to go into the pen.” Giving Deke a look of pure hatred, Sammy turned and trotted into his pen to wait for his treat.”

Deke scowled at her. “You spoil that fucking animal. You need to show him who's the boss.”

“Sure, baby.” She grinned and closed the gate. “There's only room for one alpha, right?”

Damned straight. That flea-bitten piece of shit needs to learn his place.”

I know, baby.” She held out the bag. “You wanna piece of candy?”

One of these days, woman...” Emma loved how his eyes danced when he smiled. “Stop grinning. I'm a big bad motherfucker.”

Yep.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “And you're all mine.”

No one kissed like Deke. Emma moaned, oblivious to the people around them. The expression, 'take your breath away' could have been invented for him. “Emma.” He pulled away. “Unless you want me to fuck you in front of everyone, we're gonna have to stop now.”

She didn't want to stop. She almost sobbed as he pulled away and turned to his brothers. “Show's over, folks.” Taking her hand, he led her away from her little vegetable garden and back to the party, the dog following closely at their heels.


It wasn't exactly a Kumbaya moment, but sitting around the fire pit with Deke's brothers and their families, Emma felt more content than she had for months. “You want another beer?” She opened the cooler and frowned. “I'll get some more from the garage.”

Tiny scrambled to his feet. “I'll give you a hand.”

“I can manage.” So far she'd avoided speaking to him.

He ignored her and followed her to the garage. “You still pissed with me, little one?”

“Yeah. I am.”

He pushed her hair away from her face and ran his thumb along her scar. “Ain't gonna justify my decision to you, Emma.”

“I don't expect you to.”

His mouth twitched. “Gonna miss that attitude, girl. Told you I'd be there for as long as you needed me, an' that's what I did.”

“And Beth?”

He shrugged. “Beth is fine. We're moving to a small town in the sun. The kids will get to know their grandmother before...” He swallowed and again, Emma caught a glimpse of the man he tried so hard to hide. “This move will be good for all of us.”

“So this has nothing to do with the club?”

Less than you think. I got the chance of a partnership in a garage in Bay View. It's a real chance to earn straight, a future for my kids.”

Your timing sucks, though.”

Ain't gonna deny that.”

I'm going to really miss you, Tiny. All of you.”

Gonna miss you too, little one.” He kissed her forehead. “We better get these beers out there. They'll be getting thirsty.”



Will you...If I...?”

Whenever you need me.”


~ oOo ~


“You two okay?” Deke took a beer from Emma and shifted in an attempt to make himself comfortable on the - too small - picnic chair.

Yeah, we're good.”

I'm glad.” He looked around. Most of the kids were asleep, and most of the adults looked like they were ready to call it a night. “Would it be rude of us to sneak up to bed?”



Good.” She stood and took his hand. “Wanna get your birthday present?”


Birthday presents didn't come any better than this. Shit, nothing was better than this. No girl was more beautiful. No tits, more perfect. No pussy felt better. He roared as he felt himself letting go, not caring that he could probably be heard through the open window. And when his brothers sniggered as, limping slightly, he walked back to the fire pit, he couldn't stop the grin from spreading across his face. Nothing beat being loved by his beautiful little witch.

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