Sundown & Serena (23 page)

Read Sundown & Serena Online

Authors: Tara Fox Hall

Tags: #vampire, #fear, #sex, #happiness, #shifter, #virgin, #stripper, #catalyst, #tragic past, #promise me

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“Asshole,” Nick said in anger, then added
quickly, “Sorry.”

“There’s nothing wrong with you,” Vince said
with surety. “You should be able to assume at least one, if not
both, of your parent’s animal forms. Have you tried any by

“No. There wasn’t anyone around to show me
what to do. And my father almost never changed form at all.” I
smiled bitterly. “He was too busy doing his own thing.”

Vince looked inward, pondering. “I can ask
Kev, he’s turned women before.”

“Really, you don’t have to.”

“We can show you how we do it, if you want to
try,” Nick said gently, reaching out to clasp my hand with his.
“It’s not healthy for a were adult not to change at all. It fucks
with your mind, the doctors say.” He flashed a smile. “Though not
using those exact words, of course.”

“I’m afraid to,” I admitted.

“We won’t press you to do something you’re
not comfortable with,” Vince affirmed. “But if you want to try,
we’ll do our best to help you.”

“Okay,” I agreed, mostly so they’d drop the

As we drove to my new home, I thought more
about why I had never felt the urge to change form.
Was it tied to sexual maturity? Would I want to change, now
that I was having sex?
My father had always said the animal
side brought its own problems, that the human half of us weres was
more than enough to deal with. For the first time in my life,
things were going well. I didn’t want any new problems raising
their heads.

* * * *

Next, Vince, and Nick drove me to my job,
where I spoke to Fred. He was sad to see me go, and told me that if
I ever needed a job, to come back and see him. Patty was there,
too, and I gave her a hug goodbye. She was plainly jealous of me,
because neither Vince nor Nick responded to her charms and their
attention was centered fully on me. Being desired made me feel good
after years of being the unnoticed wallflower.

Afterwards, we went out for meat pizza, for
which Nick said it was his turn to pay. Evening found us back at
Devlin’s estate, where the boys helped me unload the car and carry
the boxes upstairs to my new room. We’d no sooner shut the door
behind us after the last load that there was a knock on it.

Nick went and opened the door, revealing two
men standing there. One was brown-haired, with brown eyes, though
he wasn’t cute as Nick was. The other was Asian, with jet-black
hair, and dark eyes, though his skin was lighter than mine, like

“Hi,” the Asian one said. “Name’s Brock, and
this is Justin. You must be Serena. We got tested today. Are you
free for the next two hours? And do you mind if we see you

I looked at them, and tried to think of
something to say.
Holy shit. What have I gotten
myself into?
But Vince beat me to a reply. “Serena’s seeing
us for the next hour,” he growled. “Then she needs an hour to rest,
and put her things away. Come back at seven.”

Justin growled, showing blunt but long fangs,
and Brock took a step toward Nick.

Suddenly, a whip cracked loudly. Everyone
jumped, especially Brock who let out a yell.

“That hurt!” His forearm was dripping blood
from a long cut, which scabbed over quickly, then began the multi
stages of rapid healing.

“Knock off that shit!” Lash said, his hissing
voice hot with anger as he pushed in front of Brock, looking at the
four men in succession. “There’s enough of her to go round, if you
don’t abuse her. And I have orders from Dev to fuck up anyone who
does. Got it?”

“We got it,” all of the men said, in low

Lash gave us all another hard look, then
strode off.

“Fine,” Justin said, grabbing Brock’s healing
arm. “We’ll come back later. Come on, let’s take a swim.” They
walked off together, Brock still growling about how it wasn’t

Nick shut the door, and came over to me.
“You’re going to have a busy night, so we’ll be fast,” he said
eagerly. “For a week or so you’re going to be so in demand you’ll
be tired of sex probably. But after that, most of us will be more
‘once a week’ kind of guys.”

“Speak for yourself,” Vince growled, kissing
my neck. “I’m an ‘every day’ kind of guy. And I intend to take full
advantage of a live-in lover.”

I turned and kissed him. Nick began to
undress me, as I lost myself in Vince’s embrace.

