Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2) (8 page)

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Authors: T.A. Roth

Tags: #Say Nothing

BOOK: Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2)
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The office has finally quieted down. I'm staring blankly at my computer screen, mindlessly flipping my insurance card through my fingers.

"Are you cracking under the pressure, honey?" Hilda's voice breaks me from my thoughts.

"What? Uh . . . no. Just thinking."

"Anything I can help you with? Those two look like they're trying to bury you alive," she says pointing to all the files lying around my desk.

"No, I have it. I've made copies of almost everything already. Now, it's just a matter of putting them back where they came from," I say, shrugging.

"Okay, well you let me know if you need my help. I have a light load today, and I can always come over and help."

"Good to know. Thank you. I might take you up on it. I have a few more files to go through, but if it gets to be too much, I’ll come see where you're at with your stuff. Sound good?"

"Sure thing, sugar. Just holler when you need me," she says with a wink.

She's a few steps away from my desk when she turns back. "What is that you were eating, by the way? It smelled delicious." I look down at my empty container and smile.

"It was lasagna. Ben cooked for me last night. It tasted even better than it smelled."

"The man looks like that and can cook too? Do you want to trade?" she asks fanning herself dreamily. I giggle and shake my head.

"No. I think I'll keep him for a while. Thanks, though."

"Oh well, it was worth a try." She gives me a little shrug and heads back to her desk.

I pick up my desk phone and finally make the phone call I've been dreading to make all day.


Bumming around on Ari's couch is gonna get old quick. I've straightened up the apartment, checked the mail at my grandmother's house, and threw in a load of laundry. My mom calls just as I'm about to eat. I swear the woman has impeccable timing.

"Yes, Mother." I know why she's calling, so there's no point in hiding my annoyance.

"You forgot to call me last night, Benjamin. I need to make a reservation somewhere. All of the nice places will be booked if we wait too long."

"I know. We had a long day, and I fell asleep before I had the chance to call you back. Ari and Eli will be joining us for sure and there might be one more."

"Who would that be?" she asks curiously.

"It's Ari's best friend, Vonne. She's also graduating with me and is the one who introduced us. Ari is checking with her to make sure she doesn't already have plans."

"Okay, I'll just include her into the reservation. If we have to cancel, it shouldn't be a problem. Is there anywhere, in particular, you would like to go?" she asks.

She's always just made plans without asking. I'm almost shocked.

"No, I'm okay with whatever you decide."

"Perfect. I'll make a few phone calls and see what's available. We're taking a short trip to Napa for the next couple of days. I will be in touch as soon as we return."

"Okay. Talk to you soon." I'm about to hit the end button when I hear her voice come through the receiver again.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I said I love you."

"Oh, I love you, too." I hit end and stare at my phone for a bit. I don't know why hearing her say those words is always so awkward. It just doesn't sound natural leaving her mouth. Does that sound bad? It's my mother, and I know she loves me. She just has a warped way of showing it. I'm about to place my phone on the table when it buzzes. At this rate, I'll starve before I get to eat my food. It's a text from Ari.

Ari: I did it.

Underneath those words is a screenshot of her therapy appointment confirmation. It's for next Friday at seven in the evening.

Me: That's great. I'll be right there with you. It'll be fine, I promise.

Ari: Thank you. I'm holding you to it.

Me: What time will you be home?

Ari: Just have a few more things to wrap up. I should be home around six. What's for dinner?

Me: LOL.

Ari: Don't laugh. I expect a hot meal on my table after a hard day’s work. Get to it, sir.

Me: Very funny. I'll have something hot waiting for you all right.

Ari: Promise??

This conversation went south real quick; I sense a cold shower in my near future.

Me: Hmm . . . is that a challenge?

Ari: How do you always get me so worked up over text? I can't even hear your voice.

Me: Because you're imagining my lips over the shell of your ear working their way to that sweet spot on your neck that drives you wild.

Ari: And I am now shutting off my computer. See you in forty minutes.

I chuckle to myself as I sit back and wait for her to come to me.


I was planning to hang around for at least another hour, but after that text . . . let's just say I'm in a hurry to get out of here.

"What was that text about?" Hilda says over her shoulder.

I had no choice but to ask for her help. For every pile of files I put away, it felt like there were twenty more in its place. I was making no headway and with the list of things they want me to do tomorrow, I needed an extra pair of hands or a clone.

"Nothing," I answer unable to wipe the stupid grin off my face.

"The way you shut that computer down and practically jumped from your chair doesn't look like nothing," she says smirking at me.

I'm contemplating my answer when she continues. "Go on. Get out of here. You've been working your tail off. Go home to your hot piece of man candy. I’ll finish up."

