Sweet Contradiction (7 page)

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Authors: Peggy Martinez

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Sweet Contradiction
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ow was the ride?” Jen asked as she wove her arm through mine. Matt winked at me over her head and I felt like I’d just become a helpless deer in a lion’s den.

“It was fine,” I murmured.

We began walking through the fair, enjoying the atmosphere and the games. Matt and his brother, much to my dismay, had won Jen over and became a permanent part of our little group for the rest of the evening.

“Oh look!” Jen pointed out a game booth that had some of the fluffiest and best prizes up for grabs.

“Don’t even waste your money,” I said with my hands on my hips. “Everyone knows that game is impossible to win. It’s a scam.”

“Who says it’s impossible?” Hunter asked from behind me.

“Beth does. She has won just about every game there is at any fair, except that one. She’s convinced it’s unwinnable.” Jen grinned when I shook my head. How could she betray all my secrets like that?

“I bet I could win it,” Matt said with a smirk. I snorted and a gleam of competition lit his eyes.

“I’d take that bet.” I said confidently.

“Better be careful, Beth. You don’t know what you’re getting into,” Hunter chimed in, his eyes were riveted on Jen, though.

“What would you care to wager?” I asked with a mocking lilt in my voice.

“I bet I can win that game with one dollar and the three rings,” he said confidently. I started laughing, I couldn’t help it.

“Impossible. There’s no way. Just back out now while you still got a little bit of your pride left, cowboy.” Matt stepped forward, his eyes glinting dangerously, and I felt excitement shoot through me.

“What will you give me if I win?” he asked softly.

“Careful, Beth. Don’t let your pride get the best of ya.” Jen laughed.

“What do you want?” I asked, ignoring my best friend.

“Dangerous question, sweetheart.” He grinned and I’m pretty sure my face turned fifty shades of red. I crossed my arms over my chest and tilted my chin in defiance.

“A date,” he said loudly. Jen began giggling and Hunter whistled from somewhere nearby.

“A date?” I asked. “That’s what you want?” He nodded his head. “And if I win?”

“You won’t,” he stated matter-of-factly. I bristled at that. He saw the look on my face and held his hands up in surrender. “But if you do, I’ll get your truck a tune up for free.” I smiled. I liked that, it could definitely use a tune-up before I hit the road again.

“Deal,” I said as I held out my hand. When Matt took it, I had to stop myself from jerking it back out of his too quickly.
He’s too good
, I kept repeating to myself.

Matt pulled a dollar bill out of his back pocket and we all followed him over to the game stand. He handed the carnie the dollar and was handed three red rings for his money.
This is going to be such an easy win
, I thought to myself. I began to smile, already tasting the victory of the win.

“How ‘bout we sweeten the deal?” His voice taunted. My mouth popped open slightly. He didn’t know when to quit and he was awfully cocky about winning.

“Sweeten how?” I asked warily.

“When I win …”

“If you win,” I interrupted. He grinned so huge, that I began grinning back, despite the fact that I was trying to be stern.

“If I win and I’m able to choose the one prize you would have chosen for yourself, I get to choose where I take you on the date.” My eyes widened fractionally. I was surprised that he thought he knew me well enough to guess what I would have chosen as a prize.

“Fine. And for the record, Jen would know exactly what I’d choose, so she’ll be the one to tell you if you guessed correctly or not.” I was liking this turn of events, not only was the game impossible to win, but his little side bet was also not as easy as he thought.

“Jeez, Matthew, I’m not trying to rain on your parade or anything, but I don’t think the odds are stacked in your favor.” Jen was staring at the three rings in his hand then glanced over at the rows and rows of large glass bottles. She shook her head and laughed lightly. “Well, good luck, but I’d be getting ready to pay for a tune up if I were you.” Jen clucked her tongue and I began laughing.

“I like my odds.” Matt’s voice lowered and he winked at me just before turning around and tossing the first ring. The ring bounced off several jugs before landing in between them. His jaw clenched and I covered my mouth so I wouldn’t make too much fun of him. I knew guys hated to have their pride wounded publicly.

“It ain’t over yet, buttercup.” Hunter grinned over at Jen, who was also trying very hard not to laugh. Her eyes narrowed and she pointedly turned her attention back to Matt. Matt let the second ring fly and I held my breath when it came too close to hanging around the jug like it was supposed to.

“Oh, so close,” Jen murmured between a giggle. Matt took the last plastic ring between his thumb and forefinger and then blew out a steadying breath. A quick flick of his wrist set the ring flying and I could tell as soon as it left his hand that I was going to lose the bet. When the ring settled around the neck of a bottle dead in the center of the rows and rows of bottles, Hunter began whooping and hollering while patting his brother on the back. A celebratory bell dinged loudly, letting everyone around know that someone had won playing the dreaded ring toss game. Jen stood there with her mouth hanging open and I felt the ground shift beneath my feet.
Me and my big mouth.

Matt walked over to me with his eyes shining and a boyish grin plastered on his face, making it impossible for me to be mad about losing.

“You’ve won this before.” It wasn’t a question. Hunter smirked and Matt shrugged.

“A couple of times,” he muttered. My mouth hung open in disbelief.

“A couple of times?” I shrieked. I was angrier about the fact that I had never won the game than about him bamboozling me into a game he had mastered. I shook my head and gazed up into his smiling eyes. “Looks like you’re taking me on a date.” Little butterflies danced in my midsection at the thought of spending time alone with Matt.

“Looks like I am.” His eyes were twinkling and a dimple appeared as he smiled widely. I sighed, sexy dimples were my one true weakness.

“What prize would you like, sir?” The gray haired Carny pointed up to the dozens of huge, fluffy, stuffed animals hanging from his tent, with a toothy smile. Matt glanced back at me and I crossed my arms over my chest as a smile began to work its way across my face. Matt’s eyes widened slightly before he began grinning from ear to ear. My smile quickly turned into a frown and Hunter began laughing behind us. Matt pointed to a prize without his eyes ever leaving mine.

“I’ll take that one.”

don’t know why you’re so upset.” Jen shrugged her shoulders and began laughing … again. She hadn’t stopped laughing since Matt had won the massive six foot long purple snake from the ring toss game at the fair.

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