Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off (21 page)

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Authors: Cara North

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off
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"Come on, Heath. I'll make fried chicken, extra crispy just how you like it, and I won't kiss Buck while you're there. Well, I won't tongue kiss him or grab his butt or anything that will make you sick,” Jan teased, and Jack hoped Heath still had half a sense of humor. He had become so cold and withdrawn since Chance left. His brother was but a shadow of the man he once was.

"Why not? If I stay here, Jack is sure to make me sick. If I go with you, at least I get some food out of the deal.” Heath agreed, and Jack felt like a weight had lifted off the house.

"Have fun.” Bethany waved as they left. She turned to him. “I think it went well, don't you? I mean I know it's a lot different than what you had designed, but it is a sound plan."

"Come here.” Finally, with everyone gone, he could get up from the table and not care he was sporting a massive boner.

"Let me put these dishes in the sink first.” She grabbed the stack of plates and started toward the sink. He followed her, and as she set the dishes in the sink, he wrapped his arms around her. “Jack, I need to get this stuff in the dishwasher."

"I'll do it later. Turn around here.” Adding to the importance of his need, he kissed her neck and rocked his hips against her backside.

"You're like a teenager. All you want from me is sex.” She turned, and he could see in her expression she was teasing him. If anything, she was the insatiable one.

"That's not all I want from you.” He kissed her candy pink lips and pulled her tightly against him.

"No?” she whispered breathlessly.

"No. I also want to spend time with you. Don't let him fool you, sweetheart. He's excited, but he's not the boss of me.” Pulling her along with him, Jack flipped on the television, sat on the couch, and pulled her down to his lap. “What do you want to watch?"

She blinked at him a few moments then snuggled into his chest without answering. The news was on, so he left it there. What he really wanted right now was to do exactly what they were doing. Cuddle up on the couch and act like an old married couple instead of a new married couple who barely knew one another.

"What do you want for dinner?” he asked.

"I've been snacking on the leftovers, so I'm not really hungry."

"Okay then, tell me about you.” Pulling her up to face him, he knew she was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, but how he knew was a mystery. He didn't know her favorite color or what she liked to eat. Much less what her childhood was like, other than she seemed to have been neglected and bought off.

"There's nothing to tell really.” Bethany shrugged. “My life didn't start until last week."

"What was Kentucky like? You don't have to talk about your parents or childhood, but I would like to know what you like, what you hate. I don't want to step on another landmine like this morning.” Her smile faded. He began to wonder if she thought he was stupid. Yes, Heath had a degree, but he didn't know shit about women. Rafe knew horses and kids, but he'd been courting Layla for six months and getting nowhere fast. Jack knew women, and he knew the one on his lap was hiding something.

"I don't know. I mean if someone asked me three weeks ago if I liked dogs, I would have said no, but I love Jessie Boy and Blue Dog. I couldn't imagine this place without them running around and playing. I always knew I would like horses. I would watch them every derby and just be in awe at their grace and speed. I've never roughed it, Jack. I've had everything handed to me since I was born. What I made today, I learned from my nanny slash housekeeper. She would let me help out in the kitchen when my parents threw parties.” He watched her smile at the mention of the housekeeper then frown. “They will probably fire her now I'm gone."

"So, call her and bring her out to the ranch. You said we would need a housekeeping staff, give her a job, put her in charge. I don't know, but you should never turn your back on people you love.” He knew that much firsthand. “What about your friends. You never explained the whole scene back at the hotel."

"What's there to explain? They aren't my friends. They never were. They told my parents my every move, and Rosie is having an affair with my father. He probably doesn't even know she's his partner's daughter. The man is oblivious to everyone but dead presidents.” Jack knew right away who had done the most damage in her life.

"I understand. My dad loved us, but he would go out for days on cattle drives or leave for months with the rodeo. He was an amazing cowboy. It was what drew my mother to him, and then it was what drove them apart. I think we all got here from make up sessions. They argued a lot. My grandpa hated it,” he explained.

"That doesn't explain Jan.” Bethany smiled again.

