Slow Release (Ebony and Ivory Book 1) (4 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Steele,Stormy Dawn Weathers

BOOK: Slow Release (Ebony and Ivory Book 1)
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Once again, I felt the heat in my core radiating up to my chest. What was it about this man that made my body react this way? The look in his eyes clearly conveyed how serious he was about what he was saying. If I didn’t know any better, I would think he was jealous at the thought of me working for another man. He had nothing to worry about because I was just here to help my family, and I didn’t want to take the chance of another agent screwing me over financially. I was sure the modeling industry could be a cutthroat business, and I was confident the man seated next to me knew the ins and outs of it.

“Well, let’s go see your new home.”

I scooted across the seat, not waiting for my door to be opened, and took the hand Damon offered to assist me in exiting the car. We made our way inside and I was awed; it was even more beautiful than the outside.

We walked into an opulent foyer where a maid stood, awaiting Damon’s instructions.

“We’re fine for now, Ms. Stratton. I’m going to show Skye her room and take her on a tour of the house.”

“Very well,” the maid answered, giving Damon a slight bow before she excused herself.

I looked around, taking in everything I could see. The foyer was huge with a large, antique, round table set up in the center. Two winding staircases on either side led the way to the upstairs where I was guessing the bedrooms must be located.

To the right, there was a huge dining hall with a table that looked like it must seat at least twelve or more people. If you turned to the left, there was a large living room, big enough to accommodate a large gathering for parties. I could easily imagine the room full of guests, agents, and models, celebrating the release of a cover on a high fashion magazine. Would I be one of those models on a cover? I couldn’t help but wonder if I might someday. Everything felt so surreal, and I hadn’t even done a shoot yet. In my part of the world, you’re either very rich, or you live in poverty. This was a drastic and somewhat daunting change of circumstances for me, and already I could feel the inclination to feel overwhelmed by it all.

Damon took my hand and led me up the stairs to my bedroom. It was so large that it looked like a small apartment. There was a sitting room, separate from the bedroom area, and off to the side, I saw an office with a top of the line laptop already set up on the desk for me.

“Wait until you see this.” The mischievous smile on his face should have prepared me, at least a little, but I was still in awe when he opened the door. It was a huge closet, probably as big as the hut I’d been living in, and it was full. Inside were more items than I would ever be able to wear, all beautiful and all new. In disbelief, I ran my fingers across the fine material and peeked at some of the tags.

“This is too much.” When I turned to eye him, he was right in my face. I leaned in to kiss his cheek, but he pulled my body close and covered my mouth with his. His tongue gained entry and explored the depths of my mouth. The sensation shot heat straight to the apex between my legs and brought immediate wetness to my core.

He cupped my face in his hands as he spoke in a deep growl, “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything. It isn’t too much… because it will never be enough.”

I gave into that first kiss. I gave in because I wanted him. I have never had a man affect me the way this stranger has. Truthfully, I have never had a man affect me at all because I’ve never been with one. I didn’t kiss him because I felt pressured or obligated in any way. No, this was just my body responding in a way that went beyond reason. I felt like I was no longer in control because he managed to reach beyond my mind, beyond my ability to think, and tap into a place deep inside my soul. The feeling was so utterly foreign to me that it was frightening.


My dick was so hard it felt like it was going to explode in my pants. It was taking everything I had not to bend her over the dressing room bench and fuck her from behind. I instinctively knew she wasn’t very knowledgeable when it came to sex. I also knew she was most likely still a virgin, so when I finally took her, it wasn’t going to be on the closet floor. The kiss did, however, solidify one thing in my mind; I wasn’t letting this woman out of my sight.

“You’re in dangerous territory, girl.” I held my fingers up to her face, spreading them about an inch apart to make my point. “I’m about this close to throwing you down and fucking you senseless. Now, I’d be willing to bet you’ve never been with a man, and I don’t plan on your first time being in a closet. I do, however, plan on being your first and your last. Now, let’s get you in the shower. Put this on when you get out.”

I grabbed the first dress I saw, a blue and white striped summer dress, and tossed it in her direction. I quickly strode from the room before I did something I’d regret. I needed to be thinking with my brain and not my cock, no matter how hard it strained against my now tented trousers. This girl was making that very hard to accomplish.

I made my way over to my room and into my adjoining office across the hall. Right now, I just wanted to get my mind off the woman who seems to have, at least lately, held my every thought captive. Talk about sexual chemistry! This woman was lighting my fire and didn’t even know she was doing it. How could a woman so innocent be so damn sexy?

I sat my large frame down in the leather office chair and booted up my computer. The phone rang as I waited.


“Damon, it’s Lisa. I was thinking maybe we could have dinner or something. I haven’t heard from you since… well, since you know.”

“Since when, Lisa? Since I fucked you and told you I never wanted to see you again?”

“Why do you have to be so mean?”

“Why are you so relentless? I’m not your ticket to a modeling job. Don’t call me again.”

Feeling more than a little irritated, I slammed the phone down. I hated being such a jerk, but the girl had been calling me every day since our one-night stand. She needed to accept the fact that I had no desire to see her again. The funny thing was that I honestly haven’t had the desire to see anyone since I came across the glossy of the woman who was now in my shower. I needed to fuck somebody, but I had no intentions of doing so until that somebody was Skye. I wanted her in my bed, and I wasn’t going to take the chance that she’d disconnect because she thought I was a player. I didn’t care how many times I had to jack off to keep my dick in line; I wasn’t going to risk losing Skye. I shook my head, inwardly reprimanding myself. I was acting like a high school kid with a schoolboy crush, and the woman hasn’t even been here a full day yet.

“Trouble in paradise?”

“How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to see how mean you can be to your past sexual conquests,” she smirked.

“I wouldn’t treat you like that.”

“I wouldn’t let you treat me like that.”

“Ooh, a woman with an edge, I like it.”

“Oh, I’ve got an edge. I can assure you of that.”

I patted my chest in a dramatic manner, “Oh be still, my beating heart.”

“Are you going to feed me or what?”

“Your wish is my command, girl.”

“Yeah, I just bet it is.”

Chapter Five

The Stalker

Well, well, well, is this your new flavor of the month? She is stunning; I’ll give you that. You’re always trying to stay one step ahead of me, aren’t you? You always have an ace up your sleeve.

This one must be quite special for you to fly her in all the way from Haiti. Knowing how you’ve got a thing for black women, I’m sure this young lady drew quite an interest for you, Damon. I’m certain you have no idea she has been the object of my obsession too. As soon as I found out you wanted her, I had eyes put on her. You’ve met your match, Damon. I’m not a man limited by the distance between continents. My reach is worldwide.

Looks like I’ve found your Achilles heel, and I’m not above using it against you. I know I’ll have to move quickly because you’ll tire of her. You always tire of your women.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man go through women as quickly as you do, Damon D’ Angelo. You really do live up to that Italian swagger.

I’m going to hurt you, and I’m going to make you suffer. If she is what you care about at the moment, then she is what I’m going to use against you. You’re going to regret the day you ever laid eyes on me. I promise you, I will to see to that. You fucked up big time when you crossed me. You took away the only thing in this world that mattered to me, and now I’m going to return the favor. You are going to suffer more than you have ever suffered before. Your perfect world is on the verge of falling apart.

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