The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal (Billionaire Bachelors Series - Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal (Billionaire Bachelors Series - Book 4)
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“Now, I need you now,” she groans. He’s lying on top of her and she can feel his erection pressing against her wet heat. She’s so hot for him and wants him inside of her. His hands are gripping her head, and finally he brings his mouth to hers.

He kisses her so deeply, she doesn’t know how the sheets don’t catch flame underneath them. She can’t ever remember having such a vivid dream. She feels so alive, so good. She needs him inside of her.

He moves his head down her throat and chest and then takes one of her aching buds into his mouth, gently sucking on it. The pull of his mouth on her sensitive peak, sends a shock wave down her body, straight to her slick heat. More, she wants more.

As if he can sense her urgency, he moves back up her body and takes her mouth once more. He reaches his hand down and slips a finger inside her body, feeling that she is more than prepared for his entrance. He groans into her mouth at the warmth and wetness coming from her.

“Open your eyes. I want to look into them when I take you,” he gasps as the head of his erection is poised at her entrance. She feels pain as she waits for him to thrust forward. He’s so close, yet much too far away. She didn’t want to open her eyes. If she opened them then the dream would end and she’d wake up, aching and alone. She shakes her head
and pulls him closer locking their lips together, again. He’s unable to resist her urgency and in one thrust he’s buried deep inside her body.




Jennifer’s eyes snapped open at the shock of their bodies connected. Several things happened in the next seconds. She couldn’t stop what was happening, even if she could’ve gained the will power to do so.

First and foremost she knew she wasn’t dreaming, but actually making love to Trenton, the man she’d hungered for from the moment she’d first laid eyes on him, and secondly she was making love for the first time, ever, and it hurt enough to wake her. The pain was fading as pleasure quickly took its place.

Trenton could feel the tightness in her body and felt the flinch of pain from her as his large erection broke through her barrier. He was ashamed he could be so stupid and careless. She was gripping him tightly and though he may actually die he knew he had to pull out of her. He was wrong, so very wrong, for taking her that way and he had to make it up to her.

He started to pull back, when she suddenly gripped him hard with her arms and wrapped her legs around his back. She arched her hips and wiggled underneath him. He knew he’d go straight to hell, but he couldn’t find it in him to care.

He started moving his hips slowly in and out of her body, taking his time, feeling her stretch to accommodate him. His body was quivering from the amount of control it took to slowly slide along her slick passage. She was so tight, wet, and hot, and she fit around him like a glove. Her wetness made them easily slide together, like they’d been created solely for each other.

She cried out as he pushed deeply inside her, their bodies pressed together, tightly. He looked into her eyes, rounded in pleasure. The sight of her pink lips, moist and barely parted, sent tremors through his gut. Her peaked nipples were rubbing against his chest, the friction making him shake. She was stunning, and she was completely his, as no other man could claim. He moved his head down, and swiped his tongue along her lower lip, loving her sweet taste.

She pulled on his neck, bringing him closer, turning the kiss from slow and sensual, to hot and passionate. He lost his last bit of control, and gripped her hips, tightly.

He started thrusting in and out of her, fast. He gripped her hip with one hand, keeping her tightly against him. He used his other hand to hold her neck so he could continue to kiss her long and deep, with no risk of them separating.

He pounded in and out of her soft flesh, needing her more than he’d ever needed any woman. She suddenly threw her head back, ripping their lips apart, as her entire body tensed against him. She cried out, as sweat beaded from her brow. He felt her soft core grip him in convulsions and he completely lost his mind.

He slammed into her a few more times and let out his own cry as an earth shattering release shook him from head to toe. He pumped into her tight body, thinking there would never be an end to the pleasure.

They both slumped into the bed as the orgasms finally dwindled. He was so exhausted, from the intense love-making, he barely had the energy to roll off the top of her. He managed to do so and pulled her into his arms. He quickly fell back into a deep sleep.

Jennifer knew she should disentangle herself from Trenton. She knew what they’d done was wrong. She just couldn’t figure out exactly why. She was so tired she couldn’t keep her eyes open. She decided to rest them for a few moments and then she’d get up and figure out exactly where she was.



Chapter Four


Jennifer woke up and couldn’t move. She was in a panic for a moment, wondering what could possibly be pinning her down. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself staring straight at Trenton, who was eyeing her with a huge smile.

“Good morning,” he sexily mumbled.

“What’s going on?” she asked, trying to pull free.

“We’re waking up after a very satisfying night,” he said as he pressed his body into hers. She felt his obvious arousal. She immediately pulled away, though she wanted to press up closer.

“I didn’t want to do this,” she said and he released her.

“You sure weren’t fighting me a few hours ago,” he said as his eyes narrowed. His hands on her back were making her lose her train of thought. She had to stay strong and not forget who he was - let alone who she was.

“I thought it was a dream,” she mumbled and her face turned bright red.

“So you dream of me often?” he asked.

“I need to get up, please let go,” she gasped. He brought his lips to hers and kissed her gently, melting her will-power to non-existent. He then released her and she slowly scooted away. It wasn’t an easy thing to do.

“Can you please turn?” she asked. She needed to get out of the bed, but in no way wanted him to watch her walk away, naked.

“Not on your life,” he told her. He sat up in the bed, the blanket riding dangerously low on his stomach. She could see the sexy trail of hair disappearing beneath the blanket. She could also see his obvious arousal pushing to get free of the blankets.

She stayed for several moments, clutching the blanket tightly to her chest. She looked around the room and saw her clothing scattered on the floor. She couldn’t take the blankets because then he’d be sitting in the nude, and she didn’t think she’d have the will-power not to jump him.

