The Forbidden Promise (6 page)

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Authors: Helena Rose

BOOK: The Forbidden Promise
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Chapter 3


entered the pokey house, leaving behind the warmth and light of the sun. The
room was a mess, with numerous containers filled with foul-smelling
and strange plants. Bunches of dried herbs tied with string
from the ceiling and colored candles lay on dusty shelves.
" Come
child," a voice called out from
behind a heavy, dark curtain.

"Hello Penelope," replied Alma, "I’ve come for a
consultation." She drew back the curtain and found herself in a sort of a
small study where she found Penelope sitting at a round table with three legs.

"Sit down my dear and let’s see what my tarot cards have to
say." Smiled Penelope, while her hands quickly shuffled a worn deck of

What an extraordinary woman
! She thought.

Penelope closed her eyes, chanting in a low voice. She frowned
in concentration. Her hair plaited in two braids, gathered at the base of her
head, the small wrinkles around her mouth and eyes and the slightly pronounced
nose, gave Penelope an austere and mysterious look. Her face was pale, only her
lips had a little color. Her hands stopped shuffling the cards and she cut the
deck. She then quickly turned over three cards that she placed in front of

"The Lovers, surrounded by the Four of Cups and the
Magician," pronounced Penelope. “Your love is blossoming. The cup of love
smiles on you and sees a sweet future for
if you follow my advice."

Alma smiled happily.

Penelope pretended not to notice Alma’s happiness.
Poor fool,
every word I say
She turned three other cards over that partially overlapped the previous ones.

“The Emperor, flanked by the Seven of Swords and the Three of
Wands. It means that your lover will fight against everybody and everything to
have you, overcoming all obstacles."

“The main obstacle is my aunt,” interrupted Alma. "She
would certainly object! Oh, if only I were free!"

A sardonic smile crossed Penelope’s face as she turned over
another three other cards.

"The Ace of Wands with the Devil and the Empress. A woman
will be the cause of your unhappiness unless you escape from her negative
influence. And now the last turn."

The last cards turned over
the Tower, flanked by the Five of Swords and the Wheel of Fortune.

"If you don’t do what I tell you, you’ll be in grave danger
my dear and all your dreams will be shattered. Follow my advice and the Wheel
of Fortune will bring you joy and well-being."

Alma clapped her hands, as happy as a child in front
delicious candy.

“What must I do? I want to marry Federico!"

“For now, continue to
the laudanum
that I have
you, increase the dose slightly, just to be sure you can leave the house
whenever you want."

“Won’t it be dangerous?" Questioned Alma anxiously. “After
all, she did raise me after my parents died. Now that she is so old and sick,
shouldn’t I take better care of her?"

"Remember that she’s only your great-aunt, and that she was
obliged to take care of you. Now she’s old, she can’t tolerate that you, young
and beautiful as you are, should live your life as you deserve. Isn’t this
true? You mustn’t have any qualms, my dear."

 "You’re right as always, Penelope. But ever since I
started administering the laudanum, she spends most of the day just sitting
staring into space. Sometimes I find it hard to follow what she says."
Said Alma worried.

“The laudanum only serves to make her sleep peacefully. I'm
sorry to tell you, my dear, but what you’re describing to me is a clear symptom
of mental decline due to old age. This makes her even more dangerous to your
happiness: Federico won’t want to have a poor idiot around the house when he
marries you. Think what people would say! He has a reputation to uphold!"
Replied Penelope.

"All right, I’ll increase the laudanum dose."

"Good girl. I’d also go and have a talk with the Mother
Virgen de la Caridad
convent.. If she gets worse,
they could certainly take care of her, giving her all the help that she
needs." Advised Penelope.

If my aunt were admitted to the convent and
looked after by the nuns, I would be completely free to live with my love

" Now you must go, dear," said Penelope interrupting
Alma’s dreaming. "I'll give you some more laudanum so you’ll have

Penelope accompanied Alma to the door, then went back into her

" You were magnificent Penelope," said a voice from
behind a dusty screen.
"I'm glad you enjoyed the show, Don Federico."

Federico Navarra came out from his hiding place, and approached
the round table.

“At times I really struggled to stop myself from bursting out
laughing. How is it possible to believe in this nonsense? Reading the future in
a deck of cards…"

Penelope sat down again.

