Silk and Spurs (14 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Silk and Spurs
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“Cold?” he asked.

Not after seeing him walk around without his shirt. No, she was all warm and tingly.

“It’s not bad,” she said.

“Even a fake fire is nice to sit in front of.” He went to the electric fireplace and got it going.

He was right, it was nice and she went to stand in front of it.

“Up for another drink?” he asked as he walked to a wet bar in the corner.

“Sure.” Why not? Earlier she did decide that she could use a drink or three.

He raised a bottle with amber liquid. “Whisky or vodka?”

“I’d better stick with vodka.” She sat on the couch and started tugging off her boots and socks. “On the rocks would be great.” When she was finished, she set her footwear aside.

When he brought her the drink she took a sip and let the warm liquid slide down her throat. She seated herself on the floor in front of the fireplace, her back against the sofa. Mike sat on the floor beside her with the bottles of whisky and vodka between them.

His nearness was unsettling and comforting at the same time. He was a sexy cowboy who had more charm than he probably knew what to do with. He was casual sexy and he wore it with ease as if he didn’t realize how attractive he was.

He smelled good, of leather and fresh air, like how good it smelled outside with the new-fallen snow. His chestnut hair was a little mussed and he had a day’s stubble on his jaws. His green eyes were amazing. She might just have to change her rule about not doing cowboys.

The thought of doing this cowboy sent heat straight between her thighs and to her cheeks. She was utterly insane for thinking this way.

He rested his forearm on one bent knee, his other leg straight as he looked at her. “Where are you from?”

She lowered her glass. “Tucson.”


 “You’re in my part of Arizona, not too far from where I live.” He smiled. “I have a place outside Sierra Vista.”

“Not far at all.” She returned his smile. He wasn’t really long distance like she’d expected, not that she needed a relationship right now. “From my house that’s ninety minutes at most.”

He knocked back a drink of his whisky. “What brings you to Denver?”

“It’s supposed to be a girl’s weekend out.” She shook her head and sighed. “Becky loves rodeo and we’re going to some big event. Bull riding, I think. She begged me to come and you know the rest.”

The corner of his mouth quirked. “I take it rodeo is about as appealing to you as that party was tonight.”

“That’s about right.” She brushed hair from her face. “You being a cowboy, you probably get into that rodeo stuff.”

“Some.” He shrugged, the movement casual. “Have you ever watched professional bull riding?”

“I’ve seen it on the news a couple of times.” She grimaced as she thought of the scenes she’d had a glimpse of. “I can imagine a cowboy would end up missing a whole bunch of teeth and breaking lots of bones. I don’t get the appeal.”

His laugh was low, enticing. “Maybe you’ll change your mind after going tomorrow.”

“I doubt it.” She rubbed her thigh with her palm. “Are you going, being a cowboy and all?”

With a grin he said, “I’ll be there.”

“Where are your seats?” she asked. “We’re sitting in something called the Gold Buckle seats. Becky says we’re near the chute, whatever that is.”

“Nice seats.” He shifted where he sat. “I’m sitting in that same area.”

She felt a little stirring of something. Excitement maybe? “Maybe I’ll see you there,” she said.

He nodded. “No doubt you will.”

The effects of the vodka were coming on and she felt mellow and relaxed. “So what do you do?”

She swore she saw amusement in his gaze when he said, “I’m self-employed.”

“What kind of business do you have?” she asked.

“Cattle.” He took another drink of whisky. “Why don’t you tell me what you do for a living?”

She set her glass down on the plush carpeting and wrapped her arms around her knees. “I teach.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Little ones or big ones?”

Anna laughed. “Big ones. High school English.”

“Brave woman.”

She gave a quick grin. “I love it. Comes with its challenges but it’s worth it.”

“Have any children of your own?” he asked.

“Not yet.” She picked up her glass and swirled the vodka and ice. “But that’s one of my dreams. Children.”

“I wouldn’t mind having a few of my own.” He held his drink and rested on his thigh. “Married? Boyfriend?”

