Southern Comfort (9781622863747) (5 page)

BOOK: Southern Comfort (9781622863747)
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“Damn she is hot.”
“Excuse me?” Corrie chimed in.
Piper shrugged her shoulders. “Sorry but she is. Why in the hell aren't you off shagging her?”
Willow sat down in one of her armchairs. “She is American. She's leaving for Paris in the morning.”
“So!” Piper and Corrie said in unison.
“That's even more reason why you should be shagging her brains out right now.” Piper folded her arms.
Willow shook her head. “Not everyone thinks about sex all the time.” Willow rolled her eyes. “I wasn't trying to be some London fling, even if she was the perfect girl.”
“Please, you could have shagged her so well she would say to hell with Paris.”
Willow just shook her head while Piper and Corrie talked about all the things she should have been doing. She actually wished she had the balls to do the things they were saying; at least she would have still been with the American.
“So I need advice.” Katrina fell down on her bed. She held her iPad up. Teri's face covered her iPad.
“Shoot,” Teri said as she scrolled through Facebook on her computer.
“So I met this chick tonight and, Teri, I swear she was fucking amazing.”
“You got some?” Teri's face quickly focused back on screen with Katrina's face.
“No, I didn't, but we spent practically the whole day together. She is gorgeous, funny. She was great.”
“Sooo, why are you on Skype with me? Why aren't you deep in some London pussy right now?”
Katrina shook her head at her friend's vulgarity. “I'm leaving for Paris in the morning. As much as I wanted to, she seemed like she was better than just a one-night thing. I couldn't do it. I wanted to, but I couldn't. Damn she is fine. I'm looking at her Facebook right now.”
“Oh, what's her name?”
Katrina told Teri the name, and she instantly looked Willow up. Katrina watched as Teri's eyes bulged until she finally turned back to her screen.
“Oh yeah, you are a fucking fool. Her legs would be wrapped around me right now.”
Katrina thought about things for a moment. She didn't meet anyone in Amsterdam and hated London until that night. Now she finally met a girl to completely take her mind off of Saura and she let her go.
“Fuck I made a big mistake didn't I? Oh well I guess it's too late now.”
Teri looked directly into the tiny camera on her computer. “It's never too late for pussy. And even if it is, don't you have two train tickets to Paris?”
“What are you saying?”
“I'm saying you are in Europe, live a little.” Teri winked.
Katrina told Teri she would call her back. She stared at Willow's profile photo. Teri's voice echoed in her head. She was supposed to be having adventures and up until now all she did was look at famous monuments, eat, and take selfies. She noticed Willow's Skype name was on her profile. She typed it in and saw that she was online. Katrina took a deep breath and pressed call.
Willow sat in the chair watching the movie with Piper and Corrie. Her phone began to ring. She picked it up to see she had a Skype call coming in from Katrina.
“Oh my God it's her!” Willow yelled as she sat up. “What do I do?”
“Answer it!” Piper and Corrie said together.
Willow took a deep breath and pressed answer. A moment later Katrina's face appeared on her phone.
Katrina took a deep breath. “Hey um, this might sound crazy as hell but if I have a week in Paris and an extra train ticket. Would it be incredibly crazy of me to ask you to join me?”
Willow's heart skipped a beat. She held on to her phone while biting her lip. Just earlier that morning she had plans on spending the week locked in her flat reading the horrible book and sketching ideas. Now she had an invitation to go to the most romantic city in the world with a beautiful stranger.
Piper and Corrie were both motioning for her to say yes but her mind was screaming no. Everything about this seemed like a bad TV movie in the making. No matter the connection, the truth was she didn't know Katrina at all, and hopping on a train and spending a week with the gorgeous stranger had to be a bad idea.
“Do you mind holding for one moment?”
“Sure,” Katrina said nervously.
Willow pressed the mute button.
“Girl, go!” Piper yelled. “Are you mental? You have to go.”
“I don't know this woman.”
“You don't know anyone until you get to know them. Why not get to know her in Paris with a free ticket?” Corrie added her two cents.
