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“Ah, well—cluster-fuck, start to finish. Well, there’s no going back, so I figure we’ll just take it one day at the time and see how it all works out. I’m just as tied to the bastards now as I was before. I can’t pitch them out. I can’t finish this film without them and we’ve been pretty much putting our profits from the Snow White movie into the new company.”

I snuggled closer. “We can make it work. I love you. I’ll do whatever you want.

They don’t love me. Once you’re through with the film, maybe even before that, they’ll find someone and then you can still be partners and make films together and … it’ll all work out.”

* * * *

It actually all
work out, amazingly enough. I have to say that if the others didn’t love me, they managed to make a damned good impression of doing so. By the time the baby arrived, they’d discarded all pretense of being ‘secretive’ about our five way affair. The first few years we lived together were rocky on a personal level, there was just no getting around that, although it was peaceful most of the time. Financially, the guys proved they were as smart and talented as I’d believed they were. Their first movie wasn’t quite the success that Snow White had been, but it did well. Their second almost tied their venture into porn. My sister Brandy did well as a porn star and retired comfortably well off. Shaun eventually met a woman and fell in love and married. He was divorced two years later, assured me he had never loved her, and moved back in with us. As far as I knew, Gabe, Basil, and Hunter never strayed. We all continued to live in SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 147

the beautiful Victorian house. I gave each one of the three a son and then had a daughter by Gabe.

Gabe was right. It was weird, but it worked for us.

The End


Also available from NCP in the BDSM series by Kimberly Zant:

---Marlee has a secret she dare not divulge, and it isn't something that will withstand the scrutiny of a criminal investigation. When the computer system at the law firm where she works is hacked and critical information filched, she discovers she could be looking at jail time and begs them for the chance to repay them in whatever manner they see fit. The sentence is six months hard time-with six young lawyers.

-- To Jimmy, it had been nothing more than a challenge—break the bank’s cutting edge computer security just to prove he could. To his mother, Stephanie, it was Armageddon. Fortunately for her, the Thornes—Gavin, Bret, Jared, Jessie, and Luke—weren’t interested in advertising the fact that a kid had breached their security.

They were ruthlessly determined to collect their pound of flesh, however—hers.

-- Desperate straights call for desperate measures---If anyone had asked Anna before what she would be willing to do for money, what she’d just signed up for would NOT have been on the list. She’s discovered, though, that the needy can’t afford to be too picky.

And, after all, what’s six weeks in the scheme of things?

Despite her internal pep talk, though, she discovers she isn’t at all prepared for what she has to face in the mansion of ill repute—where ‘no’ is no longer a part of her vocabulary unless she wants to forfeit the money she needs so badly.

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