Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off (17 page)

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Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off
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"You didn't sign yourself over to me, sweetheart. If you don't want me, you can go. I mean it. Three months, three days, hell, three minutes from now.” Releasing her, he stepped back and ran his hands through his hair. Complicated, women were complicated creatures a man like him could not begin to understand.

"You want me to go?” And now she looked hurt.

"No, I don't want you to go at all, but I don't want to hold you against your will.” He scrubbed his face with his hands. He wasn't sure how to tell her what he meant. He didn't know himself. Maybe he did want her soul. Did that make him the devil, to want the object of his affection to be his alone?

"You weren't. Now, hold me again.” She moved close and hugged him. “I was trying to tell you how different you are from the men I have known in my life, not scare you away."

"I'm not scared.” He snorted. No, not scared, he was petrified. If he learned anything from his older brother Heath, it was that letting himself love a woman was a risk. If she left him, his life would go to shit in rapid order.

"Of course not.” She ran her hand down his back, soothing him. To get away from the conversation, he decided to speed things back up in a direction they were both more comfortable communicating with.

He slid his right hand over her left breast. The soft material made him want to pull it between his thumb and index finger and play with it. Her nipple pebbled as he teased it through the material. She was clinging to him again in no time. Her hand moved to the back of his neck and pulled him down to kiss her. The same explosion of sensation happened, the feel of her soft lips, the taste of her tongue.

Bethany pulled at his T-shirt, but he was not having it. Removing his hand from her breast, he scooped her in his arms and carried her to the bed. Lying down was a lot harder than it seemed when the woman did not want to let go of him. He sat down on the bed, laid back, and then rolled them so he could be on top. She pulled at his shirt. She wrapped her legs around him. It was like fighting an octopus. “Sweetheart, stop trying to rip me to shreds and let me love on you."

She stopped with his shirt fisted in her hands halfway up his back. Her big green eyes blinked at him. “It's not time to..."

"No.” He smiled. She had a wicked look in her eye. One letting him know, he may want to cuddle, but Bethany wanted sex. “You haven't had a lot of experience..."

"I've had a few thanks to you.” She stroked his cheek. Damn it! She was luring him in.

"I meant in general. I want you to know how nice it is to be stroked, primed. You don't always have to get naked right away. A woman needs to be ready..."

"Hmmm.” She made a face of curiosity then did something he least expected.

Jack was taking too long to get this show on the road. Primed, she had been primed since the room emptied. Then, he wanted to dance, and then she was afraid he could see right through her. So, she called him the devil. Of course, he got all freaked out, so she couldn't tell if confessing her feelings, telling him she cared for him, in her own weird way, scared him, or just scared her. Either way, he started kissing her again. His lips on hers were enough. Instantly, she was primed as he called it.

But taking it slow? She had been taking it slow all her life! She never got what she wanted when she wanted it, and Jack had been the master at giving her everything in rapid order. She was not about to stop, so he could take her on a trip down memory lane and relive all the bumping and grinding she might have missed as a teen.

She reached under the band of her skirt, dipped her fingers between her legs, and brought up proof. She was ready whenever he was. “See, all wet."

His eyes closed. When they opened, his jaw began to make a little twitch.

"Taste for yourself.” She teased, but as he opened his mouth, she did something she had not planned to do. She stuck her fingers in her own mouth, tasting herself.

He went from sweet sixteen to raging bull in about a heartbeat. She was not even sure how the clothes got off, but he somehow managed to get them both naked in record time. “Jack?"

"Oh, you're gonna get it, missy, don't you worry,” he said as he parted her sex.

Then, he was there, sucking, licking, and teasing everywhere but the sweet spot. It was maddening. Her body arched, twisted, and ached to be satisfied. “More Jack."

He growled and pushed one finger inside. Easing his way up to a second, he tickled her clit long enough to make her legs jump and continued on his mission of tormenting her with pleasure. “More, please."

"You sure?” he asked, and for a moment she hesitated. He was not moving from where he was. She wanted him inside her, now!

"Yes.” She nodded. Her eyes rounded as she felt the pressure. Slight but true. “Jack?"


"Do you know where your finger is?"

