Secrets (36 page)

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Authors: Danielle Steel

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Did she say what it was?

Jane shook her head. And I don't think she will. She keeps her private life to herself.

Not like the rest of us. He grinned. Everyone knew about them that fall, and about Gabby and Bill.

Jane poured herself a Coke, and sat down with a sigh. She was looking tired too. It was hard going back to work after their long holiday and it was still hot in New York, hotter than it had been in L.A. What do you think of the new developments?

Interesting. They ought to keep the ratings up. Gabby was going to shoot Bill, they'd been told, but not fatally. Jane always worried about that, about one of them getting canceled from the show, but there seemed to be no threat of that at the moment.

Personally, I'm kind of pleased about the story line.

Yeah. He took a sip of her Coke. He was feeling relaxed. They had made love for hours the night before, and he was feeling pleased with life.

It's going to make things a lot easier for me.

What is?

The pregnancy.

Whose pregnancy? He looked confused, and she had an odd look in her eyes.

Jessica's ' and mine ' She spoke so softly that at first he only stared at her, and suddenly he grabbed her arm.

What do you mean?

She looked nervous suddenly. She had secretly bought two kits at the drugstore the day before, and she had known anyway. I didn't know what to say ' I think when we were in London '

He was staring at her. Are you telling me, Jane Adams ' do you mean ' Jesus Christ ' He leapt to his feet and looked around, stunned, and then he looked down at her. You're pregnant?

She nodded her head, suddenly terrified. Maybe he'd make her get rid of it ' and there was the show to worry about. Mel could cancel her for getting pregnant out of wedlock.

When did you find out? Zack was staring at Jane.

Yesterday. Her lip trembled, fearing his reaction.

And then suddenly he beamed at her, and pulled her into his arms. Are you serious?

Yes. There were tears in her eyes.

My God' His dream had come true. It wasn't too late. He looked at her as though she had wrought a miracle. My God ' when? ' I mean when is it due?

I guess the end of May, or maybe the very beginning of June. She was still only a week late, but she had suspected it immediately. She had only been late three times in her life, and she'd been pregnant each time. It would work out fine with our shooting schedule, if Mel doesn't throw me off the show ' and if ' that is ' it depends on you, Zack. Her voice was soft in the tiny dressing room, as someone knocked on the door and shouted, You're up next, Jane. I'll be right out. But she had to talk to Zack first. What do you want to do?

Are you kidding? Get married and have ten more.

What if they cancel me? Her eyes were damp. He had said just what she wanted to hear.

They won't. And if they do, so what? Isn't this more important to you? He looked incensed that she would think otherwise, but the baby was much more important to her, and so was he. The show was only for a time, she had learned that once before, but their life together could be for the rest of their lives, and their baby' .

I want to keep it, Zack' She was crying now and he held her tight.

Of course you do. We'll get married right away, and talk to Mel. Hell, he might even think it's good for the show.

She laughed through her tears. Are you sure? I don't want to push you into this.

Don't be an ass. He stood up, feeling taller suddenly and twice the man he had before, and then he looked gently at her. I love you, Jane. Are you sure you want me ' in spite of everything?

There is no in spite of.' I'm the luckiest woman alive.

Jane! Someone was pounding on the door.

I'll be right out. She kissed him, and he held her tight and then she hurried out of her clothes and into her next change, as he watched, trying to imagine her six months hence. He held the door open for her, and watched her lovingly in her next scene, and as she came off the set after four takes, he smiled at her. It was a look meant only for her, and they went back to her dressing room, talking quietly.


They talked to Mel that night at the Pierre, and he was stunned, but Jane was even more so when he congratulated them.

Was this our idea or yours?

A little of both. Zack laughed, and Jane looked faintly embarrassed as she explained that the baby was due at the end of their shooting schedule.

I wouldn't have to screw anything up' .

That's considerate of you, he teased, but he didn't look furious, just a little bit amazed. Are you sure you'll feel up to working right till the end?

I don't see why not. And then she had to ask him point-blank. She had been worried about it all day, in spite of everything Zack said. You mean you won't fire me, Mel?

