Shoulda Been A Cowboy (10 page)

BOOK: Shoulda Been A Cowboy
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I-I don't have much experience with

Cam increased his grip and pulled again. Harder.

Ouch. Let go.”

Immediately his hand dropped. He scattered sweet kisses
across her scalp. “You don't bluff worth a shit, Domini,”
he muttered.

Is that good or bad?”



I'll be able to tell if I've pushed
you too far.” He spun her and sealed his mouth to hers in a
hot, wet kiss.

Domini arched her breasts into his chest, rubbing the
center of her pelvis over his erection, tempting him to forget all
about card games so they could indulge in other games.

His deep groan vibrated in her mouth. He slid his lips
across her cheek to whisper, “Soon,” and abruptly dragged
them from the bathroom.

An hour later, Domini was ready to climb out of her
skin. Talk about extended foreplay. While they played cards, Cam
touched her. Constantly. Running his callused palm down her arm.
Trailing his fingertips up the ticklish inside of her thigh. Twirling
a section of her hair around his fingers. Letting his thumb linger on
the pulse points of her throat. Tracing her soft, damp lips after
he'd scrambled her mind with a powerfully seductive kiss.

She was holding her cards without really seeing them.
His husky command, “Domini, look at me,” completely
destroyed what little concentration she'd managed. She raised
her gaze to his.

Cam stood, grabbed her hand, and brought her to her
feet. Then he swept the cards from the table and lifted her onto it,
crushing her lips beneath his.

Domini gave herself over to him, aware he'd
already built her to a level of sexual awareness she'd never

He broke the kiss. “Lie back.”

When her legs dangled off the table, and she stared at
the antelope-horn chandelier above her, Cam spoke again.

Prop yourself on your elbows.”

She looked at Cam across the length of her body.

He curled his hands around her knees and set her feet on
the table. In a purposefully drawn-out and sexy move, he teased her
sundress up over her thighs and hips until it bunched at her waist.

Thank God she'd worn decent underwear.

Cam idly traced the triangle of fabric stretched over
her groin. “I wouldn't have pegged you as the black lace
type. But it looks damn good against your snowy white skin.” He
urged to her raise her hips, slipped the scrap of lace from her body
and tossed it aside. Cam lowered his head and kissed her belly
button. He paused at the surgical scar below it.

Please don't ask. Please don't ask now.

What's this from?” His thumb followed
the white slash.

Appendix,” she said automatically.

Huh. That's a weird place for it.” He
tickled it with his tongue. “They must do surgery different in
the Ukraine, huh?” While he teased her skin with little licks
and nipping kisses, he noticed the other dog bite scar on her hip.
Next thing she knew, he lovingly placed sweet, healing kisses over
every inch. Her heart soared as she melted.


I know, baby, I'm getting there.” The
kisses ventured southward, over the blonde hair covering her mound.
He stopped to suck the hidden nub at the top of her sex, just once,
very gently. Then he used his tongue to separate her pussy lips until
the tip of his tongue hit the mouth of her sex. He groaned. “You
taste as sweet and hot between your legs as I imagined.”

Her entire body trembled.

I'll let you come fast this first time.”
He burrowed his tongue deep into her channel. Once. Twice. Three
times. “After that, the wait'll be longer but the payoff
will be sweeter.” His hands slipped under her butt cheeks and
he brought her weeping sex to his mouth. “Watch.” Cam
lapped. He licked. He sucked. He fucked her with his tongue,
lavishing attention on every quivering millimeter of her swollen
flesh…except her clitoris.

So much for letting her come soon. Her disgruntled sigh
caught his notice.

Something you need, princess?”

To come! You said fast. This isn't fast,
this is torture!”

He chuckled. “Oh, I'm gonna have
a great time teaching you patience.”

Can I learn it later?”

Yep. Now hold tight.” He formed a small
circle with his lips and pressed his mouth directly over her clit. He
flicked his tongue across it. Let his teeth graze it. Cam closed his
eyes as if he were in heaven and started to suck.

Domini's pelvis shot up at the escalating rhythmic
pulls of his mouth. The slow hum of sensation beneath the surface of
her skin picked up heat and speed. Her hands, her thighs, her teeth
clenched hard and then all at once, she detonated.

Cam steadily sucked through every twist of her hips,
every hoarse cry tumbling from her lips. Sweat coated her body, blood
pounded in her ears. When the last pulse weakened, Cam nuzzled the
inside of her leg. Domini flopped back on the table and tried to
catch her breath.

But her respite didn't last more than fifteen
seconds. The heat from Cam's body radiated above hers.

She pried her eyelids open at the sexy sound of her name
rumbling from his throat. The passion in the depths of his eyes sent
a shiver through her.

He drawled, “My turn.” He slid her down and
flipped her on her belly. “Grab the edge of the table. Like
that. Don't move your hands, your body, anything.” Cam
widened her stance. Even as tall as she was, her tiptoes barely
touched the floor. She felt a little wanton. A little helpless. More
than a little turned on.

Cam rolled the dress up to her hipbones. “I've
been thinking about goin' down on you since the first time I
saw you in Dewey's with a smudge of flour on your cheek.”
He traced her moist cleft and he plunged one finger inside. “I
wondered how you'd taste. Now every time I look at you I'll
remember the tang of you on my tongue. The smell of your sweet juices
on my face.”

