Taking Care Of Leah (11 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Howard

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Taking Care Of Leah
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“And she didn’t evict me. It was my decision to leave. They’re going to need time to redecorate and get the room ready for the baby, and I need my space.”

“Who are you trying to convince?” He swanned past her and into the living room. Leah pressed her tongue against the back of her teeth and sucked in a sharp breath of annoyance.

“Ignore him,” Ty said, grabbing her bags. “I’ll take these upstairs.”

“I’ll come with you,” she grumbled, following in his shadow.

Leah sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Ty began to unpack her belongings. “I’m quite capable of doing that myself, you know.”

“Yes, but I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have a thing about this place being tidy.”

“I’d say you have a touch of OCD, myself.”

“It’s a control thing.” He slid the drawer shut and turned to face her, marching to the bed. His lips on hers, he pressed his weight until she was lying beneath him, his hands braced either side of her head. “I like to be in control,” he said, kissing her in between words. He cupped her face, holding her to him before letting his palm slip down to the bare skin of her throat. His thumb ran over the artery—which pulsed beneath his touch—tracing down to the collar of her top. Leah forced a smile, asking herself how much control he needed and how much she’d be willing to give.

Moving away, he helped her sit before lifting her T-shirt over her head. He smoothed the mounds of her breasts peeking out from the top of her bra. Her breath hitched as he slipped inside one cup and tweaked her nipple.

He let out an audible groan, dipping his face to her cleavage, inhaling her. Palm pressed to her lower back, he held her in place while he had his fill. “I can’t get enough of you.” His voice was muffled by her breasts.

Leah fell back onto the duvet. Her back arched as he kept his hand above the waistband of her jeans. She stretched her arms, playing with the hem of the pillows, her legs dangling over the edge of the bed. She stared up at the ceiling, tilting her head back, revealing her throat to him.

Ty reached behind her, releasing the clasp of her bra and almost immediately taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking until she was fully erect, pinching and playing with the other nipple. Leah grabbed his hand and forced it lower. He popped the buttons of her jeans and reached into her pants, cupping her, parting her folds and feeling the wetness that told them both what sort of mood she was in.

It didn’t take him long to strip her completely naked, removing his own clothes until he was wearing only a pair of tight-fitting boxers. Leah smiled at the sight of his cock straining against the thin fabric.

“So what do you plan on doing to me today, oh master?” she purred, writhing against the sheets and closing her eyes.

She felt him kiss her calf, lifting her foot so that it was resting on his shoulder. Slowly, he trailed his lips up her leg, stopping as he reached midway up her thigh.

“Hmm… I think I like you calling me master.” He kissed a little higher, and she inhaled a gasp as his lips teased her entrance.

“Don’t. Get any. Ideas,” she said in short pants. His mouth engulfed her, his tongue pressing into her soft, wet folds. He gripped her thighs, fingers pressing into her flesh, making sure that she couldn’t escape, not that she wanted to.

Leah tried to lift her buttocks, forcing him deeper, but he held her down. She squirmed as his tongue swiped at her, and his nose pressed into her clit. “Oh God, Ty,” she exhaled, and he moved away from her.

“Not yet,” he said, smirking as he stood. His erection was even more obvious, the head of his thick cock peeking from between the buttons of his boxers. “I bought you a present.” He turned and walked to the wardrobe, continuing to talk. “I was going to let you take it home with you, but since you’re staying here now, I don’t know if there’s really a need for it.”

Leah sat up, confused until he opened the wooden door and brought out a small box decorated in black and white animal print with a pink velour ribbon wrapped around one corner. The front was sheer plastic, allowing her to glimpse the silver, palm-sized bullet. She had to wonder when he’d bought it. Had it been bought for her? Or was it something he’d kept hidden, a gift for whoever ended up in his bed.

Still, she was surprised by the excitement that tickled her skin. Some women would have abhorred, or at least been insulted by the gift, expecting flowers or chocolates or jewelry, wouldn’t they? It was then that she realized that Ty had definitely brought out the kinkiness of her nature. In just a few days, she had touched upon the dark desires that had remained in the shadows of her mind. She’d always wanted to explore that side of her sexuality, but Kyle… Her experience with him had left her afraid to.

