The Conquest (17 page)

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Authors: Julia Templeton

BOOK: The Conquest
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Unable to speak for fear her voice would break, she nodded.



Chapter 15


Two nights later Rhiannon was desperate to be alone with Adelstan again. He’d been out on a hunt with her father and his men, and they had all just returned to the hall to a great feast and dancing.

All day Rhiannon had been preparing for this evening, and her heart raced as she stepped into the bailey, the music from the great hall filling the night air, sending a rush of excitement through her entire body.

She brushed out the skirts of her new kirtle, a lovely blue material that hugged her slender frame. The silver girdle complimented the detailed embroidery at the neck and cuffs, and she’d driven Elspeth half crazy…having her style her hair over and over again.

Taking a calming breath, she entered the hall, her gaze going to the high dais and the tall blond sitting to her father’s right. To her chagrin, Machara, the bold servant, was lingering nearby, washbowl at the ready.

Damn that woman!

Rhiannon stopped for a moment to talk with several friends, trying with difficulty not to look at Adelstan.

But she could feel his green gaze burning into her.

If only she could read his thoughts. Did he yearn for her in the same way she yearned for him? Even now she felt the familiar stirring in her breasts and between her thighs. Each night he filled her dreams, and each day she could think of nothing but seeing him again.

And now since days had passed without touching him, she ached to make love to him again.

A page helped her up the steps to the dais, and both her father and Adelstan stood.

“There you are, my dear,” her father said with a welcome smile. “How lovely ye look this evening. Is that a new gown?”

“Thank ye, Father. Yes, it is a new gown.”

His gaze fell on her hair, and he quirked his lips but said nothing.

“How was your hunt?” she asked, looking at Adelstan. Her heart leapt at seeing heat in his eyes.

“Successful.” Adelstan looked to her father. “I think it is safe to say Castle MacKay’s kitchens will be stocked with enough venison to keep the people happy for a long time to come.”

She was greatly impressed with other skills he possessed as well.

“Indeed,” she said, moving to pass by her father, but motioned toward the place to his left. “Your stepmother is not feeling well this evening, so she will be staying in our chamber. I would like ye to take her place so that we may converse.”

Disappointment ate at her insides. “Of course, Father.”

Throughout supper, Rhiannon bit her lip several times, especially when Machara came around, lingering before Adelstan, who did nothing to encourage her that Rhiannon could see.

Still, jealousy made her grit her teeth a time or two.

Not only that, she could see the women at the tables below watching him. What would she do when they reached Almeron and she discovered he had a leman there, or someone special to him? There would be naught she could do to stop him from being with anyone else.


She had no hold on him now, and when she married, all hope would be lost.

Lifting the goblet to her lips, she took a long drink of the hearty ale, enjoying the way it warmed her belly. She caught sight of Elspeth below, her attention shifting between Adelstan and Rhiannon. Their gazes caught and Rhiannon could see the sympathy in her friend’s eyes.

Such a hopeless situation.

“I spoke to Elspeth earlier today and she said ye had not yet packed.”

Her stomach twisted. “I am not ready to leave, Father.”

His eyes narrowed and he forced a smile. “It is expected that ye will mourn leaving Castle MacKay and your family, but this is your duty, Rhiannon. Postponing the trip will only make your betrothed question if ye want this marriage or not.”

“No one ever asked me if I wanted this marriage, Father.”

He lifted a brow, his expression set in stone. “Ye are my daughter and ye do as I say. Ye will marry Lord Malgor for your family and for your people.”

“And what of my wishes, Father? Not once have ye asked me how I felt about this marriage.”

“Lower your voice, Daughter.”

From the corner of her eye, she could see Adelstan sitting back in his chair, no doubt listening to every word.

“Once I leave Castle MacKay, I will never return, and ye ask me why I am so hesitant to leave?” She folded trembling hands together.

“Lord Malgor is anxious to marry ye, and ye should show him the same courtesy. Your place is at his side.”

The only reason de Cion was anxious to marry her was for her dowry and to get her with child. She was a pawn, plain and simple, and she bit her lip lest she tell her father just that.

