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groping for the cock. My front man slapped me on the cheek with it a couple of times. I grabbed it and managed after nibbling all over it with my lips to find the end I was supposed to stick in my mouth. There were a couple more chuckles and then everything went silent as the guy behind me slowly pulled out and then pushed in again. I settled to my task, trying to decide as I sucked on him if I knew that taste. I did, but I still couldn’t put a face with it.

I decided it didn’t matter—it was one of them—and I found the double

penetration wildly exciting. We managed to get a comfortable rhythm going. I felt my heat index rising rapidly toward the peak. I groaned around the cock in my mouth as I hit it, shuddering all over, feeling a wave of darkness wash over me as I shot to the top and began to come down.

“Hold on a second.”

Surprised when I felt the guy behind me pull out, I stopped working the cock in my mouth and turned my head. I couldn’t see, of course, but it was instinct to try to find out what was going on. He was back in a moment, pushing inside me as slowly as the first time. The guy in front of me shifted away just about the time I was going to put him in my mouth again. I waited until he took my hand and guided it around his cock and then covered the head with my mouth as the guy behind began to pump slowly. Again, we built the momentum until we had caught the rhythm to work together. To my surprise and gratification, I felt myself climbing toward another peak. When I hit it, it was harder than the first time. It was all I could do to keep my balance. I sucked feverishly at the cock in my mouth and was rewarded after a few moments by that telltale jerk of

imminent explosion. The guy behind me hit his peak at almost the same time.

Someone bellowed ‘come shot’. They jerked out of me at the same time. When I

tumbled to the bed, I felt hot jets of semen spatter on both ends. Clamping my lips together when I felt a glob hit me on the face, I reached up to pull the blindfold off, blinking.

I discovered Shaun, Gabe, Hunter, and Basil were all on their knees around me,

their cocks still in their hands. I gaped at them. Slowly it dawned on me what they’d done, why we’d stopped in the ‘middle’ and then started over. I’d changed partners! I looked down at the come they’d sprayed me down with and chuckled. I was horrified that they’d showered me with it. I don’t know why I laughed.

Ok, so I’d come twice myself and I’d had sex with all four of them and I was in too good of a mood to be pissed off.

The four of them grinned.

“Come shot!” Hunter called.

!” I retorted ruefully. “Ha! Ha! Very funny! I’ve got it in my

“Clean up!” Gabe said, chuckling.

I fought them off when they started rubbing it all over me instead of

wiping it off. “It’s good for the skin,” Shaun assured me, his eyes gleaming.

Shaking my head at them, I got off the bed and headed for the bathroom to bathe and wash my hair. Discovering when I got out again that someone had left the pump SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 112

spray bottle of fake come on the table by the bed, I grabbed it and got even with them by chasing them around the room squirting them with it. They had ‘come’ dripping from their hair and down their faces, but they laughed good naturedly about it before heading into the bathroom to clean up.

I was contrite when I discovered I’d used most of the bottle, but Gabe only

shrugged and grinned. “I think we got enough come in the last shot.”

We had a hard time getting serious again for the last shoot—a solo with David

since I’d had sex with all the others. I was almost sorry we’d had so much fun. By the time we finished the last shoot it was so late I realized it wasn’t likely that Gabe or anyone else would come in once everyone had gone to their rooms.

It occurred to me as I lay staring into the dark and wakeful that it probably hadn’t made any difference at all. Today was really the last day. We weren’t leaving until late the next day, but, to all intents and purposes, we’d already wrapped. Why would Gabe—

any of them—need to check out a possible position to use in the show?

Deciding after a while that I was too tense to sleep, I got up and headed into the bathroom for a long, hot soak. I’d cleaned up after the last shoot, but I’d decided against another shower.

The hot water relaxed me and I’d poured a small dollop of my favorite bath scent in to help soothe me. I’d felt tired but tense when I went in. By the time I got out, I was just tired and depressed.