I should say not. Besides, to be really crass about it, the publicity people are going to have a ball with this. The viewers are going to fall even more in love with you. Every guy in the country is going to wish he'd knocked you up himself, and the women are going to feel all mushy about you. It's perfect for the show, but much more important than that he looked at them both I suspect it's perfect for both of you. He looked tenderly at them, holding hands like two kids. In fact, I kind of envy you.

Jane looked relieved, and Mel ordered champagne. Zack asked him to be best man. Jane was going to call her kids and tell them only that they were getting married, and they thought they'd do it in the next two weeks. That way no one would be quite sure if she'd been pregnant beforehand. They had thought of everything, and after congratulating them both again, Mel told Sabina that night. And she was amused.

How can she get knocked up at her age, unless she wanted to?

Maybe she did. Mel was touched by the love he'd seen in their eyes.

You know ' I still can't figure Zack out' . She was lying on the couch, relaxing, happy to be back with Mel, and working again. She had called Anthony and he was doing well, and now she had someone to share it with. I could have sworn he was gay.

Guess you were wrong. Mel grinned. I'd say you were.

She shrugged. Guess so. Are you hungry yet?

He was watching her carefully and he smiled.

Yes ' but not for room service ' I had something else in mind first. And she laughed as he approached, she threw back her head with the golden mane and held her arms out to him.

What a good idea, she purred.

Isn't it though ' He picked her up with ease and carried her into the bedroom of his suite, and it was a long time before they called room service that night, and when they did, he ordered champagne and caviar and an omelet for both of them.


The next morning on the set, Sabina was in grand form, and Jane looked like a Cheshire cat, laughing and whispering with Zack between scenes, so much so that the director had to tell them to be quiet more than once. And Mel stood on the sidelines watching all of them. The ratings were extraordinary, and the show was a bigger success than even he had dreamed.

He was watching Sabina rehearse with two of her legal underlings when Bill walked over to him with a somber air.

Something wrong? Mel hadn't seen him look like that in months, and Bill looked into his eyes with concern.

May I talk to you?

Sure. It looked like trouble on the set, and he saw Gabby watching them. What's up, Bill? Can we talk here? Bill nodded and held his breath as he saw Gabby approach. He had told her to stay away. He wanted to tell Mel himself, and they probably should have told him beforehand. He looked into the older man's eyes and decided to jump in.

I don't know how you'll feel about this '

Some problem with the script? He didn't understand and Bill looked consumed with guilt.

No, sir. He shook his head. Gabby and I got married last night.

Mel looked at him for an instant and then started to laugh. He laughed so hard he cried. They were like children, all of them.

I ' Mel ' we were worried you might be upset' .

Now why would you think that?

Because I know when you hired me, you asked if I was single ' and I lied to you' .

You're not lying to me now, are you?

Bill looked confused. Of course not. We just thought ' we were afraid ' Gabby didn't want the kind of big wedding her parents would have insisted on'

Are you happy? Mel smiled benignly down at him, as Gabby walked up, relieved to see Mel smiling at Bill.

Yes ' I am' He put an arm around his wife, and Mel looked at her.

Are you happy, Gabrielle?

Yes, Mel. She beamed up at him, and it was obvious that she had never been happier.

Then my blessings on both of you ' all of you' . He looked around, seeing Zack and Jane, and Sabina approaching them' . I've never seen a group with more secrets than this ' but may you be happy, always. He leaned over and kissed Gabrielle on the cheek, as Sabina put her hands on her hips and pretended to snarl.

Get your hands off her. She grinned at Mel, and he slapped her behind and they walked away, leaving the newlyweds, as Mel explained, hoping they would somehow influence her. But it didn't really matter to him. He was happy with her as she was ' with who she was ' and as he told her about Gabby and Bill, she laughed and looked over her shoulder at them, with a wink for Gabrielle. And Gabby laughed and waved at her, as the production assistant called out.

Stand-ins, stand-ins ' take your places, please!

Published by Dell Publishing

a division of

Random House, Inc.

Copyright -! 1985 by Danielle Steel

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. For information address: Delacorte Press, New York, New York.

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eISBN: 978-0-307-56681-2

August 1989

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