With her head held high she finally climbed from the bed, grabbed her clothes as quickly as possible and slipped into the bathroom. She could feel the aching in her body from the use of muscles she’d never used before. She felt wetness between her thighs, giving proof of what she’d done in the middle of the night.

She looked into the mirror and was surprised by some slight bruising in a few spots on her body. She couldn’t believe she’d slept with her boss. She’d always thought women like that were tramps, and now she’d joined their ranks.

She saw the inviting shower and decided she couldn’t dress without jumping in there first. She cringed as she spotted the evidence of her virginity wash away. She hoped he hadn’t noticed. How do you explain remaining a virgin so long? She’d wanted her first time to mean something, and then the years just quickly faded, and soon she didn’t even think about it.

She started thinking about it a lot once she’d met Trenton. She shook her head to clear the thoughts. She couldn’t do anything about it, so there was no need to dwell on something she couldn’t change. She told herself she’d take a quick shower, but as the luxury jets sprayed down on her sore body she forgot about quickness and just enjoyed the massaging water.

Jennifer didn’t know how long she stayed in there, but she never lost hot water and finally climbed from the oversized stall, feeling somewhat better. The heat had eased the achiness in her muscles and she felt clean once again. She hated to put on her dirty clothes, but she had no choice.

She decided she’d walk out of the bathroom with as much dignity as she could muster, and insist on calling a cab. She didn’t want to spend any more time than she needed to with her boss. It would be best to simply get away as soon as possible so they could go back to a regular working environment.

Of course, that was going to be difficult considering she’d never before seen a boss, or any co-workers for that matter, naked. She’d never writhed underneath any of them in pleasure. Just thinking about the lovemaking caused her to get wet again. Her traitorous body still wanted Trenton, even though her mind knew it wasn’t going to happen.

She walked back into the bedroom, grateful he was out of the bed. She stared at the rumpled bedding and felt her cheeks heat again. She couldn’t believe she’d ever thought, even for a moment, that their love-making had been a dream.

She’d never felt the kind of heat he’d brought her a few hours earlier in one of her dreams. Even thinking of how she’d felt had her ready to do it all over again. Her nipples pebbled and her core grew hot and pulsing. She decided to get out of there.

She walked out the door and found herself in a large hallway. She saw it ended to her left so she turned to her right and followed it around a corner. She found a huge staircase and began her decent, where she found herself in a large foyer. She smelled coffee and walked in that direction.

When she caught a whiff of bacon, her stomach growled. She looked around, grateful there was no one about. She was starving, but she’d get food later. She needed to find a phone and get the heck out of there.

She stepped through a door and found an elderly woman standing over a stove. There was bacon, eggs, potatoes and a few other things cooking. Jennifer’s stomach rumbled so loud the woman turned with a smile.

“Sounds as if you’re hungry,” she said. She began piling food on a plate and set it on the breakfast bar in front of Jennifer, and she lost all her resolve. A few extra minutes in the house couldn’t possibly hurt, and she didn’t believe in wasting food, so she may as well eat. Then she could do the walk of shame from the home.

“Thank you,” she said and dug into the plate as if she hadn’t eaten in months, versus the night before. “This is so good,” she mumbled in between bites. The woman must have added some special spices because it wasn’t ordinary potatoes and eggs. The bacon was thick and crisp, just the way she liked and the biscuits practically melted in her mouth. Before she knew it, her plate was empty and she was groaning with an overfull belly.

“I’m being so rude. My name is Jennifer and thank you so much for the food, it was spectacular,” Jennifer finally said.

“You haven’t been rude at all. I’m Sandy, and it’s very nice to have someone enjoy my cooking. I tire of skinny little girls barely picking at what I prepare,” the woman said. Jennifer knew she wasn’t a typical female. She didn’t care if she put on an extra pound or two once in a while because she worked hard and exercised often and she knew it would fade eventually. She refused to become a typical size zero, socialite.

“Well, it was delicious and I only wish I could stuff some more in, but then none of it would stay down,” Jennifer told her with a laugh. “Can you direct me to a phone, please?”

“There’s one in the den, which is the first door on your left,” Sandy told her.

“Thank you, it was great to meet you, Sandy, you’re an exceptional cook,” Jennifer told her before she headed toward the den. She had no idea Trenton was around the corner and heard the whole conversation.

“What do you need a phone for?” he asked, causing her to drop the phone and nearly jump a mile in the air. Her heart was pounding as she turned to glare at him.

“I’m calling a cab,” she finally said and turned to the phone again and began dialing information. She was outraged when Trenton grabbed the phone from her hand and hung it back up. “What do you think you’re doing?” she snapped.

“You don’t need a cab. I told you last night I’d take you back out to the ranch for your car,” he told her.

“I don’t wish to ride with you, so if you’ll kindly hand me back the phone, I’ll arrange my own transportation,” she told him in her most haughty voice.

“You’ll ride with me. Now, quit acting as if you’re some kind of victim. You gave as good as you got and I don’t recall you telling me
last night,” he snapped.

“I’m not acting like a victim, but I need to be very clear when I say it was a one-time thing. I have zero desire of hooking up with my boss or jumping on your lap every time you crook your finger,” she snapped back.

They both glared at each other, standing mere inches apart, both fighting anger, passion, and a need to grab the other.

“I can get sex any time I want. I don’t need to chase some woman who obviously plays hard to get. So don’t worry about me jumping you at the offices,” he finally snapped. Jennifer felt like she’d been slapped across the face.

She knew he was a sexy male. Most women would be proud to be on his arm, but she wasn’t most women. She decided to ignore his statement. She didn’t like the tightening in her gut at the thought of him with another woman right after he’d been with her.

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