"Where my dick will be soon?” he answered as he moved his finger farther inside her anus.

She could feel the pressure on the tight little hole. She remembered the way her first time felt in her vagina. Jack was bigger than the average vibrator, and she thought they were pretty big. No fucking way was he getting his big dick in there!

"I don't know about this.” She gasped as he moved a little farther inside. Despite herself, it started to feel good. “Jack?"

"Relax, sweetheart, just breathe deep. That's it. There you go. See.” He coached her as if she were playing miniature golf not getting sodomized by his finger. The image made her laugh. “What?"

"Nothing. Oh ... mmm.” The moment relaxed her enough apparently for him to slide the finger all the way in.

"Do you like it?” Jack asked.

Again, her body betrayed the right answer, clenching around him as a response. She nodded.

"Good.” He placed his face back between her legs and began suckling her clit. It was then she realized all that fuss was over a pinky. His other two fingers were still inside her vagina. She wanted to contemplate the size difference some more, but as he hit the spot, it really didn't matter what he put there. It just felt good.

"Oh Jack!” She cried out as the orgasm spread from her toes to her hairline and racked her body in between mercilessly. Her walls gripped his fingers, her anus gripped his pinky, and her hands fisted his sheets. As the sensations calmed, she lay twitching and exhausted. Every muscle in her body had tightened then released.

"You take a breather. I'll be right back.” He patted her on the thigh and disappeared into the bathroom.

Chapter 12

Like a kid on Christmas, Jack re-entered the bedroom with a bottle of lube. He practically glowed from head to toe. Limp and lifeless, she rolled to her stomach in submission. He had not hurt her yet. Not physically or emotionally, so why the hell not? She would be able to say there wasn't anything she hadn't done.

"Roll back over,” he said as he slipped into the bed next to her. “I got a condom and this."

"I see.” She tried to brazen it out, but she could feel the blush creeping over her. Not the warmth from the orgasm, a whole new blush of embarrassment and uncertainty.

"It's supposed to be easier if you face me.” He nodded with confidence.

"Don't you know?” She teased, trying to regain some air of confidence. Her finger stroked along his spine, and he let out a rumble of approval.

"No. I've never done it before."

Thankfully, he was facing away from her focused on the condom and lube rather than watching her expression of horror. He had no idea what he was about to do to her. It was one thing to think Jack was the sage, the know it all, done it all, stallion. It was quite another to think he had no idea what he was going to do to her. What if he ripped her in half?

"Jack.” Nervously, she cleared her throat. “Exactly how do you know what to do here, I mean if you haven't done it before..."

"I know what I'm doing, sweetheart. I've looked it up.” He smiled, his chest heaved, and his fingers trembled. How could she deny him something he seemed so excited about doing? “I've just never wanted to do it to anyone else before, but this is something we can do together. New ground for both of us."

"Somehow I think you're getting the better end of this bargain.” She sat up, watched him roll on the condom. As he lubed the tip of his latex covered penis, she began to feel the renewed energy in her sex. She wondered what it would be like to watch him jack-off. His hands were so much bigger than hers, rougher.

"Just relax like before. If it hurts, tell me. I'll stop.” He nuzzled her nose with his, placed a sweet kiss on her lips. She believed him. He wouldn't hurt her.

She nodded slowly and laid back. He didn't go right for her ass like she expected. Instead, he started kissing her in his sweet, slow manner, which made her melt. Slowly, as she began to feel the pull of renewed desire inside, he moved his hand lower and caressed the wet lips of her pussy. How he seemed to know the moment she was ready was a mystery. Maybe because she always moaned, but the man would not let her get air until she did.

His finger moved back to her most sensitive spot. When she began arching into him, rolling her hips, he stopped. Cool lubricant trickled between her butt cheeks, followed by a slight probing finger. It was easier this way, she had to admit. The finger pressed past the tight band and then teased her inside. He continued to kiss her as his erection still pressed into the inside of her thigh. His hands did all the work for now.

"Are you okay?” he asked sincerely.

"Yes.” It was such a strange feeling to be this intimate. To have a man invading her most private of the private parts.