“Willz, listen to me, honey.” Piper got up. She sat on her knees in front of Willow. “Your life is incredibly boring. Seriously I don't understand how you live like this. For once you have the chance to experience a real adventure. Get all her information so I have it, and take your ass to Paris.”
Willow looked at her best friend. She thought about the offer. It was insane to even consider it, let alone actually go. Willow took a deep breath and held her phone back up. She pressed the mute button again.
“Well what kind of person would I be if I left the American to fend for herself in a city she knows nothing about?” Willow smiled.
It was a bad idea, but she didn't care. She was going to Paris.
Chapter 5
“Are you ready?”
“I don't think I will ever be ready,” Katrina said nervously.
The two stood at the bottom of the Eiffel Tower. The blissful week had passed by as soon as it started. The two spent days walking the streets of Paris, admiring its beauty, and tasting its famous cuisine. The couple would spend the mornings exploring French markets. Willow loved watching Katrina when she was around food. Katrina's face lit up like a kid at Christmas when they made it to the Marché Maubert marketplace
Katrina didn't eat; she studied the various market fare, taking time to ask questions. She taught Willow the differences between textures and tastes. Willow was in awe. Katrina talked about food the way an artist talked about art.
Katrina was equally impressed by Willow. She spoke French, which came in handy for Katrina who couldn't understand anything people were saying. Willow showed her all the famous sites. They spent one whole day getting lost in the Louvre and another day playing tourist wearing berets while riding the hop-on hop-off bus.
The best time of all was nighttime. Paris came to life at night. Lights twinkled on trees and bridges. Katrina understood why it was called the City of Lights; there were thousands all helping to create the most romantic atmosphere ever. Willow loved sitting on benches just talking about all kinds of things with Katrina. They felt like they had known each other forever. Before they knew it the week had come to an end.
“It's the last day, Katrina; you have to do it now.”
Katrina stared at the tall tower. She was terrified of going to the top. Willow couldn't help but laugh.
“This just seems like a horrible idea,” Katrina mumbled.
“You said the same thing about the Eye and it wasn't that bad. Come on don't you trust me by now?”
Katrina looked at Willow's innocent face. She shook her head as she walked past Willow toward the Eiffel Tower entrance.
The top was breathtaking. Katrina couldn't believe how small everything looked from the top. Willow held on to Katrina's hand. Katrina had given her the best week of her life. If nothing else she knew she had a friend she would never forget.
The sun setting set the most beautiful scene. Willow snapped photos with her phone. Katrina took a moment from admiring the scene to admire the woman standing right next to her. She had an amazing week and once again it was coming to an end. Willow felt Katrina's eyes on her; she turned her face toward Katrina who was staring directly at her.
“What's wrong?” Willow asked Katrina who just continued to stare.
Katrina wrapped her arm around Willow and pulled her into her body. She pressed her lips against Willow's lips. Willow's body tensed for a moment before she put her arms around Katrina, accepting the kiss by kissing her back in return. Willow parted her lips allowing Katrina to slip inside. Willow didn't know if it was the magic of the city, but it was the best kiss she had ever had. Katrina's soft lips felt so good, causing Willow's body to quiver from ecstasy. Katrina placed her hand on the back of Willow's head allowing her fingers to get lost in Willow's curly mane. It didn't matter that other people were on the floor with them; the only thing that mattered was them and that moment. Neither wanted it to end, but finally it did.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Willow tried not to blush too hard.
“I have wanted to do that since the London Eye,” Katrina said still not taking her eyes off the beauty in front of her.
“Why now?”
“Because I needed to find a way to get you to come with me to Rome.” Katrina smirked.
Willow felt her body heating up again. She secretly hoped she would get an invitation for the next destination. “Are you sure you aren't getting tired of me yet?”
Katrina shook her head. “Nah, I need to be able to kiss you in the Coliseum, too.”
Katrina and Willow couldn't keep their hands off of each other. They made out in the cab that took them back to their room, completely not caring about the cab driver. Willow wanted nothing more than to give herself to Katrina.
