Snow White and the Seven Hunks editedbymegan .wps (15 page)

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Needless to say, it hadn’t worked out and I’d sworn off that kind of compromise.

It just wasn’t in me to ‘be ready’ at ten o’clock on Friday night—like an appointment, which meant I didn’t enjoy it—ever.

I supposed, all things considered, it wasn’t really surprising that I’d managed to ignore every distraction and my nervousness and enjoy it. I’d never had so damned much foreplay in my life!

And the finale! Wow! Amazing! Considering how much I’d dreaded it—
we got started—and how worried I’d been about damage after staring at the rods Shaun and Hunter were hung with …. I think I would’ve been pleasantly surprised just to survive it. I hadn’t expected to enjoy it. I hadn’t thought I could possibly come, again.

Not only had I, though, it had been a double whammy, like the grand finale of the fireworks show!

Of course, apparently, I had suffered some damage, but I couldn’t believe it was anything serious.

Gabe didn’t leave the room when the doctor arrived and neither did the wicked

witch, who accompanied him. I didn’t mind Gabe so much. After all, he’d seen parts of me I’d never seen myself. Glenda was another matter.


Gabe caught her arm and moved to the other side of the room near the door,

however, giving me a little privacy. The doctor didn’t spend a lot of time examining me, thankfully, but it wasn’t comfortable. By the time he’d stopped probing my ass, it was burning worse than it had been from the sex.

Removing his rubber glove, he tossed it in the trash. “A couple of tears. They’re superficial. I don’t think you need stitches.”

My eyes nearly bugged out of my head when he made that calm assessment.

Well! Thank fucking god! It hadn’t occurred to me that I might and I was horrified at the narrow escape. I didn’t even want to
about having to go the hospital for something like that.

“You can get dressed,” he said dismissively and crossed the room to join Gabe

and Glenda.

“She’ll be alright,” he told Gabe a little stiffly. “I’m not going to recommend prodding her in the rectum with whatever you used again any time soon. She should have a few days for it to heal up before she has any sexual activity of any kind. I noticed some minor tearing around her clitoris and her vagina, as well.”

Gabe flushed, his expression hardening with anger, but he merely nodded.

“Well! This is just fucking great!” Glenda snapped. “We haven’t even launched the site yet and now we’ve got a delay!”

Gabe glanced at me and ushered them out the door. I wanted to dash over to it to listen, but I reluctantly dismissed the urge.

Getting up, I headed into the bathroom to clean up, trying to ignore the

discomfort. I discovered it was fairly easy to ignore it in light of my anger over Glenda’s remarks. Why was it, I wondered, that I always ended up being blamed for every damned thing?

* * * *

I was too preoccupied with my misery, at first, to notice Brandy was eyeing me like she wanted to tear my head off. Contrary to all logic, it seemed to me, I felt a lot worse the morning after than I’d felt when I’d gotten hurt. The night before, it had only hurt when I moved. From the time I woke up, it hadn’t stopped throbbing despite the fact that Gabe had come in when he heard me stirring and given me a prescription ointment to apply to the area.

I actually thought it was the damned thong that was the problem—or at least the main problem. It pressed against the tender spots and rubbed when I walked, aggravating the problem. But then, my clothes, the clothes I’d arrived in, had disappeared when I’d been presented with my new wardrobe and the thongs were all I had to wear except for the torturous rope-type bodysuits.

Brandy finally brought me out of my self-absorption by slamming something

down on the counter. I thought at first that she’d dropped the plate, but one look at her face disabused me of that notion.

“You slept with them, didn’t you?”

I stared at her, blank with surprise. “Who?”

“Don’t give me that shit! You know who I’m talking about!

I felt my face heat with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. Knowing from

experience that it was impossible to reason with her when she was building herself into a rage, I tried anyway. “Brandy … this is a show. You know that!”


“I know I heard everything that was going on down the hall last night! I know

there was some damned reason I was locked in my damned room! You fucked them,

didn’t you, you backstabbing bitch!”

