Talk of the Village (26 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Shaw

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Talk of the Village
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'What a good idea. I'll get onto that straight away.'


Harriet was still struggling in the kitchen when the first of the guests arrived. 'Jimbo,' Harriet shouted. 'Answer the door please. Flick don't overfill the jug. They won't be able to pour. Fergus! Don't you dare. You two boys upstairs and watch television for a while. Here's a tray with some goodies on and leave enough for Flick please. In bed eight thirty sharp, but you can read for a bit if you wish. Don't argue Finlay, please, I'm too busy for that. Where's the carving knife. Oh there. Now look, Flick I think you've done all you ca..'

Muriel put her head around the kitchen door and said, 'Good evening, sorry we're early.'

'Hello, Muriel. Just about ready. Shoo, shoo children. Off you go. Mind how you carry that tray Finlay, I don't want to have to shampoo the stairs carpet tonight.'

'Hello, children.'

Flick liked Muriel and slipped her hand in hers as she greeted her, 'Hello Miss Hip ... oh no, hello, Lady Templeton. Mummy's got some lovely food ready for you. We're off upstairs now.'

'Hello Flick dear, I expect you've been a great help to your Mummy, haven't you?'

'Yes. I'm learning to cook like she does and then I'm going to be on TV when I get older, showing people how to cook.'

'And why not? That sounds like an excellent ambition.' Flick let go of Muriel's hand and went off after the boys. 'Harriet, we shouldn't really be allowing you to go to all this trouble when you're expecting a baby.'

'Nonsense, I'm perfectly fit and able. In any case Jimbo needed cheering up.'

'Did he?'

'Yes, it looks as if he's solved Jeremy and Venetia's problems and he's upset because they haven't even thanked him.'

'Oh dear, I expect they're so excited it's slipped their


minds. So is it still going to be a health club?'

Harriet put her finger to her lips. 'Can't divulge until it's all signed and sealed. As Jimbo's told them, nothing is definite until the money is in the bank, but they're so relieved to have found a buyer, they're behaving as if it's all gone through. Take these starters in for me will you Muriel?'

'Of course. Peter and Caroline are late.'

'Yes, perhaps got problems with those babies of theirs.'

It was ten minutes past eight when they arrived from the Rectory.

'Sorry we're late,' Peter said as he came up the stairs two at a time into the sitting room. 'Been celebrating.'

'Celebrating?' Muriel asked.

'For once I know something the entire village doesn't know first! Willie and Sylvia have become engaged to be married today.'

Muriel clapped her hands with delight. 'Oh I'm so pleased. I'm sure they'll be very happy.'

'I'm sure they will. We've left the happy couple drinking the remains of the champagne, sitting close together on our settee looking like a couple of teenagers.'

Caroline laughed. 'We'll cough loudly when we get back, so as not to catch them in a compromising position!'

'Caroline! If you please.'

'Oh Peter, don't be stuffy, darling. It's what makes the world go round isn't it Jimbo? And you should know from what I've heard.'

Jimbo groaned, 'Please be kind to me, don't mention that particular incident. Judging by the sly grins and innuendoes I've had to put up with, the story has been spread throughout the entire county. I wish someone would do something really wicked to deflect the flack from me. Here Ralph, your -whisky, and for you Caroline?'


'Orangejuice same as Harriet, please.'

They talked about plans for Christmas both at the church and for themselves and Ralph asked if anything more had been heard about the Charity Fund. Caroline shuddered when she heard the question. 'Please tell Ralph quickly and then we'll talk about something else.'

Peter gripped her shoulder and gently shook her. 'Don't let yourself get upset darling, I'm here OK?'

'I know, but it always makes me shudder when I think what a close shave you had. Please tell them and then we'll change the subject.'

'Briefly the Charity Commissioners have agreed that the parish can nominate a charity and the money can go to it. I suppose it would have been a good idea to share it out amongst several good causes but to be honest I just want rid of it. My greatest regret is that we can't use it here in Turnham Malpas.'

Ralph shook his head, 'Absolutely not. No.'

'I agree,'Jimbo said as he offered Muriel more sherry. 'This village persona business is so peculiar. You would think that the influence of TV and newspapers and films and videos would have wiped out such strange collective fears, but they do still exist.'

'Well, they haven't and they won't. Look what happened about Peter and Stocks Day. If he hadn't agreed to take part he'd have had no church left at all. Well, except for us here that is.' As she was speaking Harriet became aware of a strange noise out in Stocks Row. 'Someone celebrating!' The noise grew louder and sounded like children blowing on trumpets.

