Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (112 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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Chapter Eight – Nick

LAX Airport, Los Angeles


As he hung back some more, he realized this woman was one smart, observant piece of ass. She seemed to notice what other people would have ignored. Without looking, she had avoided a suitcase that rolled into her path at the last second, dodged an older couple who stopped short in front of her, and effortlessly picked up a Canadian passport and boarding pass that fell as someone walked by, almost as though she had a bird’s eye view of everything happening around her. She did all that with the coffee she’d just bought in one hand, lid open, and not a drop escaped. This took more than just attention to one’s surroundings. This took training.


She had probably made him already.

All this time he was checking her out, she was probably doing the same with him. Suddenly he wished he had more information on this woman. Something in her history prepared her to hide in plain sight, navigate prying eyes and disappear the way she was succeeding at right now. He chalked it up to her father’s work experience. Army brats got the benefit of years of training without the need for basic training or military service.  Perhaps some of the man’s training and instincts rubbed off on her, because it was obvious she wasn’t military herself.

The best way to keep an eye on her without arousing any suspicion would be to play the part of the typical man. He would make contact and try to seduce her. She’d never expect a tail to engage her this way. This plan would kill two birds with one stone. Getting close to her would give him an easier opening to secure whatever data she was carrying, and second, she was a fine piece of ass and he could use the release.

The foot traffic intensified when it was time to board the flight bound for JFK in New York. That was his in. He worked his way through the crowd and got close to her. He brushed against her, pretending he was in a hurry to make it to his seat—the seat next to her, but she didn’t know that yet. He almost knocked over the last of her coffee.

“Watch it, pal,” she snapped.

“Oh, hey. Sorry about that.” He turned and put a surprised, apologetic look on his face. “Crap, did I spill your coffee?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“I have this large carry-on bag with me. I wanted to make sure I got a spot for it in the overhead compartment. Last time I traveled they had to stow it with the luggage. I hate that shit. Anyhow, are you sure you’re fine?”

“You almost took me out, but I’m all right.”

“Well, maybe I can make it up to you.”

“No need.”

“Come on, can’t a guy do something half-decent for the stranger he just wronged?” he asked in a playful tone. He didn’t wait for her to answer. “Which flight are you on? I’m taking the redeye to New York for work.”

Her eyes grew suspicious for a moment. “Me, too, except I’m going to see family.”

“Good, then let me get you a drink on the flight. It’s the least I can do…” he glanced down her body, making a show of acting like he was noticing her for the first time. “Or maybe I can take you out for a few drinks in New York, if you’re free…”

She seemed to notice the look he gave her. Damn, he got the feeling she liked it.

“Thanks, but that won’t be necessary.”

“I insist. At least one drink during the flight.”

“Well, okay.”

The suspicion melted away. He was in. The next five hours in the sky was crucial. Between here and New York, he had to take this as far as he could.

Chapter Nine – Nicole

LAX Airport, Los Angeles


Nicole couldn’t shake the feeling she was being followed during her layover at LAX. She kept an eye out for anyone who seemed suspicious.  Her dad had taught her some basic surveillance tricks growing up, and now was her first chance to put it to use. More and more, she was grateful for the time her father had taken to drill some of these basics into her. Now that she found herself on the run from her employer, she could appreciate it.

Dad always used to tell her an emergency was the worst time to pick up a new habit. Now she knew what he meant. What she wouldn’t give to tell him. Unfortunately, communicating with him right now would have put them both at risk. He had served his country and now he was enjoying his retirement. Nicole already felt bad for having to go to him with this. She was not willing to take the chance of putting him in any more danger.

Her gut clenched when this man bumped into her. He almost bowled her over on the way through the terminal to their gate. She was apprehensive when he volunteered that he was heading to New York. There was some skepticism when he went on to say he was flying out for work. She only admitted to being on the same flight because he would have found out anyway—and because he was damn hot. What concerned her most was when she spilled out the part about going to visit family. Why did she even feel the need to say that? It had to be her goddamned hormones. She never could resist a scorching hot guy, especially someone who served.

Her new male companion was obviously ex-military. He had that walk, that level gaze, and damn, he had a face and body to go with it. The man could easily have just gotten out on leave too, temporarily part of the civilian population again.

She got in a good look at him as he took the time to check her out. Ruggedly handsome, piercing hazel eyes, broad shoulders, a massive chest, and arms that told her he could probably drop down and do a hundred pushups without breaking a sweat. He was the kind of person no one would volunteer to go up against in a fight. He was one of those guys other men would make a point of taking a step away from in conversation, just in case he uncoiled a friendly punch by accident. His sandy blonde hair still gave away his military cut, but now the top of it had been allowed to get a little messy.

She took all of him in at once, and realized just how tall he was. He was almost a foot taller, and his broad shoulders completely overshadowed her small frame. Just her type. She could handle that body above her. She almost wanted to see what those bulging muscles looked like under his shirt. Maybe they bulged like that everywhere.


