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the dishes and headed into the kitchen that the dishes rattled in my hands.

Plunking them down on the counter by the sink, I stared at the empty sink for a moment and finally turned the cold water on, splashing it over my face and neck and breasts until I’d cooled the heated skin. Feeling a little less shaky, I started the water in the sink and dried off with a paper towel, then resolutely focused on raking the plates out and loading the sink.

I’d managed to wash about half the dishes when I felt a presence behind me and

realized one of the men had followed me, caught me with my guard down because of the noise of the water and my own distraction. Before I could turn, he slid his arms around me, cupping my breasts. I twisted my head to look over my shoulder and caught a glimpse of Gabe’s face as he lowered his mouth to the side of my neck. Goosebumps rose and scattered all over me when I felt the heat of his mouth, the flick of his tongue.

He lifted his head and tugged at my earlobe for a moment before he whispered near my ear. “When you’re mine, baby, I’m going to make it so good for you that you’ll be screaming my name.”

I wanted to dispute that arrogant claim, but I had a bad feeling he knew what he was doing to me. In the twenty-four hours I’d been under his thumb I was already torn between hating his guts and desperately wanting him to do more to me. I had a bad feeling that things were going to go downhill for me from there.

I was almost as tempted to promise to call him god right then if he’d just make the ache go away—almost.

He pulled me away from the sink, turned me, and caught my waist, lifting me to

the counter top. For several moments, he met my gaze and I had the feeling that he was going to kiss me. Instead, after a moment, he bent down and pulled at my nipples with his mouth and tongue until I could feel my temperature rising.

He was panting slightly himself when he lifted his head. Again, he met my gaze, as if debating with himself and finally dropped his gaze downward. Shifting, he pushed my thighs wide and dragged his tongue over my clit. Blackness swarmed over me at the exquisite feel of his tongue. It deepened when he sucked it into his mouth and pulled on it.

My heart was hammering with expectation when he lifted his head. A mixture of

disappointment and anger flickered through me when he merely studied me a moment and then left.

Confusion joined the other emotions as I watched him leave. Then it hit me—the discussion at the table. I lifted my head jerkily and scanned the kitchen ceiling and then scooted off of the counter. I didn’t see a camera, but he’d made it clear that they’d scattered them throughout the house.

The entire damned thing had been a show for the camera?

Struggling with an odd mixture of hurt, anger, and more confusion, I returned my attention to the dishes. My acute awareness of the cameras and microphones didn’t last long. It fluttered at the back of my mind from time to time but I was so miserable by mid-afternoon that there wasn’t a lot of room for thoughts in my head.

They ganged up on me. As aware as I was that this was what they considered

punishment to teach me my ‘place’ as their submissive, I was constantly torn by the will to resist and the need driving me nuts. I managed to find an hour or two of peace throughout the day, but no more than that.


Basil dragged me down on the couch beside him and played with me for hours

while he stared at the video game Daniel and Scott were playing, much to Brandy’s irritation since she didn’t see any sense at all in them focusing on that stupid game when they could’ve been focused on her. He aroused me until I felt downright feverish, achy all over. I came close to coming when he finally ceased to stroke my clit and pushed one thick finger inside of me. In one corner of my mind, I was aware that he’d spread me in such a way as to make certain he was playing more to the camera than me, but I

discovered I didn’t care as long as he touched me, if he’d just soothe the ache gnawing at my insides. I discovered he was watching my face intently, however, and the moment I closed my eyes to try to focus on the deep stroke of his finger, he removed it.

He stroked my nipples for a few moments and then sat up and told me to pleasure him with my mouth. I was a little surprised at my own eagerness to comply, but I think somewhere in the back of my mind I had the firm conviction that, once I had, he’d reciprocate—turn about and all that.

I’d forgotten the new rule.

I was so desperate by that time, though, that I almost came when he did. I

thought for a handful of moments that I
come, but it was no more than a weak precursor of a climax—sort of like an almost sneeze—and I felt worse afterward not better.

He got up and left me to sulk on the couch when I’d finished with him, taking a turn at the video game when Scott decided he’d had enough and put the control down.

Moving to Brandy, Scott caught her ankles, lifted her legs straight up over her head and nailed her while I was watching.

I should’ve been horrified. The day before, I had been, but I was already either dulled to that sort of shock, or just too horny for it to register in my mind beyond the fact that I could watch, but I couldn’t taste.

I tried
to watch, but his cock was easily as big as the other monsters all the guys seemed to be carrying around and I was mesmerized, watching it slide in and out, faster and faster until Brandy began to sound like a cat with its tail caught in a wringer.

I stared sullenly at the TV screen when she finally stopped yowling and began to make mewling sounds of relief.

Slowly, my body began to cool and the discomfort eased. I’d just decided that I would go up to my room and finish cooling off with a shower when Hunter arrived.

Heading directly for me, he plopped down on the couch and dragged me on to his lap, gnawing hungrily at my breasts until my belly was clenching so spastically it hurt.

When he’d thoroughly aroused himself, he sprawled on the couch and held his

cock up in demand. I didn’t even feel a flicker of resentment that time. I dove at him hungrily and pulled at his thick flesh until he came and finally pried me loose when I’d sucked him dry and kept pulling at him until he was beginning to get hard again.

Getting up, I stalked upstairs for the cold shower I’d promised myself, but by that time I was as aroused as I had been when Basil was tormenting me and the shower didn’t help much.

By the end of my second day I was almost ready to weep. I was surrounded by

men with monster cocks and I’d never been so desperately horny in my entire life.