* * * *

Nick was right, to put it simply. That night,
I met Justin, Brock, Matt, and Gerry. The next night was Lars, Van,
and Harald. I was also very embarrassed to see the sole mated
wereman Jazz, at my door, until he said that he was there only to
send a message for the one single guard who hadn’t seen me yet,
asking me to reserve two hours for him that night near dawn. “His
name is Kevin, but he goes by Kev.”

I agreed, relieved. From what the other
guards had said and I’d overheard, Kev was the most trusted of
Devlin’s guards next to Lash, the very guard he’d sent on a mission
into Rio the night I’d met Nick and Vince. Something to do with
checking on the vampire Perseus’s whereabouts, according to Jazz.
He’d been gone for three days, but was due to return that

“Devlin said to tell you Kev will bring you
health info tonight, when he comes to you,” Jazz finished. “And to
give it to Devlin tomorrow night, in the early evening.”

Devlin had
okayed all the men himself before they came to me for their first
time, and I hadn’t seen any paperwork for them at all. This one he
must really trust, to not want to see the paperwork before giving
Could there be some relation, with
their names so similar? Obviously not a blood relative, but maybe
an adopted son?
It was too soon to ask, and my gut feeling
was that I was off base, anyway. “Okay.”

Jazz left, and I went back to reading my
romance novel, trying not to laugh at the heroine who was so smart
about everything except her dealings with the man she loved.
Is this really how relationships are?

Someone knocked at my door. I answered it. A
husky-looking man stood there, almost the definition of tall, dark,
and handsome. If possible, he was more muscular than Vince was.

“Hi Serena,” he said casually. “My name is
Kevin. But call me Kev, I like that better.”

“All right,” I said, nodding. “Please come
in. What do you want tonight?”

I still felt a little odd, saying those
emotionless words up front. But I’d learned in a very short time
that getting expectations out of the way made my work easier, and
more enjoyable, too. The other option was to get into bed and
discover it through trial and error, something that I didn’t have
the energy for at that moment.

“I like regular sex, and oral sex,” Kev
answered easily, entering my bedroom. “But I like other stuff too,
and I’m willing to pay you extra, if you let me do that to

Great, another one.
What is that, over half now?
Some of these
bears were kinky, or at least wanted to try out things that they’d
seen in porn movies

mostly bondage. Until
now, I’d said no to all of them, telling them until I knew them,
and trusted them completely, normal sex would have to be enough.
But this was different; Kev was Devlin’s close friend. I’d already
refused Lash, and Devlin hadn’t been happy about that.
Dare I refuse Kev’s request?

“Will what you
want me to do hurt at all?” I said flatly. “I don’t do pain.”

“You might be uncomfortable, if you’ve never
done it before,” he said, sitting down on the bed beside me. He was
noticeably trying hard to be less frightening, which only made me
more uneasy. “But it shouldn’t hurt. I’ll agree to a safe word,
also, if you want one.”

“Safe word?” I echoed.

“I want you to act out a fantasy of mine I’ve
had for a while. I want you to be someone for me, and say certain
things. But I admit, doing something like this, it’s easy to go too
far, and forget it’s a fantasy, not reality. So I’ll tell you a
word, and if you say it, I’ll agree to stop what I’m doing
immediately. That way, you really have complete control over the
situation and won’t feel scared.”

I was scared already and he hadn’t laid a
finger on me. “Why would I feel scared?”

“Because I want you to fight me, and pretend
I’m raping you,” Kev said bluntly, his eyes glittering with lust.
“And about halfway through, I want you to decide you love it.”

I felt a little sick at his admission. Yet
I’d been reading up on sex games in a book borrowed from Devlin on
his orders, and what Kev was asking me to do wasn’t unusual. Men
often fantasized about this, that once a woman who didn’t want them
felt their touch, their object of unrequited desire would change
her mind completely. “Who do you want me to be? I’ll need some idea
of what she would say.”

“I’ll tell you what to say,” he interrupted
eagerly. “I know the scene by heart, at least what she said,

I felt a sudden chill.
reenacting something he overheard but wasn’t part of
. “You
want me to be that woman of Dev’s?” I blurted.