"Actually, it does. They had been sleeping in separate rooms for years. Then, all of a sudden things were getting better; then mom thought she was going through the change. When she found out she was pregnant, well, it was like a honeymoon phase for a while. Then, we found out he had cancer. Then, Jan was born. Shortly after, he died. We like to remember the last year when things were good, but momma always told him she loved him. He never said it back much, and he always told us love was woman talk. And if a man loved a woman too much, she would rip out his heart and steal his dreams.” Jack sighed.

"Do you believe him?” she asked.

"I don't know. The only example I've had is my daddy and Heath. I don't want a marriage like my parents, always fighting. Heath told Chance he loved her, and within two months she had destroyed him.” He hoped she understood what he was trying to say or rather what he was not prepared to say. Even if he felt it, his head fought the words on so many levels.

"My dad never told us he loved us unless reporters or other businessmen were around. My mom said it was his actions. Like actions proved he loved us. Of course, she valued her Mercedes Benz, her salon appointments, club membership, and exotic vacations, which by the way I never got to go on."

She waved her hand as she spoke, and he smiled. She was opening up to him, letting him in. “I agree, it is the actions that speak louder than words. My dad proved he didn't love me because he was never there. He was a sixteen digit credit card number, a portrait on holidays, but he was never there when I was sick. He even paid a non-profit organization not to hire me."

"That's illegal."

"I know, but they needed the money, and he agreed to donate two hundred-fifty thousand dollars if they just told me I wasn't qualified. It's a good number, one I made sure to remember.” Her eyes held every bit of the hurt and anger she must have felt then as she was feeling it now. “I couldn't blame them, and I was grateful the director told me the truth. She didn't understand why he would do such a thing, but I did."

"Why, sweetheart?” Jack pushed at the stray curl from her ponytail, tucking it behind her ear.

"He doesn't think women should work. He thinks they are trophies, like my mother. Her job was to look good, to play hostess and mother, and he kept her well.” Her shoulders sagged, and tears formed at the corners of her eyes. “She's no better. She had me because he needed a child to help sell his lifestyle as a family man, to make his work look better, cleaner. She was happy being a trophy. And after she had me, he stopped looking at her the same, or so she says."

"What planet are they from?” He pulled her into a bear hug. He knew he was squeezing too tight, but he wished he could squeeze all the pain away. “You're the most loveable woman I know."

"Thanks.” She sighed, and he eased his grip.

Her head nuzzled his shoulder, and her arms wrapped around him. The silence was not uncomfortable. It was nice, relaxing, and peaceful. The sweet smell of her shampoo and the light fragrance she wore would be forever imprinted on his sense of smell. The softness of her curves, the taste of her mouth, even the sound of her voice, all of it was penetrating his senses, enveloping him.

* * * *

Bethany laid there on his chest. The sense of safety his body provided was nothing like she had ever known before. Jack's parents were not perfect. It helped her to reveal more. His family obviously had quirks, but they loved each other, and they were all driven by a common goal. They all loved the ranch so did she. She also loved each of them.

Heath, the quintessential cowboy, Rafe the peacemaker, and Jan the little sister who was trying to come into her own. Then, there was Jack, her husband, trying to please her. When it was obvious from the moment she met him, he was very used to women going out of their way to please him.

His chest rose and fell in a slow steady rhythm. A soft snore began. She squeezed him tighter. “I love you, Jack Johnson. You don't have to say it. Your actions have already told me you love me, too. You just might not know it yet."

Closing her eyes, she drifted off to sleep in his arms.

* * * *

"For crying out loud, can't you sleep in the bed? You'll both be sorry in the morning.” Heath's voice pulled her from a peaceful slumber. Blinking and trying to get herself focused, she yawned and stretched.

"What time is it?” Jack's rough hands scrubbed her arms as he spoke.

"Ten. I cleaned up the kitchen.” Heath stretched. “I'm heading up to bed. See you in the morning.” As he started away, he turned back. “With my pants on, so you can sleep in, Sugar."

