SEAL Brotherhood 06 - SEAL My Destiny (13 page)

Read SEAL Brotherhood 06 - SEAL My Destiny Online

Authors: Sharon Hamilton

Tags: #Romance, #military, #Suspense, #SEALs

BOOK: SEAL Brotherhood 06 - SEAL My Destiny
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uke had been
goofy all during the photography session. He’d been inappropriate, exasperating the poor, skinny photographer, but his assistant, who looked like she’d been around the block a few times with bikers, loved their play. Luke would break after their pose and grab Julie.

“Take this one,” he’d say, picking her up, his face obscured by the creamy peach, floaty material. He asked to have the bridesmaids and grooms photographed separately, as couples in a group, and he would not allow a stiff, formal picture. In every one he was hugging her, his face close to hers all the time, and he’d kissed her so many times in front of God and the whole world without anything held back, eventually she just stopped worrying and went with it.

Even the elder Mr. Christensen seemed to enjoy it, although her mother, ever the practical one, wanted old-fashioned wedding photos first, and then would indulge his folly, if he insisted. She’d told him so several times, but Luke pretended not to hear. He was the most deliciously handsome bad boy, and Julie loved how he didn’t care.

Finally the group drifted off to different corners of the house, the patio and the pool area, leaving Luke and Julie alone. He snagged a bottle of champagne and whispered, “To the Airstream, love?”

Julie’s cheeks flushed for at least the tenth time in the short hour they’d been with the photographer. He walked around behind her, one arm pulling her by the waist into him, her rear cleavage feeling his hardness. “Or should we go somewhere they don’t know about?”

Giggles erupted in spite of scolding herself to behave.

“Mmmm. I like those little sounds. I love the way you laugh. I love the way you do everything.”

She turned around, placed her arms around his neck and let him pull their bodies together. Hard against him, she felt safe. And she also knew he wouldn’t always be like this. He would have his difficult, possibly even insane moments, but for right now, she’d enjoy the way he was and the way he showed her how much he cared for her.

He was sipping on her lips, making her dizzy, while people walked past them. She didn’t care, and closed her eyes so she could just experience the hardness of his body, the soft, lemony scent of his cheeks and the tender way he worked over her mouth, stroking and pleasuring her tongue.

“I don’t want to leave the party, Luke. And I don’t think this can be done discreetly, but I’m still all for it.”

“Mmmm. Music to my ears, baby.”

He led them back around the hedges, down the brick pathway and back to the Airstream. She made sure all the shades were drawn and she clicked the door locked.

“No deadbolt, so if someone has a key, we’re screwed,” she said, and then giggled. “Or, actually

“I love your potty mouth, Miss Christensen.”

He untied his bow tie again, setting it on the countertop, placed his jacket carefully on the couch. Tore off his vest and walked up to her in his pants and white shirt, having kicked off his shoes.

“You do it,” he growled, inhaling deeply and presenting his chest to her.

She began unbuttoning his shirt, kissing the warm, smooth skin underneath the cotton. She pulled his shirt from his pants, letting one hand squeeze his package lovingly.

“I want you to know it’s more for me than just missing your body, Luke. And I—”

“Me too, princess.” He interrupted her by migrating his kiss to her neck while her hands slid over the ripples in his chest, squeezing a nipple between her thumb and first two fingers. “It’s way more than sex for me. I’m not ashamed to say I need you, Julie Christensen. I need you in my life.”

She examined his face. He allowed the distance between them.

“Luke, I know there will be some rough patches. Like I said to you earlier, just bring what you can.”

“I’m hoping we can make this work, sweetheart.”

“Me too. But—” she covered his mouth with her fingers. “You don’t have to make any promises. I’ll take any part of you you’re capable of giving. And I think we can work on the rest, if you’re into it.”

“More than into it. It will be my mission in life. But the instant I feel out of control, I’m going to leave.”

“No, Luke. No. You stay and finish it. I can handle anything you dish out. I figured that out while we were separated. This is crazy fast for me. We have so much to go over and talk about, and now with the sexual angle—not knocking it, of course—but I want to explore
of you.”

“Doctor, I am all yours. I will never hurt you, Julie.”