“My tarot cards never lie." Said Penelope angrily. "I
lie, but they always tell the truth." She pointed at the cards on the

“Look, the Lovers did appear, but they’re upside down: the love
that hurts and destroys. The Emperor, or in other words you, is armed with
swords and wands that eliminate everyone and everything. The Ace of Wands, one
of the worst omens, the Empress, is not enough protection to defeat the Devil.
“Penelope sighed," And finally the Tower, total destruction, with the
Wheel of Fortune upside down, the disgrace. "

Penelope some money as a reward.

"Once her great-aunt
the nuns, I’ll wheedle a bit of money out of Alma, as lately my mother has
tightened the purse strings. Then we could get a lot more from her. And you,
give me a hand?"

"What do you mean?" asked Penelope.

"You of

Penelope burst out laughing.

“You want to lock her in a brothel? You’re intricately

“Will you help me? " Asked Federico.

“Of course. However, we'll divide the profits in half. This task
will require a lot more effort."
" Done! I’m magnanimous! And furthermore things have recently been going
just right.”

Replied Federico
, he
Penelope on

Penelope's eyes landed on the deck of cards that lay abandoned
on the table. On impulse, she took a card and turned it over.

upside down Death card. A sudden chill ran down her spine.

Federico left Penelope’s house, mounted his horse and rode off
to pay his respects to Marisol.
Clara was, as usual, effusively
kind to him. Marisol’s father, Count Miguel Rivera Vargas de Coronado, was
tall, still dark-haired, albeit with numerous white streaks,
’s hand firmly and offered him
a cigar.
After he had exchanged pleasantries with Marisol’s parents, pretending to have
an interest in the conversation, he only managed to spend a few moments with
Marisol in which to continuing his chivalrous courtship.
So he decided to go back to the
. On his arrival, he learned
from a servant that his mother was in the study that had once belonged to Don
Eduardo, with a guest.

Intrigued, he decided to knock and enter.
"Come in, my son,"
Raquel. "I'm here
with Don Guadalupe, our devoted banker."
Don Guadalupe stood up to greet Federico, holding out a sweaty hand that
Federico reluctantly shook, before seating himself in front of the desk.
“Don Guadalupe came to tell us a very interesting story,"
Raquel. "I'm sure that you
be intrigued."
come and see you,
I know the interest you have for everything related to your stepson." Don
Guadalupe said in a smarmy voice, eager to please
“You did well to remember my wishes. I haven’t forgotten the little joke that
you played on me a few year ago," recalled Raquel bitterly.
Don Guadalupe wiped his bald forehead with a crumpled handkerchief that he
clutched in his hand.