I checked in the doorway when I discovered a very large male form sprawled in

my bed. My heart slammed against my chest wall in a surge of gladness when I realized it was Gabe.

He’d come after all! I was tempted to race across the room and fling myself at him. Instead, I left the bathroom door slightly ajar and moved slowly to the bed.

Dropping the towel to the floor when I reached it, I climbed on the mattress and crawled toward him. His arms folded behind his head, he watched me, but he didn’t reach for me.

He didn’t say anything, give me any explanation or make up an excuse for why he was in my bed.

I thought—hoped—I knew. After studying him for a long moment, I climbed

over his torso and settled on his belly. Leaning toward him, I braced my palms on either side of him and lowered myself until I could rub my cheek along his. I was almost sorry I’d used the rose scented bath oil. The fragrance surrounded us, made it hard for me to detect his scent, and I loved the way he smelled almost as much as I loved the way he tasted. Rolling my forehead along his cheek, I strung a row of nibbling kisses along his hard jaw, his squared chin, nipped at the cleft there and explored his other cheek before I used my lips to find my way to his.

He released a pent up breath when I found his mouth, moving for the first time, bringing his arms down to thread his fingers in my hair and draw me close for a deep kiss. I lingered, enjoying the feel of his mouth on mine, absorbing his breath into me, drinking in his taste until I was drunk with his essence.

Breaking the kiss finally, I moved lower in my exploration, sucking at his throat and filling my palms and fingertips with the feel of his flesh even as I explored him with my lips, sucking little love bites on every patch that intrigued me. My awareness focused on the sheer mass of the man as I sought to explore him, the breadth of his chest, the size of his arms. I felt like a peanut sprawled on top of him. It felt like having wall-to-wall SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 113

man meat beneath me and it was all good, glorious. I explored his entire torso, pushing myself back along his thighs, teasing his lower belly for a few moments before I took his erection into my hands and my mouth.

I would’ve known this cock if I’d had it in my mouth earlier, I thought, enjoying the taste of him as I sucked the knob of flesh at the end. I caressed him there until he’d grasped my head, began to lift to meet me, until I could hear his breath grow ragged.

It was no part of my plan to let him come anywhere but inside of me, though. I teased him until I could feel his impatience in his movements and finally sat up, rising onto my knees until I could fit the head of his cock inside me.

My fantasy flat-lined. I’d been entertaining visions of mounting him and riding him until we both came, fighting him if I had to to get him to come inside of me. I struggled for several minutes anyway, trying to impale myself on him. He grabbed me around the waist abruptly and tumbled me onto my back. “My turn,” he murmured


He tormented me mercilessly, caressing, fondling, kissing, biting, sucking at me all over until I was a mindless mass of quivering flesh and had begun to beg him to come inside of me. He shoved a hand beneath the pillow where he’d been laying, dragged out a tube and slicked himself down while I was still thrashing restlessly with need beneath him.

I almost came the moment he began to drive into me. I managed to stave it off

until he’d given me at least three deep thrusts. I gasped, arching, shaking as I was carried away and then disappointment began to gather. I’d come too fast!

Damn it!

He seemed unfazed, but then he hadn’t come.

Damn it! So much for coming together!

I discovered after a few moments that I was rising toward another peak, though.

The spiral around his cock did things to my g-spot, to my entire channel, that drove me wild. I clung to him for a few moments and then clutched at him, trying to reach his buttocks and grab two handfuls. Discovering I couldn’t, I lifted my legs and locked them around him when I felt him begin to shudder with imminent release. The change in position set off fresh quakes inside me. I gasped, groaned, clung to him frantically while the convulsions rocked me. He began to climax just as I topped out. The heated tide of his semen washing over my womb was pure ecstasy.

Releasing a heavy breath laden with supreme satisfaction, I let myself go limp

and splayed on the bed beneath him. He ceased to shudder after a few moments and began to sink into me, compressing me into the bed until I began to struggle for each breath.