I gasped in outrage, but it flickered through my mind that I couldn’t afford to lose my temper when Brandy was working up to one of her screaming fits. “First off, I didn’t.

Secondly, Brandy—this is a porn reality show. All of this is acting. You know that!”

“Yeah, like you acting all sweet and butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth, but you went behind my back and fucked my guys, you whore!”

“Calm down, Brandy,” I hissed at her. “You’re in enough trouble as it is.”

in trouble!” she snapped. “I didn’t do a damned thing I wasn’t supposed to!

I know what this is about. You’re still pissed off because Clint dumped you for me.

That’s what it is! You’re trying to get even with me. You’ve always been jealous of me because everybody thinks I’m prettier than you are!”

“They’re going to hear you,” I tried again.

“I don’t fucking
if they hear me!” she screamed.

* * * *

Gabe froze for a split second when he heard the scream and then set his cup down abruptly. Shoving his chair away from the table, he strode quickly to the kitchen and pushed the door open. “Jesus fucking Christ! What the hell is going on here?” he bellowed.

Brandy whipped her head toward him, curling her lips back in a snarl. “You were in on it, weren’t you?”

“In on what?” Gabe demanded, completely baffled.

“That dirty little trick y’all played on me last night just to get rid of me so all of you could fuck her!”

Gabe glanced from one sister to the other. “What the hell are you babbling


Nicole winced. “She’s just a little upset about a misunderstanding,” she said

quickly. “We’ll settle it.”

“Little misunderstanding, my ass! You cunt! You whore! You fucking bitch!

I’m going to kill you!” she growled, whipping her head around in search of a weapon.

“Hold on now!” Gabe said a little more calmly, striding forward and placing

himself between the two women. “Just calm down.”

Brandy was completely beyond reason by that time, however. Surging toward the

counter, she picked up the toaster and hurled it at them. Growling in impotent fury when it merely sailed to the end of the cord and then hit the floor, she looked around for something else to throw and grabbed up a canister filled with flour. It hit Gabe on the shoulder, the lid flew off, and flour filled his eyes.

Blinded, he staggered slightly, trying to blink the flour out of his eyes. Nicole grabbed him, tugging at him until she managed to get him to the sink and trying to keep an eye out for flying missiles at the same time. When Brandy had finished lobbing the sugar canister at them, she raced to a drawer and snatched it out.

Fortunately, her screams and the clatter of metal hitting the walls and floor had drawn the others. Seeing her intent, Shaun and Basil rushed her. Basil made a grab for her wrist as she snatched a butcher knife from the drawer. Catching the blade instead of her wrist, he leapt back as she swung the knife at him.


Shaun caught her from behind, struggling to reach around her and grab the knife handle. She managed to elude him long enough to hurl the knife at Nicole. Fortunately, she was too enraged to aim. The knife handle hit Nicole on the shoulder and then the knife dropped to the floor.

Everyone in the kitchen stared at Brandy with disbelief as Shaun finally managed to subdue her, but she was still screaming abuse at Nicole at the top of her lungs. She rounded on Gabe when Shaun started dragging her back toward the chair David brought in. “You bastard! You son-of-a-bitch! How dare you lock me in my room! I
what was going on last night! I know what you were all doing, you whore hopping bastards!

Y’all were all in Nicole’s room fucking her!”

The woman, Gabe reflected, was demented. “We are trying to film a show here,”

he said through his teeth.

“Show my ass!” Brandy snapped. “This isn’t anything but an excuse to fuck!

And you aren’t going to fuck me and then troop down the hall and fuck my sister!”

“That is
what we’re going to do,” Gabe said through clenched teeth,

“because we are filming a
, god damn it! I’m going to give you two minutes to settle your ass down or we’re going have a real problem here and I can guarantee that you aren’t going to like my solution to it worth a shit!”

Brandy glared at him furiously, huffing so hard for breath that her breasts had fallen out of the top of her bustier. Gabe waited.