“Yes,” Kev said abruptly with zero shame.
“But you don’t need to know any more than that, not even her name.
I don’t care about her. I just want that fantasy, because since I
overheard them I’ve been fantasizing about it over and over.”

If he wasn’t going to call
me by her name, what name was he going to call me?
“I don’t
go in for swear names,” I said, grimacing. “Not even if I am
canine.” One bear had called me a dirty bitch in the throes of his
orgasm, and I’d thrown him out. He’d apologized, but I wasn’t sure
the news had spread.

“No names of any kind,” Kev promised.
“Especially no insulting ones. I just want you to be the female to
my male, and sate my needs.”

He’s twisted, but he’s
acting professional. I can be professional, too.
then,” I agreed, looking him in his eyes for the first time. “Now
tell me the whole scenario from start to finish, so I can do what
you want me to correctly.”

Kev’s eyes were a beautiful dark brown color,
almost like the polished oak of my dresser. Yet the intent look in
them scared me a little, in spite of their attractiveness.

* * * *

A half hour later, we began.

Kev came in, slamming the bedroom door behind
him. I sat bolt upright in bed in a simple nightgown, pretending
terror. “What? What are you doing here?”

Kev said nothing, he just began growling and
taking his clothes off, almost ripping them in his haste. Then he
dove onto the bed where I cowered, shaking.

“Please! Don’t do this!”

“You know who I am!” he growled loudly,
pulling me under him, and holding me still, pinning me with his
body. “And why I’m here. You’re going to get what you deserve

“Please! No! Stop!”

Kev flipped me onto my stomach, sodomizing me
with a possessive growl. He was not gentle, and I let out a real
gasp at the sudden penetration. Yet he hadn’t hurt me, though I’d
never done this kind of sex before. The lubricated condom he was
wearing helped.

“Feel that?” he whispered, ramming into me as
fast as he could. “Feel me taking you!”

“Stop, please!” I cried, feigning fighting
him weakly. “Please don’t!”

“No one’s done this to you before, have they?
I’m your first!”

“Yes!” I cried truthfully, then switched back
into character, continuing to struggle. “But please don’t! Stop!
Stop! No!”

Kev shuddered, and I felt him come. He gave a
jerk, then swiftly pulled out of me, and stripped off the condom.
Quickly, he entered me again roughly, but in the normal way. “I’m
going to have you, girl!” he growled. “Every way I can think of!
And you’re going to come for me!”

“No! No, I won’t!”

“Yes, you will!”

Kev began stroking me, and he knew what he
was doing. While the anal sex hadn’t been that enjoyable, his large
organ felt wonderful, his touch reminiscent of Devlin’s encounter
with me. I felt the climax coming, but tried hard to hold it off,
enjoying the sweet torture that I both desperately wanted to end
and also wanted to last as long as possible.

“No! No! I don’t want you! No!” I lied, my
desire ratcheting up a notch because I could smell his desire for
me, and knew he must also be able to smell mine. I was practically
swimming in lust, I wanted to come so badly. Every motion of his
body inside mine threatened to push me over the edge and I fought
myself to hold back, knowing I was fighting a losing battle.

“You want it! You’re begging for it! I can
feel how much your body wants mine inside you, fucking you!”

God yes, it does.
“No,” I managed to gasp. “I...I...oh...mmmm...”

“Admit it! Say it! Say you want me to fuck
you! That you want me to take you!”

“No,” I managed once more, then felt the
climax I’d been holding at bay shred my will. I surrendered wholly,
my long groan of pleasure becoming screams. “Yes! Please fuck me!
Take me! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!”

Kev shivered all over, then began guttural
roars, his fingers shifting to blunt black claws and back as he
began to come. We finished together, shouting, clasping each other
as hard as we could, our animal nails parting skin that healed
before a drop of blood could be shed.

“Now for the last part,” Kev growled, pulling
me to my feet in front of him at the edge of the bed. “Get on your
knees, woman. And show me some appreciation for your orgasm!”

I got on my knees, and bent my head, taking
his unflagging erection in my mouth. He let out a scream, as I
stroked him hard and fast with my tongue, sucking sensuously.

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