He took it out of the box, pressing his thumb against the rubber button on the bottom. It was powerful enough that she could hear a faint buzz from the other side of the room.

“I’m going to use this on you now, and if you like it, then you can keep it in your bag and use it whenever you need a quick orgasm, but we’re not together.”

“I’m not that depraved,” she said, thinking her words would come out strong and sincere, and not the crumbling whisper that she heard.

Ty smirked. “Yes, you are,” he said as he reached the end of the bed. He stood between her legs, using his knees to keep her thighs spread, and let the tip of the bullet tease her clitoris. She was already close to orgasm, and the vibrations were enough to send her spiraling into an all too sudden climax. Her elbows collapsed and she toppled back into the sheets, calling out until her throat was raw.

“Do you like your present?” he asked, the tip of his cock pressing against her soaking pussy.

“Yes,” she gasped.

“Good.” The bullet was dropped to the side and he thrust into her, pounding until he came in thick, hot spurts, leaving her momentarily lost in a haze of utter lust.


Chapter Eighteen




Jerry had been serious about the idea of a party, it turned out. When Ty went into the kitchen to get two glasses of water, he overheard his housemate on the phone, inviting someone over.

“Yeah, bring ‘em all! It’ll be a laugh, and I bet she’ll bring that friend of hers too… Yeah, that’s the one.” Jerry guffawed at whatever private joke was being shared.

Ty stood at the doorway of the living room and watched as Jerry lounged on the sofa, cushions scattered over the floor, laughing down the receiver.

“Honestly, mate, you’ve got no worries getting in there. Reckon she’d take us both if we got some vodka into her. She seemed up for it last time.”

Ty coughed, alerting Jerry to his presence.

“Sorry, mate, I’ve gotta go. Yeah, see ya later. Bring booze!” He ended the call with another boom of laughter.

“If you’ve just organized another party…”

“Chill out,
,” Jerry teased. “We’ll pack away all your precious little knick-knacks before the beer gets flowing.” He swung his legs down, feet landing on the floor with a thud. “I’m off out for a bit, so you can fuck your girl as loud as you like. Not that you would have kept it down on my account anyway.”

Ty felt the heat of his anger building, knotting the muscles in his neck and shoulders. His grip tightened around the tumblers. Jerry ambled toward him.

“Seriously, dude, relaaax…” He slapped his hand on Ty’s stiff back as he passed. “It’ll be fun. You never know what she might let you do to her once she’s pissed.”

Ty inhaled sharply, resisting the urge to throw him out there and then, and went back upstairs, slamming the bedroom door shut behind him.

“Everything okay?” Leah asked, sitting up with her legs crossed under the duvet. He placed both glasses on one bedside table and sat down. His hand crept under the blanket to caress the smooth skin of her thigh.

“Jerry’s organized a housewarming party for you, by the sounds of it.” He felt her tense beneath his touch. “It’s okay, don’t worry. I’ll cancel it.” He slanted his mouth over hers, lifting one hand to cup her cheek, his fingers tangling in her hair. She tasted like warmth and mint. It was enough to make his cock start to twitch again.

“No,” she murmured, softening against him. “It might be nice to unwind. And if I’m going to be living here, I should at least try to get along with him.”

“That might not be necessary, but thank you.” He smiled, kissing her again. His tongue swept over hers, claiming her, and she did nothing to dissuade him. Ty gently put his hand over the curve of her hip until his fingers were gripping the soft flesh of her buttocks. “Fuck,” he breathed against her cheek, lying on his side. His growing erection began to press into her hip. “What you do to me…”

Leah wiggled, edging closer to him until his cock was pinned, almost painfully, against her leg. She rolled over to face him, reached down and took his shaft in her hand. Within seconds he felt his balls begin to tighten and lift.

“Don’t,” he said, closing his eyes against the torment. “We should get up.”

“Why?” she asked. He could hear the teasing in her voice. He didn’t need to look at her to know she was smiling, but he wanted to see it. Her blue eyes sparkled with amusement as her grip became firmer. She slid her hand from root to tip, and he couldn’t help but let out a breath heavy with pleasure.