They opened the door to the room. Katrina pushed Willow against the door as it closed. She kissed her on her neck, nibbling at her right earlobe. Willow pressed her knee against Katrina's pelvis as Katrina pulled Willow's shirt over her head. Katrina admired Willow's breasts that were sitting perfectly in her lace bra.
Katrina's tongue slowly ran down Willow's right breast while massaging the left one. Willow's nipples stood at attention waiting for Katrina to take them. She obliged, licking circles around the rock-hard brown nipple until pressing her lips against it. Willow let out a sigh of pleasure.
There were no words spoken. They kissed until finding the bed. Willow unbuckled Katrina's jeans and pulled them down to her feet. Katrina pulled her shirt over her head right before Willow pushed her to the bed. The aggressive side of Willow shocked Katrina. As the stud she was used to being in control sexually. Willow didn't care; she pulled Katrina's boxer briefs down.
“Hold on, you don't run this,” Katrina said in an attempt to establish dominance.
“Oh yeah?”
Willow ignored the statement as she pushed Katrina's legs open. Willow's tongue parted Katrina's walls, devouring her.
Katrina mouth dropped open but words didn't escape, only a moan for more. Although she loved getting head, she didn't get it often. Most femmes she dated ended up being pillow princesses she didn't allow to go down on her. Saura was the only woman who had tasted Katrina before.
Willow didn't realize how starved for sexual attention she was. She felt completely ravenous, devouring Katrina. Katrina bit her lip. She didn't know head could feel so good. Saura always loved giving her head, but it felt nothing like this. In that moment she was Willow's bitch, and she didn't care.
Willow didn't feel like herself anymore; another person had taken over her body as she buried her face deep into the depth of Katrina. She felt Katrina's legs wrap around her. Before she knew it Katrina used her lower body strength to push her over on her back. Katrina sat on top of her. She pushed Willow's hands down the bed over her head.
Katrina sucked on Willow's nipples, not letting her move from the pinned position she had her in. Her tongue traced down from her breasts to her stomach. She left small passion marks on her stomach as a reminder of who was in charge.
Katrina moved down Willow's body until she reached her softest place. With her index finger she entered Willow and pulled it back out covered in Willow's wetness. She sucked Willow's nectar off of her finger and shook her head.
“I knew you were going to taste good,” Katrina purred as she lowered her body.
She parted Willow, not wanting to start easy; she stuck her tongue deep into Willow tongue fucking her into a frenzy. Willow covered her eyes; it was the most amazing feeling she had ever felt. Katrina did things to her she didn't know were possible. Katrina's fingers entered her while she sucked on Willow's clit.
Willow felt like she was going to die. The pleasure was killing her slowly. She knew Katrina had to be from another planet; no mere human could do the things she was doing to her body. Katrina felt Willow throbbing against her fingers. Willow's pussy tightened against her fingers until a flood of nectar trickled out. Katrina smiled, as Willow fought to catch her breath from the orgasm consuming her body.
Willow submitted to Katrina's every will. Their bodies pressed against each other as they ground in unison. Katrina ran her fingers through Willow's hair while Willow's fingers dug into Katrina's back. They worked their bodies faster and faster until reaching the ultimate heights. They exploded together while their tongues danced the forbidden dance together.
There were no words. They looked at each other as their bodies lay intertwined together. Katrina kissed Willow on her forehead causing butterflies to fill Willow's stomach. With a final kiss the couple fell asleep for the last time in the most romantic city on earth.
Chapter 6
Devon threw her leg up on an empty bench. Jogging on the riverfront was becoming her favorite thing to do. She stretched her muscles after her two miles and her run up and down a set large set of steps that most people tried to avoid. The Memphis humidity was brutal; she grabbed a cool cloth and put it on the back of her neck.
“Need any help?”
Devon froze. The familiar voice still haunted her dreams at night. She didn't want to turn around, but she couldn't resist. Standing behind her was her ex, Shanice. She wanted to scream; not only was she standing there in the flesh, but she looked amazing. The short jogging shorts gripped her thin, long legs and the fitted tank hugged her little breasts, which were obviously missing a bra.
“Hi.” Devon quickly put her shades on her face.