I could kiss her right now, but I feel guilty just bailing.

"Are you sure? You don't have to finish. You've already been a big help. I'll play catch up tomorrow morning."

"I'm positive. There's not that much left, and I guarantee you they'll be in tonight and create another pile for you. Don't worry about me. Now, scoot."

I don't wait for her to tell me twice. I grab my purse and walk toward the front doors.

"Thank you. I owe you one," I call out over my shoulder.

In typical L.A. fashion, there's an accident on the freeway. Traffic is backed up for miles and getting home quickly is just not gonna happen. I decide to call Vonne to distract me from my potential road rage.

"Hey, lady?" She picks up after a few rings.

"Hey, yourself. What are you doing?" I ask.

"Nothing. I got your text this morning. Sorry, I didn't text back. I was trying to figure out what we were gonna do. We're just gonna have the family over on Saturday for a barbecue so I'm in."

"Awesome. You could be my backup against the mega bitch."

"That should be fun," she says with a laugh. "Who else is going?"

"Well, his parents, of course, us, and Eli."

I play stupid and wait for her reaction. I'm still a little pissed at her for not telling me, but I figure she won't be able to hide it from me for long.


"Oh. That's all you have to say?" I ask, waiting for her to give me more.

"What do you know?"

"Nothing. Apparently, my best friend didn't think it was important to keep me in the loop. I had to hear it second-hand from my boyfriend who swore me to secrecy for fear of getting his nuts chopped off."

"What did Eli tell him?"

"So are you going to tell me your side, or are you going to continue throwing questions at me. Just tell me, dammit, and then we'll compare notes."

She lets out a long sigh. "Ugh . . . fine. He finally gave in to my charms."

"Your charms?" I ask laughing. "Enlighten me of these charms you speak of."

"Shut up. You know I've wanted to jump his bones since we met. He's just such a fucking gentleman under that mischievous smirk. Gah! I couldn't take it anymore."

She pauses, taking in another breath. "He got a little buzzed at the reception, and I drove us back to my house so he could get his car. He seemed nervous, and I wasn't ready for him to go home yet, so I asked him to come inside. I grabbed us something to drink, and well . . .”

"Well? What? Stop leaving me hanging."

"I took a page out of your book, and I jumped his bones."

"What?" I screech into the phone.

"I'm sorry, but I've never had to make the first move. He was being such a damn cock tease. We were sitting pretty close together on the couch and every time he would shift his body, his leg would rub against mine. Then he started with his hands. He’d touch my arm while we were talking then move it away, then he moved it to my thigh. He was fucking killing me. So I wrapped my hand behind his neck and planted one on him."

"Holy shit."

"He was shocked at first. I threw everything I had behind that kiss. All the pent-up lust I had for him. He had no choice but to give it up."

I laugh so hard that my eyes water. "Well, good for you. Taking what you want."

"Yeah, well don't cheer me on just yet. He went back to being weird. I'm not proposing marriage here. You know me, I can handle casual and I told him that, but he's spooked, I think."

"Why? Did he tell you something, or was it just awkward the next day?"

"No, he was fine, but then I screwed up and invited him to my graduation. I didn't think it was a big deal because I figured he was gonna go anyway. He got sketchy after that. He couldn't get his clothes on and out of my apartment fast enough."

"Well, according to Ben, he hasn't had a girlfriend for a while and isn't really looking for one. For what it's worth, I think he feels bad for how he acted."

She releases a heavy sigh. "This whole situation sucks, it's just bad timing. With both of us leaving . . . it's just. I don't know. I . . .”

She has it worse than I suspected. Poor girl can't even complete a thought. "Hey, don't sound so defeated. If it's meant to be, it'll work itself out. Right?"

I say this to reassure her but can't help but think of my own situation.

"Yeah, I guess you’re right. Okay, I'm done with this pity party. On to more important business. I need a fricken mani-pedi. My nails look like shit. When are we meeting up?"

"There she is," I say laughing. "I was wondering where you went."

"Oh, shut it. So? You're the one with the crazy schedule right now. I'm just trying to pack and, believe me, I can easily be persuaded to stop doing that."

A pang of sadness hits me. She's leaving. I know we don't see each other that often but knowing that she's only a thirty-minute drive away has always given me solace.

"Hello, earth to Ari!"

"How's next Wednesday? That way they're nice and fresh, and you don't run the risk of chipping them while packing."

"I like that idea. Sounds like a plan."

"Cool. Okay, traffic is finally moving. We'll talk later."

"Okay, drive carefully. Talk to you later."

"Oh, and next time you keep something from me, I'm gonna kick your ass."

She snickers. "Noted. Lates."

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