Ralph, being nearest to the window, got up to look. He drew back the curtains and looked out. Standing outside in the road in front of the Store were Jeremy and Venetia. He was dressed in a sweater and jeans so tight Ralph wondered how he managed to walk. On his head he had a huge tricorn shaped paper hat, giving him a


musical comedy Napoleonic look, in his mouth a toy trumpet of the kind given to children at birthday parties and he was blowing it for all he was worth. Venetia was dressed in her purple velvet tracksuit, on her head she had a huge shiny pink cardboard hat which sported a large purple feather curving down around her chin. She too was blowing a toy trumpet and was holding what looked like presents in her hands. Both of them carried bottles under their arms.

Venetia looked up as the light from the window caught her attention. She waved enthusiastically and shouted, 'Open the door, we're going to have a party.' By this time they were all crowding to the window to see who was there. Jimbo laughed and went to let them in.

They heard Venetia's light footsteps coming up the stairs and she burst into the sitting room. 'We've come. We've come. Get the champagne glasses out, we're going to have a party all night. So glad you're all here, thought there'd only be Jimbo and Harriet.' Momentarily she remembered her manners. 'I do hope you don't mind us gate crashing, but we had to come to thank our good friends for their wonderful help didn't we Sid?' Jeremy rolled in, obviously already the worse for drink.

'We certainly did, didn't we Marge?' He hugged Venetia and the two of them almost toppled over. 'Ooops sorry old girl. Now Harriet, a formal presentation. I expect you already have a watch but we've bought you an extra special one, as a thank you for all you've done for us.'

'I didn't do anything, Jerem . . . Sid. It was Jimbo.'

'I'm coming to him in a moment.' He lurched unsteadily and grabbed the edge of the table. 'I hereby present you with this gold watch in grateful thanks for saving us from certain ruin.' He held out a jeweller's box. Harriet took it from him, hesitated and then kissed his


plump cheek. He flung his arms around her and hugged her, almost crushing her ribs in his enthusiasm. Then he nudged Venetia. 'Your turn now, old girl.'

She gave Jimbo his present and when he opened it he found a beautiful gold pen engraved with his initials, and before he could thank her Venetia placed a big kiss full on his mouth. 'No need for thanks Jimbo, it's worth every penny for what you've done for us.' Jimbo gave her a hug, glancing out of the corner of his eye to check Harriet's mood. But she was laughing as she watched Jeremy going round shaking hands with Ralph and Peter and kissing Caroline and Muriel. Harriet giggled to herself, poor Muriel was looking horrified and dishevelled, Jeremy's hug had pulled up her dress and she was struggling to straighten it and at the same time smooth her hair which had somehow become entangled with the trumpet Jeremy still had in his hand.

When he'd finished kissing and shaking hands Jeremy shouted, 'Out with the glasses Jimbo, I've had the champagne in the fridge at the Club, so it's all ready for drinking.' He gave several blasts on his trumpet as Venetia opened up a roll of streamers and threw them across the room. The streamers caught Peter and Ralph so that the two of them stood entwined, with the curly coloured strands decorating their heads and shoulders. Muriel relaxed when she saw Ralph was catching the mood of the evening and was looking amused. While Jimbo opened the champagne Harriet thanked Venetia for her watch. Taking it from its box she said, 'This is absolutely lovely, there really was no need to be so generous.'

'Of course there was, you've saved our lives.'

'Look Venetia, why don't you and Jeremy stay for dinner? It's only a scratch one, but there's plenty. Do say you'll stay, we can soon lay two more places.'

Venetia couldn't hide the delight she felt at being


invited to stay.

'Oh Harriet we'd love to, really love to, thank you very much. Jeremy will be delighted.'

The sound of the sitting room door opening made Venetia look up. Standing in the doorway were the three children, blinking in the bright light, and looking puzzled by the noise and excitement.

'Drinkies for the children,' she shouted. Venetia asked Harriet for three more glasses and poured a small amount of champagne into each one. 'Here you are children, you can drink a toast as well.' She patted Flick's head and kissed the two boys, whereupon they blushed and vigorously rubbed their cheeks where her lips had touched.

Venetia climbed on a chair and raised her glass.

'Ladies and gentlemen and children drink a toast to the future of Turnham House and to all our very good friends.'

They all clinked their glasses with each other's and then drank.

Jimbo helped Venetia down from the chair and then said, 'May I propose a toast?'

'Everyone shouted, 'Yes!'

'To Venetia and Jeremy! Long may they be with us here in Turnham Malpas.'

'Hear! Hear!'


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