“That’s just it, Luke.” She took his hand and they sat on the couch. “You won’t be able
to, because I care for you, and we will both do things to disappoint the other. I have one request, though.” She looked at him levelly. His eyes were steady on hers. He didn’t flinch or frown, which was a good thing. “No quitting.”

At that, he cocked his head.

“Like your training, Luke. If we do this together, no quitting, saying it’s too hard, walking away. I won’t live that way. Being separated from you is bad enough during the day, but if I’m around when you’re deployed, I will wait for you, because you
come home to me, right?”

He nodded. “Absolutely I will come home to you. And dream about you every day and night.”

“And if your dark places come up, you show them, Luke. You work with me to understand. We work on both our dark or scared places, so we understand each other. We don’t quit. You don’t run away or ring our DOR bell.”

He was serious for a second, and then smiled. “But, Miss Julie, I love ringing your bell.”

She smiled back, feeling the heat on her chest and face. “Yes, and you do it very nicely. But I want to make sure you understand, it’s just like the night on the beach. I don’t do uncomplicated. I like entangled. I won’t do casual. I want it all, Luke. You don’t hold back. You show me everything, and we work on it all together. But I won’t live with those days of being apart because you leave me. You don’t walk away. You don’t quit on me. Never. Understood?”

He inhaled like he’d been slapped. Looking first down to his lap he thought for a few moments. “If I get to a place—”

She stopped him again with her fingers on his lips. “You let me decide if it’s too much. You let
decide. You don’t take the decision away from me. Because, Luke? I’m not quitting. Ever.”

It would have been easier to just fall into the lovemaking and bask in fantasy love with him, but what she wanted was a real relationship with the real hero who had sacrificed himself for her and the rest of the country. She wanted to grow, to be his right hand, the person at his side, not the person who watched from the sidelines.

“I don’t deserve you,” he whispered.

“I could say the same. So let’s learn to heal each other. But understand it’s the
you I want, not someone you’re pretending to be, Luke. I want you to be my hero just by showing up.”

He nodded. Their foreheads touched. “You have me entangled, Miss Julie. But, unlike your statement to me on the beach, there is no fuckin’ way I’m going to miss you, because I’m going to hold on tight to you. I’m never letting you go. And you already know I’m not a quitter.”

“Yes. I’m going into this with my eyes wide open, Luke. I’ll take all of you. All the parts. You just have to show up.”


She could tell his restraint was hurting him a bit, but he was making sure she understood he wasn’t going to just jump her bones, even though it was clearly on his mind. He wanted her to lead him. And it was just about the sexiest thing he had ever done.

“Come,” she stood, pulled his arm and he walked behind her, his shirt wide open, showing off the delicious abs and pecs peeking. His trim hips and long gait followed. His eyes stayed tethered. His fingers entwined with hers while he allowed himself to be led. She sat on the end of the bed with her crinkly chiffon flounces out to the sides. Exactly where they’d been interrupted.

He knelt again. “Thought about this all during the photography,” he whispered, removing first one slipper and then the other. “Thought about this,” he hissed as he ran his palms up from her ankles, over her knees and pressed her thighs open. He looked down on the layers of dress, his arms buried underneath and his fingers found her panties. His clear blue eyes searched her face while he breached the elastic and his fingers rubbed her up and down, circling her clit. She was parched. The delicious feeling of him searching, taking his time, being gentle but persistent with his invasion, made her wet. When he slid two fingers inside her sex melted against him.

He moaned at her readiness for him. He lifted the petticoats with his other hand and buried his face in the juncture between her legs, breathing hot against her satin panties, rasping his teeth along her lips through the fabric and sucking the little nub which stood up in blatant invitation. She heard him groan again as his hot tongue hooked under the edge and found her warm sex ripe and waiting for him. His tongue on her opening made her cream with delight. The first lap and suck of her nether lips sent her into a shudder of pleasure.

She lay back on the bed, raising her knees and propping them on the mattress by his ears. She raised her pelvis to his mouth as the fabric crinkled under them. He peeled the layers of organza back, laying them on her chest while he exposed her to him fully. Then he removed her panties.

