The Binkle and the Catawampus Compass (Binkles and Magic) (21 page)

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Authors: Faith [fantasy] Lynella

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: The Binkle and the Catawampus Compass (Binkles and Magic)
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She became serious, like a noble queen with an important task to do. “Suitable thanks must be given today. Louise, in honor of your worthy endeavors against the forces of darkness, I hereby present you a comb from fairyland.”

With great formality she handed Louise a gold comb decorated with sparkly blue stones. In the manner she’d seen in movies, Louise curtsied deeply and said a soundless thank you. That got her an approving royal nod from Adah.

Adah repeated the words to Anna and bestowed another gold comb, only this one had green stones. Anna also curtsied deeply in grateful homage. The sisters felt like they’d been knighted.      

Adah continued, “As you’ll discover soon enough, my dears, these are enchanted combs. You’ll never again have a bad hair day. Your hair must obey the comb’s arrangement. It’s is a small gift, really, but will remind you of the worthy role you both played in the never-ending war between good and evil.” The other guests applauded in tribute.

“Enough of such folderol,” said Grikkl. “Let’s have more treats and music.”

He was persuaded to play Arla and tell the tale of how she came to him. So the party continued in the same light-hearted way.

All too soon, Taloo and Layda announced that they had to go. After hugs all around Layda said, “Let’s all get together again sometime,” in the way that grown-ups do. In a twinkle they were both gone, leaving everyone breathless.

During the party, Helen’s face held the same far-away look. She ate and listened without sharing in the fun.

Adah leaned over and gently stroked Helen’s cheek. “How sad for you. To know the value of love and caring, but to be unable to share them.”

Chris put his arm protectively around his wife. “It’s hard to see her miss out on the love from Jeep and me. Glad as I am that she’s healthier, she’s still so empty.”

Adah agreed. “I share your concern, Chris.”

She focused her full attention on Helen. “My dear, Grikkl did a terrific job with you, to be sure. No one could have done more for you in all the world...” She paused, letting the silence hang far too long.

“Except me.” Adah sat without moving, waiting for her words to sink in.

“This is what I know. This is what I do. You all knew I’ve been in the land of babies before they’re born. It’s my job to fill their little krindles with binkles. Once in a while, a baby’s krindle breaks, and I must fix it. It’s not easily done, but I know how.”

Adah held Helen’s hand and stared into her eyes, “Helen, I want to do this for you, if you’ll let me. I want to repair your krindle.”

       Helen didn’t answer, but everyone else around the table did. “Yes! Oh, yes! Do it!” they all exclaimed as one.

And so it came to be.


Helen didn’t recover overnight, even with Adah’s exceptional skill. Jeep detected fleeting signs of her old self almost from the beginning. Helen was impatient to make up the lost time.

She sang to herself—mostly sing-songing tunes from her childhood. Once again, she devised weird and silly ways to do everyday chores to keep the habit gods from taking over her mind. She and Chris held hands and grinned a lot. They’d go off by themselves on long ferry rides.

But what made Jeep happiest was her delight in being near him. They talked and talked, just like before. Mother and son had healing to do. So sharing memories about their time apart helped them rebuild their fragile, broken feelings. The same kinds of discussions were happening between Helen and Chris, too.

Each day Helen could remember a few more details. She told Jeep, “For the longest time, my brainpower was turned down so low it didn’t work at all. I was about as smart as a turnip. But since my thoughts didn’t hang together I didn’t miss anything, didn’t want anything. Nothing mattered much.   

“The empty sameness changed for me after you began coming. One day, I felt you touch my arm—and I liked that. When you spoke to me the words didn’t make sense, but I liked the sound of your voice. Once in a while I knew who you were—but just for a moment. Oh Jeep, imagine how wonderful it is to go from being like that to how I am now. My life was given back to me.”

“It was given back to both of us,” Jeep corrected her.

“And Chris, too,” she added.




Turn the page for a message from Grikkl.


A Note from Grikkl

Unlike books about fantastic adventures you can only imagine...



It’s REAL. It’s ALIVE. (Oooh... I just felt a binkle just saying that.) The power of the binkle is
within you
. It’s a force that can be drawn upon and directed to achieve great and wonderful things. It connects you with everything you admire—or aspire to become.


YOU ARE THE HERO AND THE STAR OF YOUR LIFE ADVENTURE. And when you tap into Binkle Power, day in and day out... your life changes. You become stronger. You get along better with other people and yourself (I might add). The forces of Nature open to you in ways you never even dreamed of.


Reading this book is only the beginning. You have unleashed Binkle Power in your life. Now here’s a secret...

The more Binkles that you give to others... the more you have for yourself.

Now that’s Magic!



A Note from the Author, Faith Lynella

To You and Fellow Binklers

Binkles are a powerful way to connect people, ideas, and noble visions. One way to keep them strong within yourself is to spend time with other people who like to binkle (binklers). Share them with others who care about finding more of that energy. Talk about it among yourselves. Sharing your special experiences with each other is even sweeter because readers know the special-ness is the sign of a binkle.

That kind of communication keeps the krindle* strong. It helps to bring binkle power into more things you do every day. That’s why I set up two websites just for readers of this (and future) books. Just because you finished the book, it doesn’t mean you’re done with what the book is about.

I have long said that “anyone who knows about binkles is in the Binkle Movement. You do know about them, so you are. You can also stay informed about them and future books in this series at:

The Binkle Mindset

As you can see, there’s more to binkles than a few books. It’s a way of looking at what happens to you. It is a way of finding healthy and upbeat energy in places it is easily overlooked. It’s a way of spotting what’s important (and what isn’t).

Since you know about binkles they are part of you. And they will become more so as they open your eyes and open your heart to the energies of life. Please binkle any time you get the chance, and I can promise that you’ll love what happens to you. Even better, tell your friends about them—you are already binkling with them, you know.

Binkles and joy to you,

Faith Lynella

Allusions in the Book


Chapter 1 - Chronicles of Narnia:
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
- C.S. Lewis


Chapter 2 -
Harry Potter
- J.K. Rowling

- Alice in Wonderland
- Lewis Carroll - (twice)


Chapter 3 - (Cerberus) A mythical character – Greek myths - One of 12 Labors of Hercules


Chapter 4 - Helen of Troy - Greek legends – Troy and Sparta


Chapter 5 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Grimms Fairy Tales & Disney movie version

- Camelot – any of the King Arthur (Round Table) tales

- 1001 Arabian Nights: Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves - Sir Richard Burton


Chapter 7 -
Pinoccio -
C. Collodi & Disney movie version

- Green Eggs and Ham
- Dr. Seuss

- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Roald Dahl


Chapter 10 - The Adventures of
- J.M. Barrie


Chapter 11 -
The Bluebird
- Maurice Maeterlinck


Chapter 13 -
Dr. Doolittle - Hugh Lofting

- Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- Arthur Cannon Doyle


Chapter 15 -
The Little Engine that Could
- Robert Cringely

- “Dr. Livingston, I presume?” The first words Stanley said to Livingston in Africa


Chapter 18 - Sorcerer’s Apprentice – music composed by Paul Dukas



Table of Contents


Before You Start

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

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