“Shit,” Ty groaned. Part of him knew he should extricate himself from the delicious torture of her touch, but a larger part of him wanted to let her do whatever the fuck she wanted to do. Unfortunately, the lesser part won. He shifted his hips backward, reached down and held her hand still until she let him go. “Maybe later.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “And maybe I can teach you something new,” he added.

“Mmm… I’d like that,” she said with a sleepy smile before slipping farther into the bed and rolling over.

Ty stared at the gentle curve of her spine as she lay with the sheets bunched around the top of her buttocks, scooped up over her waist and clenched in her hands under her hair. He bit his teeth together and swallowed down the urge to flip her over and put his head between those long, luscious legs. The shower was going to have to be a cold one.


* * * *


He was in front of the oven, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans when she found him. Leah watched as the ink that climbed over his biceps flexed with every movement he made. The whole moment felt surreal.

“Getting a good look, are you?” he asked without looking at her.

Leah stepped forward, took a handful of his firm backside and kissed the dip of his spine between his shoulder blades, taking in the clean scent of his skin. “You showered without me,” she complained.

As he twisted around, she was forced to move backward, her hips almost connecting with the kitchen table.

“It was that or stay in bed all day,” he growled with false anger, pressing his lips against hers before turning back to the hob. “Coffee’s percolating.” He nodded to the machine in the corner and she went to pour herself a cup.

Ty took a step back, reached forward, and, with a quick flick of his wrist, tossed a pancake into the air. “I hope you like bananas and blueberries,” he said, letting it slide onto a tower of already stacked pancakes. “There’s honey and golden syrup in the cupboard somewhere.”

“Great in bed and the kitchen,” Leah mused. “Where have you been all my life?”

“Fixing your crap in the classroom,” he said, raising an eyebrow. “Speaking of which, I got a phone call from Hilary. Some little shits decided to break into the school yesterday. Guess who gets to clear the mess up.”

“Really? They broke
school?” Leah exclaimed. “Usually they can’t wait to get out or avoid it altogether.” She sipped at the coffee and sank into a chair behind a plate of pancakes. Ty handed her a fork and she dug in, using the side of the fork to slice through the fluffy pancake. “Oh my God,” she said around a mouthful. “That is amazing.” She forked another piece into her mouth and let it roll over her tongue, relishing the contrasting flavors of the sweet fruit and savory pancake.

“I try.” He shrugged before shoveling in his own breakfast. He’d cleared the entire plate before Leah could blink.

“Glutton.” She grinned, before finishing hers. “I take it that means we’re going to school today.” She leaned back and pushed the empty plate away.

“You don’t have to come.”

“And miss out on watching you work? It’s hot today as well, so I expect you to be wearing as little clothing as possible.”


“Hey”—she shrugged—”I was innocent until I met you.”

“Uh-huh. Go and get dressed and we’ll get it over and done with.”


Chapter Nineteen




Ty pulled the car up to the green gates and climbed out to unlock them.

It was odd, seeing the school shrouded in silence. No hormonal teenagers yelling, swearing or fighting. No cliques of children talking about their friends behind their backs. The space between the different buildings and Portakabins seemed vast rather than cramped, with the heat reflecting off the concrete.

Leah waited for Ty to return. She pressed her head against the cool glass and looked over to the English block with its slated walls and almost flat roof. Her classroom was at the back of the building.

“So where’s this vandalism?” she asked as he slid back into the driver’s seat. Ty turned the steering wheel and drove into the car park, pulling into a bay marked H. Davis. Leah smirked at his attempt at being brazen.

“Yeeaahhh,” he said, stretching the word out. “There’s some bad news about that.”

“What?” she asked, her voice lowered.

Ty got out and walked around to her side, opening the door for her. He took her hand in his. “It’s sort of…”

“If you dare tell me it’s my classroom, I may scream.”

He pursed his lips, tightening his grip around her palm before relaxing and letting out a laugh. “You should see your face,” he teased, kissing her nose. “It’s in the maths block.”

“Arse.” Leah batted at his chest.

“Didn’t realize you were so protective of your classroom.”

“I’m the only one who’s allowed to break things in there.”

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