Spice (13 page)

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Authors: Seressia Glass

BOOK: Spice
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t's your turn to draw.”

Nadia held the bag out to Kane, anticipation tightening inside her. Two weeks into Sexapalooza and it was still as intense and satisfying as the first few days. Kane had arrived early with a rustic pizza and a twinkle in his eye that had kept her aware of him on some kind of energy sublevel.

Watching him interact with her fathers the weekend before had been a nerve-wracking but surprisingly pleasant experience. He'd handled their questions with far more grace and calm than she would have been capable of had the situation been reversed. Victor had given her a thumbs-up before they'd finished dinner, while Nicholas had waited until breakfast the following morning to deliver a gruff “He'll do.”

And Kane did. Very well, in fact. So well that Nadia's body readied itself for his skillful mastery as soon as she saw him. She was having the best sex of her life and learning more about herself, and her wants and desires in the process. All she had to do was keep things light and fun. Kane was as deep into her life as she could allow him to go, and as long as he didn't ask for more than she could give, they would be okay.

Kane reached into the bag and pulled out one of the folded index cards. A smile spread like sunrise across his face. “I think I'm going to hold this one in reserve for the weekend. Why don't you pick instead?”

“What did you draw?” she asked, reaching for the card.

“Not going to tell you,” he retorted, holding the card out of reach. “It's a surprise.”

She folded her arms with an almost-mock pout. “I'm not all that keen on surprises or being made to wait.”

“Too bad.” He slapped her lightly on the ass. “Good things come to those who wait. I promise the surprise will be in keeping with everything you've asked for, and I'm more than happy to oblige.”

Nadia licked her lips and barely refrained from rubbing her stinging buttocks. The slap had startled and stung, but she didn't mind. As aroused as she was, it only amplified her need. She was sure she'd soaked her panties and her shorts sometime during dinner, just as she was sure her arousal was obvious to Kane. Yet he'd made no move to provide relief, and though it left her frustrated, she didn't dare attempt to ease the ache herself. She'd sworn her orgasms to him and he'd already proven expert at making them worth the wait.

She liked ceding control to him. Every other aspect of her life she kept tightly leashed—running the café, planning and creating her pastries, staying clean. Controlling those areas was necessary and beneficial. Exercising that control kept her life orderly, showed her parents that she was capable, and telegraphed a big
fuck you
to all the naysayers she'd left behind in Hollywood.

“Nadia.” Another stinging slap redirected her focus. He ran his palm over her butt cheek, soothing the burn into something far more pleasant. “You're not paying attention. Does that mean we're done for the night?”

“No!” End the night without sex? No way in hell was she letting him leave without coming once or twice. “I'm sorry.”

“Are you?” He reached out to cup her mound, his middle finger pressing the fabric of her shorts and panties against her slit. “It doesn't feel like you're sorry. Far from it.”

“I can't help it,” she groused as she pressed against his hand. “You made me this way.”

“Me?” A devilish twinkle lit the depths of his eyes. “All I did was feed you.”

“I had to keep my hands behind my back,” she reminded him. “While sitting on your lap. And you kept kissing the tomato sauce from my mouth after every bite.”

“Yet you didn't complain once.” Kane moved his hand from between her thighs. She couldn't suppress a whimper of disappointment. “I enjoyed you enjoying your food. Almost as much as I enjoyed watching your nipples get hard while I fed you. And this.”

He pulled her shorts and panties down before cupping her again. “I really enjoyed this, knowing I made you like this.”

“Kane . . .” His name was part plea, part curse as he pushed two fingers inside her. She gripped his shoulders, her eyes sliding closed as waves of sensation washed over her, flooding her with desire, with need for this man.

“We're going to have to arrange some mirrors,” he murmured, the tenor of his voice hypnotic as he stroked into her core. “You need to see how beautifully flushed you get when you're aroused. Your eyes get misty, your lips plump up. As the sheik said, ‘If you desire coition, place the woman on the ground, cling closely to her bosom, with her lips close to yours; then clasp her to you, suck her breath, bite her; kiss her breasts, her stomach, her flanks, press her close in your arms, so as to make her faint with pleasure.' That is what I intend with you, Nadia. Are you faint with pleasure yet?”

“Not yet.” Nadia gritted her teeth as he stroked her. “Maybe . . . maybe I need you to get with the licking and biting and kissing.”

He pulled his hand away again. She uttered a short, pithy curse in Russian as he brought his fingers to his lips to lap up her taste. His answering laughter sent frustrated desire zipping through her sex. “It might be good to mention at this point that I understand some Russian, even if I don't speak it. It would take some doing, but I could do what you just suggested. I thought you wanted me to bite you though.”

She almost cursed again, but swallowed it down. Of course Kane would know the Russian equivalent of
go fuck yourself
. He probably could say it in every language known to man, including Klingon. He—

Her thoughts scattered as he dipped his head and nipped her just below her navel. Her knees unhinged, and he guided her down until she straddled his thighs. She settled onto his lap then placed her hands on his shoulders. Though she was naked from the waist down, Kane was not. She was almost close enough to feel the ridge of his erection against the fly of his jeans. Maybe if she shifted just a little, she could get close enough to ease the pressure. . . .

She yelped when Kane pinched her ass. “Don't even think about it,” he reprimanded her. “Your orgasms belong to me, remember?”

She growled. What the hell had made her agree to that? A moment of insanity fueled by lust and curiosity. Oh yeah—and the mind-blowing, body-tingling orgasms he delivered. “I remember,” she managed to answer, lust thick in her throat. “I just need—”

“We're following the sheik's rules,” he told her, his voice hard, as if he needed the reminder as much as she did. “A thorough exploration, complete with bites and kisses, until you're begging to be fucked.”

