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His mind had instantly recalled his interlude with Nicole in the kitchen.

All he’d been able to think about then was pushing her down and finishing what

he’d started.

It was all he could think about now, he discovered, when Basil nudged him

surreptitiously. He moved around the ‘rack’, thankfully into the shadows, as Basil, who’d drawn first place, moved into position. Stepping further back into the shadows, he checked the camera angle one last time as Basil began trying to shove his cock into her.

She was wet, but she was tight and Basil was hung like a young bull.

He felt his heat rise as he watched the skin stretch around her hole until it was glossy with the strain and wondered if Nicole’s pussy would look like that when he finally shoved his cock into her.

Brandy was warming to her theme by the time Basil managed to work his cock

fully inside of her, moaning like she was dying. It flickered through his mind to wonder if she was over-acting or if she was really enjoying it that much.

It sounded just a little feigned to him. Hopefully, he thought wryly, it wouldn’t to the viewers.

He discovered while he’d been distracted by his thoughts that Basil had pulled out for the come shot.

He frowned. He couldn’t remember whether Brandy had hit the high note or not,

damn it!

Basil cleaned her up and squirted the concoction they’d ‘invented’ to look like come on her genital area. Wiping himself with the towel, he moved beyond the camera range and approached him.

“That’s my shot. I’m going to head downstairs and check on Nicole.”

Gabe’s gut clenched. The urge to tell him to get back in line was strong enough he ground his teeth, but he merely nodded. “Don’t be gone long. You might be needed.”

Basil sent him a speculative look but merely nodded and left.

David stepped up to the plate. Remembering abruptly that he was supposed to be fondling her breasts while David worked her pussy, he set his viewer down and moved into position.

was why he hadn’t wanted Basil gone long, damn it!

They’d agreed to work it out so that they showed themselves around her, moving

in and out of the shadows, and it would look like they were all standing over her just waiting for their turn.

Shit! If Basil didn’t get his ass back up there before … fuck! He’d forgotten who was next!

He discovered when David moved away, though, that everyone was staring at


And he’d lost his god damned erection!

Waving the limp thing at Hunter, he jerked his head fractionally. Hunter rolled his eyes, but he managed to refrain from grinning.

Good thing, too! He’d look like hell without his front teeth, Gabe thought

angrily, jerking on his dick and trying to work it up again. He was ready by the time Gabe finished, but discovered he’d forgotten they were going to reposition her for the next shot. Jesus!


He moved away while they were changing Brandy’s position, grabbed a cock ring

and shoved it down to the root, pushing it beneath the edges of the fucking leather vice he’d had to put on to stay ‘in character’.

It was the last fucking time he agreed on a god damned fantasy theme, he thought viciously! He didn’t give a damned what Glenda thought about it!

The cock ring worked, but it presented a problem he hadn’t considered. He was

ready to come almost as soon as he’d managed to wedge his dick in her, but the ring prevented it. Closing his eyes, he pumped harder and faster, trying to tune out the racket Brandy was making.

If Nicole was into caterwauling like that, he thought irritably, he was going to fucking gag her!

It was a lucky stroke that Nicole entered his mind at that moment, or more

specifically, fucking her. He’d begun to think his damned balls were going to explode!

Shaun, he discovered, was standing to one side with the bottle of fake come when he pulled out for his come shot. If he hadn’t been gasping for breath, he thought he might’ve been tempted to choke the bastard.

Hunter and David uttered a choked laugh they quickly converted to a cough—

which probably helped Brandy’s feelings even if not his—but he was
going to have to dub the damned tape!

* * * *

Basil stopped abruptly in the doorway when he reached the parlor. Nicole was staring at the TV screen, but he knew immediately that she hadn’t been fooled for a moment. She knew what was going on upstairs.

A mixture of emotions churned through him—mostly irritation—for a lot of


this was a porn show, damn it, he thought angrily. What the hell had she expected? For them to stop after all the money they’d all poured into the damned show just because …?


Dragging in a sustaining breath to brace himself, he crossed the room and settled behind her. When she continued to stare at the TV, he pulled her across his lap. She didn’t resist, but she didn’t look at him.

Pissed off?

“Look at me.”

She lifted her head, but she didn’t meet his gaze for more than a fraction of a second. It was still enough to make him feel like shit and it pissed him off more. He discovered for a handful of moments that he had no idea how to proceed, but, thankfully, it didn’t last. She had to understand that this was business and she was still the submissive and he was still the dom.

He carried her backwards onto the couch and grasped her wrists, manacling them

to the cushions on either side of her head. Lowering his head, he took one of her nipples into his mouth. It was cool to his mouth, as cool as she was.

Ignoring it, he toyed with her nipple until it beaded for him and then transferred his attention to its twin. She resisted. He felt it in the tension in her, but he patiently suckled her breasts on and on until he heard her breath catch in her throat, until he felt the heat come upon her. He lifted his head to study her face for a long moment. Her lashes SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 49

were still spiked from tears, but her eyes were glazed with the heat he’d drawn from her.

“You’re mine, baby,” he said tightly. “Don’t try to withhold from me again. You won’t win a contest of wills.”

She shivered, but she looked down.

Relieved, he nuzzled his face against her neck, breathing her scent into his lungs for a moment and then turned his attention to her sensitive breasts again, teasing her until she was gasping for breath.

He was still seething when he went upstairs again, however, and the worst of it was he didn’t even have a fucking target.

* * * *

Hunter slipped out of the room the minute Basil came through the door. Gabe glared at his back as he took off, but there wasn’t much he could do about it since he was in the process of repositioning Brandy for the next shot.

