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Hunter chuckled when Shaun had described it. “Yeah, it might. We might need

to practice it a couple of times to get it right, though,” he added, mock serious.

“I can see this turning into an all-nighter,” Gabe said wryly.

“Well, I hope to hell you don’t have a rush job in mind!” Shaun said irritably. “I don’t fucking want to be rushed.”

“Keep in mind we still have several weeks!” Gabe said tightly.

“Yeah, but only one maiden voyage!” Hunter shot back at him.

“Alright, point taken. We still need a three way. Who’s doing it? And what’s the plan?”

Everyone looked at everyone else.

“Fine!” Hunter said. “I’ll take a three way, but I call shotgun, god damn it!”

“Which hole are you calling shotgun on?” Shaun asked.

Hunter seemed to wrestle with it. “The ass,” he said finally.

“Alright, I take second position.”

“I assume that means Nicole sandwich. You think you can handle doing it


“Are you serious? I could handle it standing if she was just balanced on my

pole,” Hunter said. “I don’t think we’re going to have a problem bouncing her on two.”

“If we’re going to go three way with her, I think we ought to get two turns,”

Shaun said. “We could do the oilrig with her the first time around and the sandwich the next time.”

Gabe nodded. “I think we’ll have to see how she’s holding up,” he said wryly. “I see where you’re coming from, but remember—there’s seven of us.”

Pulling out his PDA, he started taking notes, trying to get a firm mental picture.

It took them a couple of hours, but they finally had it worked out to everyone’s satisfaction.

“Alright,” Gabe said a little tiredly, “now for Brandy. We should’ve figured this one first since she’s first on the agenda.”

Shaun shrugged and leaned around to look at David and Scott. “Any positions

you haven’t tried yet with Brandy?” he asked dryly.

Daniel grinned. “We haven’t fucked her in bed—or missionary.”

“Well, it isn’t going to be in bed this time, either,” Gabe said irritably. “Let’s go up to the playroom and check it out.”

“My vote’s on the ‘rack’,” Basil said, shrugging and then getting to his feet.

“We can turn her any way we want—inside out, upside down.”

Shaun chuckled when he saw it. “Whoa! Who designed this thing?”


“An acquaintance of mine,” Gabe responded. “I’m not going to call him a

friend—weird fucker, and he’s really in to BDSM—heavy on the S and M.”

“You think Brandy’s into S and M?” Scott asked a little doubtfully.

“I don’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised,” Gabe said dryly. “But I’m not and I’ve got no interest in chicks that are. A little light—very light—S and M is alright once in a while. It can add spice, but, ideally, sex should be fun for all, not something that could turn really ugly, where somebody could wind up in jail.”

“Or the morgue,” Shaun agreed. “She’s liable to freak when she gets a look at

this thing.”

“It just looks scary,” Basil commented. “Ok, so it might be a little uncomfortable, but it wasn’t designed for anything but interesting positioning.”

Gabe grinned. “Speaking of which … I think we need a volunteer to check out

the interesting positions so I can check the cameras.”

David volunteered, but he was starting to look worried by the time they had him bound on the thing.

Gabe studied him a moment and chuckled. Lifting his PDA, he made a note.

“Blindfold Brandy to get her in to it.”


Chapter Six

It wasn’t that kitchen duty was particularly arduous. It was the principle of the thing, I thought with irritation when I again found myself designated for clean up. With damned few exceptions, I was
sent to handle kitchen clean up. True, most of the time they either had the meals catered—which only required heating the food—or we settled for sandwiches or something simple like cereal for breakfast, but I didn’t like the idea that I’d signed on as janitor for the house—or maid.

It wasn’t that I especially wanted Brandy’s job—not really. I wouldn’t have

minded a little damned activity, but I was mostly peeved about the fact that Brandy always managed to land the cushy stuff and I ended up with shit! It was hardly surprising I tended to think the shit fairy had blessed my birth!