She gasped. “I don't think he put it quite like that.”

“That's my interpretation.” He raised one perfect eyebrow as he stared at her. “Do you disagree? I can always stop.”

She remained silent, though her hands fisted on his shoulders. His low chuckle vibrated along her senses as he gathered her hands, kissing her knuckles. “Let's get you out of this top.”

She obligingly lifted her arms as he skated his hands up her sides, pulling her tank top up and off. Knowing he was coming over tonight, she hadn't bothered with a bra after her shower. The fabric of the tank top and Kane's heated glances and sensual touches had kept her nipples at attention most of the night. There was something supremely carnal about sitting on his lap like this, completely bared to his gaze while he remained fully clothed.

“I can see your thoughts in your eyes,” Kane said softly, his hands low on her waist, almost cupping her buttocks. “Care to share?”

“I was just thinking how decadent this is, straddling you like this.” She ran her hands down the front of his shirt. “Like I'm some sort of harem girl at your service.”

He grabbed her wrists, stopping her foray toward his zipper. “Hands on my shoulders,” he ordered, suiting action to words. “You move them, I stop. Understood?”

She dipped her head to hide her smile. Kane was obviously nearly as worked up as she was, and the thought gave her pleasure and evened their play. “Understood, sir.”

He sucked in a breath. “You like the idea of that, don't you? Being my harem girl?” His fingers dug into her skin, lightly parting her buttocks. “You don't have to answer. You're so aroused your clit's standing at attention.”

He blew a cool breath down the front of her, causing her to gasp as the flow of air tightened her nipples almost to the point of pain. “Kane! I'm going to ruin your jeans.”

“I don't care.” How could he sound so collected when she was ready to shatter? “It's proof that you want me, that you want what I can do to you and for you. It pleases me. You please me.”

The praise warmed her insides. She held on to him, certain she'd slide into a puddle of need on the floor if not for his hold. “Thank you.”

“Look at that,” he murmured, his breath warm against her breasts. He reached up, his fingertips tracing around her areolas, making her nipples pucker even more. “Your nipples are begging to be kissed. Is that what you want, Nadia? Do you want me to kiss you here?”

“Y-yes, please.” Tremors swept through her as she vibrated with pent-up lust, desperate for an outlet. Lips, tongue, teeth—at that moment she didn't care. Anything he did short of stopping would ease the ache. She braced herself for the sensation of his mouth on her skin.

He drew the moment out, closing the distance between them a millimeter at a time. Her breath caught in her lungs, her heart stopped, the world disappeared as she focused on the parting of his lips, the peek of his tongue, and finally, finally, the touch of the tip to her nipple.

She gasped at the electric contact, then cried out as he set his teeth to her. Pleasure-pain spiked through her, arching her back, robbing her of air. Once started he didn't stop, drawing the nipple deep into his mouth as he rolled the other between thumb and forefinger, then switching his attentions. The dual sensations ricocheted through her like lightning strikes, the pull of his mouth and the pinch of his fingers creating a direct connection between her breasts and her womb, fueling her hunger, building the pressure, stoking her need.

“Please, Kane.” She clutched at his shoulders, fighting against the urge to grind against him. “I need to be fucked. I need you to fuck me.”

His gaze bored into hers as he reached for the bag at the end of the sofa then held it out to her. “Pull a card, Nadia.”

She did. “The eighteenth manner.”

El kebachi
, after the fashion of the ram. Do you remember the details?”

She shook her head. “I'm guessing doing it ram style means rear entry?”

He smiled, and heat stained her cheeks as her thoughts went to her slapped and pinched and supersensitive butt. She'd agreed to anal sex once, years ago. The experience had been painful and unfulfilling. She had a feeling that Kane would make it good for her, make it something she wanted, something she'd even beg him for.

“Down on your knees, sweetheart.”

She immediately obeyed, sliding off his lap and to her knees on the thick rug in front of the couch. Clasping her hands in her lap, she looked up at him, waiting, wanting.

His gaze roamed over her slowly, taking her in as he rose to his feet. “So beautiful. And so ready for me, I think. On your elbows now, so I can see how ready you are.”

Nadia turned sideways between the couch and the coffee table, slowly sinking down to her elbows, laying her hands flat on the floor. The position tilted her ass up in the air, thrusting her empty and aching pussy back and out. A tremble went through her, not one of fear or cold, but one of pure, blind need. She needed him to fuck her. Not make love, not have sex, but a hard, animalistic pounding that was about nothing but getting off fast and furiously.

Her position meant she couldn't see Kane, but she heard him move. Her breath caught at the sound of his zipper. Her awareness fanned out, wanting to sense him. She enjoyed watching him undress, watching him strip away the university professor and reveal the man beneath the jackets. She loved seeing the change come over him as social filters fell away and he allowed the hunger and need and dominance to take control.

Without her sight to aid her she was left with her imagination, imagining him stepping out of shoes and socks, removing his jeans and tossing them over the back of the sofa. In the silence she pictured him carefully unbuttoning his shirt before slipping it off and laying it next to his jeans. Next came his underwear, his boxer briefs sliding down his thighs to reveal the beautiful length of his cock, the thick head already shiny with pre-come. Her mouth watered as her mind filled with the gorgeous, breathtaking image of a naked and aroused Kane.

“Are you imagining me naked yet, Nadia?” he asked, his voice low and amused in the silence.

“Yes.” Anticipation stretched her nerves whisper-thin when he knelt behind her. Her skin prickled, her desire hitting the breaking point as she waited for the first touch.

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