Chapter Five

Absently massaging the throbbing ache of his erection, Gabe studied the video

broodingly or, more specifically, Nicole’s ass. He didn’t know what it was about the shape of her ass that set him on fire to get his hands on her every time he looked at it.

He’d never considered himself an ass man, but there was sure as hell
about it that made him rock hard every time he looked at it.

Maybe it was that inviting little cleft down at the bottom, right where her

treasures were hidden? It drew his gaze unerringly with the sway of her hips, like an open invitation, made him almost think he could look right down her cleft if he could catch the right angle.

So far
hadn’t and the cameras hadn’t either, much to his disappointment.

It had amused him to think of falling in lust with that ass the first time he saw it.

He’d been ready to dismiss all the doubts circling in his mind, though, even before he’d let Glenda talk him in to taking her on. He’d been ready to convince the others that Nicole and Brandy were perfect for their first project and that made him a little uneasy about the blithe assessment of lust.

The attraction had certainly been immediate, but it sure as hell wasn’t the first time. The
of his attraction had been a pleasant surprise … at the time.

As bad as he hated to admit it, it was beginning to get a little unnerving, though.

He’d felt instant lust plenty of times, and even raging lust fairly often. Rarely had either circumstance outlasted that first impression, though, and the two that had had already begun to taper toward indifference within a week, two at the most. He doubted it would’ve lasted that long if he’d been stuck to either one like he had Nicole 24 hours a day for almost a solid week.

The uneasy feeling that he was becoming obsessed flickered through his mind and his attempts to convince himself it was an obsession to get his first project perfect weren’t working.

He was, in point of fact, having a hard fucking time focusing on the damned

project at all. He spent half of every day going over and over the videos in an attempt to decide what to cut and what to keep, but he was finding it nearly impossible to create order of it.

It occurred to him that at least part of it might just be the fact that he’d envisioned following one woman through her initiation into complete and total submission and training her body to respond instantly to his command—
command, he mentally amended—another problem he was having that he hadn’t anticipated—possessiveness.

Brandy was a distraction, but he couldn’t very well object, particularly when he was almost completely convinced that she was the one who’d made off with a sizeable chunk of their operating capital—the producer’s, Glenda’s, operating capital, anyway.

She wasn’t in to him for anything, but he couldn’t ignore his partner’s justifiable determination to take out in trade what had already been paid for.

It wasn’t as if she wasn’t damned good, anyway. If he’d been shooting for


straight porn, he couldn’t have asked for a better female for the part. She was completely in touch with her sexuality, and she had a healthy appetite for it—no acting involved.

None on Nicole’s part, for that matter.

And that was one of the many reasons they couldn’t have found a more perfect

pair for the project. Neither one was an aspiring actress who was more interested in how she looked on camera than what was going on. He didn’t have to worry about over-acting or stilted under-acting. Both of them were simply reacting to what was going on, interacting naturally with each other and the men.

There was also the undeniable perk that they were both pretty, unconsciously

sexy, and built the way a man liked to see a woman—curves in all the right places.

If he had any complaints at this juncture at all it was the fact that Brandy was just a touch psycho—like a stick of dynamite—liable to go off with the slightest spark, and Nicole was as hard as nails beneath that little mouse façade.

Actually, he didn’t think it was a façade. He’d taken it at face value in the

beginning and he still didn’t think he’d misjudged her. She was like … water,

completely malleable in many ways, but she still managed to slip through his fingers.

Uttering a disgusted breath, he switched from video to live feed, leaned back in his chair, and laced his fingers behind his head. The other screens lit up as the cameras began to rotate feed. The bedrooms were empty, he discovered with little surprise.

He found the group in the front parlor and reset the cameras accordingly. With the screens all displaying the front parlor, he not only had a 360 degree view of the room, he had angles and focal points. The men knew all of them. They’d very carefully set each one to make certain they had a good view of the action once they got started so that they didn’t actually have to man them. They’d marked the spots for close ups with Xs until they’d memorized them.

There were more cameras in the parlor than any other room—except the women’s

rooms and the playroom and he was still a little surprised that everyone seemed more inclined to gather there. As shy as Nicole was, as uncomfortable as she’d been about her body, he was more surprised about her than any of the others, but he thought it might be the ‘punishment’. She’d been pretty blatantly horrified the first time she’d seen her sister performing, but she’d either gotten used to it or she was just too focused on her own misery to really notice any more.

Basil, he discovered without any surprise but with a sudden tension that felt

suspiciously like jealousy, had Nicole on the couch again. He thought he was going to have to object on the grounds that it was getting god damned redundant. He needed to be a little more inventive or their viewers were going to begin speculating that it was a fucking loop.

Telling himself it was a director’s decision, he did something he had decided

against before they’d started—he zoomed the cameras in that were picking up Nicole on the couch until he had a tight shot of what Basil was doing to her. At the moment, merely plucking at her nipples, but even as he divided his own attention between studying the taut, dark pink buds Basil was pinching and pulling at, Basil slid a hand down her belly to her cleft. He’d followed protocol. He’d very carefully spread her thighs wide enough to give the camera an unobstructed view of her genitals. Gabe not only couldn’t object to that, he could barely take his eyes off of her swollen, reddened clit. His cock, already hard enough he felt dizzy, got harder, began to throb like a son-of-SNOW WHITE & THE SEVEN HUNKS Kimberly Zant 38

a-bitch when he saw Basil catch the bud between two fingers and pull at it. His throat went dry.

She squirmed, tried to close her legs, uttered a whimper of protest.

“No. Open them wider for me, baby.”

Instead of flicking a look toward the speakers when he heard Basil’s gravelly

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