He stared down at her while removing his shirt and trousers. Fully naked, he placed his hands under her bottom, lifted her sex to his mouth and licked and sucked the delicate folds of her opening. His tongue plunged deep, making her rock with pleasure, forcing her pubic bone against his nose. She could feel her own juices spilling for him as her sex puckered, swelled and released to his mouth.

His two fingers massaged inside her and around her clit as he climbed up on top.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I want to fuck you in this dress. It’s the fantasy I’ve been having ever since I saw you coming down the stairs. I wanted to fuck you with this soft peach fluff floating all around us.”

“Yes. I was thinking the same thing,” she laughed. “Could hardly wait.”

“I don’t want to hurt the dress,”

“Shhh.” She found herself saying, “It’s like me, not nearly as delicate as it looks.”

He got to work pulling her stockings off, sliding them carefully down her legs and placing them on the floor by the bed. He climbed up on the bed, sliding her up with an arm under her shoulders.

“Help me with this fantasy,” he whispered in her ear.

She couldn’t help but smile when he propped himself up at the head of the bed, his cock large and stiffly saluting the ceiling, while he drew her, pulling her forearms so she was climbing him. He helped her smooth the skirts out to the sides, while her bare knees found his hips and slid to hug him there underneath the skirts. She rose up on her knees, then rocked down and back, feeling his penis ride the little gully of her sex, getting snagged at her opening.

And then he was in, just the tip. He clutched her hips and ground her down along his shaft. She felt her liquids release, her body accepting his girth, holding and milking him as he lifted and pressed her body alternately, riding his cock. He was huge, filling her deep. They began with long, deep strokes, but soon she was rolling her hips against him, pressing into him while he raised his hips to plunge deeper. She rocked back and forth, loving the delicious feel of the dull ache she’d carried for days being fed, satisfied, inflamed.

After several minutes, their fucking became urgent, her need for full penetration increasing, and when she began to feel the buzz and tingle of her new orgasm, he came on even stronger.

He was pushing her pleasure, knowing she was on the edge, not letting her stop, and fueling her fire. She found herself arching backward, moaning to the ceiling while he rammed into her, his hips mating hers, giving support to his cock embedded deep.

He unzipped the side of her dress, peeling it down around her shoulders till it pooled at her waist.

He sucked in air as he finally got a good look at the light pink brocade undergarment. “Oh baby. That’s nice, but how the hell do I—”

“You don’t. I’m leaving it on.”

“But I want to see you, all of you.”

She was still rocking, feeling her inner muscles spasm delightfully. “You will,” she groaned between thrusts.

“God, how I love hearing you when I’m fucking you.”

“God, I love how you fuck me.” She squeezed her elbows together forcing her breasts out in front, her knees hugging his hips. His hands had been roaming under her skirts, up the back of her butt cheeks, but in a flash they were over her own hands as his fingers forced hers to squeeze her own breasts under the stiff bones of the corset. He rose up, arching forward, kissing her neck, raising his knees to lift his pelvis and drive his cock deeper. The dress got more and more bunched up in front of her, partially obscuring his face, forcing him to peel it back just so he could suck her nipples.

Finally he lowered his knees. “This has got to go. I liked it at first, but this just has to go
,” he said with determination. He lifted the frilly dress off her and she was left with just her corset. She continued to ride him. His hands still gripped her waist, moving her up and down his shaft, rocking her to the sides, rocking her deep.

“Baby, this is real nice, but—” He was staring at her breasts, still partially hidden from him.

“It stays, for now—” she began. “Patience,” she said as she leaned forward and kissed him.

He rocked deeper still underneath her, mumbling urgently, “Patience has never been one of my strengths.”

“No,” she sighed. “Urgency and action,” she said as she moved on top of him in circular motions. “Lots of fucking, definitely your strong suit.”

“God, baby—” He began to spill inside her. She pulled hard and quickly unsnapped the corset down the front, watching as breathe took such a deep breath he nearly sucked her inside him.

He had her off him in a flash, pushing her down on the bed, throwing the corset to the side, hiking up her knees. He thrust himself in, rooting deep. He was still spilling, but getting harder and bigger as he came. Forcing aside the lips of her sex, filling her. He stroked long, ending each time a little further in, and then with one last push, pressed his cock firmly against her cervix, and held himself there while she felt the delicious spilling of his seed and he stayed still so she could feel its full force.

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