Sudden Death (22 page)

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Authors: Michael Balkind

Tags: #thriller, #Fiction, #Suspense, #Sports stories

BOOK: Sudden Death
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Chapter 36

Two weeks later, Shane and Reid went into New York City for the day, just to walk and have dinner. They strolled up Fifth Avenue, then continued uptown to his apartment. They went in to get cleaned up for dinner. He had made reservations, but wouldn’t tell her where. At 6:30, they went out and got a cab. He gave the cabbie the address and she looked at him as if he were crazy. “Isn’t that Harlem? Where are you taking me?” “Trust me,” he said with a smile. “Sounds like trouble to me,” she said. The cab drove them to Morningside Heights, where they entered a building and took the elevator to the top floor. Shane was very nervous until the elevator opened to reveal one of the most beautiful restaurants she had ever seen. They were shown to a table with a window view of the entire city. A waiter soon arrived at the table with a bottle of Crystal. Another waiter came over with a plate that he placed in front of Shane. On the plate was a small gift-wrapped box. “What’s this?” she asked. “Dinner here always starts with a gift. They’re known for it. Go ahead, open it. Let’s see what it is.” With a look of doubt, she slowly unwrapped the box and opened it. Her eyes widened. Reid got down on one knee and said, “Shane, will you please marry me?” “Oh my God, yes, of course I will,” she exclaimed without any hesitation. He took the biggest diamond ring she had ever seen out of the box and put it on her finger. Everyone in the dining room, patrons and the entire staff, applauded. Reid and Shane kissed. He asked the waiter to pour champagne for everyone.

After dinner, they went back to his apartment and made passionate love.

He left all the wedding decisions up to Shane. “Just tell me when and where and I’ll be there,” he said.

Shane planned an engagement party one month later at Bedford Country Club. The party was great; everyone was having a fabulous time. Reid was outside on the stone patio with some of the men, smoking cigars. They were all taking turns poking fun at him.

“You know, Reid, you’ve changed,” Buck said. “What happened to The Bad Boy of Golf? I think this marriage stuff has gotten to you.”

“You’re right, Buck, marriage, getting shot, the endorsement, winning the Master’s – it’s all had an affect on me. I have changed; The Bad Boy is gone from my life.” “Riiight,” Buck said mockingly. “Let’s not get carried away now.” “No, seriously Buck, I’m a changed man. I’m going to be more responsible and stay out of trouble.” “
, not a chance.” “You’ll see,” Reid said confidently. “I’ll tell you what. Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is? I’ll bet you one million dollars that The Bad Boy comes back to visit within a month.”

“You’re on.” They shook hands. Everyone within earshot had a good chuckle.

Just then, Shane came outside and said, “There you are. I’ve been look ing all over for you. I should have known.” Reid quickly looked at the guys and put his finger to his lips. He gave her a quick kiss and they stepped off the patio onto the lawn. They hadn’t walked five feet when a paparazzo jumped from the bushes, snapping a picture with a bright flash in their faces. Furious, Reid reached out, grabbed the photographer by the collar and cocked his arm, ready to punch. Then, instead of hitting him, Reid let go of his shirt and slowly swung his right fist into his left palm. “Oh, what the hell, go ahead, take another, but just one,” he said as he pulled Shane close and posed.

The photographer took one shot, thanked them, then, as asked, he walked away.

Shane turned to Reid and, with a look of pure astonishment, gave him a big hug and told him that she was proud of him.

Reid was facing the others on the patio as he enjoyed Shane’s embrace. Looking at Buck, he winked and, while pushing his finger on an imaginary cash register button, he mouthed, cha-ching.

Michael Balkind




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