He winked and walked away.
See a man's naked ass once
, Bethany laughed in thought. It was a nice ass but branded with Chance's name. What made a man go that far if not love?

"Did he just make a joke?” Jack asked with a kiss to her cheek.

"I think so.” She stretched again. “I guess we should go to bed, too."

"Yep.” He stretched as he stood. She watched his T-shirt rise and bear a bit of skin.

"Jack?” She tried to wiggle her eyebrows, but he apparently thought it was funny because he laughed.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I'll race you to the bedroom.” She took off running, but he caught her and turned her in the opposite direction. He continued on his path to the bedroom. She laughed and entered their bedroom. He was already in the bed, fully clothed on top of the blankets arms folded behind his head and barely winded. “You cheated."

"So.” He smiled shamelessly.

"So. What time do you have to get up in the morning?” She closed the door and locked it. Jack looked entirely too tempting on their bed to just ignore it. Walking up to where his boots hung over the side, she pulled them off one at a time.

"Well now, taking my boots off for me, what next?” he asked then bit his lower lip.

"Depends.” She tugged at both socks. Never had a man's feet looked so sexy, but aside from his arms and face, it was the only bare skin revealed at the moment. She stroked the top of each foot.

"Depends on what?” he asked.

"Jack,” she said and sounded as annoyed as she felt. “You are exasperating. Do you want me to strip you naked and sex you up or not?"

"Are you gonna yell at me if you do?” He wiggled his eyebrows very effectively.

"If you keep it up, yes.” She tried not to laugh, but he wouldn't give her a straight answer, and he kept twisting her words around.

"Oh, I think I can keep it up.” Like now.

"Okay, be stubborn. I don't need sex.”
She walked around the foot of the bed and toward the closet. “I lived without it for years."

"No, no, no. You get back over here and boss me around again,” he said as she grabbed the knob to the closet. She was certain he just told her to get back over there and boss him. Was he kidding?

"Not funny. I'm very serious about getting things started for your family. I don't appreciate you making fun of me.” Irritation began to sink in.

"Will you stop being serious for a second and look at me?” Now, he sounded frustrated. She turned to look at him. He was sitting up in the bed. He held his hand out, and she looked at it like it might bite her if she touched it.

"I'm listening.” Folding her arms, she gave him her full attention.

"Now, that's more like it.” He smiled and laid back on the bed again.

"Jack,” she warned.

"Sweetheart, I love when you get in full business mode. I could barely pay attention to what was going on there today because I was so turned on by your ... presence. You led the room and captivated everyone. You're smart and sexy, and I couldn't get up out of the chair until everyone was gone because my dick was hitting the table top."

Now, that she was not expecting. He really wanted her to be all prim and professional. He was turned on by her brain. His words about undid her on the spot.

"So, you really want me to tell you what to do?” she asked, making certain she understood him correctly.

"Just in the bedroom, and maybe just tonight, but I swear I am ready to get on my hands and knees if you want me to.” The look in his whiskey brown eyes was so intense as it passed over her body, she felt it like a lick of fire, scorching her senses.

She gulped then wondered what exactly did she want him to do? Well, she definitely wanted him naked. Oh yes, the plan became very clear in her mind's eye.

"Take your clothes off, Mister Johnson. I need to examine you.” Doctor Bethany was in full professional mode right now.

"Okay, sweetheart.” Jack was on his feet in a flash stripping.

"That's doctor, Doctor Bethany, and you'll be so kind to remember it, sir.” The sharpness of her tone was surprising even to her own ears.

"Well, yes, ma'am.” His voice dropped, and as he slowly removed his clothing, her breath hitched. He must have really liked being put in his place tonight.

Standing next to the bed, he held his arms to his sides. His hair had grown over the past week, not a lot but enough to tickle her fingers if she were to touch the nape of his neck. His eyes were heavy with desire and his body flushed. The width of his shoulders called at her to touch them and ease the tension she knew was there. The dark brown hair sprinkling his chest and angling down his abs drew her attention downward to greet an angry erection. His cock bobbed and weaved as if trying to detach and seek her out on its own.

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