She was nearly hoarse from screaming every time she came, but they were down

to the grand finale—a modified oilrig—and he planned to stuff her mouth so full of cock that she couldn’t scream.

Basil was looking like a thundercloud, however, and he decided to give Brandy a few moments to rest to find out what the hell was going on.

“We’ve got one pissed off little slave downstairs,” Basil growled when he’d

reached him.

“Well fuck!” Gabe snapped. “That just fucking figures! Women! How bad?”

Basil shook his head. “I disciplined her, but I had to
at working her up and it pisses me off!”

“She resisted?” Gabe asked sharply.

Basil’s lips thinned. “Nothing I could call her on. It was more dead fish than actual resistance.”

“Shit! Well, this has just been a fucking disaster from start to finish! I’ve got a blinding fucking headache from Brandy howling in my ear for the past three fucking hours. I think I pulled something in my fucking groin when I finally managed to come—

because I had to put a cock ring on to maintain an erection, and now this!”

Basil shrugged. “I’m not sure it’s going to matter much—the pulled groin

muscle. I don’t know that it’s a good idea to proceed with the plan until we deal with this issue.”

fucking issue?” Gabe growled. “They’re supposed to be a part of a fucking porn reality show, god damn it!”

“Yeah, well I think they got a little too caught up in it.”

Gabe shook his head in disgust. “I drew heads. We can’t keep Brandy hanging

there … unless you want her to give you head?”

Basil gave him a look and then smiled goadingly. “You sure you’re going to up

to initiating Nicole anyway after blowing your load twice?”

“It doesn’t look like it’s a going to be a problem,” Gabe growled, stalking back to the rack where everyone was waiting for him.

* * * *

I was still mulling over what Basil had said to me when Hunter strode into the room—fresh from the fight, I thought sourly—and cheerful enough I felt like clobbering him.


I didn’t, of course. I smiled at him when he sat down, pulled me onto his lap, and took up where Basil had left off. Despite everything—even my depression—I discovered I hadn’t suddenly become immune. My emotional distress had shielded me from Basil’s practiced attentions, and he’d still warmed me right back up—it had just taken a little longer.

It dawned on me as Hunter stirred my blood up to the feverish level I’d been

mostly maintaining for days that I’d been offered a cookie if I was a good girl and I’d promised myself I was going to do whatever it took to get relief.

Sulking wasn’t going to get it for me. As far as Basil was concerned, that was resistance, and I didn’t doubt the others would see it the same way.

So I could enjoy sulking when I actually had no right to be upset about anything they did. Or I could enjoy the sex I’d been promised.

I actually rather preferred the idea of sulking just to spite them, but I struggled to be reasonable and I knew that wasn’t.

There was the pride thing to consider, as well. It was bad enough Basil knew I’d been upset. Did I really want
of them to know I’d been such an idiot that I’d fallen for the fantasy they’d carefully orchestrated? Particularly when it hadn’t been aimed at me at all?

I didn’t. It was just too humiliating and it made me feel stupid and I hated feeling stupid. I’d never understood why Brandy cultivated it, or why she seemed to enjoy being thought a dumb blond.

Actually, I did understand it. Being dumb and pretty was the magic talisman that got her out of just about everything she didn’t want to do. I just wasn’t as desperate to avoid having to actually do things as she was. It seemed to me that she worked just as hard at
working as I did at working, but that was just my opinion and she obviously didn’t share it.

It was time, I decided, to try to draw on any latent acting skills I might have. I couldn’t help feeling like I did, but I
help letting them know and making things that much more uncomfortable.

I was just going to have to keep reminding myself that everything they did was

for the camera, not for my benefit. I didn’t doubt that they were enjoying it.

Well, they were men. They had to or they wouldn’t be able to get it up.

Enjoying their work wasn’t the same thing as having a ‘thing’ for me, though. I had to remember that.

Focus, Nicole! I commanded myself. You’re too damned old to behave like a

besotted teenager!

I discovered my inner struggle with my wayward emotions had the same benefit

that it had had when Basil had been fondling me. It cooled me down almost as fast as he warmed me up.

Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice.

Spoke too soon!

Hunter paused in the doorway as he was leaving and turned to look back at me, a mixture of puzzlement and irritation flickering in his eyes before he seemed to dismiss it.

I lay down on the couch when he was gone, closed my eyes, and practiced

meditation—or self-hypnosis. It was a lot like writing ‘I will not act like an idiot’ a hundred times on the blackboard. I fell asleep during the twentieth repetition, though.


I woke up when I felt the cushions of the couch dip beside my hip and opened my eyes to discover that Gabe was studying me.

I closed my eyes again, trying to ignore my revving heartbeat as memory crashed around me.

He wouldn’t be looking at me like that, I didn’t think, if Basil hadn’t narced on me, damn it!

The swine!

I sensed when Gabe leaned down, struggled to catch my breath, and felt

everything in my body reach out to him even before he touched me. Heat seared through me the moment he drew the nipple he’d teased with his lips into his mouth. He had the most wonderful mouth. Even with my eyes closed, I thought I would’ve known the difference between his and anyone else’s.

That thought snagged my attention for a handful of seconds and I considered it. I couldn’t honestly say I had any kind of problem with Shaun’s mouth, or Basil’s, or Hunter’s. It was amazing what they could do to me with their mouths, wonderful.

That was the thing to focus on, I thought vaguely—not being able to tell them


But I could. It was subtle things—the way they moved their tongue over my skin, or curled it around my nipples—the way they teased my clit, even the feel of their mouths and lips.

He brought me to fever pitch as he coasted his lips along my body, plucking here and there, lathing a patch of skin with his tongue, sucking at it. By the time he’d wound his way down to my clit I felt like I was going to die if he touched me there and die if he didn’t.

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