Raquel, it was not my fault, on that occasion it was impossible
for me to prevent the boy receiving his late mother’s legacy. That meddling
priest raised hell and threatened to speak to a Judge. You understand that my
bank always has a reputation to uphold."
“My bank you mean! Don’t forget that I am the largest shareholder. And you
shouldn’t forget to defend your reputation when you gamble with your customer’s
money at the gaming tables in the slums of Veracruz!" Snapped Raquel
Don Guadalupe fell silent as if
been slapped
in the face.
“I beg you not to tell anyone,
Raquel, otherwise I would be
ruined." Pleaded Don Guadalupe.
“I’ll keep your secret, as I did that other time, despite the disappointment
that you caused me. I had to stay in my room for almost a week until I
recovered from
Federico smiled.
My mother is amazing when she dominates others, but not
when she behaves like this with me.
"I haven’t yet figured out what Lucas
done,” interrupted Federico." Would you be so kind as to explain it
to me?"
"Your stepbrother went to Don Guadalupe’s bank to ask for a huge loan. He
wants to buy an impressive estate in Zacatecas."
" And what did you do?" Federico asked Don Guadalupe.
"I stalled for time of course." Replied Don Guadalupe. "I said
for that amount of money I would have to think about it and consult with the
other members of the bank before deciding."
"My brother is crazy. That amount, to purchase an entire
hacienda? W
so little starting capital what could he do! He would never be able to honor
the debt repayments. "
"Do not be so hasty son," said
Raquel. "According to
Don Guadalupe it would be a good deal."
"Yes," said Don Guadalupe. "The estate is quite extensive and
includes a disused silver mine. If the mine was got up and running again it
could yield a lot. Moreover, the current owner doesn’t have
money as he lost everything gambling so he hasn’t been able to proceed properly
with the silver extraction. He now has creditors at his heels, so the price he
has asked is very advantageous."
“But Lucas doesn’t know anything about mines," exclaimed Federico.
"He could never manage one!"
“Unfortunately, we have to be realistic, dear," responded Raquel.
"Much as I hate to admit it, we know that the bastard has an amazing
ability to survive, as well as sheer good luck. But our good friend, Don
Guadalupe, will give us a hand to resolve the matter. "
“Don’t hesitate to speak,
Raquel, I’ll do whatever you command me
to do. "
"Obviously, you must not agree the loan. Lucas mustn’t have the
opportunity to emerge from the poverty that I have sunk him in to. Already his
mother’s legacy allows him an easy life that he doesn’t deserve."
“All right, I'll do as you say", said Don Guadalupe reluctantly, convinced
that overall it would have been a good deal for the bank.
Raquel had nothing more to add, and dismissed Don Guadalupe.
"Of course, keep me abreast of anything that Lucas says or does. He could
also approach some
in Veracruz. But you must succeed in isolating him." She advised before
letting him go.
Don Guadalupe nodded quickly, reassuring her that this time he would not fail
Left alone,
Raquel turned to Federico.
“May I know where you've been today," she asked irritated." You can’t
continue to neglect your business! Remember that I had to work hard to make you
owner of all this."
Federico shrugged.
"I had things to do. In addition, you already look after the estate with
every possible efficiency. But can you answer a query for me, Mother. Where did
all this hatred towards Lucas come from? The Navarra name, prestige and all the
money are already
ours." Said Federico.
"I married Eduardo only because he was the eldest son and heir to all Navarra’s
fortune, while in reality I was in love with your father Hector. Eduardo always
treated me with disdain and superiority. I was almost happy when he finally
discovered my deception as I then had a good reason to get rid of him and take
possession of all his fortune. In spite of all this, you now want to let the
fall into disgrace.”
She paused and half closing her eyes then she continued:"
likeness, you've also inherited your true father’s character. Hector was also a
coward and a time waster! I’ve done everything to ensure that my son has the
best, including killing my husband and robbing Lucas of his rightful
inheritance. Now I’m beginning to wonder if it was really worth it! "
Federico, as usual,
while he listened to his mother’s reproaches.
It's happening far too often
he thought with boredom, s
he should understand that I’m no longer a
“You spend all your time with
drinking rather than taking care of the family business!" Continued Raquel
relentlessly. "Have you
made progress with Marisol Vargas de Coronado?”
"Marisol is absolutely not a problem and when I decide,
snap my fingers
fall at my feet ready to get married," replied Federico. ”But at the
moment, I don’t want to, I prefer to enjoy myself a
longer. '"
“Don’t be silly. I don’t
to wait too long, as she
tired of waiting. Remember that we could use her noble title." Raquel
looked at him suspiciously." Are you by any chance interested in someone
else? Don’t tell me you really care about that silly little orphan girl who
lives with her elderly aunt! "
“But how do you know?" interrupted Federico amazed.
Raquel snorted, annoyed by Federico’s
“You think that Penelope would dare keep anything hidden from me, do you? You
remember that we grew up together and she was my
maid before you were born.”
Federico did not dare to argue on this point.
I must remember to tell that
witch that it isn’t necessary to tell my mother absolutely everything. This is
certainly going to cost me a lot, I'll have to pay her more than what my mother
pays her to know everything.
“Of course I’ve no particular affection for the little harlot," he
hastened to reply. "I enjoy being a bachelor. Moreover in Mexico City I
met Marisol’s cousin, a really lovely girl."
“Cousin? What cousin? It wouldn’t be by any chance Dr. Costantino’s
"Yes, that’
Viviana’s daughter.
Raquel thought angrily,
I’ll not let her ruin my
plans, just as I didn’t allow her mother to do so all those years ago!
"I don’t want to hear you mention that woman again!” She ordered
“But mother, I…"

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