“I’ll sue!” she screamed at him when he finally turned away and headed toward

the door. “I’ll sue you, and I’ll sue that bitch, Glenda, and I’ll sue the rest of you bastards, and I’ll win!”

“You throw another thing at me, or anybody else around here, god damn it, and

you’ll have to file that lawsuit from jail! Am I getting through to you? Because I am one step away from it lady! If I didn’t need your psycho ass to finish this damned film I wouldn’t even give you one more chance!”

She narrowed her eyes at him.

Gabe stood glaring at her, his hands on his hips. When she didn’t try to get up from the chair, he finally signaled for the others to leave. “Collect anything that looks like a weapon,” he told Shaun, “and make sure you lock it up. Nicole, come with me.”

She glanced uneasily at Brandy, but she followed him as he strode from the room and stalked upstairs to his bedroom.

“Would you like to tell me what the hell that was all about?” he asked grimly.


Chapter Nine

I studied Gabe unhappily, still so shaken myself from Brandy’s fit of temper that it was hard to collect my thoughts. I cleared my throat and shifted uneasily, trying to decide whether it would be better to tell him the truth or to lie.

I wasn’t actually very good at lies, though. I was really bad about forgetting I’d told it and tripping myself up.

Besides, I had a bad feeling that he fully intended to confront Brandy about it and she was too damned stupid to lie when she was pissed off.

“Jealousy,” I said finally.

He studied me for a long moment. “We’re not talking professional jealousy here, are we?” he asked wryly.

I stared at him blankly for a moment before it dawned on me that he was thinking of us in terms of actresses. “Uh … no.”

He shook his head. “I need a shower,” he muttered in disgust. “Come on in. We can talk while I wash this shit off.”

I didn’t really want to talk. I didn’t mind watching him bathe, though. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t had plenty of time to thoroughly examine him. His ‘costume’ was about as brief as mine. The thing was, I actually
studied him because I hadn’t had an opportunity to do so when he was occupied enough not to notice.

Ordinarily, I didn’t go for big men. For one, there weren’t actually a lot of them around. For another—well, I just hadn’t met one before that appealed to me.

Gabe was one beautiful specimen, though. I was a sucker for all those beautiful, rippling muscles, of course, but mostly I just liked the way he was built. I liked the way he held himself, the way he moved. I liked his thick, wavy black hair that was too long, and I liked the way he didn’t fuss with it. I liked the single dimple he had in one cheek, even though I rarely saw it, because his smile was a sheer delight. I liked the fact that he was smart and ambitious and focused without being arrogant and self-centered and conceited.

Alright, so maybe he was a little on the arrogant side, but it was a small flaw.

“Is that little scene we just witnessed typical for her?”

I chewed my lip, considering it. “She almost never does anything like that—

especially around other people.”

He shook his head. Bracing his palms on the shower wall, he leaned forward and dipped his head, allowing the water to cascade over his head and run through his hair.

Curls sprang up as fast as the water ran off.

I wanted to run my fingers through his hair.

Actually, all over him.

He straightened, sloughing the water from his face with one hand and grabbing a bottle of shampoo. “That must be a real treat for the family. She threaten to kill you very often?”

I studied him warily.


“I only ask because you didn’t seem shocked.”

I shrugged. “She has a couple of times, but she really doesn’t mean it.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. It could be a deadly mistake. She’s

unbalanced, you know. It’s a shame, but she is.”

“They call it bi-polar these days.”

He scrubbed his hair and leaned down to rinse.

“She on medication?”

“Uh … no.”

“Well she’ll have to get on it or I can’t have her around here,” he said grimly.

“She pulled a deadly weapon. She cut Basil. She tried to stab you. I can’t allow that kind of behavior. I hate it … her being your sister … but it’s going to be ‘either’ ‘or’.

Either she gets on some kind of medication to control her mood swings, or she goes. And you and I both know what happens if she goes.”

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