The End of Sparta: A Novel

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Authors: Victor Davis Hanson

Tags: #Europe, #Sparta (Greece) - History, #Generals, #Historical, #Sparta (Greece), #Thebes (Greece), #Fiction, #Literary, #Epaminondas, #Ancient, #Generals - Greece - Thebes, #Historical Fiction, #Greece, #Thebes (Greece) - History, #General, #Thebes, #History

BOOK: The End of Sparta: A Novel
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Title Page
Part One.
Holy Leuktra
Chapter One.
Mêlon Comes to Leuktra
Chapter Two.
Lichas the Spartan
Chapter Three.
General Epaminondas
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
The Breaking Point
Chapter Seven.
The Circle Closes
Chapter Eight.
The Battle Above
Chapter Nine.
The King of Sparta
Chapter Ten.
The Wages of Battle
Chapter Eleven.
Ripples of Leuktra
Part Two.
Between Peace and War
Chapter Twelve.
The Lizard’s Tail
Chapter Thirteen.
The Fall of Mêlon
Chapter Fourteen.
The House of the Goddess
Chapter Fifteen.
Nêto Unbound
Chapter Sixteen.
The Healing of Mêlon
Chapter Seventeen.
On the Road to Thebes
Chapter Eighteen.
The Great Debate
Chapter Nineteen.
No Man a Slave
Chapter Twenty.
The New Mantineia
Chapter Twenty-one.
Two Women
Part Three.
The March Down Country
Chapter Twenty-two.
The Great Muster
Chapter Twenty-three.
Chiôn Goes South
Chapter Twenty-four.
A Free Messenia
Chapter Twenty-five.
The Night of the Three Armies
Chapter Twenty-six.
The Plains Afire
Chapter Twenty-seven.
The Visions of Proxenos
Chapter Twenty-eight.
Lord Kuniskos of the Helots
Chapter Twenty-nine.
Erinna of Messenia
Part Four.
Chapter Thirty.
The Shadows of Mt. Taygetos
Chapter Thirty-one.
All Roads to Messenia
Chapter Thirty-two.
The End of the Beginning
Chapter Thirty-three.
The Reckoning
Chapter Thirty-four.
The Old Breed
Chapter Thirty-five.
The Way Back
Chapter Thirty-six.
The Restoration
Chapter Thirty-seven.
Epaminondas Returns
Chapter Thirty-eight.
The Anabasis

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