Nicole couldn’t quite figure out that boyish innocence about him, though. He had to have seen a few things during his service, unless he was holed up in some supply base in Hawaii or at one of the US training bases in West Germany. Her father had traveled enough, and she knew the look of men who had seen things. This guy didn’t have that look. As they got closer to stepping on the plane in the long queue, she smiled.


A chance meeting with a sexy as sin ex-military guy at a time her nerves were wound tighter than a pissed off rattler?


“Can I help you carry anything?” he offered, slinging his bag over one shoulder.

Oh, and manners too? This guy was too much. She had a guaranteed panty-dropper on her hands.

“I’m fine, thanks for offering.”

“Let me know if you change your mind.”

She nodded, and hoped those thoughts of hers would betray her.

“So, you said you were on your way to New York to see family?” he asked in a friendly tone.

“That’s right,” she said, keeping it simple. “And you’re going there for work, right?”

“I am.”

“Nice. I’m curious, what do you do now?”

“Now?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, now. It’s obvious you served in the military at some point. I’m assuming you’re out, so what do you do now?”

He laughed and gave an impressed nod. “It never really leaves you. I work security.”

“Really? Like a bodyguard, or something more risky?”

“Every job has a level of danger.” He flexed for her. “That’s why I’m packing these guns.”

Nicole rolled her eyes and laughed. “Right.”

Sense of humor, hmmm. Not so much.

“If someone needs a physical presence, I’m their man,” he continued, giving her a seedy wink.

He definitely had a physical presence, she wanted to say. Instead, she kept quiet. If she wanted him to stand a chance with her on a five-hour flight, she needed to make sure he didn’t say anything so damning that she would have to completely give up. Hot guys were one thing, but she knew her limits.

He continued making conversation. “So, you’re visiting family. Special occasion?”

“Not really. I haven’t seen my dad in a while, and I had some vacation days saved up at work, so I figured I’d use them.”

“That’s good. Family is important.”

She nodded. “So, what did you do in the military?”

“I was Special Forces,” he replied quickly.

No way. She didn’t buy that for a second. Every ex-military guy had a tendency to brag about being ex-Special Forces. This guy couldn’t have done a day of that intense stuff.

“Special Forces? Really?” Now she was curious. “So, you got to do all those covert operations, the secret behind-the-scenes type things, right?”

Her military stranger shrugged. “We follow orders and don’t ask too many questions. Handle the situation and move on. It’s nothing like what they portray in the movies. No glamour, not much gunplay, and definitely no walking in slow motion with a big explosion behind you to give you a larger than life silhouette. None of that shit.” He winked at her after that hell of a dumb answer. All she could do was laugh.

Chapter Ten – Nicole

LAX Airport, Los Angeles


“What about you? What do you do?”

“I’m a software developer,” she said before realizing she’d actually admitted that at a time like this. It was okay. She would stick to her dad’s ‘ounce-of-truth’ policy. As long as she was honest about some things, no one would suspect she was lying about other more important things. “I may not have a job when I get back, but that’s what I do for now.”

“Oh?” He stopped and turned to face her, appearing genuinely curious. “Why is that?”

“I’m in the middle of a project, and I’m taking off pretty close to the deadline, so my boss isn’t going to be too thrilled with me when I get back. I expect to get a call while I’m in New York telling me not to come back. I can’t say it would be the worst thing that could happen, you know?”

Before they could continue, they had made it to the aircraft.

“Looks like we’re here,” her stranger announced, then offered his hand. “By the way, I’m Nick.”

“Wow, nice. I’m Nicole.”

“It’s a pleasure, Nicole,” he said, “Although I won’t be offended if you just made up that name for me.”

She grinned, continuing to step down the narrow aisle in economy class. “Now why would I do something like that?”

“Women can’t be too careful these days.”

“You got that right. It really is Nicole, though.”

“Then that’s pretty cool.”

She stopped at her row and slid into her seat to let him pass. “Well, nice meeting you Nick. Enjoy your flight.”

“Now I know I will,” he said. “I’m in this row too.”

“Really? Amazing coincidence.”

“So true.” He stuffed his bag in the overhead bin.

“So, window or aisle?” she asked.

“Whatever you don’t want.”

“I’ll take the window, then.”

“Nice. I get you all to myself,” he said coyly.

She leaned into his shoulder when he sat down, and whispered to him, “Just promise to stop me at three drinks. Anything more than that and I’m liable to do something I might regret.”

He grinned and placed a friendly hand on her knee. “Four drinks it is, doll.”

This was going to be an interesting flight, with a nice distraction sitting right beside her. She couldn’t ask for more. She’d made it away from her office, home to pack, to the San Jose airport and into LAX, and now she was on her way to JFK.

And there was no hint of trouble following her.


Maybe she was just really lucky, and now she could kick back and relax for a few hours with her own personal piece of ex-military man meat. It looked like smooth sailing from here on out.

Or riding, if it got to that.