She lifted her chin and straightened her shoulders. “Be that as it may, I am not ready to leave Scotland yet, Father.”

“I know ye love your home, and I enjoy having ye here, but ye will not be so far that I cannot see ye from time to time.”

“Ye have not left Castle MacKay for a decade, Father. Ye will not be coming to England to see me, and I am certain I shall be too busy with my duties as Lady of Almeron to return to Scotland.”

“It is true I have not left my home. I find comfort within these walls.”

“As do I.”

He swallowed hard and looked away, but not before she saw the frustration in his eyes. Adelstan was busy eating pheasant from the trencher, but she knew he hung on every word.

“I would like ye to consider leaving within a fortnight.”

It was more than she had been hoping for, and yet her heart said,
Too soon

“Rhiannon, I must insist.” Her father’s voice held a hint of impatience.

“Yes, Father. A fortnight and no more.” She took yet another drink and sat back in her chair.

“Good.” Standing, her father clapped his hands twice and the minstrels began to play. Rhiannon glanced over at Adelstan, but he did not look at her once.

She knew he had to have heard their conversation, and perhaps that was why he refused to look at her. How did he feel having heard the news firsthand?

Rhiannon finished her ale, and a page was quick to refill it. By the time she swallowed the last drop, the hall had been cleared and dancers filled the floor. Laughter and music rose up to the high, timbered ceiling, and Rhiannon wanted only to find a quiet place where she could be alone with Adelstan.

Jorden approached the high table, and bowed before her father. “May I have the honor of dancing with your lovely daughter, Laird MacKay?”

Her father smiled, looking pleased by the request. “Of course.” He nodded to Rhiannon, who stood on unsteady legs. Perhaps she had drunk far too much.

She felt Adelstan’s gaze on her as she took Jorden’s hand and he led her toward the other dancers. “You look stunning this evening, my lady,” he whispered near her ear, his breath smelling of sweet wine.

“Thank ye, and ye are very handsome.”

He flashed a grin that made her pulse skip a beat. She could see why women, and men, found him attractive. His dark good looks and wickedly gorgeous eyes could not be ignored, but then again, nor could Adelstan’s light good looks.

The music began and Rhiannon focused on the moves of the dance, hoping she looked relaxed and fluid. She glanced at Adelstan once to find him staring at her, his expression indecipherable. He spoke with one of his knights, an attractive light-haired young man who watched Jorden closely.

Was this Jorden’s mystery lover?

“Lady Rhiannon, would you be so kind as to relay a message to your maid for me?”

Elspeth had been in a wonderful mood since the day they had visited the market and Rhiannon need not wonder why.

“Certainly, but perhaps ye wish to relay it yourself since she is sitting very near.”

“I would, but a certain man has been lingering at her side all night. I do not think he would appreciate my interrupting.”

So Antony had taken notice of the two?

“Very well, I shall relay any message ye wish.”

“Tell her I shall be delighted to meet her in the brewhouse storage this evening directly after the festivities.”

Rhiannon’s surprise must have shown on her face, for he laughed under his breath. “You blush, my lady. Have I offended you?”

“Nay?” she said, a touch too quickly. “My maid is plain speaking herself, so I do not pretend to guess at the extent of your relationship, especially when ye are meeting in the brewhouse storage.”

“Point taken, my lady.” The dance took them away for a few counts, and it gave her time to collect her thoughts. Elspeth talked with Antony, who toyed with a lock of her hair. She swatted at his hand, and he laughed at her.

Rhiannon had noticed the stable master speaking with another servant, even pinching her bum the way he’d been pinching Elspeth’s, so perhaps their relationship was more casual than Rhiannon had ever realized.

When the dance brought them face to face again, Jorden asked, “Tell me, has the stable boy been Elspeth’s lover long?”

Her heart leapt at the direct question. “Ye are asking the wrong person, and by the way, he is the stable master.”

He laughed under his breath. “It is not in my nature to be jealous, Lady Rhiannon, if that is what concerns you.”

“I do not know why ye should be concerned with her relationship when ye yourself have another lover.” The moment the words were out, she wished to take them back, but it was too late.