Her pulse spiked hearing the metallic jangle as he
unbuckled his belt.

When you started to come against my mouth?
Showing me you're not shy about grinding that juicy pussy into
my face, showing me how much you loved what I was doin' to
you…I damn near came right along with you.”

Domini almost came again from his dirty-talking

A long zip was followed by the shuffling whisper of his
clothing hitting the floor. Then all that hot, male hardness was
crowded against her backside.

When Cam leaned closer to bury his face in her hair, she
wished they were naked so she could feel his chest against her back.
He didn't move his body even as she felt tension vibrating
within him. “Cam? You okay?”

A kiss bussed the top of her ear. “I'm
exactly where I've wanted to be for too damn long.” He
positioned the tip of his cock at her entrance and worked his thick
shaft inside to the hilt. Cam pulled all the way out. He eased back
in as slowly as he did the first time. Twice more. Without warning
his hips flexed hard, rocking her to the core as he rocked the table.

Cam's hands were curled around her hips to protect
her hipbones from banging into the table edge. He never altered in
his pace. And Cam had been right in one respect: this time was all
about him. No sweet kisses. No murmured words of encouragement. No
loving caresses. Just pure fucking.

Domini's vision wavered. She wanted to wrap her
fingers around some part of Cam's hard body, not the hard
table. Even the stroke of his hand on hers would deepen their

There is no deeper connection. It's just sex.

Her body didn't care about any kind of connection
beyond purely physical. A small orgasm pulsed and the contraction
sent Cam over the edge, he grunted and bumped his pelvis as his cock
emptied, coating her insides with a blast of liquid heat.

Neither attempted to move. Their labored breathing was
the only sound in the room.

Finally, Cam said, “Hang on. I'll get a
towel.” A gush of wetness ran down her leg. She heard him yank
his pants up and fumble with the belt. Water ran in the kitchen sink.

She pushed up, unnerved by his rapid retreat. Would he
reset the distance between them again? An anxious feeling bloomed,
but when she spun around, Cam was right there. Kissing her in that
sinful way of his. Gently mopping the stickiness between her thighs.

You said it'd been a while. Are you sore?”

A little.”

Sore enough to keep me from having you again?”

Immediately her nipples hardened with interest. “Right

If I could get it up right now, it'd be
right now. And then I'd wanna do it again right after that. But
I need a little recovery time first.” He smoothed her dress
down. “I'm getting old.”

How old are you?”

Between thirty and death,” he deadpanned.

Funny.” She spied her panties on the floor.
As she reached for them, Cam's rough-skinned hand circled her

Huh-uh. No panties while you're here

I hope we're not going horseback riding.”

He chuckled. “Nope.”

If I'm minus an article of clothing, you
should be too.”

A cool appraisal settled on Cam's face. “Oh
yeah? Like what?”

Ditch your shirt.”


Cam didn't budge.

Chances were good Domini didn't have the nerve to
push him on this issue.

I'm not backing down. Show me your chest.”

Secretly pleased to see feistiness lurking beneath her
placid demeanor, Cam yanked the tank top over his head.

She whistled.

He blushed, grateful she didn't focus on the ugly
shrapnel marks and gouges marring the skin on his belly. And on his
chest. Marks that were all over the goddamn place.

Those marks aren't nearly as ugly as your

She flattened her palms on his chest and kissed his
scowling mouth.

Naturally his stomach chose that moment to rumble with
hunger. “Sorry.”

I'm hungry too. What do you have to eat?”

Not much.”

I'm sure I could figure something out. Mind
if I poke around in your kitchen?”

Have at it.”

Cam stood behind Domini as she surveyed the meager
contents of his refrigerator. Milk. Beer. Condiments. Cheese. Lunch
meat. Grapes. A half a loaf of wheat bread.

Pretty sad, huh?”

What do you cook?”

I don't cook.”

Why not?”

Never needed to learn.”

She tossed sandwich fixings on the counter and washed
her hands. “Some of us had no choice.”

Is that why you know so much about cooking?”

Yes. Can you get me a knife?”

Cam rummaged in a drawer and set a dull butcher knife
and a bread knife on the counter. “Where did you learn?”

Hands on mostly. The church group that brought me
to the U.S. had missionary outreach posts all over the states. We
traveled a lot. We'd have to fix three meals a day for the
church leaders and members who were out spreading the word.”

How long did you do that?”

Day in, day out for years. Until I realized I
could apply for citizenship and escaped.” She gestured to the
cupboards. “Will you grab plates?”

Sure.” Cam didn't ask questions but
he knew there was way more to the story than the bits she'd

They sat side by side and ate. His ham and cheese
sandwiches never tasted this good, even if he used the same damn
ingredients. Might be sappy, but little domestic things like this
made him feel cared for, probably because these cozy moments were so
rare in his life. He glanced over at her and his glass of milk
stopped halfway to his mouth.

Domini's fingers fondled the two fat purple grapes
left on her plate. Gauging the tightness and fullness of the globes
containing all that sweet juice, she plucked one from the vine and
popped it in her mouth.

Lust slammed into him. Instantly Cam envisioned her long
fingers rolling his balls like that. Teasing them with feathery
touches. He imagined the moist heat of her breath, down low between
his inner thighs, right before she sucked the sac into her mouth.

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