Once they were in the air and the flight attendants brought out their serving carts, Nick ordered a round of drinks.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea for us to get tanked on the plane?” Nicole asked, although she could use a good drink or two.

“Why not? Besides, I’m buying. You just sit back and enjoy the view.”

He didn’t need to worry about that. She was enjoying the view, just not out the window. A moment later, the flight attendant placed two Jack-and-Cokes on his fold down food tray.

“I have found,” he explained, “this will keep the cabin from getting too claustrophobic on long haul flights.”

Nicole burst out laughing. “You mean to tell me that Mr. Special Forces gets claustrophobic? Oh that’s rich!”

“Just take your drink,” he growled.

“To balancing family and work,” she said, raising her glass in a toast.

“Family and work,” he agreed. She kept her eyes locked with his while he took his drink like a shot.

“Nick, I don’t think it works like that,” she cautioned him before taking a sip of hers.

“They never make them strong enough,” he replied. “Besides, I won’t get another until you’ve finished yours.”

Sexy, powerful, mysterious, and a sense of humor.

Too bad they would part ways in New York.

“Tell me about your claustrophobia,” she said after a few minutes.

Nick laughed. “I’m not, but it’s a damned good way to convince the servers to allow me a few more drinks up here.” He eyed her drink. “Not too strong, is it?”

He was right. They did make them pretty weak. “It’s more Coke than Jack Daniels.”

“Finish it off. We’ll have another.” He turned away and held his arm up to get two more.

“You’re not trying to get me drunk, are you Nick?”

“Nope, I’m trying to get
drunk. There’s a difference.”

Nicole gulped down the rest of her first drink just as Nick handed her a second.

“So, tell me about yourself. You know a little bit about me…ex-Special Forces, not so claustrophobic… it’s only fair I learn something about you.”

“I don’t know why I’m going to tell you any of this,” she said, “but here goes. I was a military brat. My dad was in the Air Force, so we moved around a lot. I’m sure you’ve heard all this before. We really all have the same story.”

“Nice. So, if you’re visiting family in New York, how’d you end up in California?”

“Work,” she said flatly. She didn’t want to say anything about work. He knew what she did, but that second drink was a lot stronger, and she didn’t want to give away what she was really doing on this flight.

“You didn’t go into the military? Follow in your dad’s footsteps?”

“No, after watching how hard he pushed himself when I was growing up, how little he was around because he was always at work, I wasn’t ready to repeat that in my own career. Even after he supposedly retired, he would still go away on military assignment. I don’t want to do that. I want to start a family one day and actually be there for them.” She cut herself off there. She was sharing way too much now.

“Another drink?” Nick asked.

“I think I’ve hit my limit.”

“Already? Come on, I was really looking forward to seeing you when you hit four or five.”

She shook her head. This guy was good.

What the hell.

“Sure,” Nicole told him.

After the next drink, she wandered off to the restroom. She couldn’t get him out of her head. She felt a strange connection with the ex-Special Forces bodyguard she’d just met before the flight. It was rare for her to meet someone and feel comfortable with them so quickly, but there was something about him, something strangely familiar that made her feel safe at a time she should have been scared out of her mind. She knew that once they landed at JFK, they would go their separate ways, and she’d probably never see him again. That made their connection even more intriguing.

So many things a girl can do with a man she won’t ever see again.

When Nicole got back to her seat, she leaned over and whispered to him. He leaned into her a little so he could hear. “You know what I’ve never done?” she asked.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“I’m still not a member of the Mile High Club.” She couldn’t believe she actually admitted that to a complete stranger. It had to be the alcohol.

Nick sat up and looked at her with one eyebrow cocked. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. How about you?”

“Me? I’m a card-carrying platinum member,” he said with gravelly laugh. “So how come you’ve never done it on a plane?”

“I never had the nerve to try. I’ve actually always worried about being caught.”

Nick chuckled. “Don’t worry. They don’t make you parachute out afterward or anything like that,” he assured her. He looked her up and down, and playfully added, “Tell you what. I’d be happy to help you get initiated if you’d like.”

“Now, are
serious?” she asked, giggling that she was seriously considering having sex with this guy she met less than an hour ago. In the airplane restroom, no less.

“Yes I am.” He said it like he’d done it a hundred times. “I’ll help you out. Give me a minute, then come back there and join me. It’ll look too suspicious if we walk back there together.”

He stood up and walked down the aisle to the restroom. Nicole watched his broad, firm body work its way through the cabin. Broad shoulders, fit back, strong arms, and tight ass. She imagined holding on to those buns of steel while he gave it to her in the bathroom. She couldn’t believe it was about to happen, but she was so ready. She was wet just thinking about it.

Her anticipation grew while she waited for him to get to the back of the plane. It took what felt like forever as she waited for him to give her a signal to let her know when to come back there. It was unfair, she thought. Maybe she should have gone back there first. That way she wouldn’t be drawing too much attention to herself by staring back through the aisle every few seconds. Then, she saw it. The door opened slightly. That must have been the signal.

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