"Are you ready for more?” he whispered as a second finger pressed in, stretching her.

"I think so.” She gulped. He let her adjust to two large fingers. As she relaxed, enjoying his rhythm, he kissed her lips, her neck, her breasts. He sucked her nipples and drove her wild. She wanted more. She wanted to let him do this.

His weight shifted, and he lifted up off of her. Her legs fell over each of his thighs and exposed her completely. His fingers pulled out, and the lubricated head pressed slightly against the opening.

"Whoa. He's big, Jack.” She didn't mean it to be amusing, but he breathed a laugh just the same.

"Thank you.” He smiled, and she couldn't resist smiling, too. The moment was so tense with the seriousness of what he was about to do. It helped her relax. “I'll push a little bit, but you have to let me in."

She nodded as the tip of his penis pushed against the opening. She breathed slowly, long exhales, deep inhales. She felt the stretch, the burn. It was not terrible, it was just uncomfortable. She concentrated on relaxing though her body wanted to tense. Jack's face contorted, the veins on his neck stood out, and she could only imagine how badly he must want to plow right inside, but he didn't. He was not even past the part, which felt like a little barrier, a circle of muscle seeming determined to keep him out. Jack pushed just a little harder and slipped right in.

She gasped. He groaned. The invasion was so sudden and unexpected though she knew full well it was coming.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?” He began to withdraw as he spoke and looked tortured at the same time.

"Just wait a second. Give me a minute.” She breathed. Pain was not what made her gasp. It was the unexpected pleasure racking her body. This was not supposed to feel good. It was supposed to feel wrong and uncomfortable. Looking at Jack, he sure seemed uncomfortable. Maybe even in a bit of pain. “Okay, you can move now."

And he did with the same slow motion he used when he realized she was a virgin. His grip on her hips was bruising, but his motion was slow and easy. “Do you like the way it feels, Jack?"

He gulped, making his Adam's apple bob. He nodded.

"Then, act like it.” She used his thighs for leverage, pushed hard against him. They both gasped this time. “Mmm. Jack, you feel so good."

"Shhh. Don't talk to me. I can't hold back if you talk to me."

"God, you feel good, Jack. Don't stop. Mmmm. That's it, Jack. Fuck me. Fuck me in the ass with your big, thick..."

"Bethany...” And he was gone. Groaning and moaning all the way over the edge and back. She loved to see him come. His body now drenched in sweat glistened. His jaw ticked with each pulse. He looked beautiful, and he was hers.

"Stay there, two seconds more.” Unable to resist, she slid her hand down and circled her clit. “Just. Stay. Right. Oh, there."

"I can feel it, Bethany. You're so tight and ... God, you're beautiful when you come,” he whispered low. The words floated over her body and stroked every nerve already too tight and sensitive from the orgasm ripping through her like nothing she had ever felt before.

Exhausted and weak, she went boneless but for the little aftershocks. They skittered through like loose electrical wires, no rhyme or reason to them. He gently pulled out, leaned over her, careful not to touch her with his dick, and kissed her on the lips.

"Come on, we need to shower before you pass out on me, and I have to clean you up again.” He laughed. “I can't believe we did that. Are you sore?"

"You didn't ask if I was sore when you took my virginity.” She shook her head wondering exactly how his brain worked. He seemed revitalized and full of energy, where as she was still unsure if her legs would hold her once she stood.

He stopped mid stride and turned. “Were you sore?"

"No. But still.” As she suspected, her legs were shaky and unstable. “Oh my God, this is too much."

"Your legs are trembling."

"You're the most observant man..."

"Shh. Be nice to me.” He lifted her in his arms. “You'll hurt my feelings."

The statement was shocking and revealing. She didn't want to hurt his feelings. After sex, especially after such an unexpected and new experience, she felt nervous and vulnerable. “I'm sorry."

He carried her to the bathroom and stood her in the shower. He turned it on then removed the spent condom and stepped in behind her. The water cascaded over her body and refreshed her muddled senses. He grabbed the soap and lathered her up.

She stood there and let him position her limbs like she were a mannequin. As he soaped up her vagina and reached back to her anus, she tensed.

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