His silver eyes narrowed a little and yet the smile remained. “Ah, I see the stable
has been talking.”

Her cheeks turned hot. “Perhaps he has.”

“Does what he said surprise you?”

Stunned at his openness to discuss intimate details, she shrugged.

He laughed lightly. “Ah, I can see by the blush on your cheeks, it does.” Leaning in, he whispered in her ear, “One cannot help who one is attracted to.”

His good humor was contagious, and she found herself smiling, too. Or perhaps it was the ale, she knew not which. But she liked the charming knight.

“Well, let me say this while I have ye to myself. Lord Malgor is a lucky man to have such a woman as you for his bride. I pray you find love for him, and he with you.”

She forced the smile to stay on her lips. Apparently he had not guessed at the extent of her relationship with Adelstan.  “Thank ye, Jorden.”

“You are most welcome.”

The last strings of the music quieted, and Jorden bowed. “Thank you for the dance, Lady Rhiannon.”

“Thank ye, Jorden. I shall relay your message as soon as I am able.”

“Thank you.”

Seeing Elspeth and Antony still conversing, Rhiannon walked toward the high dais and stopped short seeing Adelstan approach.

“Can I have the next dance, my lady?”

“Of course,” she said, trying to contain her happiness. Her heart fluttered uncontrollably as she took his hand. She loved his scent. Knew she would never forget it. How she ached to press against him, to feel his body against hers, to taste his lips. She leaned closer and whispered, “I miss ye so much.”

“And I you.”

The music began and their gazes locked and held.

I want to be alone with ye tonight.

How she longed to say those words but didn’t dare for fear of someone overhearing.

The dance brought them together, and she placed her hand flat against his. How large it was compared to hers.

“You and Jorden looked to be enjoying yourselves.”

“Aye, we were.”

She couldn’t read his expression, wasn’t sure if he was jealous or mad. “He asked me to relay a message to Elspeth.”

Was that relief she saw in those long-lashed eyes? “I see.”

“He is a handsome devil, is he not?”

Adelstan frowned, his jaw clenching.

She tried to keep from smiling but failed. “But not as handsome as ye.”

“Witch,” he said playfully. “You look beautiful tonight. I like your new gown. It makes your eyes even more vibrant.”

His words washed over her like warm honey and her stomach coiled tight, sending an ache straight to her groin and her mons. “Thank ye.”

He leaned in and whispered, “Meet me tonight.”

Her heart missed a beat. “Anywhere.”

“Can you get to my room without being seen?”


“If it is too risky, do not come.”

Nothing and no one would keep her from taking a chance.

The dance ended far too soon, and though she wanted to dance with him again, she knew to do so would cause suspicion. “Until tonight,” she whispered, before walking toward Elspeth and Antony.


* * *


Rhiannon pulled her cloak closer to her body. Beneath it she was naked, and her body already felt sensitive. She had brushed out her hair until it crackled, and she paced the room, waiting for the guard to make his usual march up the tower steps.

Elspeth must have met with Jorden, because she had yet to return. Rhiannon could only imagine the two of them now, no doubt making love feverishly, neither one bound by their heartstrings to the other.

If only she could be so casual about sex, her life would be a lot less difficult.

The guard’s heavy footfalls approached, and she held her breath, hoping he would not stop, but just keep on going. From time to time her father had placed a guard or two outside her door, but normally that was in way of punishment for having done something wrong.

The footsteps stopped, the person hesitating outside her door before continuing up the steps. She waited long minutes until the footfalls faded.

Heart pounding wildly against her breastbone, she stepped out of her room and headed down the stairs. She rounded the corner to Adelstan’s chamber, and had one hand on the door handle when her father appeared.

She gasped. “Father, what are ye doing here?”

“I would ask ye the same question, Daughter, though I fear I already know the answer.”

She looked over her shoulder, half expecting Adelstan to open the door and help remedy the situation.

“He is not here. I asked him to watch the east wall for an hour or two since we are shorthanded.”

Knowing it would be best to lie, she opened her mouth, but her father’s cruel gaze silenced her.

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