On the few occasions I didn’t end up with the job, Brandy did, but she pouted and showed her ass about it, and I supposed that was why they didn’t send her to do it more often.

The guys, apparently, were too macho for kitchen duty when there were two

perfectly usable females in the house. Of course, in all fairness, they did do pickup around the parlor and their rooms, I was sure, but most of the mess made in the parlor was their doing and so was the mess in their rooms.

Dismissing it after a few minutes with the reflection that it at least gave me

something to do to keep me occupied, I focused on the cleaning. I discovered when I’d finished that Gabe had come in at some point. He was leaning against the door to the hallway, studying me.

When he saw he had my attention, he lifted a hand and beckoned. Reminding

myself that I’d resolved to be a good little slave, I went to him. He settled his hands on my shoulders, slipped them lightly along my arms and finally took my hand. Leading me to the kitchen island, he lifted me up on it. Planting his palms on either side of my hips, he leaned toward me. “Lift your breasts for me,” he said in a husky voice that sent shivers up and down my spine.

I wasn’t especially anxious for another helping of fondling without satisfaction, which I’d begun to realize was my problem. If I hadn’t been so determined to avoid the unpleasantness, I might’ve been given a cookie. Bracing myself, I cupped my hands beneath my breasts and lifted them in offering.

He studied them and finally shook his head. “Brace your hands behind you and

arch your back.”

Swallowing a little convulsively, I complied, waiting with a mixture of hope and dread for what I knew was coming. He lowered his head, plucking at first one nipple and then the other with his lips. They were already fully erect from the clothing I had to wear and the blood had pooled in them long enough that the light touch was almost

excruciating. The muscles along my channel tightened almost painfully when he ceased to pluck at the tip he was tormenting and drew it with tortuous slowness into his mouth. I flinched at the scalding heat that went through me, a sound escaping me that was more of SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 45

a whimper than a moan. He settled his palms on my back as if he expected me to lurch away from him, pulling me more tightly to his mouth, sucking on the nub of flesh until I felt my eyes roll back in my head. My head seemed too heavy for my neck and I allowed it to fall back as he moved from one breast to the other.

I felt as if I was sinking toward oblivion, drifting in a sea of molten lava. Every pull of his mouth sucked me deeper and I was still so disappointed when he stopped I felt like crying. He sucked an open mouthed kiss along my throat and one beneath my jaw.

Threading his hand in the hair near my scalp, he lifted my head to study my face and I thought for several moments he meant to kiss me—on the mouth.

It wasn’t until that moment that it occurred to me that he never had—not once.

None of them had.

Because they weren’t my lovers or my boyfriends, and I was just a thing, a prop for the play. He leaned away from me after a moment, hesitated and then lifted my legs up. Hooking my heels on the edge of the counter top, he pushed my thighs wide and leaned down to pluck at my clit as he had my nipples.

I thought about the cameras, but I was beyond caring. The feel of his mouth there was so wonderful I was quiet and still as a mouse, ever hopeful he’d finish. He did no more than draw it into his mouth and pull on it until I was a quivering mass of jelly and then he lifted his head and studied me again.

“Good girl,” he murmured, his voice sounding strange, strained. He leaned

closer, plucking at my earlobe, breathing into my ear and lifting goosebumps. “If you’re good for me all day, tonight I’ll give you what you need, baby.”

I sent him a startled glance filled with hope and doubt and wariness. He met my gaze with one of heated promise and finally helped me down. I was so wobbly I don’t think I could’ve managed if he hadn’t been supporting me by holding on to my arm. He led me into the front parlor and told me sit down on the couch and stay there.

Picking up the remote, he turned the TV on and handed it to me. “Don’t move.”

What if I needed to go to the bathroom, I thought blankly? How long did I have to sit on the couch? He’d said tonight. It was only a little after noon.

“If … if I have to go?”