“No to both.” She tilted her head. “And you?”

“No strings.” He raised the bottle of vodka. “Ready for more?”

“Sure.” She held up her glass and he tipped the bottle and filled it. “Oooh, that’s more than enough.”

He set the bottle down and raised his glass of whisky. They clinked glasses and she took a sip of hers while he downed his in one swallow.

As they talked, she wondered how she could have rebuffed him so many times. He was genuine, personable, an all-around nice guy.

Not to mention he was
. Why didn’t she say yes before now? She had turned him down three times yet here she was now, wanting him more than she could have imagined.

She found herself sitting closer to him, close enough that she could feel his body heat and their shoulders touched. She didn’t know if he had moved or if she had but suspected it was her.

At the same time they reached for their glasses and somehow his hand ended up over hers. They linked their fingers and he brought their hands up and kissed her knuckles.

The touch of his lips sent tingles throughout her. She looked at their joined hands then met his eyes.

They moved toward each other at the same time and she didn’t want to turn back.

The touch of Mike’s mouth on hers was enough to melt her, to make her feel as if they had joined in some primal way.

He nipped her lower lip then their mouths and tongues joined as their kiss deepened. He cupped the back of her head and drew her tighter to him. A soft moan rose up within her and she slid her fingers into his hair.

It had been so long since she had been with a man. Now she was here with Mike and she wanted everything he could give her and more.

They moved closer and closer yet and she heard the glasses clink and spill between them then smelled whisky as she felt liquid seep into the leg of her jeans.

He shifted and caught her under her arms and drew her onto his lap so that she was straddling him. His cock was hard between her thighs, pressing through her jeans and she ground herself down on him as they kissed.

She loved his taste, his scent, the feel of his hands as he gripped her hips. She knew she was tipsy but also knew that she wasn’t too far gone to make a coherent decision.

And that decision was that she wanted him. Had wanted him all along.

Wanted him more than anything.

He moved his hands, sliding them under her sweater until he cupped her breasts. He rubbed his thumbs over her nipples, through her bra and she squirmed with need. The intensity of his kiss grew in strength and she sensed his raw power and knew that he was holding himself back.

She started to move up and down as if she was riding him with nothing between them rather than tough denim.

He pulled away from her, moving her back as he did so. His eyes were dark, hooded, and the desire there was enough to send her overboard.

“We need to stop.” His jaw was tight as he said the words. Nothing about what she saw in him told her that he really wanted to stop. “You’ve had a lot to drink. I won’t take advantage of you.”

“I’m fine.” She cupped his face in her hands, felt his stubble against her palms. “I haven’t reached my limit yet. Another two glasses and then I’d be too far gone.”

He stroked hair from her face. “I don’t want you regretting anything in the morning.”

“I’ve wanted you all night long.” She stroked her fingers along his jaw. “Regretting is the last thing that I’m going to do.”

Excerpt… The Auction: Sold

Cheyenne McCray writing as Jaymie Holland

Available Now!



Zach laid the coats and jacket over the back of the chair as if impatient to rid himself of them, and then he brought her into his arms.

The move surprised her, yet at the same time it didn’t. Christy had wanted him to kiss her all night. The way he’d looked at her at the nightclub, she had the impression he’d been thinking the same thing.

Being in his arms was better than she remembered and when he brought his mouth to hers, his kiss was more amazing than the countless kisses she had imagined.

His kiss was searching, as if he was remembering her taste and the feel of their mouths together. She felt like she’d been transported back to the time when everything between them was amazing and fresh and new.

As he drew away, he cupped her face in his hands and studied her. Her lips were moist from his kisses and she almost begged him to kiss her again.

He slowly rubbed his thumb over her cheek. “It almost doesn’t seem real having you here with me.”

“It feels like a dream.” She put her palms on his chest, feeling his heat through his shirt as she moved her palms up to his shoulders. “I’ve imagined this, imagined being with you again.”

He continued caressing her cheek with his thumb as his dark eyes looked into hers. “I can’t remember a time when I didn’t think about you when I was with another woman.”