“I can't believe you are here.” Shanice wrapped her arms around Devon.
Against her better judgment, Devon hugged her back. “Neither can I; aren't you supposed to be in Atlanta?”
Shanice moved to Atlanta three years earlier with the girl she left Devon for, again. It wasn't the first time Shanice had traded Devon in for a new face. Devon hadn't been to black gay pride in Atlanta since, just because she didn't want to run into her.
“I just moved back about a month ago. I was going to call you but, well I didn't want to get cursed out.” Shanice flashed her smile. Devon could tell she had work done on her mouth.
“Well, welcome back. I gotta run.” Devon turned away.
“Hey, Dev,” Shanice called out.
Devon wanted to scream. She knew she needed to get away and fast. She turned around and flashed the fakest smile she could manage.
“Look there are some things I'd really like to talk to you about. Is it okay if I call you sometimes?”
Hell no, bitch, don't ever call my fucking phone!
The words ran through Devon's head but she couldn't make them actually come out of her mouth.
“My number hasn't changed. I gotta go.” Devon put her ear buds in her ear, turned around, and ran off. She heard Shanice call her name but acted like she couldn't hear over the sound of the nonexistent music coming from her ear buds.
Devon leaned against her car the moment she made it back to it. Her heart was racing. The last thing she needed was Shanice back in Memphis.
Suddenly office meetings weren't so boring anymore. Teri couldn't take her eyes off of Victoria. She had to force herself to concentrate instead of dreaming about all the things she could do to Victoria. She had already fantasized about sex in every private area she knew of in the hospital, including her office.
Teri searched Victoria's body for a flaw. She knew she had to have one, but it just couldn't be seen. This made her want to see her naked even more. The thing bothering her more than ever was the bad reading she was getting on her internal gaydar. Usually Teri could easily pick out a lesbian, bisexual, or curious chick, but with Victoria she was drawing a blank.
Teri thought about just trying her luck but knew that was a terrible idea. The last thing she needed or wanted was a sexual harassment complaint for telling someone they looked attractive. She worked hard to keep her personal life outside of the job. The only people who knew her sexual orientation were Ming and his mate. Although there were tons of cute nurses and aides who flirted with her all the time, she steered clear.
Victoria said something that made everyone laugh, bringing Teri back from her fantasy world. Teri joined in the clapping as the managers began to stand up. Carlos walked up to Teri; he stood next to her with his back to the wall.
“So when you gon' try to get that?” his deep voice muttered.
“Shut up, and we don't know if she is or isn't.”
“I bet you lunch she is.” Carlos smiled and nodded his head at one of the admins who had a huge crush on him.
“Whatever.” Teri shook her head.
“Ms. Howard,” Victoria called out startling Carlos and Teri.
Teri said good-bye to Carlos as he waved at Victoria. Teri and Victoria were the only ones left in the room. Teri couldn't help but laugh, as that was the same start to a few of her sexual fantasies about Victoria. She walked toward the front as Victoria gathered her belongings.
“Hello Ms. Gold, great meeting,” Teri said in her most professional voice.
“Yeah, right, I hate these things.” Victoria ran her hand through her bouncy hair. “That's actually why I needed you. I know this might be asking a lot but could you possibly hook a sista up with some pills? I have the worst headache.”
Teri winced. “Um, is this a setup? Are you trying to get rid of me for giving you drugs?”
“I could write a prescription if you like.” Victoria looked at her with a blank expression.
Teri stood for a moment trying to figure out if she was joking. Victoria continued to stare for a moment before a huge smile covered her face.
“I'm just fucking with you,” Victoria jested, playfully hit Teri on her arm. “Lighten up, Teri.”
Teri didn't know what to make of Victoria. She still couldn't tell if she was gay, but she obviously had a wild side. Teri just wondered how wild she could get.
“Hey with the way things go around here a person has to be extra careful, but it's not a problem. The hospital actually has me keep extra in case a nurse ever needs one, which is often.”
“Great, well I'll send my assistant to come and get it from you.” Victoria walked away, answering her phone as she disappeared out of the room, leaving Teri completely intrigued by the beautiful doctor.

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