He’d already started toward the door. I flinched inwardly when he swiveled

around to look at me, wondering if I’d already screwed up my chance. He seemed to think it over. “Use the hall bathroom and come right back in here. Understood?”

I nodded, relieved that I wasn’t in trouble all over again.

I hoped.

It was a while before it dawned on me that I was completely alone. Not

surprisingly, the first thought that popped into my head was escape and I’d turned to look speculatively at the door before I remembered the damned cameras. Cringing inwardly, I returned my attention to the TV screen.

It had been a very bad idea, I chided myself. I didn’t even know where it had

come from. Sure I was sexually frustrated, but I certainly hadn’t been mistreated and I
agreed to the deal.

I’d discovered, though, that it was hard to keep that in focus—the fact that I had agreed and that this wasn’t actually reality. It was intended to seem as if it was, but Gabe and Glenda had planned the entire thing before the wicked witch got her hooks into us—

because of my evil sister.


Who’d mysteriously vanished along with all seven of the hunks.

It hit me with the force of a sledge hammer why I was sitting in the living room and nobody else was any where around. Snow White and the seven Hunks had slipped upstairs for a rambunctious afternoon.

The depth of my hurt and anger both surprised me and dismayed me. I’d

acknowledged that I had had trouble separating the real world from the fictitious one I was living. That should’ve meant that I was aware enough not to allow myself to be misled.

But I hadn’t been. I knew there was no denying it when I felt so crushed and

angry about the fact that everyone was upstairs having sex—with my evil sister!

Somewhere along the way I’d allowed myself to start thinking in terms of hers

and mine and there
no hers and mine!

This, I realized, was very, very bad. I’d just thought I might be in trouble when I’d considered the possibility of being addicted to sex—which was damned absurd, I realized now, since I hadn’t
any damned sex! Addicted to wanting it, maybe.

Maybe they’d jumpstarted my libido so that I actually had more of an appetite than I’d had before, but I could hardly be addicted to something I wasn’t getting!

The other thing, the thing I didn’t want to put a name to, was worse by far. Even if I left the gig wanting more sex, that was attainable. The other thing wasn’t.

How incredibly stupid could I be? What a total sucker! Jeeze! There wasn’t a single one of those gorgeous hunks that was even close to my age! They weren’t interested in me! They were
being interested in me!

They were playing being interested in Brandy, for that matter. There was no

sense in hating my sister, I realized, when she was a prop just like I was. Of course, she’d gotten us in to this, damn her!

Boy oh boy had I learned my lesson! The next time Brandy needed a job and I

had one, I sure as hell wasn’t going to offer to help her get one at the same place!

* * * *

Gabe felt his face heat when Shaun nudged him and looked down pointedly. Shit!

He’d been sporting a raging hard-on when he’d left Nicole in the parlor, damn it! He hadn’t realized until Shaun pointed it out that he was the only one of the seven Hunks not sporting a god damn erection!

Hell! He hadn’t expected to have to direct and star in the damned movie! How

the hell was he supposed to keep his mind on the directing and keep his dick up at the same time, he thought irritably! Here they had Snow White spread like a wishbone and he was standing around staring at it like it
a wishbone instead of a fine piece.

To his relief, he managed to pump it up after a few moments of vigorous jacking and they all moved in for a close up of the Seven Hunks staring lustily at the offering.

He discovered it wasn’t nearly as hard to maintain his erection as he’d feared when they began to fondle Brandy. There was no getting around the fact that she had a body to stir lust. He wasn’t particularly drawn to the personality behind it—he’d never found her type appealed to him at all, as a matter of fact—but there was no denying she had a beautiful body and face to match.

Not that he could see her face with the blindfold, but he didn’t need to. He

needed to focus on the gang fuck scene they’d worked out. He caught her breast in one hand when it came his turn, massaging it, and bent down to suck her nipple. By the time SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 47

he’d finished and lifted his head he wasn’t having any trouble at all keeping hard.

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