She looked at him with surprise. “Do you mean that?”

“There have been a lot of women in my life, Christy.” He brought his face closer to hers. “None of them were you.”

The thrills that went through her belly caused a spiral straight to that place between her thighs. Even after all of these years, she knew him well enough that she didn’t have to question what he just said. Zach Nikas didn’t say anything he didn’t mean.

“I guess we aren’t waiting for the weekend at the resort,” she said softly.

“This will make that weekend all the more exciting.” He grasped her hair in his hand and pulled her hair back, causing her to gasp. “Are you sure you want to be here with me tonight, Christy? Last chance.”

“I want to stay.” She winced at the harshness of how hard he had pulled her hair. Yet at the same time it had a good sting to it.

And the mastery in the movement… He was already taking control of her and it turned her on so that her skin felt on fire.

He brought her to him for a hard kiss, nothing like the gentle reunion of moments before. This was harsh, forceful. He pinched her nipples hard through her dress and bit her lower lip, causing tears to sting her eyes.

She loved it.

The kiss was wild, hungry. He reached behind her and drew down the zipper of her dress. It fell in a silken caress down her body and around her feet, leaving her in her black bra and matching panties along with thigh-high silk stockings and her high heels.

He grabbed her by her ass and brought their bodies flush together. His cock was hard against her belly and knowing that he was as turned on as she was, sent an ache between her thighs. She held onto his biceps, digging her fingers in as if to hold on for safety from a coming storm. He moved his hand to the clasp of her bra and unfastened it.

Heat warmed her as he stepped away and took her bra with him and then he tossed it on the couch. He cupped her breasts and she sucked in her breath as he pinched her nipples again, harder this time, and she bit her lower lip to hold back a cry.

“Take off your heels.” He stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Now, Christy.”

He looked serious and she knew she had better do what he told her to. She hurried to remove her heels. When she straightened, he said, “Take off your panties.” She slipped them off and stepped out of them, leaving her in only stockings. “Now your stockings. Hand them to me.”

A heady thrill caused her to shiver as he watched her with his dark eyes. They told her nothing, but the intensity of his expression made her obey.

Focusing on Zach, she slowly pushed down one stocking in a sensual movement. She could tell her teasing was working as his jaw tightened and his eyes seem to grow darker than they already were. She eased it over her foot then handed the stocking to him.

“Faster this time.” His words came out dangerously low and she felt the urge to obey.

She hurried to take off the other stocking and gave it to him. He took her by her upper arms and turned her so that she was facing away from him, then pulled her wrists behind her back. She felt the silk of her stockings as he wrapped one around each of her wrists and tied it securely.

“Last chance.” He rested his hands on her shoulders and moved his mouth to her ear. “Unless you’ve changed your mind, from this point on, you’re mine.”

Her heart beat a little faster. “Yes.”

“Tell me you’re mine.” He brought her up close, her back up against his chest, and he pulled back her head again by her hair. “I want to hear it.”

“I’m yours.” Something like electricity sizzled through her as she spoke. He had her head pulled back so far that she could see his eyes as he looked down at her. He suddenly looked dark and dangerous.

“Yes,” he said in a way that made her shiver. “You are mine.”

Excerpt… The Auction: Claimed

Cheyenne McCray writing as Jaymie Holland

Available Now!



The sun was barely coming up as Leslie slipped her feet off the mattress and onto the floor. She’d teach Rick for escaping and taking control of her like he had.

When she was out of bed she glanced at him. He had one arm across his eyes and the other stretched out beside him. His bare chest rose and fell with deep, even breaths and she was certain he was still asleep. A sheet was tangled around him and it barely covered his early morning erection and her mouth watered as she thought about a great way to wake him up.

But she had other plans.

She knelt beside the bed and found one of the leather handcuffs on the floor. It was still attached to the chain and she wondered at how well he had managed to get away. She’d always heard that SEALs were the best of the best.

Of course that didn’t mean she couldn’t do her best to take back control.

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