I had to suppose the grunts of effort as I tried to suck air in finally alerted him to the fact that I was nearing suffocation. I didn’t want to complain. He rolled, carrying me with him. Relieved, I settled limply over him and drifted away—completely.

I was alone when I woke and vastly disappointed to discover it even though I

hadn’t really expected anything else. Almost as soon as I woke, I felt tension begin to build inside me. Last day, I kept thinking as I performed my morning ritual. For the first time, I went through my wardrobe actually searching for something I thought was becoming.

they’d notice!


Everything I had hung out of everything they’d given me. About the only thing I might do that would attract attention, I thought glumly, would be to cover it up for a change. I didn’t doubt they were tired of looking at them by this time.

I finally settled on a matching emerald green bustier and thong.

Everyone, including Brandy, seemed in good spirits when I reached the dining

room. Smiling a good morning despite the depression riding me, I headed into the kitchen with the intention of outdoing myself. I discovered I was doomed to

disappointment and they were going to miss out on the glorious breakfast I’d planned.

There was a box of pastries and a pot of coffee and the fridge was pretty well vacant.

Sighing, I got milk and a Danish and headed in to join everyone.

The guys were discussing their next project, which only depressed me more, but it was hard to stay down listening to their enthusiasm. I realized after a few minutes that the project under discussion was one that Gabe, Shaun, Hunter, and Basil would be working on together—an animated feature movie. I was a little surprised, but intrigued, particularly when I discovered it would be an adult film and that they’d be generating life-like animation.

They were a little uneasy about their market, but Gabe pointed out cult classics and it dawned on me that I couldn’t actually recall one that hadn’t become a cult classic.

Of course, that might just mean that the others had bombed so badly that I’d never heard of them, but I wasn’t about to point that out. I didn’t believe for a minute they could possibly produce a bomb anyway.

The discussion shifted after a little while to Brandy and ‘her’ guys next project. It was the first I’d heard that they would be working together again, but I didn’t have any trouble being equally enthusiastic about their next project.

“What are you going to do?” Gabe asked during a lull.

I stared at him blankly, feeling my face begin to heat. “Actually, I don’t know yet.”

“You could always talk to Glenda about the project we’ll be working on,” David


I smiled at him, flicking an uneasy glance at Brandy. “Maybe.”

The day turned out to be something of a disappointment to me. Everybody was

more focused on leaving than pandering for the cameras.

Gabe gave me back the clothes I’d arrived in after breakfast. I tried to act happy to get them back. I don’t know how well I succeeded, but I left and headed upstairs immediately to change.

For me, most of the day was just waiting. I spent some time with the others in the parlor, but after a while I wandered outside to explore. It was actually something of a jolt to walk outside after so long, but I decided it was something I needed, the first step toward returning physically and emotionally to the real world.

The backyard was a pleasant surprise. Whoever owned the house had designed

extensive gardens, walkways and even little water gardens and reflecting pools. It looked well tended, which was a surprise, as well. I hadn’t noticed gardeners coming and going, but, upon closer examination, I realized it had been very carefully planned, indeed. All of the beds had plastic sheeting under the mulch to keep weeds down and hold in moisture for the plants and there was an automatic drip-feed watering system.

As beautiful as it was, it was clearly a very low maintenance garden, meant for SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 115

enjoyment not constant labor. I settled on a shady bench after I’d thoroughly explored the gardens and reflected on my situation, trying to decide what I wanted to do.

I didn’t suppose it would be a good idea to even ask to go back to the job I’d had with Glenda. I’d already resolved I needed space from my sister. I loved her, but, try as I might, it was hard to like her most of the time. Besides, Gabe was right. It really wasn’t a good idea to spend a lot of time around her when she had emotional problems and seemed to consider me a threat. I didn’t know why it was that Brandy was jealous of me, but she was, and it wasn’t good for either of us for me to aggravate that. I not only didn’t want to get hurt, or worse. I didn’t want to be the cause of bad things happening to Brandy.

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